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October 11, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-11

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~IJ U.of


VOL. V. NO. 11.



Seven Vacant Places te Be Filled. Thii'Wibster L.iterary society held Old Men Back-The Prospects fcr GO
48 Candidates Competing for a its first regular mheeting last nright iii a Running Tears Much Mere Ty olanoilitbos
Plc nteCu. Webster hall. The meeting was larie- Ecuaig Sonie people tliiiigh try to sec
Last Fridlay evenieg the University 11y attentded aiid at tile close allout 2.) Outl'23 mu weou.' Otaiilfor1 foot- ltllsittl inistritnerits with little
Glee cltut met to orgaiie. li liol junior lawes siglieditienoistituitioln 111(1 ball Practice yesterday. Thle tractice.
was called slut found the followinig becaile Websteriass. i~ 01 ll eri a qiestifato eSay Buy 1 hasaWhich Have Ione,
ioes presenit: Frank Briscoe, '.)3 lit, Following is the progia htwsTeWriywa u gis lehg
lea('1', seond tetnor; It.IB. tGammni, gbveli: Piano solo, Miss Da vis; reeila - School learn and tihe se(011(1 eleven1 We sell that kiil.
'it sltti, irs teler P II Btrdik.tioliGolo. J. Arheiter; onition, . I -S.__
'9 mdi, istteor F . uric.wats giveis signal practice. 1Dy1r1 lull- ~
f lint; implronlptu splethes 1y 11r.1
'931 lit,fitrst tenor; A. Gi. Ctnliaer. 'lb LetekliandH.Ni. P01-Ill; .tanjo lo11,tbackla 1sf year-, is again p i, 111anSuhdan t
lit, seconiditenor; AV. A. Slitle, '913litl, rot. Gillespie; lblt.51h'li-ll, itSouth.110 yas'le Main ul s )11_______________
first balss; CirtlMiler, sill., firsitfbsilny cominiation lof laiborIw11001'obIject il il teuiverslity an11111lii be' (otto1(1 Sr FIJ]DR"JTrTS
Rober~t Dunn1, '313 laoe-, first baiss; C. I":. is till' l'IfoI' tl'i o~t(f ,-age dalt ndill (I lay. 'ibis glles 110 almlost; ill (If list l[
elll, 113 litsecond11 asst l111 II * bysr e01ilyot lliii'lrll i (1(110telsl. II (((Ilr at"guird, (h'itin -F'INE-
itied fly 1av1,' off.. P. Mantle, C.. +'.
MIc1111111.'93 lit, seconoss1)5. imlbll. 1n1g.. WAll. lDowlning. -. II titakle 1111ndliHayesltilt dale the - FOOTWEAR
It wals deidedlil toIlp11st IoticertO :lays. lily 0115es 11 liiille llissedi. Halyes
o and t111ilo 111111 hold lan llllitti 011011, Now Parsphlet in Rhotoric. Is heire 1111dowiling i laily, 11u11his pnlr-
wilil lcurrela 1stfiliit. Owilgtoil ____- ('Ills 501ilf('l nt l i ill if i. The('(lit-
lte 1(1(f011113' flstya' lb i a s f i tdnsitllrho. caillill 11 ertlllyr il' Ill 1' ll is0011 1B 0BE LSSHEdes0
law, was rchosentn luila Ip', :. 1 "a3~ll r1'or e pr l'irlol(f thI'elartius wit-I (illSaturday .( illoo tso nd il 011( S'U fl NJ T Y 0U' fA NllT
p(11111, t e joi y 31-. il i the111' or11(11' li I ((' iI 1 and 0('the1'iet11(1's ll Aeollen ga h
111011 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G R.i KELL.Y,(1. 33'l E.l, 11l1uron_____Street.____
thtnme aot -:wilb lc( Ill'sPof.questions 'ncerning th rese 11(10wllly t' lIchlt 111(111(1 H y arSt(sltt t1)0
onus Ill mo. ra(1(1' clublII 1(1 ' i (111for 111' '1(1 1(1111f(II 1101 1 isIII2(11 1111 (11(1t tsr A a(11111111' t O c hardf. Lke.Itl iil, I T I. JI O I S
sov(ie 11. rsote Ia c (I Ol b f sa11l'111~. .5 0111 il- 01' 1('1'111 O 1ili115 .1( 'NE S C O O A E
man lin. rtll caredug u lty l ltime foliProf., 00li-Sc frott. - '1110 T'eit c(il(-hsi'-. +e48i5.dSTATE ST.
and (ttntty od voce1bforeth $2.na ishehisral11 rnionllei 1151g( rof. Itblisli(1by te 1(1 11' n 1i- 1.oC 1 6:). -1 C E(
decision11 i 'ot'm lntdD.e . 3 ( tl' 1111 1111 llolll1 (1Sm1i sition.ech Itol5sbjec1t isnI OF DA~I
tici~g il ('oo'1(11(1. 1. Thtel th1101 a11(If 0011(15 1l'l'ts1first.m'11113 'T'e 15 blslleoio i he11 irst soth-, 111t l sOlslpc luo 0 1 E 7
'i,113tlli e 1111' 011u111sid.asyit110e11111'11(113glta1t1 F(1(11 a(i e aio 1 1(1 Gelilt 111,1 l l-
111 Il~~of Sock. T~r. .t. 33' 'calf, 'ille' ~o undg a (I if t l iel t .110ateol l ie(11,(((~l hl (
tilt tass3'3. hie 'seod tenor cul'te-ioo iiso o butOt er nds auof risl Prgoaili1B. 111. , 1inae, T trdsoito l
in a13',ollct.5, ofnclud .in.uie m-0r ofetil ssrof 'ed l llsfi(' e111 T01111illsUe ltsty MESHt-B T'Os
bectoooldmembes.0Ashor1praclsit.rticartile i1a s00'lnlitad his- - - -CHOCLATE

110111'.Je(fferson, Oh Iio. 11. F. 33'oi'del'l's 11(011 11(111dtoaten : c h~d may13' tlls (If I'Xlril'lco' ill heMsi, 1111'.1' a~k
1 31111, ucl ol. . 3. . t'ikera
'rand 1 a100', 3lImpromptu11peech10 I.rG.(-ticillgn1theory. Helllmg- 1fro33'. Dtlteillex
The eXassinetill fortdhie snltub huwibe4 P e..so....solo... . .5I'. . Daiell ac'ics t he d(111lielttiesl ofbohth elinI-
he ''rity tev Cingib soill f4tat(li7 'rDebte " Resollt- -lvedtha110or1(n1113-for grl theinstrutedii.'
oclock.r he Bnjol lugiamiatti''ok 1 onoiii heA 1'.S.levene O lltlg sholetfoh N, h ~ 11 nes30 etore otil ol Sob-
24, Main 111e1.,afieplteltllogtaill. scrib to the Daily

Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
sod Stientific Books.
WVe buiy aiid sell second-baud books.
MathemlaticaOl lss trunenlts arid
Ilcaftinig Sapplies at special
rates. We otter
Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb.
001.14 AGENTS Pull
Univit5ly lBllototr, 1111011Towl-l,
011 state S.. Otpp. 01ou0tlhouse.

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