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October 11, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-11

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J w.
E X T .A . th 1-y.tlne S efald okik hncaroh -r d eball be- W r
adAcesrottebliil 1d1tth25d.ln, andGrosh, Fr
ill,, a t011011101V1-- points. 1 with the \ took it over. Jewett
Uof M. mIke- the V 1-Chl, kicked goal. Score: Albion, 4;
g~'M~V~ M BOIadvanceing ball 15 yardls. Anolth- U. of 1l.,20. Timie was called Lc
_____ er V grains- 10 yards m~ore, and Ibefore any hiie1010)Oilts welre1made1.
the ball is a h eteofte1Ath.ndorshaf Trainer
ABrisk Game at the Fair i feld. Jewett tries a rull, but is' was I'- iazlified, and S. Slherm~anl
Gronsti feno, wll tackledl. Graslp is well took silacle, PretttIiall playing )~
blockedl, and111IlakeS '10 yards. h eft tackle. Tile balf opened witb
TH .O .WN YASOE Another 1r1sh carried tile ball to tihe bal l ini 011r1hands. A V rushl
Alil' 2 lrI 11,Wi7 lei brought the ball to the 10oyd. 1l1ne,
of 5e TO 10. is advanled l15 yar1ds m~ore by 11 where, a~fter a1 rushl, Abbott golt W
V, withl Groslilbehlinldit. At thlroughb1111an 1d ad 11atouch~down .
Albion Handicapped by the Loss of thlis p)oint Lanldonl was pult loffttie Tile try ait goailfailedl, but tile
Both Half Backs. gamel for slulgginlg Ma~lley, <:.d Itie lVr11111,. is lit
blvaruedoean agalPrlneter t lkbhs place. Tokicked frollth ithe Tochdownl.thni
At 1 o'clock rainl threaltened to tor lle s aridth al bve coe-Aliion, 4; 1-. f andvane
Putt a stop to tile galne, butt 3 th ile.-4 polinits. MaIilley Ball is taken to center of field dac
thle clouds parted andi tbe 51111 bluffs on the punt-oult, an~d tile and kicked after tlhree downs. scrimm
shoe bighly.U. f A. wn bllis own tiyars. t i thn Dygert gets it. Abbott and Jew- wagen
tile toss an~d chose tile nortlh goal. rushed over the 11110eagali, but etPavncdittntle1 ar ,
Van Nortwick, '9)3, acted as Jewett fails to kick goal. Score- line, and Jewett calrries it over. the hal
um~pire for tile U. of AL.F. E. Abo,4; U. of I ' No coal. -Albioll
o Goal.
Allen, Albioll, was referee. Albioll brinlgs tile bail to tile25 It wals Albion's ball bult Pretty. Gafte
About 350 were presenlt. )rdliekiks s dgesail bil s111 on001got it, tald a rushlaicr- Jewett
-Our eleven played as follows; Snell kicks; D~ygert returns; Al- tied it over. Goal. Aibionl, 4; 2 a
Centre, Chladbournle; right guard, bion ',fumlbes and U. of Al. gets U. of AT. 4p0. b
Sutlherlanld; left guard, Trainer;thbal Groshl runs to 10 yr Albion advalnces tile bail be-Alin
right tackle, Malley; left tackle, 11110,wihere Jewett gtstihroughl vn enre1an ,kck it to ourwapr
S. Shlermnl;igiltCend, J. Van an 1115 hs w goal. 10y.ln;btDgr un otebt
Inwagenl; left end, IR. Shlermlanl; Albioll then~ stalrted the bail by 25-y.d. l and Jewett s1nakes a diisqulli
quarter, Abbott; hlf balcks, Jew- Ia pass to hlf back, whlo ranl out- touchldownl. No goal. Albioll
ett anld Gloshh; back, Dygert. side. Fin1e tackles were ma11de by kicks flro the 25-yd. linle, and
Albio1n teaml: Cenltelr, Schltz; Jewett 11111 R. Shlerm~anl. Albioll the ball is rusihed beyonld centre. INTER-
rigilt gulard, Roberts; left gulard, kicks, U.. of Al. backs are up 1)11 Anderson is ilere disqualified for
Carl-; righlt tackle, Griffin; left tile rulshilinle, an~d the bail rolls lhigh~ tackling, Wooton taking 1115 Yale
tackle, Warrell; rigilt en~d, May- 011tile groundi to our 5-yd. line. place. won fiv
wood; left enld, Newell; quarter Flumbles let tile ball go to the Prettymn runs to 25-yd. 11i1e, Associa
back, Blurnham; righlthIlf back, 1-3'd. line, blut the V rushI and a and on the next play Jewett makes 1877.
Landon; left hlf back, Anderson; u by Van Inwagen take it out a touchldown. Tbe try at goal Primc
hack, Snell; substitutes, Parmeter of danger. fails, but Sutherland gets it and ship in,
and Wooton. Jewett ran beautifully for 30 takes it over. No goal. Van Yale it
Game opened by Albion with a yards, but Grosh lost the ball sf- Inwagen follows the ball and t es There,
pass to sad rusher, who carried ter o 10-yd. run. .Albion rushed it, making three touchdowa in 1880~,A
the hell . 9aly to our 5-ydl. lin~e. through centre for 10 yards, sa aesiuzt wih o oalsi. A104?
"A 5*iv qf gooo run*, iidd bythen kicked. Dyper t ie to rue, on, 4; U. of M., 06. J. B
.Abi Wa4oeklarrg, brought itt o lfat Maa own go~vr 80-0.isl, Albio olto RAU" o b_
'iht, Kay& Co.
Art C
erpct-r, of Gem
- .r F 0
lit Oj 00 Fioo
,.D i f "
I : V,- t)DI"A M) AVE1.1
'o i t
-,n!Rt H
ownl at tile 2 5 yar-d linle an1d
rulshed to the 5 yalrd 11110
)st. Albionl kicks, Jewett
05s tile ball, but i1n the
age Dygert an~d Vall In-
a~re ihurt. lde Ponlt and
take their places. We lose
1, an~d two good runs by
icarry it across our line.
.Albion, 10; U. of Al, 56.
1a good deal.of roughs play
mnade two good runs to thle
d linle, but time is called
fore tile ball1 goes over.
10; 1. cof Al.. 56: Albion
Ildicapped by tile loss of
rer hlf backs, whlo were
1i1011 for roulghl tackling.
a111d Prin~ceton ilave echi
ve chanmpionlships slince tile
ationl wsas organlized inl
ceton won the chlampion-
a1877, '78, 79, 185, '89;
' 81, '82, '83, '87, '88.
was no chozmpionship in
1884 and 1886,.
1. Todd is teaching in the
14 ~ si411shool,

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