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October 11, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-11

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Sole AgT


You are particular about your Hats,
buy the " VARSITY " and know you
are correct.............


111'MAIN ST. I+.

MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes' lamClcstI
"~The Niagara Falls Route." -____,Coc s t
CENTRAL STANDARD 'TINE. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of M. Pins 50G to $1.00. Fine
Taking effect September so, igoo Street JnesMle Watch Repairiiog a Specialty.
GNGES.The Melba, Jenness1. CAPMillEWEER
Detroit Night Express ...........555 A.a.ad
Atlantic Expres.........7 45 "__
Mutand piExpes..........111 Alsye, ffl ress Alstyles, 401 b' aSonth.
Griland NtExpress...to........price, 3 4W ea x.e,
N. Y. Boston Stecial ...........45 ~epc, 30 1 er Oer~.e,}
F'aat Easeterno.................943 3,50 U
Maland Expres........8 40 A.X. F E
Boston . . and Chicago ........943 All widths in D7ongola Rids, Enamel Calf, Box Calf and Valour Calf.
Fast SlestrrEsprcc.x ........... for.X.AltW U c151. PsIlL in it rvery
0. N. aad Eat. Expresc ..........545 "Sole agents An rTn Arbos. -. fl.25 ( tlThonma'. Alarm Cisck.4
PchiefioNighst Express ..........93.4 ustisnl ilt~r
Steamabip Tickets, all. Classes, to and troro
"Inropean points at lowest ratea. Fol la roWnAnod;ore
cation on application._____________________________________
O. WNRUGGLES, . ' it hS -T
9.P. ATAg't, Chicago. A's Ant Arbsor. Wrinkle Ot Tod-iy. Sophomore Election Today.. 10
'lise 5'stlkls' 5 t4l ttd-ly istlls , Osic lMsiti 510 i4. i 'the clas of t I I N [
i Jtues 'in sndlot 5ch Ity isisis IeT. 1 1I Os'esl tosarn5515outto h (t tssSts 51 51, t)i~ STI.JI1EN IS
Josill is I lists the r'iitxs i' s t iii ye t ',l o.st' s i n iiisCtstli B sie
% m im e 1 < . ' SF-1- the annual e~~~~~~les~i slitof ofls ther sits ison.F ixlutaiolil i) Q~) \ s LO
lotn dtpicti lug 3a otol. isrilse'fl~e.lin. o hr n tilt 555sinss5'to be ' - XWe are better prepared than ceci'
.A.71155 3M Z SLP IsTT3S; tI'l jsskeo ss ' re ss5 is li tess'siivad is si -dsssti(. Clinets' ais is sot ss t o o 'ts' to give thae boot of carriage tervice,
TIME TABLE 11(.sits' b .It ir nd''.M
Taking Effert, Sundlay, Maa'21, 1899. 5s1'it-11(.It t. uk sts q1uei Isstsion:s "Wis-sspltie i's Ntltigliiiy having added two rubber tired
Trains travs Ann Arbor by Centr'aI Stad- tll hll ds e's'i spev 1isss lt 555 lts. .ll Ithree to' is) siss il l tlsi:.It','l e
ard Tint. Il dist: is vr15 'ill ti it)Ba t11iiitti ss55s=tlsi coaches to our stock.
o.SOUTH NORTHR stsssvss-s swh v ichstov.tartthera. RA IIlklt) I:. KIi.ti Pre ls.5 lorisL xey
N .6-7:2.5 A. 0, No. 1.- 0:50 A. M5. I n 1 IE
No. 2.-1s3 A. A1. *No. 5.'1i:3S P. m is-:t. ns SE o'S 0 1'filE s'. Salolistits, Ryan & Route arc sole! 'PHONE 16 55E.iwi. ST.N.12-80 .X tN.11-:0 .M .A.WL E N A "agns o piatiudrer
*Ra betwer A~v Arbor and Toledo only. ()\ 'llSIA SININII t'i
All trains &doily except Sadsay. - ('llEMt',-K. A.5 1' \l~s-' ' ,CI ~ Js555s (lgts5sx isst
sS I DsoyRUG 51 sssrss i s'. t Is ei ssv is' rtts lti
W. I.WILLS, Agent. ll l. A" ou.-oe"Iol1111
W H. ENNTT. roY.A-._ ___
_ S .it lt s forssi 19(4 LQ5 it. llds 'ls ss. ' s.IssssIsttsiy fs. 5'
Ih~n iIii B Y fisaCs vls'ii ti. Jls''s l E1giii Co. 's.',_lill Sii C.k 1
f al. lI TtIMPSO-lN, C'apts. _______________
The Railroad that takes the '1" sso-5'xsi
. Llltc 1 <1ion tces al beBusiness In and Out Asiis .xt'sitii i[kl s~ i '11's1s'-ive slitryt'' it-s4111 w r id i ri t
4SGLWVTWU[[at. ]saner''____________ rv } s/t \
is'.aeiotst W disio.R an&ieue sx 5 iiii'li. lti-xAtiltt
a nL D AEST IU E T NS i i s ud lsti ?t'C.-x -tt lt Iso ttluss Slily , -harls-i . ioi. 1 -si-il. tor }otO 8

W. N. -lither. L. NV. IssLatman,
G. I'. A. IG. Trac. Agt.
Coluambus, Obio. Detroit. Mics.
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar-
bor Railway.
Care leavie for Detroit and Ypsilanti'
every half' our, oeginning at 7:15 a. m.
until 7:45 p. in.; After that to Detroit
at 8:45 p. in., 1:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. in.
Waiting room, corner*Ann and Main
eta.:Detroit. 111 G~lrswold At-
on Wates )amdds el aother i'er-
sonal Property. Office at rersidernce, 301 E.
Liberty street. All bsioness confidentisal.
Houars. Sto "1130s a. . ad 1to 3:30 and 7to 9

t). si ll I'5 yi Illillisx itlys 1. Ws clickStockwltlsi'A lfe J.it s til lls .5' ii iiIlOL O- F 1,s11l. ss o tilla
_lIi stis- fr Iis! csh-Iltsi l jndsll fresh.
(satislsti 1st1soI'is'v.xSrvedslltolaly
STOP CLlltOII1 ,tOAND) SM~OKE 15 RA N(*Elt'S .b('.LIlRIYItlsu l S -'Ii Is: " it lit~s -
htoyillTigeso.100; '.1ig'l'fto.e O tvsss' .tttslket lJr i. . 200I,1( 1 tiiti.5 l 15',()Sit S'its'
-.iohssso oiies5.G11151frte55rilties e1_X
Mosrini Clocks at 11:slr's Jews-Iry. Isetilieis sstolold tns-gpar51'tes at flit PjN] Uwjck 1R l dPa rlors
-----siselay tosiok it onee . AM thoe s's5 are OSI IUiv
Wtini'an or Lstl littl Foutfin sivotal clases 41ilal lsely: yestt iotie ttt'gisi i /le 1'.itli's
fPs-is. $1 etlt, at Seliallor's liostote. gi'. ou hous, the ts sits'r tie tolenlsti o-- tonstrc Clitoiosis,
booiediltil tt er for ;ltll s'eoieios. Everyting og w -act -
Root $3 hlit 1made10isfthe IHowardt. Littler ics'rtrilillitisio lslsiisolooslisd . -Strictly- Upto-Date. -
W)adiatiss, Ryan & houle, sole agents. tsp <dtut 'sokiilg'S, tideosstsvo. 7o7 N. UnIversily Ave. Ann Arbor

- Hi n outhM n ii treet
U. I0 .Blarber , iac Masa e ND Cer niersity{61i3 East "Wltmreem ' .
Fae .s sa l $I E BIIr0513.one half hiack weant1 . .E
tialty. FrstI BiNDlTL E Pu ne. s Director of si lawsldlg llkad 1!' F
tj1Q an Il t:Cass Work anid dflwbillg l ias L J L
Rooms, 322STATE. J!.ireojanowskI , JS,*4ourti*'e Y~4B oth P hons Shoe Shop o a ~e#. Photos
~ PAT 0NI~ YJ~R'~D~iG b

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