Awm tt
A. l A
VoL. 11.-No. 9.
the S. C. A. makes itself useful to
ET N TH AND students.
The association has been very for-
Refers to the S. C. A. of Michi- tunate in securing for its general
secretary this year C. A. 1lowc, '92
gan University. fit, aid last year president of the
Founced in 1 5-A Sketch of its Athletic Association. 'r. 1ossen
History-The Builcing Fund of '3 giVcs hif of his time to the workI
-Su5id utn Complceitec in '91-The aIn a alradi the rsuilts of is tfoi-rts
Association of Today.
-_ _are tol 1 e ee , n tab lin the Ii(le
Sketch of Prof. Asaph Hall, and of
Mr. Aller.
1t ;S not geneCrally know.-n to the
studelos iti iiat tiie S. C. Atour
Univ eisit is tlih tolest inolierica.
i'or a 1011g tim tile. U;niversity of
Virginia laid claim to the oldest so-,
ciety,and only recently was the inat-
ter finally settled in favor of Michi-
gan. From 1858 to 1870 the asso-
ciation proved an active factor in
college life, and at the latter date
opened its doors to women as soon
as they were admitted to the Uni-
versity. For a number of reasons
they did not take an active part in
the work of the society until in '74
Alice Freeman, then a sophomore,
entered the association, and soon
succeeded in bringing the women
into the work to such an extent that
ever since they have been an im-
portant part of its working force.
It is a significant fact that the as-
sociation was founded by one who
has since become president of Fisk
University, Adam K. Spence, and
that the woman who contributed
most to its success at a later period,
became the honored president of
In 1883 the association celebrated
its twenty-fifth anniversary, and as
a result of intense interest then
aroused, a building fund was started;
this, however, made slow progress
until the generosity of Mrs. Helen
Newberry enabled the work to prs-
ceed. Finally, at the close of 'go-
'9g, the building was completed ansi
Before tis time room g, in the
south wing, had been the headquar-
ters, and naturally the opening
of the new hall has greatly
increased the work. This year, in
addition to the regular opening
work of helping new students to set-
tlie,a religious census has been taken,
the results of which will soon be
compiled and published. Also from
this a register, showing addresses of
all students, has been made. This
is being very largely used, and is
only one of the many ways in which
siows th e folwing classs:
i. Lioe of Christ, Satoirday ,
ri., Prof. Belser. 2. life of Christ
in Luke, Saturday, 9 a. iii., Mr.
Bowen; 3. Old Testament Iistory,
Tuescay, 7 p. m., Rev. soung. 4.
Ten Studies in Israel, (second sem-
ester) Prof. Belser. 5. The Acts,
Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Prof. Wagner.
6. Teaching of St. Paul, Prof. Bel-
ser. 7. Mosaic Law, its Family Re-
lations and Land Law, (law lecture
room, beginning Nov. ist, 7 p. m.)
Prof. Thompson. S. Mosaic Law,
(second semester) Prof. Knowlton.
9. Women of Sacred History,(ladies
only) Friday, 5 p. m., Mesdames
Cobern, Angell, Stevens, Gelston,
and Carhart. so. Christian Evi-
dences, Prof. Scott.
These classes are open to all,
whether students or not, and the
only expense is a contingent fee of
twenty-five cents a semester.
In addition to this, Oct. 28 to 30,
there will be a Bible Institute, con-
ducted on the plan so successfully
carried out during the past two years.
Prof. Votaw, of Chicago University,
will conduct the New Testament
work, and Prof. Price, of the same
institution, will give work on the
Old Testament. Besides these Pro-
fessors Belser and Dewey will speak
on st>ecial subjects.
No other college in America,
which does not have Bible study in
its curriculum, and few that do, offer
as great advantages in that line as
are given here.
In other ways the association is
extending its work. In view of the
campaign the number of dailies has
been increased and a large number
of other periodicals, both weekly
and monthly, has been added to the
reading room.
For three years the support of an
alumnus of the University, Dr.
Grant, a missionary in China, has
Concluded on third page.
Prof. Asaph Hall jr occupies
the chair in astronomy- this year,
and one so earnest in his workc ran-
not fail to rnler it even more in-
ierestin s than it has ieen heretofore.
Prof. Hall is a man of w1d0e1e-
pri nice, having prepared at ale
and Hlarvardl, and having been in
crge of the naval olservatory at
\Vashington, which position tie re-
signed in order to come to Ann
He is beginning his work here by
having all the instruments taken
apart, thoroughly cleaned and care-
fully readjusted.
There have been as yet no appli-
cations for advanced work in astro-
nomy, but the other courses have
been well favored.
Prof. Hall has charge of the theo-
retical work, while the practical is
looked after by Mr. E. L. Allor,
whom many will recognize as mem-
ber of the class of '92. Mr. Allor
is from Mt. Clemens. He assisted
Mr. Hussy with the practical work
last year and has been appointed
instructor in that line.
W. H. Merner, '92 lit, has re-
turned to take law.
Sam Shegman, '9z, is with the
Cutter Electric Co,
W. A. Johnstone, '92, is with the
Globe Iron Works.
The first class in dissection be-
gins this afternoon.
F. M. Morrison, '92, is teaching
mathematics at Elkhart, Ind,
Fred Prettyman practiced dentis-
try during the summer in Chicago.
Yesterday's Chicago Inter Ocean
devoted ahalf columntothe U. of M.
Mr. A. B. Connable, of Brown
University, has entered with '94 lit.
L. G. Gardner, '92 HoMoeop., is
one of the cholera inspectors in De-
Murphy and Keating, 91, are
with the Chicago Drainage Com-
G. B. Springer, '90, is with the
Chief Engineer of the Illinois Cen-
tral R. R.
Doctors Darling and Dunn have
charge of the course in demonstra-
tional surgery.
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