o~an.zc rea. .......aea ... The Bible Chairs.
LEw fH. CLEMENTI. The Bible chairs at present es-
SO, S.MAINSTS. lDireltor soil Maager.
EXCE SIO LAU DRY tablished here by the Disciples'
EXCELSI UO LAUNDRY church and occupied by Profs. Wil-
Gosa WorktGGaraieed. CGood.ealed cr let and Lockhart, form the begin-
a. dli..end F. OVER, Prp.ring and nucless, it is expected, for
SAU S i ' Wah~Et the Theological Seminary so nuch
taled of last ear. The courses of-
zz Years in the uusiness..... feed include studies in the Old and
CITY LAUNDRY, Ness Testaments, carried on induc-
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. iey Thclssfetone r
KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE twice a sweek at Newberry Hall.
+$TATE $AVIP2G$ BRflK+ Menbers of the S. C. A are charged
A or JfNaliesan uaasPa tonSt, 5 .ialiafee of 50 cents for each course
The 13. & M. prhig yore elected. Others are charged $.
I.,th pac t by nyhig n heUrLlie.The establishment of the Bible
Mrliein..sosca lrI c, ];:w. liecar furnishes a eter opport-
GO T -mwiM 'ity for the suliy of the English
R. E. JOLLY & Co.s ibe Ithan has been offered hern be-
lches ysiansaida purila iof.inte Cliees:ie for'e. Comibined silli the sork in
C andies. Sia ierrs s a il ~ . (igits..,'oacciso.
(1isareits ad teainst rstSiss ofPites i ellenistic reekad IHebresw, giv-
LADIES' andtdENTS' LUNCH ROOM. eni by Prosf. Craig in the universiy,
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. adl the secial classes organized in
DAN INGan $AR E ronnsectiomn swiltie Sunday schools
DRANIGADELSTER of the arioss curres ansI the S.
MRS. NNIE ARD FSTERC. .110 'ulstieit caii coseplain of
46 S. Sate Street.
MOiNiDYSr-sile Cia-s,, Ip i. lack of opportusniy fsr Bible study
'3HIRSDl )58 AslaisedC171...s r sdie,
a t. . anidiGecntleiien. at tihe I nissersity sf Micihigan. 'The
.9Tir R)\iS O-eslmen'iiisis.,
elildarn. Ciiis, p. ,, oosrs at sshichs the classes iillsmet
Prii iva sale. sasapoitmlent, are as follosws: IHisory of Israel,
Aun Abor SvingsBankPrsf. Lockhart, Thssrsay, 7 P.u.;
AAi'ils. Mi. Capitual nails. i6uldis. Prophecy, Prof. Wvillet, Sasrday,
orasiiesl udessthe(enl liail linljis..I 1 i a. i.; Life of Chrisrt, Prof. ock-
isax S'e n he pinir t seits.".. l r lar, 'Tsessay, 7:30 P. is., Sasrsay,
lanilaulSates.rals.. cashed1 upn iiiis e
sid le sifi iin Siety dpoituill sis-toirent. o a. fis. ;A ts, Prof. IWillet, Satsr-
Ospfia :C s tianiiso Msak. lies. t1. 1.
Harrimania. Via tre..: Chsi. H. tllaisil,, C- day, 2 p. n.; Paul ansi the Epistles,.
sher NJ.Irs, sa. aiie.Prof. Willet, Satiray, o a. u.;
C.reek 'Testamsent, Prof. Lockhart,
e M/Tiossiay and Wednesay, 5l-.
d na Another U- of M. Man Honored.
Is is1n01 a rare thing by any means
- for a graduate of the U. of A., to
receireIoiors after leaing the
* Alma Mater, but it is exceptional
- -- ---- t - for one to rise to the position held
hiyILouss Msrbach. Althonghs a
,~IGHIGAN GENTCR .L jisyog msan,Iaving receivedI the de-
lVa5Vse liisi11 gr24~, .Is sen of 1P.S. asdlPh. 1B. from the
lA. ' W V..r. UI. of M. in 'Sg and 'yo, he Ios
........ At 1:1........ .eI s been ionored swihsa position asas-
'. x ts ... 55 305. 5 ilsy Etiw ri,; .. . . 8 1
NQ.Limiteid.1.. . r'. tised. .so4:,sisantlo Irof.Lenckhart, of Leipsig,
1.. Sjsew.isl...15 55 l~seaeiiRisrer...;; finns iwhichs posiion lie has recently
N. ".i s5(1,jLie.. 55 1 (. R. X Ka. Eps.. r; 0S
A. I. Ciii N. E..ire.. s so receiedl lho degree of Ph. D. Mr.
V.sheEtrs.tuli str... 1 iMral' special subject of study
,). nice..... 6 fl
G. ti res... 1 44
i. 'i.H 1705LCS, Ix. Si. IoYs. wsiile at Leipsig has been zoology
G.P -TAgt., ieasu. Ael.,Anni Arbor. asdiis present appointmeit is a
THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS recognition of iii thorough assi
PRINTING and =-- scholarly researches on that ssbject.
c U LIH N Junior Laws Will Yell.
Student Work a Specialty 1The '9 lawss held a meeting in-
uLe stokisissasd Lwesrttrie iiiike Ciy. elaely after the lecture yeter-
___ ~x~i s.if u day. After the nminutes of te pre
SLRsci ti PlANS Foe viosiSmeeting hasi been read and
THE { DA11.I..IL1Y" appoed, the committee on yells
is asskedi to report. 'rie report
r rRE OMM INo".s. ssggesesl a nusmber of yells and f
a 2.JO p r y~ar. ter soue dispute the following old
s ยข per standby was asopes: "Canack,
canack, caniser, canaw; 'Michigan, . sophonmore Eecton.
Michigan, '95 law." Mr. Long was There will be a meeting of te '6
chsosen yellmaster, and MAr. Evans, class to elect sophomore officers Sat-
footbali manager. ' The smeeting urday, Oct. 4, at an a. um. in Room
then adjourned. A. 1!' . N. CiI0srE, Pres.
A. V. Ball, '93 dent, is in Big IslE p tEEN lii ii H~lls.
Rapis. tescoies to the Detroiti iet'o-
Rapids. ~day. Iler 11015pti "Queens siPSheba
The University of the South will has tassel through he eperimeinetal
probblyestblih a chol o jor-tagea nihis helievedhlit eute of the
probblyesthhih aschoh f jur-greatst suesses of Ctse year. A
nalism. writer on thuatrical tiiseswhose uttr-
Prof. Alecheam will use Reeses atnes are getirally coseratire, has
tiii to say: "BRses is tisentra figure,
Leading cases ins connection with his but aroundheliar eotic lesser lights
lectores onSWils. swho rsis of guody sagnitud.
The play isganid, the themie nole Pasd
C. H. Cosell, it '94 and libra- hec toieeatinig. It is a drilg it-
rian of the S. C. A., has not yet i- 1oaint osrc lyuo
iililiiii suject stndae itaPcctbl
turned to school on account of sick- to tsc generalt public, bst iii thi. i-
ies tancde, with a nole luise as thicfossissh-
ness. ton, the authiorshaistsrusck the keyote
Coriell's Mtock Congres has be- Of popuslr appiroval, andulthic result is
gun its sessions for the year. Th'le satisfacoy.:Fiot the beginninisg to
ted t hesi Vsi auito is shuelhbosil i
lresidential elecion isill be heliiRies is sper d ssuinthe coceptioni
October 21.f hrtle i i inhha qu~ee.lies
cistimsiscarcii .guilieit is trilig,
Chauncey Depews saisi to tlhe su- asd isili incaysiig 5situationssandlu
detts of Yale recently: ''What niadecimhiiaxes les ovvsrs isiiistorisshowi i
to tes geatstdvantass~ge. The ply
the cassi of '53 so famosis is that is stagedl beasutifully; the costumlig is
hall!(dlit mebesent into jour-ihandomone: the lheshrestse asitosn-
hoahi sS Is loemberspiece of ganduutr. -Detroit ree
nals ,anid praisesd thin other ialf."]Prss, Oct. 4. At te OeraiHoue
Pertinent qu~estions: How many Oct. 7th.
students this year? Wholl be senior BUSINESS LOCALS.
president thou year? Is the Wrinkle odtiigfrssict opa 5y
funny? WiathasbncomnoftheAlsm- thriughicoelge.Cal11 st mne oi i.
ni 'Weekly? Itase you subscribed to I' Aplietun,\rilislsii lotel. 10-t.
iuo s is (Ileeli lmen'lts 1arecen-
then DsicY ? Wholl lead the sopho- titleduto sr'u ius 1rtesi"niphotograph ic
mores, this year? Will the Castal- wolrki 51 sis hlls
hian reorganize thissyear? Whio is Fest !iypiri '8ilDent, Lessons ist
president of thin Lecture Associa- Foothall .ssd lGyioisi intil Suits at
tiois ? Hour about track athletics ? hieclas s. t
fl-iy Clubhwil opena iu lecture o tilIluoi Ii's 5 t(_SO'Efor all
Laboratoys suppl ieshUssetiug eascs,
couse on Monday esening next, aprons adi -ties.ea 155Poes.
ihen SMrs. Orniston Chant, of Loin- Doto 71 u Cntoodh boarid? o to5
Thomonsistet $2.50per weeki.
don, will give a lecture on "lnmr -Choice Tohacco igasue11 ad Pipes at
ica as seen througho an English Wo- Shldoa's aBhillsiarcillisl, Ni. 3 Norths
man's Eyes.'' 'This is 10 be Shis. Iaini street. i-7
Chant's only apparance in Ann Ouilteli s(Isly morinsg, Ot 5, ue
paeoitlIsle i:.0ido. Mesis Nekses~r
Arbor this season, ansi she wit -ness desiraile goods -wsorth i Osw
proaby nt e bfoe te ub i'ldul$90ll)pirciliz. st swholesae. The
proabl no bebefre ilePsulicpicaswil li =e u. We assbuy lid tore
again in this country for sonme time at these lrie. VWc strisk it rich
to conme. It is the dutytihein, of whetsweidi lugitheie gods. Wagie
& CO. 5-to
every onse who iishes to hear this Fis1 litie Of Sweatiurslit Sheaan&
gifted swoman, to dosho S oody Cu.'s. t
evening next at Unity Club, usnItse Every ssidi-nt soulid register at
once at liruui'sis ihcgsustorecorterlcd
Unitarian church. Mitin 1and1 htiiuii-eas. 'hishiregis-
tr i heoanlyshiine iconislted by tle-
graphiii Illii'sgrs. I17
U.1O'F.M. CALENDAR' 'The largest anuistaustuc of igrs
atd fany smouindlgtubacos illtbr cites
Th5 uel. Oc. "L-sDessiseet is (hisS. cluSrlawIiis at -Bros uisisg stoe.
lecturei l n uusii Ms p. u.
sat, Oa. 10-'N15 riss r-uin g. 1000 till., o to I alioods Biliardihlsl,
roll ;.State street. Newly 1r1eoisvatei. G(.-
on. Ot,.lu i{. u-h' ssal, T. uutS. ve. . A. (,. 0 tlmanly sttenldanit.
Detroatsin ssteadiof US. ouu:15.vs. Alion atiu Ansi ArboinDye Vlisi t 3 West
Atheti u cil. illron0street- Secisl httnion011gien
Mti. is u Outilan uid tesiauioa Series. Pcuid. 11. tocelsoisg andssi iniisg suits.tisi pe
L.Wi llrtts ehre us""%v.oarln. yoir ligt sits 1 id. 17
Mion, Out I6.-Mrs. Lauaorssistius lias is n.Asih-Wss istc lois
I>f5 ua ~tr otr9dniUityIgubiu 5rur..e e icala sseesel a ~es.'. T'erus: I dis sindgetle- nEgihvna'eei" mn $.0fr1 esn;cide'
Thuur., Otl. 5 His. Fteereirk Di lf s, us
5. 0. .. cisee; '~scIlic ~clsis, 4.0(1 fr 2 lssusts; lelsarhi,
r L. . curs; "hu ace duolc." $5.15)foir 12 lessns. Lessums swil co-
Inatisi' j Tunusayi Oc. 5,hash StiiiulIS
Lost. Ot. 7. tt
---ewr tiaunudy. Try is for te best
Lust-Leather pocketbouonCitin~- work youu ever aw. Wrks done ii
iing $251 betweentshti ave. adu Campits. eight hors uso exra charge. Ohmse. 19
Liheral reswarsd offereih for its retturnl to I. IHuronl sre. Wrks 4751i\1.
the . iii-'. l).\TLY Olie. 1Iuiron. Te~lephonie5s83.