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October 11, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-11

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V OL. 1. No. 11.
They Will Challenge the Freshmen
to a Rugby Came and Tug-
of-War Instead.
At the Illuetinig of the sophlo-
Ifli'e C lass;tis lmornling, after
lllllcll discucssion, a oznitef
~fi, conlsisting of :Are-co's. Morgaln,
Towi, (liflil, tWalker, and Chlarnl-
leQy was apploinlted by tile presidlent
to decide uponl m1ans15by whichtla
test of strelngtlhsihall be mlade be-
twseen till)sophonmore an~d flesh-
mlall classes. Tile decisionl is to
be posted in tile hall illtile formn
of a chalenge to tile freshmlen.
Followin~g, tilre was anI election
of officers, wiicih resulted as fol-
lows: Trainler as president ;
Gratigny, vice-president; Peck,
secretary; Charnley, treasorer;
and Dygert, atlhletic mnanager.
McDonald was pot on tile Oracle
board in place of Whiting, not re-
A paper was circulated to raise
funds for a ball nine, and resulted
in tile collection~ of thlirty dollars.
Tihe cominlittee fillet sooln after
the Ineetinlg an11d decided to chal-
lenge tile freshlnen to aI Rulgby
COntest, and also to a tulg-of-walr
on field day. The chlange was
made ill deference to tile wishes
of Capt. Mailey anld the foot-ball
The sociable given last evening
by the Students' Christian Associ-
ation was one of tile most pleasant
in the history of the society. Early
in the evening the halls and chapel
were well filled with +students..
lntrOdction and the "rstock"
(jquestioll, 'Is tis your fia~tyear?" backs, Jewett an~d Grosh; back,
were tile ordler of tile110u11.81101tl DUveert. Albionl team~: Centre,
a~fter :to'clok tie1)101residet tof Schulltz;lrilht Iguard, RIoberts; left
tile -l-4-§(-latill I , Mr. AV I 1. lI-surC 1Darr;-iht tackle, Griffin:
iet tac klI a'X 1 lul frilht end,
ols, Welconmed tilefreshmlan cir~als1s 1,\,voOIc eft 1(1, Newell; Ijlar-
ill a jicaill sp~eech.Il. le tilelltelr1)lack, uham11; ri(,hit lcal£
inltr-oducedl Prof. IBOoe,whllin11ak, Land101n11letthalf back, Anl-
11a fell- laapljy relllarks extu~ededtilt dersoll - back, Sn~ell; su~bstitultes,
weiColl~e 1(otils'il'. e1e _ 010} PIllllltr VWootonl; mlanalger, D-
..~ .1..--E.1A.t
Wright, Kayi& Co.
rr - s of Gems
of iNeuhe-rx- 11111 1111.1exiressetl
Chzurch Directory.
a 1h01)0for- its eall-Ilv comllletionl.
A isa-s1111o by Mlr. Ii. INl. Joy was1
hcarlItiIVlyloredi. A rell-lilg by
Prof. Tr-ueblood, 44A Pihase oIf
Sou~thern ILifefrom1 the Cenltury,
affordied grealt pleasure to all. A
solo by miss Founltalinl, 'lie is myl
Level- onlthle Sell. - wittenllyisvloss
Cole, an1 o)1d U. of Ml.mnl, was
well received. Tile thlanks of tile
associationl are extended to Prof.
Stanley anld to Messrs. Clemnt,
IRandll, Richardsonl, and Moore.
A poorly attenlded mneetinlg wasS
hleld ill 1o001 A tisis -mol~rning.
Maliey presided anld Dygert,- '93,
acted as secretarly pro tubn. Tile
psresidenlt of tile associa~tion, T. H1.
Hlincinan, wa5 emlpowered to ap-
point aI commllittee of tihree to draft
a newv constitutionl for presentatioln
next Salturday. Tile prIesidenlt
115 aliso inruc~lted to appoint
comm~littees to canvass tile Lni-
versity for moneylC to defray tile
expenses of tile elevenl, a commit-
tee of tihree to be a ppoinltedl froll
eachil cass illtile literary depart-
mnent anld froml eacih of tile profes-
sional departmenlts.
Tile neeting tiheln adjourned un-
til next Satulrday.
Our eleven play as follows tis
afternoon: Centre, Chadbourne;
right guard,. Suthlerland; left
guard, Trainer; right tackle, Mal-
ley; left tackle, Prettyman; rigiht
end, J. Van Inwagen; left end,
It is 0111. inltentionl to give Ilndler
tis 1head1, ill every Fiday's issue,
1111 ouline of tile serv-ices to be
held illtile resipective chulrcihes of
the city the Sundayli following.
Wie believe tis will bse of value to
all stuldenlts, 1111( ask for tile co-op-
eration of all Pastors (If tile city
ill or-(er to make tile1eport as
comlpete as possible.
UNITARIAN-Thle Students' Bible
Class will hlave for its work tile
first part of tihis year a study: of
"Tile Origilns(If tile World, Socie-
tyT, Moralls anld Religioi.."
Tis ciass umeetslat 110011 in1the
millnl audiellce rcooni,anld is tau~ghlt
by Mrs. Su~nderliand.
Ml-. Suderlalld repeats by re-
finest is sermon 011 "Cardinal
Newmlan," nlext Sluday evening,
Oct. 12.
ROM1AN CArnioLl.-Reuv. IFatiher
Fiurle, services at 8 and 10::30
a1. In1.
METIHODIST.-Services at 10:30 a.
les' melletinlglat (6,30 p. inI. Dlr.
Rust, Pastor.
Waslhing;ton and First sts-Mlorn-
lug service 10:30. Sunday School,
12 noon. Evening service 7:30.
Next Sunday morning occurs tile
fiftiethl anniversary of tile German
Evangelical Synod of Northl
America. Rev. J. Neuman, Pa's-
B t'T1T.--I'reac img by tePa
tor, Rev. A. S. (Carman, 10:30 a.
ms., "&The Soul'* Cha1lngept
140 f(11/If l) AVE.,
God.'":7:..( l. t '' A Stifled
Conviction.*'Su~nday- scholoon101.
live stnldelnt classes. Young
Men's Class, Protf. Bemaln; Young
Ladies' Class, Dlr. Markiey; Class
in New Testamlenlt Greek,Prof. J.
G. Pattengili; Class in inductive
study of Luke, Mrs. A. B. Ste-
vens; Ilighl Scholoc Class, Prof.
Montgomnery. Youn~g People's
meeting 6:30 p. in. Pastor's
Band for Bible Study and Inquiry,
Monday, 7 p. wI. General prayer,
mueeting, Wednlesday, 7 :30 p.111.
Sr. A~NREW'S C CLel-Rev.
Henry Tatlock, rector-; Rev. WV.
0. WaV~ters, assis~tan1t. Sulnday,
Oct. 12, 8 a. ill., Hfoly Coin-
munlionl; 10:30 a. ill., 1Korlllne
Sel-vice 1111( Sermlonl; 12 11., Sull-
day Schiool;:" i::3 p. in., Ev-ening
Sd-vice land lSe~nioll; !1.15 1ix 1i.,
Mission Sllndav Scilool at Ge ddes,
ast Foster's, 111111 at .Delhli.
If sl3v rt:';1)N Cllesie. -R1ev.
J. p.GltlIastor. Services
at 10:31) a. in. Subject: ''Tile
Age of tile 1arit 115."' Evenin~g
services at 7:30; subject, "O ur
GERMAN M. E. GCac---Rev.
A. Krumling, pastor. 9:30 a. in.,
Sunday Scilool. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Cjsucse-.-Preaching services .t
14:30O a. m. and 7i:3Q p. m.; Sun-
day 8p1hooi, 12m.

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