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October 11, 1894 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-11

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Make I Your Business.
Wben you buy Musical Instruments, made it your business to get Value for Your Money.
Its easy to biuy some music goods low, but tbat kind is not always "1Cheap."
lbsNTh best list e eb'L ceapest, always was, alwvays wiii be, you know it and so doss tbe entire World. We soil and recommend lbs best.
'E C AN SIILL OU A MANDOLIN for.$.0-not tbe bes-a Washburn or a Ricca will cost more.
WE (A N SELL YOU A GUITAR for 50.00-not toe best, but good-a Martin, Wasbburn, or U. of M. cost more, but tbey are
WVE CAN SE~LL YOU A HA jNJO for $6.01--but a iStewart, Fairbanks, or Waldo is better value at $15.00 to $40.00.

We want your trade and will
make prices and values to
get it.

The Ainn Arbor Organ Co.,
51 South Maimnt4, cor. Liberty.

(010 1 )19t.,1cidStatc etestomeasreAallNolors, wolen, $3 nex, al wooifst colorha2o0c

IIRI[Si I[T 8 ! Linen Shirts, made to measure, 75c. Tailor Made Suite,
New and Second Hand. Avoid jobbers, and wbolesalsrs profits. Suits $10, $12, $15, $10,
Not,. boots sd h1oler silceiil< voulirs, imadie 1o ordler.OFFICE, STATE ST. MUSIC STORE.
the~y slffeO at, hiLoecs tries. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS !
Call and see us before purchasing. Make no mistake. lDo you wesnt a lamp? WeV can stow you a great
vairiety and give you lower prices tbial any bouse in this market.
L)ETROITS An examination of our stock demonstrates that it contains thbe-st
Z ADTSNG 'AS R anti moot tinproved lamop made. ''hirty-tllree years experience in tlbs
In- Lamp Btusines is wcrtb someting. Buoy of us and gret Ills benefit (ot it.

Formerly wvitb (Aeorge Wah~r, 109
E. Wasbington st. H-eadquarters for
everythlinlg Student neells tntile
line oT Text-Books, Stationery an~d
Miscellalleous Stock ill genleral.
N1h,. Washingtoii s1., 0110 block
east of Slain sl.
V We will help youi withl

44 South Main Street.


,lUNIVERSITY NOTES. IOra 1). I) lvis. 1'931l1w, is1a candlidatl,- V2 IIfu
hornce L. lre'S hit.apri lioilitile Pe- Nail
t .r. _il ®W. Wcili.1e0clt pesdet FINE -D Cl t OIEO P
1 __ l-1ihau t i~~ii 11. ir teby Indlii. i o sli-tiiiBathlNW RG TOE
ilWitlpollhn-.Iillsi ~duce,'4li n IETIE OP
_I s~h ~ - lesytrday 115111i-illx- licilesx-I A~ND SPONGES rn
tos=c.te.eiodls i b ila ylboarifsuperv iisosl s axxiiEWID U S LLRE.
4 ~ ~~~~~~~~ wihU fM rte 'ithtyfri-feIaver.i~ili rls
ye- _ S Ar Tc.INS $! O, Th llil. lii o theb ad (1f1s1hool ST O.R 1
._-A~_ ell proiiti-illto serve turinigthe ex-
M. ANOL'SJewler Il-i-td ushxvill 119011111. 1. mi.; laies, Thulrsdaly, Otl. 11, at1 46 S. MAIN STREET.
Abot 2:-)K) averegsteed ii he 5:301 1. ill., ant Saturday,,O(li-i.3, ti
It Ia. m,.""i.
ul niversily todae.Man mrear
13O O.,K S. s-lidl- Th-eFi-si M. E. church of thils city
expietedito eist eter iti tne1 s l-t. - -I
swill ri-penleir b-auitor-iliiumnet Sun
Second Hand Books, fi-widays. 11 liriO hsi 1t t i fff
College Text Books, '1110candidatesfiiir the freshl lit fool,- dayrg-tnilongTinesi i iis i.te ,%cia AITJr l
. tll l1-0teiiiieid ill) toerlpractice yesti-r-4 1H
Law Books, day under 1119dilcionof Cpt.1Oson. tu'tehlt5 i otoiin410
Medical.Books, ri iih-lhi reIio h r-litianti 1,600. Corner Wasbington st., sld
-it cut rate lprices at thle will hare one of the sreriis;lss 11 The claIss in laboraitory worklo i0-in- Ashley st.
(teamsI tIH~ ini te iiiverity. eral chlemistry is laboutilcomplletedl anid
SriTj p NTS' 0IJ StO1 REi'~li-e forerunner of Prof. artlirts Ite taibltes tearly all taiken. Work R a tes $2.. and $3.
STATE SI . mewtetxitook on phlysics htas ippeiarell comiueiiced last Monday in earnost
SAI SRE. iansonoftesuethaeaotIBargainus iniStationery andtlNote thfomfasalpercvedte '0N' r
Books. special reduction:ithtis xvoek 62-page- pampiletllc. The book contan iopled all their eXlsirtimeO~ii~ u il t
on K. & E.'s Drawing .Instriumenuts. aldvanced notes on meutchanits andis foruitan of Oxygen.
Vs' lions the best.
noiw in te 111n11s of thte ime-mbers of Te class iii course I physeics is ex-
S PALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING lte cltiss. The textbook propt-r will be ceptionally large, niumubering aibeiut 100______PROPRIETOR._________
and Sporting Goods for thisnev tot in a shtort time.iteier.Ti us niliuttof iI
mebr.Tecusrilcnito X ysnasium. Come and seo us. 'We Prof. Stanley- is nosy formng a large tiwo ri-citatiotns and Itece lectures per
are toe largest dealers inithictity
and our prices are the lowest. chtorus choir of 40 or 50 voices for lte veek. Thtree sectioiis have beeii TIIF"I TAIO
SHEEHA C01o ist 'M-etodist churt-hi if this city. formed for rectation, miecting at 9, 10 I lE LIA
S~H swill preside at the organ. 'fhecstc- send 11 o'clock, Tuesdays anud 'flurs-
Wholesale and Retail booksellers oiid rehecarsail will be held in thle days. 'Tcese iccitaitiosar- eoducteid Has the newvest Fall and 'Winter
eltrebon lusrsdy ecuhui ofl~te bothiiiiProfs.,Iteed IandtICarourt. ciy.o oen can agetoc nye
chrh nThrdaEvnigo+tisb D AILY angt n slc
ff ni-ZE wek aiti the thtirtd on Saturrdlay es-eni- Prof. lieted has charge of all studsiht ion you are looking for.
Represenits Every Department lug. This thorus smill lead the singing swhose nam~e begins smith a letter findi
of the Untiversity at Ihe ri-opeinig of the church ncxt in thic first halt of the alphitbet. Prof. COME AND SEE UTS.
$2.50 PER YEAR. Ssuday. Carbiart lias toe remainder. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st.

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