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May 15, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-15

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RDAY, MAY 15, 1954


Thoughts on the Suspensions

Distorted Values
T HE SLEUTHS who compose the various
congressional -investigating committees
now appearing on your favorite TV station
have accomplished quite a bit in a most
unfortunate way.
The McCarthys, Veldes, and Clardys
have performed a superior job of distort-
ing the sense of values of the American
public. Today, while at Geneva the lead-
ers of the rival powers are attempting to
give a breathing space to a world suffo-
cated by oppression, these public leaders
are grabbing the top billing in the morning
Citizens are hardly aware of the extreme
importance of the Geneva conference, but
many'people can recite the daily doings of
the infamous David Shine. On the campuses
of some of our more respected universities,
distinguished educators are being influenced
by Congressional organizations of useless-
ness, into playing the petty game of politics.
As these hearings drag on in Washing-
ton and Lansing, the Kremlin is probably
enjoying every minute of the show. While
the Reds relax, certain Senators and Con-
gressmen continue to disparage the integ-
rity of our colleges and the evaluating
ability of the American people.
Men have been temporarily relieved of
their jobs as instructors at the University
of Michigan, not for inefficiency or disloy-
alty to the United States, but rather for
having an opinion. Whether we agree with,
the attitudes of these faculty members or
not isn't the important thing.
The principle of freedom of thought in-
volved is of vital significance, and that is
what has been brutally attacked. Because
they allowed themselv to think freely the
University has for the present found these
men not suitable to teach classes.
Under the spell of the bizarre tactics of a
few politicians, Harlan H. Hatcher unjustly
suspended these three exceptionally able
men. This should have aroused the student
body of any American campus, and the re-
sult at Michigan was magnificent.
Whether it was intended or not, Mr. Clar-
dy and his cohorts stimulated a startling
measure of reaction at Ann Arbor. American
students have been accused of being apa-
thetic about what occurs in the world each
day. However they were anything but non-
chalant on the diagonal last Thursday.
Debates flourished, and signatures ap-
peared on petitions urging the reinstate-
ment of the abused instructors. The stu-
dents proved that they couldn't be bull-
dozed by a band of witch hunters, and a
conservative President. This is the good
that occasionally is produced by a streak
of bad.
The men and women of Michigan how-
ever must not let up until a satisfactory re-
sponse is secured from the Regents and Mr.
Clardy. By persistently attacking unjust
congressional and Presidential action, the
student body will be doing a great service to
three men and their families. But even more
important they will be preserving the tra-
ditions of justice that make our nation great.
-Bill Stone

Democracy Is Sensitive
SHOULD COMMUNIST cardholders and
sympathizers be permitted to instruct in
our colleges and universities?
This question struck home Monday
when three University faculty members,
alleged by the Clardy Committee to have
been affiliated with the Communist party
either at some time in the past or the
present, .were temporarily suspended by
the University pending further investiga-
American. students definitely should be
instructed concerning the doctrine of Com-
munism for students must know exactly
what they are fighting. A clear presentation
of subject matter as nearly objective as pos-
sible is necessary. When discussions are
based on honest investigations, unfounded
and untrue information is usually discarded.
One problem, however, is who can objec-
tively present classroom material. True the
Communist slants his views on economics,
sociology, philosophy and political science
until they become little more than propa-
ganda. Even in subjects such as fine arts,
mathematics, chemistry and literature the
instructor is in a position to offer aside
comments and inferences to his students.
But what one is often tempted to for-
get is the fact that Democratic instruc-
tors too are biased. How objectively do
they present factual data? No one ever
obtains perfect objectivity, Communist or
Young adults, possessing open, flexible
minds, can fall prey to the subtle arguments
and distorted facts of the Communist pro-
fessor. Usually the Communist distorts slow-
ly, cunningly inculcating seemingly plaus-
ible facts into the student's mind.
On the other hand, a student of college
age is supposedly mature enough to differ-
entiate between that which he has been
brought up to believe is right and that
which is wrong. Surely the ideas and com-
ments of one Communist professor cannot
extinguish the many years' development of
belief in certain standards.
It is also difficult to believe that one
instructor among the dozens that a stu-
dent encounters during his University
career can so radically dissolve the stu-
dent's former way of thinking.
To be considered also is the supposition
that Communist teachers use our school sys-
tem as a means for propagating their dogma.
In some cases this may be true, but in many
more it is not. Must those men with ade-
quate academic preparation in their chosen
fields, men whose political views are known
to themselves only but not inflicted on others,
be made outcasts from the field of educa-
How many students have had instructors
whose narrowpess allowed them to see only
the benefits of either the Republican or
Democratic political party?
It is a good idea for every American to
understand the strategy and tactics of
the Communist teacher. But it does not
necessarily follow that we must demand his
ouster from the school system.
Education is a sensitive process. So is
democracy. By forcing Communists to dis-
continue teaching, it is possible that we may
be endangering the very democracy we wish
so much to keep.

AT HIS press conference on Tuesday Mr.
Dulles remarked that while Southeast
Asia "is an extremely difficult area in which
to operate," he did "not say the difficulties
are insuperable." No doubt that is true. The
best prospect of overcoming the difficulties
is to appraise them candidly and lucidly.
For while there are limits to what this coun-
try can do in that part of the world, it may
be able to do a very great deal if we can
reach a correct appraisal of the situation, if
we know the facts and know what we are
THAT IS NOT easy to do because to a
degree almost unparalleled in modern times
the situation is enveloped in a man-made
fog of censorship and propaganda. But we
have to begin the appraisal with what we
do know. A most important thing which we
do know is that Mr. Dulles, in his efforts to
organize collective security in Southeast
Asia, is face to face with a problem that did
not arise in the other mutual security ar-
rangements which we referred to in his press
conference-namely the North Atlantic Se-
curity Treaty, the Anzus Treaty, the Philip-
pine Treaty and the Rio Treaty. These are
pacts to resist armed attack by a foreign
power. NATO is an organization to resist
an armed attack by the Soviet Union on any
of its members. The Anzus Treaty and the
Philippine Treaty were made in order to
guarantee Australia, New Zealand and the
Philippines against an attack by a re-armed
Japan, as well as an armed attack by the
Soviet Union. The Rio Treaty is directed
against an attack by a non-American power.
These pacts have a common and fun-
damental conception - they are aimed
against armed external aggression. They
are silent on the subject of insurrection,
conspiratorial coup d'etat, or civil war.
They guarantee the inviolability of the
national frontiers of the treaty members
but not the security of the existing gov-

*0 cB&ll 10(l/¢ 6d-iON


Helpful,. .
To the Editor:
W OULD LIKE to know where to
send my contribution to help
send Mr. Shaffer and Sharpe over
to some Communist Heaven, pre-
ferably Russia.
Since they may be cited for con-
tempt maybe they will have a
short wait in the local clink but I
suppose its good training for any-
one hoping to be a bona fide
Commie. May I express my hope
that they get about 30 days, at
-Bob Brown, LS&A
* * * .
Most Naive.,.
To the Editor:
KIT CLARDY said, "Only those
suspected of Communistic ac-
tivities will be called before this
Congressional Committee." Yet
those 2 students and 3 faculty
members who were called did not
think it important enough to
answer questions clearing them-
selves of any suspicions.
Certainly no one should be
ashamed to admit that they are
loyal Americans to a duly elected
group who have the right to ques-
tion citizens. Especially when the
hearings are open and really the
results are for public consumption.
Let's face it, no matter how
many high sounding phrases are
used to explain their failure to
answer it all adds up to either
having a clear record to show to
John Q. Public or else you have got
some blemish that you do not
wish revealed. Anyone with a clean
record would be proud to show it
to the world.
As for the students it has long
been known by any Daily reader
that we have at least 2 dis-loyal
Americans in attendance here.
They have long been a disgrace to
the community and at every oppor-
tunity fill the Daily columns with
half-truths, outright lies, tear
jerking statements, and in gener-
al the straight Communist Party
line. Sometimes I think I am read-
ing "The Michigan Daily Worker."
If for no other reason I hope
these men are now exposed to even
the most naive by reason of the
investigation, and this includes
the Daily Editors who seem to of t-
en swallow their brand of propa-
-Ken Preston
Dean Stason' s
Statement . .
ACCORDING to your reporter,
Mr. Dygert, Dean Stason of the
Law School imagines that "the
question to be answered by the in-
vestigation is whether an indi-
vidual who takes advantage of the
Fifth Amendment is a fit member
of the University Community."
Now obviously that is one question
that cannot be answered by any
"investigation," and certainly not
by the one now being conducted by
the deans of the three colleges im-
mediately concerned. That is a

"I Took A Back Seat, Didn't I?"
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(however subtle) of subversive
principles in the classroom.
An uncooperative attitude to-
wards investigating committees
may in itself seem harmless
enough, but there are below the
surface graver implications of
what such an attitude means. It
fosters a spirit of defiance; it leads
to criticism, dissatisfaction and in-
dependent thinking, and is cli-
maxed by the use of the United
States Constitution for protection.
Mr. Clardy has told us that the
only people who invoke the Fifth
Amendment are those "who have
something to hide." As for the
classroom practices of these men,
we are sure no one would want to
take math from an instructor who,
by skillful dialectics and dishonest
reasoning, might trick us into be-
lieving that two and two really
make eight.
We take pride in being students
at a great University which has
once again shown its outstanding
leadership by demanding coopera-
tion with the duly elected repre-
sentatives of the government in
their fight to protect us from devi-
ationist doctrines.
-Robt. Palmer
Joseph H. Waters
* * *



* * *



At the State ..
LIKE A HUNDRED other westerns, River
of No Return is all sameness and no
originality. There are a few variations -
chiefly Marilyn Monroe and a Canadian lo-
cale-but the plot, characters, and incidents
are standard Hollywood corn. There is the
saloon singer (Miss Monroe) with a heart of
gold, the herp (Robert Mitchum) who never
smiles and is oblivious to the heroine's
charms, the sweet child (Tommy Rettig)
with far more wisdom and intelligence than
any of his elders, and the smirkily laughing,
gun-toting villain (Rory Calhoun).
The film's main action occurs on a raft
voyage down a raging river made by Miss
Monroe, Mitchum and Rettig, who are
chasing the wicked Calhoun. Script Writ-
er Frank Fenton tries desperately to en-
liven the journey with action and sex.
Unfortunately, he never quite succeeds,
and the trip remains dull and uninterest-
ing. The raft scenes could have been ex-
citing. Instead, becluse of poor process
shots, they lack realism. The actors are
simply standing on a raft in the studio
back lot with buckets of water being
thrown at them, while the location pho-
tography is unreeled behind them. The
effect is completely unconvincing,
When it comes to sex, River of No Return
deserves some sort of a prize for effort. Fen-
ton contrives to display Miss Monroe's well-
publicized charms whenever possible. There
is the scene where Indians attack the raft.
Their object, we are told, is to kill Mitchum
and Miss Monroe. What does the first Indian
on board the raft do? He quickly sidesteps
Mitchum and makes a frantic grab for Miss
Monroe's blouse. Earlier, Mitchum and Miss
Monroe stage a wrestling match while the

a naughty song ("I'm Gonna File My Claim"
in this instance) accompanied by the proper-
ly sensual pelvic gyrations. All men within
seeing and hearing distance stop what they
are doing, stare, grin, grimace ecstatically,
and do a few double takes. This establishes
the sexiness and desirability of the heroine.
Next, the viewer must realize that she is also
"good." Marilyn, we instantly perceive, is
"good" because she takes in poor orphaned
children. She also applies water and ban-
dages to the head of wounded Mitchum.
But the heroine must also have courage,
physical stamina. Scenes: Marilyn picking
berries in "Injun" infested country, Marilyn
battling a raging river, Marilyn fighting
Indians. By now, the viewer should have no
doubt that the lady is fine, beautiful, cour-
River of No Return also makes full use
of the blanket symbol. When an individual
moves a blanket from the hips to the neck
of a sleeper, the viewer must instantly
percieve that this individual has now ex-
pressed undying admiration and love for
the sleeper. First Marilyn covers small
Tommy Rettig: she loves children. Then
Marilyn covers Mitchum: she loves Mitch-
um. Finally Mitchum covers Marilyn: he
has succumbed to'her charms. Proof of
this is evidenced by the scene in which
Marilyn finds villain Calhoun asleep: she
awakens him.
The film has some pretty shots of the
lofty Canadian mountains and Song Writers
Ken Darby and Lionel Newman have com-
posed some attractive melodies in the folk-
song tradition. Miss Monroe sings them in
a fairly pleasant, rather low voice. But it
takes more than mountains and songs to
overcome River of No Return's triteness. The
picture does not have more than this, and
the end result is 91 minutes of Hollywood
hokum that should appeal chiefly to the

NOW IN Southeast Asia the problem of
external armed attack is not at this time
the serious problem. I think we can fairly
say that the United States, by its plain
warnings and its deterrent power, has for
practical purposes made external armed ag-
gression improbable. In any event, though
there have been no local defenses capable
of stopping Red China, there have been no
armed interventions in Indo-China, Burma,
or Thailand. So, as a practical matter no
new pact is needed in Southeast Asia to give
it the kind of security which is guaranteed
by NATO, Anzus, the Philippine and Rio
Treaties. The guarantee has been given, has
long been recognized, and is as effective as
the power of the United States can make it.
No pact can make that guarantee more ef-
The real problem, of course, in Southeast
Asia is not external armed attack but inter-
nal rebellion. That is not a problem which
lends itsel'f readily to a solution by a collec-
tive military guarantee. I think I am right
in saying that, apart from the Holy Alliance
after the Napoleonic wars, there has been no
modern example of a military alliance dir-
ected at the internal character of existing
* * * * I
The crucial difficulty of organizing col-
lective action in Southeast Asia lies just
there. The unsolved, though not necessar-
ily insoluble, problem is to define the con-
ditions, which are acceptable to many na-
tions, of intervention to protect existing
governments from internal insurrection.
There are, as Mr. Dulles indicated, other
difficulties in the way of a general Pacific-
South Asian pact. But the crucial difficulty
is that the real threat to security is from
internal revolution, and not, as our other
security pacts envisage, from external armed
* * * *
I SAID ABOVE that the other pacts are
silent on the problem of internal security.
But that does not mean that the problem
does not exist elsewhere or that it has been
ignored. The security of Western Europe
has been greatly fortified against external
aggression by the British and American
commitments under NATO and by their
and our rearmament; it has been fortified
against internal insurrection which might
invite Soviet intervention by the substantial
increase in the power at the command of
the French and Italian governments.
Could something like this be done in
Southeast Asia? Could, that is to say, the
authority of the existing governments of
Burma and Thailand and Indonesia be
strengthened by any measures that we could
take? The answer, I feel sure, is that this
can be done only if our cooperation is invit-
ed-as it was in France and Italy, in the
Philippines, in Australia and New Zealand.
We cannot, I believe, expect the invitation
to be forthcoming if it appears to mean the
organization of a military alliance, which
could not be neutral, in case of a general
war in the Far East.
We know for certain that India, Indo-
nesia and Burma will not join that kind
of alliance. It is as much a cardinal prin-
ciple of their foreign policy as was the
doctrine of no entangling alliances the
principle of American policy for 150 years.
Moreover, we must ask ourselves whether
it would increase or diminish the security

like Clardy, George Higgins, and
John Knight lying across the ta-
ble around which they meet to
make it.
I thought, for a while, that the
President had made up his own
mind, at least, on this question.
I remember something about not
intending to penalize any mem-
ber of the University "family"
merely because he availed himself,
of his constitutional rights. But
maybe it is now thought that if
you pay a man money while you
suspend him in the public gaze as
a potential corrupter of youth, the
fellow really can't have much to
complain of.
Don't misunderstand me. I think
it would be quite proper for the ad-
ministration to make quiet and
confidential inquiries into the le-
gal record and the professional 1
performance of any faculty mem-
ber about whom it entertained
doubts. But I wouldn't begin with
a public gesture of no faith. I
would take action after-not be-
fore-I had evidence of profes-
sional incompetence, violation of
professional ethics, or violationI
of law.
To get back to Dean Stason:
what does he think the investiga-
tions now being conducted by the
three other deans can possibly be
for? Surely only to settle any pos-
sible doubts that may have been
raised about established and
agreed-upon professional ethics.
The deans are surely not the ones
who will decide the momentous
question whether we will or will
not admit appeal to the Bill of
Rights without prejudice; surely
they are not the ones to "ferret out
crime;" and patently, profession-
al competence is not in question.

ject of the dean's inquiry. Yet the
dean of the Law School has an-
nounced, according to your re-
porter, that such testimonials are
"not particularly pertinent."
-John F. Baumgartner,
Teaching Fellow
College of Engineering,
Dept. of English
Major Issue .. .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS that everyone has con-
fused the major issue in the
Suspension Cases of faculty mem-
bers. Their teaching ability and
what they say in the classroom is
not the main point of interest in
retaining these men.
The real point is whether State
supported institutions should have
employees whose political intent is
to overthrow the present U.S. gov-
ernment. No matter how proficient
the teacher is he should not be on
the taxpayers payroll if he is dis-
loyal. Of course this latter point
must be proven, that is that he is
Nothing could be more incon-
sistent than to spend large sums
of money to fight Communism
abroad and yet expect the same
~taxpayers t pay the salaries of
men who advocate the overthrow-
ing of the government here in the
--D. Hill
Two and Two, Comrades
* * *
To the Editor:
Hatcher! W are proud of you;
your firm and immediate action in
suspending the three faculty mem-
bers is a clear example of how we
rl,.,,lA AnQ uyih flno~nm(Z PIP


This Is Tyranny , . .
To the Editor:
"3YRANNICAL governments..,
immemorially utilized dictator-
ial criminal procedure and punsh-
ment to make scape-goats of the
weak, or of helpless political, re-
ligious, or racial minorities and
those who differed, who would not
conform and who resisted tyranny
.The rack, the thumbscrew, the
wheel, solitary confinement, pro-
tracted questioning, and other in-
genious forms of entrapment of
the helpless of unpopular . . . left
their wake of mutiliated bodies
and shattered minds along the
way to the cross, the guillotine, the
stake and the hangman's noose
... " These were the words of the
Supreme Court, as expressed in
Chamber v. Florida (1940).
One of man's most cherished
ideals, is the right to be free .. .
under law. Indeed, the goal of the
judicial branch of our govern-
ment is "equal justice under law."
But where law ends, tyranny be-
gins. When a Congressional inves-
tigating committee, as exemplified
by the McCarthy committee,
usurps the power of the judiciary
to prosecute, but disregards the
duty of the law to protect thein-
nocent, this s tyranny. Those peo-
ple who give assent to the meth-
ods employed by the investigators,
and accept their claims without
validation, only strengthen their
tyranny. Those who resist, or dif-
fer, who made use of the law to
protect their innocence, are left
in the wake of other mutiliated
bodies and chatered minds. This
wake,. left by the ship of tyran~ny,
which is piloted by "McCarthyism
or as Elmer Davissays, "the rise of
the right to be free .. . under law.
The recent suspension of three
faculty men was an "unfair and
unnecessary action. It would ap-
pear that President Hatcher's
statement of suspension of these
men, who made use of the law to
protect their innocense, reflected
the thinking of those who have
succumbed to primitivism, whose
followers preach "guilty until
proven innocent"-resulting in re-
jection of the accused by society.
This is tyranny.
-James Neil Hantula


_L___ __ _L.. ___ LL ._t .v ..... .. ..........

determination that, in my opin- Since all that is so, testimonials should deal wita dangerouse ±
ion, ought to be made by the fac- from the students and colleagues ments in our country, whether
ulty of the whole University. It of the teachers in question are ob- they are guilty of "refusing to co-
will be made, I expect, by the viously the very best, if not the operate with government investi-
President and the Board of Re- only competent testimony bear- gating committees, or the far more
gents, with the shadow of men ing upon the only conceivable sub- 1 serious crime of outright advocacy





The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1954
VOL. LXIV, No. 158

many teaching opportunities on both
the Elementary and High School level
in this section of California. Before
we are able to make definite plans as
to having a representative from this
district visit our campus we must have
some idea- how many people would be
interested in coming in for interviews.
Anyone who is interested should contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489,
immediately. We have some printed
circulars about this area, and you are
welcome to drop in and see them.
Academic Notices

Recommendations for Departmental History of Mathematics Seminar Mon.,
Honors. Teaching departments wishing May 17, 3 p.m., 3231 Angell Hall. Mr.
to recommend tentative June graduates Frederick M. Lister will speak.
from the College of Literature, Science,
-4 +i,- ,.+a -4 + n gn nnl f Frdla

17, 1566 East Medical Building, at 2:30
Doctoral Examination for Joseph Lee
Sutton, Political Science; thesis: "A
Political Biography of Inukai Tsuyoshi,"
Mon., May 17, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, R. E.
Doctoral Examination for Maurice
Winton Riley, Musicology; thesis: "The
Teaching of owed Instruments from
1511 to 1756," Mon., May 17, West Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building, at 3 p.m.
Chairman, David Mattern,
Midwestern Music Students sympos-
ium, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
May 14, 15, 16. First program will be
given at 8:30 Friday evening in Audi-
torium A, Angell Hall, when composi-
tions by Michigan students will be
played. Works by students of the Uni-
versity of Illinois will be performed in
the same auditorium at 10:00 Saturday
morning, University of Iowa at 1:30
p.m., Northwestern University at 4:00
p.m. The Stanley Quartet will conclude
the Saturday activities with a concert
at 9:00 in Auditorium A. On Sunday
morning The University Symphony Or-
chestra, Josef Blatt, Conductor, will be
heard in a concert of orchestral com-
positions by students of the four uni-
versities. This orchestra concert, con-
cluding the three-day symposium, will
be played at 10:00 in Hill Auditorium
Sunday morning. The general public


Mir Ig~a 3al

and the Arts, and the School or E uca
tion for departmental honors (or high
honors in the College of L.S.&A.) should
recommend such students in a letter
delivered to the Registrar's Office, 1513
Administration Building by noon on
Mon., June '7, 1954.
Attention June Graduates: College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, School
of Education, School of Music, and
School of Public Health. Students are
advised not to request grades of I or X
in June. When such grades are abso-
lutely imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow your instruc-
tor to report the make-up grade not
later than noon on Mon., June 7, 1954.
Grades received after that time may
defer the student's graduation until a

Melville Stout, Electrical Engineering;
thesis: "A Step-by-Step Method for the1
Transient Analysis of Nonlinear Feed-
back Systems," Sat., May 15, 2518 East
Engineering Building, at 9 a.r sChair-
man, S. S. Attwood. .
Doctoral Examination for Lee Bigger-
staff Copple, English Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "Three Related Themes
of Hunger and Thirst, Homelessness,
and Obscurity as Symbols of Privation,
Renunciation, and Compensation in the
Poems of Emily Dickinson," Sat., May
15, 2601 Haven Hal, at 9 a.m. Chair-
man, Morris Greenhut.
Doctoral Examination for Gertrude

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter............ City Editor
Virginia Voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. Assoc. Editorial Director.
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye .............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.... Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler .. Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ...Chief Photographr
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger . Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden . .. Finance Manager
Anita Sigesmund. Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1



later date. Buss Couch, Education; thesis: "A Con- Iwi be admited.
parative Study of Teacher and Parent
Late permission for women students Health perceptions of Children in Ele- Eve t To
who attended "The Trip to Bountiful" mentary School," Sat., May 15, West
on Monday, May 10, through Thurs., Council Room, Rackham Building, at The Inter-Arts Union will hold an
May 13, will be no later than 11:35 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Chairman, M. E. Rugen. important meeting at the League Sat-
SDurday afternoon at 2. All those involved
seiors in the School of Music. Get Doctoral Examination for Rhda Mar- with the finances of the recent Festi-
your caps and gowns in the lobby of quita Michaels, Epidemiologic Science; val are requested to attend.


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