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October 11, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-10-11

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The Michigan Daily



No. 1 2

BELOIIPROV[D[EASY. **f********f********************** JAMES[ WflhICOfrB RU[Y.
Taken into Camp in Short Order by * * Hoosier Poet Opens S. L. A's Course
Yost's Babes-Michigan's Score j e lMcigan ........ 79 Blot......... ... -Large and Enthusiastic Au-
LareceWiscoinsin. . . 4f11Lawrence..........0
Now 186-0 in 112 Minutes of * Ilinis. . . 64 tush 1leiical..I* dience.
Play-Game in Detail. .................22 lrat. . . . ..""""""'_._
*f Cicaguc........... 22 Purdue ...........o * lread eihedadec
f D .S t ..........2s4 Deiisont............ * 5c fcsutdlihedaciier
Under eathe condtionsthat ere f Murneota 4 Aans ...........i...ta-. 0ilhiy I allverlast eleilat iev igng It
almost.l ideal Mihigain hailnueif ltb ii *Nuicliwstalri-........ 1 3 ashcigo........... * f iiisko I tes cv ritronibril tereh
ty n(laigBli etra itr ion.........0 Al1rs n on Ferry field liy the decisive f IDeiriit6Cllige......... e. pilati .1......... his c aic melii-Icnypoat ring fom cr f7-.AthuhaieiuieierileUll....... n ror1r~ ...... '0fh nsa~orsuru 'eoei~ pnn vnn
tiangelip astirops, gameie lotihail no *f Corell .............1 t olgat e......... . . . . * Yae ....:....ii. ' pigil ......... de ts tiue Asis c ia ton's wth e r
chianci in stcaiglhitiotliall against c*wYak, nileheciherceumbes....lIb
Michigan's newly idevelicpeil teani.*f 6 ilumii55i5 Wiiamttsii ...........* fiiited itsomeeinte llsbe
Forced ime and la-gam iint rnti,1elii Princeton .. .i.........ied 29cBcinii..onic...iiiti..1, eat
Showisedlthis a strong airitinthetcci,*f Amhiest......5 i]arv l,(]11.lRiey avas atcirditd is e ths-
style oit piay The north swind.ch illed itf* Carlis-1e-Iiiiains Fi" i"ti " .ic"Marshall* itdiie ree siiiden1tCit.ail lte rin
thocse cceilie socuthbliltarheca but ciiiltld* I ctc tb iesill I ole
nut i~liliellIlfeifentesiaeeaeieeffffffffe~,. *ffffeeeff** , the iasiationiii.
notdape teirenhuiam r ndc f nlis occlin1111emitknici . ieity I-
Jerry Ft iedswtnet sii thy- heat roclo-g' -I-mrisitacthis aiiiencteetat this swas hils
sic nfar this year Thicbandilalsoci~ d:: ~~d+; 2 f kf,"-g .tb a :' F++I:;sc-outaiteaaceeis AnitAcbiiacd
hetlyciw pladedIlrisel itaiTs s@ helichian Daily sent .Plc ' tts-ntot ystatd ththelwas gadtoi
liartt1 llttdtd4S 3 y ~to your addre sfor the Daily ia- 11 c ti li-Cc
h~cl atcaiisstlci.,1151 rbalance of sl nemeser rse sily Cit
creasic-' t reng--lb d actt 61clh Yost 4Ilii thc..ilimitabtc syl i chiiIitis
Iicy sell te attyieilaccwizaritfliiitha ail in your address to Ihe ictigan Daily, or Ihone 461 nluc i-ccatics col tei Iliooser ploet,
say Ie hcas lrughtiout theIcoicic-ci s Iti Itch o Icc cclii I tic i mi .a..
gualiltics iii tis atealt.ct J-aictis dclin til cii ci 1 t his luare is Iis
secassspecial ice-it,1111foi hli sway inl Beloct alsoc fumbile-tacd atte 1woccrlie Ilsuc.............. Lathropci1 cerysa od itwasilistnedilt itaih
macci i- ncager-ul the teaim ancd lts ic- h iis autls!eiui cact 11 t I lc I t tici tcci c h . otihit lii
~~he u be eotscrdte .I.alcitiy toi1111u liibac Iipunts. 1The-fisst i all tilind 5 ciccciasecit iigain11 N iiiio. . .Icisdetoiicli ii c 111 i sllIi 1111- is li
halfr sas cariacteizedoci ytic ecl onticg l- t iiii tt li15 il-1 tc-Iilcs-I FIli i haili "c, IV dsuli iticha p aseiithat
eid runls of tonshllactdtNrcroass 11e 'Tlii te civuit aas i fvllure. I lcigatlc P imcciccccI....c...._.liil u cit li i see dc
icceciera Ics 1111 cl s~- Iielvst tt, 1111 cetce lii atch tic tit cc-- ... Sl-ater-- ccantuenc-o111111Notitci nly ti wiii-c voiceiiiandt
sc d intam tics ec 85 yar tis f ir inow icily ofta nd chu ig ua-le to, I t e Ho lister; lumpirecc ineC- j cli lb I Iwith isic very1c-i ccc a t. ll
tiilo lschdow tit iticcst 1oncc-ecast tilililnlviis, BoitIccacsllocced tohat1.aettticacic I head- cl il I cdsth osirpe, neprt i
wm red ai scte 5 vlat t u i th at : iiK l ii cle ccl es lip he al 15a1 l tc, I Ii si ci 'i me11occ a lves ties-t 11i s - tdrng;.iiv I ci tis lcapae ti evr
wekt nd maesalaabe ail tlcht fbag- 11c c ickditt chdown-c 2I. Te cccccugoal -cit Ilicckcick Heston, 5;i .Thom son 11111gelow, ticis cciof Iiasiholty
gBuilt"ciiiait cliv- si i cct tddinothe11 m st t~h ils -vsco -. ia mo d rc'colsli- n~ci ; uti,.iclout cliii a d t hos -ech.p this
cecl ii icih tcc-iig il ccl clici ine I cc- miii[I<Ic-l ccmadi th cl-liciost cunc UNIVERSITY BANDtctphilosoptchi is cueiof irthi d tamperedica
tug 11c- Icba Iliii ltwoii ci ons, get15 tingdl f thdlii livisic forlit tI 111111-lt-cii.l T i: T heI I ' I cvce ii I lucd ccc c s -ith -. - ccibo Ih sic-taniI diciseitos.
down ai nd t111 lcctvst11"dit.dtotlectnei I tiec italapdiidica n nio m t h le.I Ass lm niheoenng w rd, r
lila own11]icash cli itccintic-i-Rungci toc he e .lccame-cv acd it toic . ltviiiiiu ivii Iti, alicesiiytca vti--itii 1c)- lt t dli tipotci ylithe1-life io l this
noatedulis tht ichigcanilaill nmtccc l hc- . IIcci Ycc c-i c cdv lit ' lo 'c ieIed o; a e rdcde i w c11cith i cuicui ca it, ommo npl c imercacccciiizeccconeuca
111111 tis -ar lot' the1 baclim i eiilit 5 cii cuss advani cdthe 1 cc- l'e'toI l rdcurtrcrresii- andcl tir rend-itionv ofi"cit l lie ri-i si- ith butcan urd ay
gi- oducud udil-i-siccYuri!,mmcr-d I talc thu It tta c l H 'i r ccli- ,liii l;}iItcu scs c;tn ida -i-t 1 w cc- ; Ii;dicil;i 'n vii ii- t 11ici-It itti-ics 'tas lm
enis a g ganer altoug had thebillforitlrnIaoun1rigt +dliiiee as one it giii tdl fo te7 cv cnoiiurpats ioe s ere cat
not aysisureac(iittheu l d cri casIti toi encldlotthe bollwask1 l. cii sucuct ii Iiorganiztuc idsn t111(- vi- t a-c fci cc cimprve- tIoe" ciii cii lvid-i s lucius li t t
mghlbuts-cecil tic te isccl ii-I c-ucue, ianditBI uteii Iis vl vi-it cfor. a tcs ofi a, rural philolcspher oiiithic
ttticagics gail(d yesteday wc ithi I ii lot secured- ltIc ha.Tt h11c)t11cncc hu ciiemberi s of l 11cbantcc ih wici-ili cvl icls dcc ht uucu
a sare--of h17-0 cnch ncc Satudays ecc c r o a . Aterca. idicidic ivaiig da ndccuit ipit tit cucusugi- cci- u e 'lks were50 ew c lf tie
gamne hicago culduticilecrun citii220imdrciii pcit i me:dciiiwis e thu-ct1 l -aving u ntscii5wiil tbe-mccde hiti ucdchcccry tdl ii- i ly andt ccl rcci sieaof i leia.1 tuch
-nP ru . A oh r tm o neet 11 c r i t It it di cithit- hal',itt -o.l earn iiidM ineaplisclpths. temperIi I i ng thecc ipatos cit
is ghithActac Norimaccischoou l, f Ohio, Ini thei-sic it duv8.11 ticluidsubtidtiiutd 1'1Thr illnew 11rn 1ncare- itCdlutoti tm-ave- I ().Illil Wciiici cc ccf 'iiuc aid
siichi omesmseha- \VWedneisa-y ei -u-mit for.]o esaliilt'-tacle] tpiii i oa, iticetc, E icttt clio-i lit tdcc cc t ar's
ly tutudtOturliii i ttc ltoi i a e uicl, ti aent ccI tdal r igh tt11, tyl c cu lt( cud ar~iiii-. l-l'fdc-u-cu i-c Mr ey s po ii sit uvof dliv litchool-
Mitichigan sat-ms ito havetic-siit -edrlll iii riht - vcl, It ccii tsucuc inc rigid -of lst yluar's btnd wert l it-icc i formulucat ddsi llw s e a ic repre-~icsnilcvi
tnga i lhi- ic-i-u-vt-yi tcl' i ke the hdl a il', 7Wteks iniltthacitandcli ttu ttodaycli ofi te ltdirouissilt ccpoi t tatla
last two ea11 n,11 ni s o tiiii has ai to-i it[tic ll hal ITis madeitaI iditidhuhi 't'htic-mid-lve-upi orithe1-banidii s ito] hcas l ipli dcltieia d ccitt-icu biy
tat f 1t oi tics icct 2 iih55hvcs f cl ie i s., Ini itic 5 ig s hak ield.it ,lows: oulbIiists itt liiiuigh ter ic- lttrtiu
tuccI ta. lester-daiy teg-m -anas iortsari ted in l bck igthlino dii oii I cliOt1c toialu h-cit iccucidrums,"Od(to}uc esympathehl Idii )111 liit ic ad
tichui vclct cl umih hgoodam cctugvin ttucffstl-antTt 3- I' hluasmpe aliictvi Act-scsi i me~t i-ivlfct ic hlso . lder cand his ccelli
turmneil itbl 1 yr s Volil css 'lidying ofsit--anditihei numeritidus Shit , lii16 6 C. Wolf1D . C. W et.cr1ri dn at
mactde i cccv aroundu frt ti vilc c RIlcston ifucucvhiugarlla Ithgs thut could stc-ai ita. 5~s .1. 1Dudtley LA. VWalitcriR.1 I li t I IcOrphanu Annci, ws onecofu
lci d N cii ccighe dfrfuc yadtty , tutuin. Beoi tid het bh . Smitiiih. . Ihitcaci i. Lecias; aotti h-eii t ciu c cituc vvcvwih c ihch s Id, he ccname
anihecocrs ro ea ayfr ,: as ant dcc vi tica0 scyards. Afteriai(. L. tccuvluvvv Iuiiut-i i s tchcr,-u 21. cvithehic ostcierpte i c tfciiltrivctoc evercy
yariso Beloth seccued 1che ciibdll ctntitit iy ttutd i ihititti or ttihit ii lilt- cuvus chy - ti. \Wic dcuhh criii 1ucmuctiesiiretideii iinte,- cvtivle . it is c aell
fumle bc ut was formcdto tha silety, Is reiin ticliegcamhcd ascsecitdIfllr cido iwms Ic Izia1c M ric.Wheecler.iL.A. See-i 1111111 i i ccc lvati r.liv lvii i litchtudt
hit binmg the imst saftcy tfchMicigantch eadwi t sc t left haliitch 771 s dan tthS uutdbis Mr Gily; u icct cli TomhiJohn-cIt'sdi ar c iinsiltreit it 1 1 ) ieeti
sice 1Ot, whhn Noite i cclie isas de- it good workil cdliioth eadiiTthhompsonhh.sion. their llce, d'1141 vit cso ii etcliticcadc
2thyard linutcamid Nocromuss so o ff G igws nowmuftciiitcanii - sisee ert ad truccasuer- ..A. St i cliiIdtics lviiithativid cincvhccv lavst
clcown. Ilcamnimccumict icccct oal ciind cti tui I lbS-i-plac t igilten ii Atic ccleidcrciS 21. Dudley; v conuctorctccc i lhbe i litio Mdliuonithdiii ii pltform
mace sce8few1 cmuiinutes morciiofciplivthea ganuy I offmhan. - lt I ti the lii id) ichubes Ictf.
OIn the seicnd k Iiccifccli Normcross was calledcia " cithe hllin11 'i cugnsc---1"__ _ . t entic-tuu reii dteredi fot uriii sictuc-
niaic aaheeicihcc ictcimccc 17ya is osscssuicnu mu t1ccctuca-cocithdivafild.t'SOPHOMO RE MEDIC. ELECTION I chils doni Ihet icceicorccgaii. cvildrrcceivedl
thrtoughu the cricmmagecswith miio ier- hidnal score., 71111. 11he tune ti cc-is ii5 Thieispilihomore mdichal elctcioni tas ilhmthritchditchelityhil appla1usa. The
teceic-c. Fumislcing was imuchctin dii I fVi locws. -1hatchyesterday monucming Theca- muicsc-i siuvi ormc osicussuvtedof Spin-
cencic dutrin the aandauitcuhigani It . lagh was srongly swagedl ty but h] c t cyc ci esision," Sti-huiins
tookicancther turn uctat. it telit actl- tvednc........Cranei- - 1(1 s icucl t R mingtoniahearents; 6 (atilt flu -"Alit-i-rothio Iia itiuza" by
vamcact by ine bucks,'hut sas penal- L T. I lviisi clcosly thict ccnly oneac malin.us Neuccalcaudc titis +o t-sah Mach."clu
ized five yards fr Sousie tplay amdC mrits . . - - Julis all theuclcas dii noct ccme cot amd hrough tliii cliii ofhi cthed-S. 1i.A.
tomced to puntBeaconbrokeharaoundtL. G. ,vtec.7Victcry wsas for thea Raem~itnii -cc gamis cttcts hvec hul.tchethpleas
ight end fom S0 yamrciaand a touch Shuspt. ....... Ccttert-icetby a acit-.ncjcrii y tolloinwmg atei cutlstcii..ic idto n.fAmuericas
dlown eaving meni scatter eatin a Ca- hcrsls cili sddoi t uurciciau
string hbehcitdhim. iammniits goa Gregorcy.............. Pefftr lecsuet- Majhumrisc ts Mdlis fameuvnever gow
kickt now nmade the core1616.4-0.ciR- - - - -
tHammond nd Nocrosn tioa turna Gcoding Buk eigo ............. 45irie8Ioucuntc...... ......_
in advamcing for short gans and EdchR. T VicePresudemt- TENNIS TOURNAMENT.
mnmds made seven yards aonid eft Eidmndsa- - - - -R..cKoid Sydyer- - - - - ' .." ' 0 Thia results ot thuc tennis tourn-
tactle Heston broke away again oct1 lisIhe. . 5 2nou td htrtyata itocct
atouchdown, negotiating the neces ngman ........Sruthrs Secretary- the econduciroundClmctayton defeulcd
sary 21 yarda. The blt cleared the B Ierry- - - - -i.t. ..l.hBanca, b 6 671, ihclamuadetech
bar, making the result 200 The next lamesa- - - --.....Stevens uHowe- - - --.........52 221Lucasideatfdult; Oihcd wo from Shim-
kick-off Michigan wao penalized five L..II. Continued on nage three sec, 6 0Ic-2; Ofiedt ciefeatd Wath

turned the halt to the 40-yard line and 1+5+ 4+4. +.+44-l+e.'611 1-2; Lee defeated Clayton, 6:1, 1-2.
then punted 40 yards. Heston took a
,3V P*I r IV7 'Theiumii miusu tdi e eet
little run for 65 yards to the goal * The Michigan Daily sent * TusmcunaccuiclnLtdte
posts and Hammond easily kicked teI t ordesfthehe30c Y* ng fethuc6t1),-641, amid tuut winnimng
Beotnwtidadul asadfali oraddrssto oThddesforbiqanDailfrrhom46+ aLtucm ititth64t.vea6y-1il
goal. Score now 26-0. next month for 30 cis. . Thehfials, which will dcetermnec the
then puted to Norcross, whmotuimbled-h , , ,1110 0 0cmeof on Monday,

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