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October 15, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

… FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PITR I~'RIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Theatre Trip, Dances PARTIES, MEETINGS: Religious Groups Schedule Events sociation, will sponsor a work camp in the Detroit area this weekend. The camp, first of a se- ries, will include work on a worthy project in the Detroit area. Francis S. Onderdonk will lead the discussion at the weekly lunch- eon from noon to 2 p.m. tomo...…

October 15, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…Ir Svc THE MCHIGAN DAILY Tipmav (1pgrAl imn'It fern ~K SX T E M CHI AN D TI~' _____________________________________________ J.LAa t1.t i DjE i1, L954 4 TURN IN AND lIRWni6 e;ls.atdb Rain /I- DRIVE THRU NO PARKING PROBLEMS I A 4 " KEG BEER ICE CUBES SOFT DRINKS Smith Name To Manager PHILADELPHIA OP)-The Phil- adelphia Phillies dipped into the minor leagues-and for the fourth time to the New York Yankee or- ganization-yesterday an...…

October 15, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

… N ImDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Grid Squad Flies to NU Tay ThreeRegulars Out Because of Injuries A k', RABI DEAU-HARRIS Values that Merit UNHESITANT ACTION! SUITS and TOPCOATS Your new Fall Suit and Topcoat is here And at a price that will save you money, d e I ART WALKER MOVES IN on Northwestern ball-carrier in last year's meeting with the Wildcats which Michigan won, 20-12. Wolverine-MSC Grid Contest So...…

October 15, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

…,Ulu Eulm .THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 195 'IC I7 J4 N]Fj W-s .i A H AN D !N TIME Te egum Laquat All Khan of Pakistan, first Moslem Ambassadress, is aided by Royal Mas- ter of Ceremonies D: Gi, de Graeff on her arrival at The Hat e. T A C KL U-N HIGH -Jim coiciough of Quincy crips %elmet of Brookline's John Norris daring tussle between Massa- chusetts high school grid rivals at Brookline. Qulacy won, 13-4. / HEALTH GUARDIA...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 9

…rder * * E Pag'SNOTE See Page 4 Your Subscription To ay-C all NO 2-321 * * * * * * * * * * Unly, of MfcAi CollIectin, r / Y It6 Daitbr SAMPLE COPY iSS II M ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES I- 5 s 1 j Regents Dismiss Nickerson, Davis Cited for Contempt of Congress, Math Instructor Pleads Innocence By PAT ROELOFS Associate City Editor Acting in special session la...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 10

…,, ,. "AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15.1956 AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEflNF~flAV~ V~PTRMrni'w 1!~ 1O!~h i s V J"$J VGA i y gaui i JLUJTAJUJP iL ir/f AOUT ry STUDENTS' PRESIDENT: Hatcher Begins Fourth Year at 'U' University President H a r 1 a n; Henthorne Hatcher will be start- ing his fourth year on campus this fall. Eighth president, the 55-year-old educator, author and civic leader was appointed to succeed retir...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 11

…IAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1954 TI MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE AY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRE!~ _ . pane Hall Center for Religious Activity i~- -- I Thirty Four Faiths Participate in Program 11 Many Clubs Available To Students (Continued from Page 1) Another semester's program of religious and social activities will be inaugurated this fall by the Student Religious Association. Housed in a red brick building on State Street...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 12

…I PAGE.FOUR THE MICHIG~AN DAILY wvnN~gnV gVTTMVR.K 14CA."'I d vv jF z LPI , 'l':Y 11[S G15, yif k £dv'4 7?te Laying Down the Law BOOKS] By GENE HARTWIG Daily Managing Editor Annually the managing editor ventures forth in these columns on the tradition, policies and prac- tices of The Daily itself. Now an almost 65-year- old institution on the Michigan campus, the paper made its first appearance as a four column nine by 11 inch sheet...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 13

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P PAGE 2 TH tCIavN DAILY UWAGEa 1177 ) A A ,s f n 1~aTrN A i PTTr7T T1Tv+c_ 1 jr, I tir12J11JAUnV(TA Pride'salelegLg Union. Provides Male Meeting Place Facilities Extended Throu gh Additional Construction Work University men will find even more facilities for their felaxation and recreation inside the ivy trimmed walls of the Union this year. For almost the entire summer, the Union, c...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 14

… THE 14IICHIGAIY DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1956 Your Friendly Drugstore WELCOMES YOU BACK! * Dependable Prescription Compounding * Fountain Service e Photo Finishing 9 Ice Cubes Wikel Drug Company At Engineering Arch We Deliver Drugs HARNESS THE ATOM: Phoenix Project Honors World War II Dead .' It was nearly eight years ago that the Student Legislature went on recordas favoring a "f...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEYE1~ Graduate Schools Attract Many Dramatic Arts Center Preparing for Opening Ann Arbor is well on the way innovation. Local playwrights toward having a Dramatic Arts be encouraged to submit t Center as a focal point for serious work. dramatic interests of adults and Plays will be performed in children. Masonic Temple building, a The center plans activities in slight alterations are ...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 16

… PAGE EIGHT THE lYlllt;#116ATN DAlLI WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15.1954, PAGE EIGHT WEDNESDAy. SEPTEMRER 15. 1g54 "JU/ i ltiTii/i1iY i V $ JL %P "M I DRIVE RIGHT THROUGH! NO WAITING NO PARKING PROBLEMS This Coupon and Your I.D. Card Entitles All New Freshmen to a FREE 8-POUND WASH at the University Laundromat 1327 S. University - Between Washtenaw and Forest * ; .r i ommmmomimaw Inter-Arts Festival A testing ground for student creative a...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 17

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY V A V-W VlrVV 'Caine Mutiny' ceneFeatured on Lecture 0 1 ~ Nationally Known Politieal Speakers Brought Here In addition to the "Caine Mut- iny Court-Martial," the lecture author John Dos Passos; a Lec- series will present a host of well- ture Series perennial, drama critic known speakers this year. John Mason Brown and the Caine Two eminent world figures and Mutiny scene. one noted news ana...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 18

… TEN THE -MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEP'T E3MER 15,11954 TEN TIlE MICHIGANT DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 o iate Life Varied in Ann Arbor ~ Activities To Suit All Available A Night'Off the Town' LAW BPOK You will find our store speci- ally equipped to supply you with LAW case books and Ann Arbor is filled with the type of entertainment features that only a college-community can offer. Lectures, concerts, plays and fine mov...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 19

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA (1~ 1~TJ~VI~M I a Wde Musical Variety Ofered ,j , Society Arranges Many Concerts, Two Festivals Although the University Musical Society has gained a maximum of fame for bringing to the cam- pus each spring the world-known May Festival, the society also arranges each year for musical offerings to please every taste, ranging...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 20


September 15, 1954 • Page Image 21

…WOMEN'S SUPPLEMENT YI r4t 9 an U61 WOMEN'S SUPPLEMENT FRESHMAN EDITION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 TWELVE PAGES :League offers Variety of Coed Activities During ear Y 'A NEW WORLD': Dean of Women Calls 'U' Life 'Challenging' Miss Deborah Bacon, Dean of Women, presents the following message to incoming freshmen: "It is always emphasized to incoming freshmen women that you will be entering 'a new world' whe...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 22

… AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY llvTitl\TvQlrAV !Ci'ivri1mM'nwim it inra TUE MTCUTGA1~ BATTY Uff~3WT.%NE 7 ~ 4~4- ;bUAY SEPEMBE. 15 195 ;4 'U' Offers Study Variety Libraries, Lounges Built for Comfort Variety is the word when it comes to study facilities, and stu- dents may choose practically any- thirig from small, homey lounges to large rooms of modern design. Rooms in the League, Union and Lane Hall are available in addi- tion to the Gene...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 23

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' w.! +aii VEll r mr i i Past J-Hops Featured Riots, Raving Maniacs Bach Choir, Arts Chorale Annual Dance Dates Back !. rte - _ V Many Years By JANET SMITH J-Hop, the annual dance given between semesters by the junior class in honor of seniors, w i l mark its 78th year when the class . of '56 takes the ball this year. The dance featured...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 24

… THE MICHIGAN DlATIY ,WFDN..1rQfAV Dru',~i.mr11t.I- K " . "." .."". "..". . . .a a s lY9'c.YS1Y Pi.Y VlYY r9 CY C 1 r IVLD4A 15, Iva*l5 CHANEL ZAGRI LAROS CAPEZIO SHOES PRINGLE TAILORED JR. 4 AMERICAS LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE CAMPUS FASHION SHOP FEATURES THE I le HOLLYWOOD MAXWELL MARION McCOY I I / ~ I A And here they are ... flying gaily from our flags ... fashion names you've come to know and depend upon as national s...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 25

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVU Freshmen To Participate in omen's Athletic Association Events New Pool Is Largest On Campus Program To Feature Coed Classes, Family, Co-Recreational Nights By MARY HELLTHALER Coeds entering the University this fall will be fortunate in being among the first ones to use the new women's swimming pool. The pool was opened...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 26

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, I954 T..M.IG N ALYWENSD..SPTMBR15.15 .....,.. . . .. .. vw,+... n s..... ..,v , ORGAN 7ATIONS SET HIGH STANDARDS: .%.' 2 V H. -' thini's xx onoraries Recognize Campus Leaders) Women's Athletic Association, Union Co-Sponsor Michigras, Spring Weekend University Charity Projects Scheduled for Alternate Years; Carnival Atmosphere, Student, Faculty Performances Featured in ohd Wesh word meaning...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 27

…r. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER;15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAGE SEVEN PAGE SEVEN.?,4 . WOMEN'S PAGE: Editors Welcome Tryouts Hello Newcomers : Welcome to the University! We hope you will enjoy your college days. Each of you will, we think, find some niche here, with friends and in studies and activities. As editors of the Women's Page of The Dairy, we would like to welcome each of you to join our staff as tryouts, in keeping the stu- dents inf...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 28

… PAGE EIGHT I'RJE IvIlcktiGAIN DAILV WEDNtSDAV, SEPTEMBER 15.1954 PAGE EIGHT TUE M1Ckfl~AN DAILY WELJNt~J)AY. SEPThAI8ER 15. 1H54 ii aaa+s "aeva+aa a. vs#s salaia.YWi{I iVf iV V '7 h M.., BREAKFAST LUNCH . 0 IFOUNTAIN SERVICE 0lceesud nsm e to chat and eat" BETSY ROSS SHOP in Nickels Arcade dxe 'art) .mstot=<-yoo<-tcy) a<-yt o t Coeds To L Rushing To Dormitories .. . Two main types of University housing are open to freshmen wom- en-do...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 29

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER-15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE M" ~> " WENSASPEBR1,15 H MC IA AL AfU TN1 .i.°C. Vf 1711 .C j, -SL-Sponsored Wolverine Club .. ;, Wants Students for Block 'M' Flash Card Section, Michigan Marching Band Raise Traditional School Spirit at University By SUE GARFIELD Within a few short weeks, the UvriyUniversity campus will again be humming, and the 1954-55 school ~" year will be on its way. Perhaps one thing which ...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 30

… " 'I THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1954 FOR TOPS '53 Casals Festival Recorded 'U' Residen Students To Vie for Top Honors Tyr 7::._,.. u i rec ro rs in i Cleaning Services the UNIVERSITY LAUNDROMAT offers your: I by Greene's Or trojun's I Each year now, for the past three, Columbia Records has jour- neyed to southern France, to the small secluded mountain villages on the border-line between France and Spain, and...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 31

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 19M THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAGS ELEVEN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC~E ET1FVV?4 I Dance Classes Given 'for Students, Latest Steps Taught by Experts Dance on your partner's feet? You're pretty good, but would like to learn some new steps? Once again coeds and men will have the opportunity to attend the League dance classes which will be offered during the coming se- mester. The' classes will be...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 32

…I I . j , -- : Z T 7 7M PAGE rVGEIVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 PAGE TWELVI THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1~. 1954 sion lounge, kitchens, photography fireside discussions, supper ISA Activities~ University Religious Groups Have Varied Programs By ELAINE EDMONDS Religion and religious activities play a vial part in the lives of many students at the University. Through community and cam- pus church groups ...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 33

…v- SPORTS SUPPLEMENT mot it4 rtau 4kr att SPORTS SUPPLEMENT =Tm ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 TEN TPA14i r% wsm s.7 A L' 1'W i" L'91.XL' , im Michigan Gridders Face Rugged Schedule I Conference Tilts Mark Downfall of 1953 Team Seven Big Ten Games On Tap for Wolverines By DAVE LIVINGSTON Daily Sports Editor By HANLEY M. GUR WIN Associate Sports Editor Depending upon your point of view, Michigan's 1953 f...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 34

… TWO THIN MICHIGAN ]DAILY VVEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1K. 954 T W ~ E E D A l Y W ! T I P J T n A V T~! ~ I' t14' I~ ~ O K TTJLJLPLIjrj" , OJAXda,LJAaaaLdaw a.., .LwOr I Firs t in Footwea Fashions! KWITH RP Strictly- up-to-date, always in ke with the fnest tradition of quali footwear. For style, con- fort and value, you - can depend on long- wearing Winthrops. ir ~eping ty Sports -- Four Stirring Moments Stand Out Among Many 4895 to$1...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 35

…Y, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MWICHIGAN DAILY I& s im r AUE TH / 94tp" by dove livingston Cagers Still Trying To Escape Cellat (Continued from Page 1) are unsurpassed. Playing in the rugged Western Conference, various Wolverine squads have stowed away more major titles than any other school. On the gridiron Michigan has won or shared 18 Con- ference crowns, four more than its nearest rival, and has swept through three Rose Bowl battles wit...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 36

… BUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 )URTIlE 1!HCHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 VOLVERINES FINISH SECOND: Michigan Tennis Team Has Successful Season M Gymnastics Season Marred By'; Injuries and Ineligibility r By ALAN EISENBERG A few days before May vanished I small group of hopeful Michi- :an athletes journeyed to Cham- aign, Illinois, in the hopes of ringing back a title-a title that iad eluded Wolverine t...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 37

…i WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 'SHE MICUiGAN DIAIL PA['M. VTVU_ Michigan s Reign as Ice Hockey Ghampid on Ends 5 Loss of Veter Major Rebuil Late Season Surge Ga But RPI Icers Upset F By PHIL DOUGLIS "Michigan's three year reign as National Collegiate hockey cham- pion has ended." This was the gripping sentence that was emblazoned on the front 'page of March 13th's Michigan Daily, and symbolized in just ten words Michigan's 1953-54 hocke...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 38

… sm 111111b .l I4:M16A1V DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1954 gTx i'Ui~ MIt3IIIIiAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER IS. 1954 Mann's Finest swimming Team Fails To Win Title ,it NEW GRID AIDS SELECT ED: . Stager, Harlan Picked To Lead Natators By JACK A. HORWITZ The appointment of five- new, coaches will fill the ranks of the Michigan sports scene for the com- ing year. With the retirement of Matt Mann II, who for almost 30 years reigne...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 39

…THE MICHIGAN ,DAILY PAGE THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Cindermen Illinois Captures Fourth Straight Track Crown second In Big Te , _ NEW AT1LETIC PLANT-This diagram points out the location of the new athletic administration building and varsity pool which are under construction on Ferry Field. Included in the map are the proposed positions of the new fieldhouse and the Ferry Field track. anp By KEN COPP Captained by weightman Fritz Nilsson,...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 40

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 inksters,Baseball Team Slip from 1953Jin ishe >lfers Drop to Ninth Place' ith Inexperienced Squad By JACK HORWITZ We're building for the future," d Coach Bert Katzenmeyer, aking of the 1954 edition of the chigan golf squad, which started season with three untried soph- ores and three veterans and shed with three experienced fers and great prospects for the :t season. he Wolverines finishe...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 41

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEBMER 15,1854 , THE MICHIGAN DAILY I WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I-M Program Lists 36 Activities i F. Six Leagues Participate In Sports i By PHIL DOUGLIS Michigan's athletic greatness exists not only in varsity sports, for the Maize and Blue also boasts the lands finest and larg- est intramural program. From September to May the gi- gantic sports palace on Hoover Street and its surrounding play- in...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 42

… : THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTET MER 15,1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 _ _ _ , j I i, fk xa 11 T I r I CORRECTION - Many people think that Ulrich'sBook Store carries only ENGINEERING books . . .Ulrich's carry a very huge stock of USED and NEW. Chemistry, Lit., Ec.,. History, All Languages, Botany, Zoology, Engineering, Arch., Forestry, Law, Medicine, Math., etc. In fact, for Every Course on the Mic...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 43


September 15, 1954 • Page Image 44

… TWO, THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER U. 19M _., _, w ._ _ .. .., .,.,, IlX DAYS A WEEK: Daily Covers Campus News Events From the Managing Editor down a h mneestmemberh of he staff 'aining program, the aim o f [ichigan Daily members is to get ie news to the public, in the best >rm possible, and to present ac- * 7W ompanying intelligent e d i tor - i comment. The Michigan Daily,...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 45

…WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, I954, THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 Y 04w .wnwweiiia " WEZ)NESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I PAG~E TIRESU li .:: New Writers Encouraged In Hopwoods Annual Contest Rewards Writing Many aspiring writers h a v e found their first major step toward fame and fortune came with win- ning one of the University's Avery and Jule Hopwood awards. This creative writing contest, w i t h its substantial monetary awards, ...…

September 15, 1954 • Page Image 46

… rcrm THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1964 FO~Z THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBE~R 15. 1954 ..1 ELCO E TO THE E STUDE TSI }4- . I Our Shelves are stocked with J, 4 E USED A for Every Course in Every Department ENGINEERS -MEDICS - LAWYERS Consult our New and Enlarged Professional Department for your Requirements w. Make use of our years of experience in bookselling to ensure a i; r_4 f. 1 4. I ...…

July 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…WINSTON CHURCHILL See rage 2 *b A 4440F AL AL :43 a t t 9 - .c f + Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXIV, No. 18S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1954 CLOUDY. COOLER FOUR PAGES Bill May Block. TVA Contract 4 Anderson Acts To Block Private Utility Firm TVA Negotiation WASHINGTON (P)--Sen. Anderson (D-NM) Wednesday night introduced legislation to prevent the Atomic Energy Commission from negotiating a private utility contract for...…

July 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…I PAGE TWO ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 15,1954 Winston -Churchill: The Mature Look in World Diplomacy "It's a New Hybrid" 11 lI ALTHOUGH HE HAD already given us ample evi- dence of his superior statesmanship, Sir Wins- ton Churchill has again shown us how to resolve a dispute between nations by closing the impending split between Great Britain and the United States. To do so, however, he was forced to compromise more than ha...…

July 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…THMSDAY, JULY 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TRREE THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ThR?2 Do dgers Edge Braves in 12th Major League Figures Show BULLETIN MILWAUKEE (/P)-The Mil- waukee Braves became the first club in the major leagues to go over the million mark in paid attendance this year with Wed- "I, nesday night's game against Brooklyn. The game, opener of a five- game series, drew 35,470 fans to County Stadium...…

July 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…1954 I 1'?' T AGE OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 15. 195~ Idea Conflict 3Bookmobile Lures Youth Dimensions Union Addition Construction Specimens Have Feet Discussed By Bloomer By CYNTHIA HEPBURN In his speech yesterday at the Rackham Amphitheater, the Rt. Rev. Thomas Bloomer discussed how ideas are determining the course of mankind. The Rev. Bloomer, who is Lord Bishop of Carlisle, England, spoke under the auspices of the sp...…

May 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…HONORS SUPPLEMENT KIP [dI L Sir 43gau :Iaii4 HONORS SUPPLEMENT, SECOND ANNUAL EDITION ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1954 SIX PAGES Convocation To Honor Superior Students The Sup 200 Seniors Ex-ECA Director plementT...r ."' -.e FINAL HONORS-For this year's class of graduating senior students, the greatest honors of their entire University careers will come next month, when they will join in an academic procession like this o...…

May 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…THOUGHTS ON THE SUSPENSIONS See Page 2 iteta i na Latest Deadline in the State Daitiir 4L FOUR PAGES I T. U 'UY YV7 T- I Q A ~YU A VT~lW ,,r/' T/wr A- - ou,-. i - - - -.- - - FAIRWARME 17 VOL. "IV, No. 158 A1~N ARBOR1, MVICHt1WIGN, SATURD~iAY, MAY 15, 1954 i Secrecy Lid On Meeting Gets Protest Counsel Claims Adams 'Silenced' WASHINGTON - (P) -- The Eisenhower administration yester- day clamped a secrecy lid on a now-famous meetin...…

May 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…0 Y'AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY 11 FRTbAY, MAY It 1954 i IExcelling Students Are Honored for High-Ranking Sc! iolarship I #t' Literary College Seniors James B. Angell Scholars Harold Eugene Abrams Eaton Adams, Jr. Gwendolyn Ruth Arner Kala Aronoff, A.B. Thomas Roscoe Arp Richard Herold Baker Betty Bayliss Helen Ruth Beatson Alton Lewis Becker Judith Bender Gershon Berman Neil Norlin Bernstein Lillian Bickert Maurice Shulman Binkow Mi...…

May 15, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…I RA G E E W O THE MICHIGAN DAILYk SATU RDAY, MAY 15, 1954 i Thoughts on the Suspensions Distorted Values T HE SLEUTHS who compose the various congressional -investigating committees now appearing on your favorite TV station have accomplished quite a bit in a most unfortunate way. The McCarthys, Veldes, and Clardys have performed a superior job of distort- ing the sense of values of the American public. Today, while at Geneva the lead...…

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