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September 15, 1954 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-15

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Regents Dismiss
Nickerson, Davis
Cited for Contempt of Congress,
Math Instructor Pleads Innocence
Associate City Editor
Acting in special session late this summer, University Regents
authorized immediate dismissal of Prof. Mark Nickerson of the
pharmacology department in the Medical School and H. Chand-
ler Davis of the mathematics department.
Along with Prof. Clement L. Markert of the zoology depart-
ment, who was reinstated by the Regents, the two men had been
uinder suspension since May 10 when they refused to answer
questions of the House Committee on Un-American Activities con-
cerning their alleged Communist connections at a hearing in Lansing.
co Regents' action on the three suspended teachers followed rec-
ommendations made to the group by University President Harlan H.
Hatcher at the special meeting August 26.
Davis Case
At the Lansing hearing, Davis relied on the First Amendment in
refusing to answer and was later cited for contempt of Congress.
He was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury August 25 in Grand
~apids on 26 counts. Davis entered a plea of innocence Monday.
No trial date has been set.
Prof. Nickerson and Prof. Markert both refused to answer the
Clardy Committee's questions on alleged Communist activities on
grounds of the Fifth Amendment.
The Regents action followed a series of inquiries by President
Hatcher, the Medical School and Literary College Executive Com-
mittee, the Special Advisory Committee of the Faculty Senate and
a special appeal sub-committee called the Committee on Intellectual
Freedom and Integrity.
The Senate Special Advisory Committee, made up of five fac-
ulty members, unanimously recommended the dismissal of Davis.
ollowing this 'report, President Hatcher notified Davis of his
privilege, under the Regents' By-laws, of appealing his case to the
Seate appeals sub-committee. This group also unanimously rec-
ommended Davis' dismissal.
According to the President, Davis would answer no questions
about his alleged membership in
the Communist Party.
Regeint Study Nickerson Case
The President's special advisory
committee voted three to two for
,o f SG;C Set reinstatement of Prof. Nickerson
with severe reprimand. The Com-
mittee on Intellectual Freedom
A proposal to modify the exist- and Integrity voted unanimously
ing form of student government for reinstatement of Prof. Nicker-
at the University is on the agenda son.
for the Board of Regents meeting The Dean and Executive Com-
September 22. mittee of the Medical School
Consideration of the plan will be unanimously recommended dis-
subject to a committee report from missal for the pharmacologist.
three Regents appointed earlier Prof. Nickerson admitted form-
to study it, according to Universi- er membership in the. Communist
ty Vice-President for Student Af- Party before both faculty commit-
fairs James A. Lewis. tees. He said he had gradually
On the committee are Regents withdrawn between 1944-45 and
Roscoe o. Bonisteel, Otto E. Eck- 1947-48.
ert and J. Joseph Herbert. President Hatcher reported that
The plan, drafted in May by a the reason for his recommenda-
Student Affairs Committee study tion to dismiss Prof. Nickerson
committee, would reorganize stu- was because the pharmacologist
dent government at the Universi- does not presently disavow the
ty by replacing the Student Legis- Communist Party and that he ad-
lature and SAC with an 18-mem mitted he withdrew primarily be-
ber Student Government Council. cause he did not have time to
The SAC would be composed of carry on the Party's work.
11 members elected from the cam- The President said this attitude
us at large and seven ex-officio by Prof. Nickerson added to the
Inembers who would be the high- untenability of his position in the
1st officers of seven student cam- Medical School where he is not
pus organizations, wanted by the faculty executive
Decisions of the SGC would be committee.
final unless reversed by the Board - Markert Reinstated
of Review, consisting of the Dean Prof. Markert was reinstated by
of Men, the Dean of Women, three the President for the remainder
faculty members and two students. of his contract, which, according
to a University news release, is for
I "WT*1 1 the University year 1954-55. A let-
p W il H old ter of censure was authorized
Following the August 26 Re-
O en H USe-I gents' meeting, President Hatcher
r said "All University prescribed
procedures have been followed to
rosh InVited the letter, and each case, handled
separately, has been carefully dis-
Opportunities for incoming fresh- cussed. There is no question of
en to fill administrative posts in academic freedom, and no one's
,e revamped Student Legislature position is threatened by the ac-
gecutive wing will be explained tion . ..
a. the SL open houses, 1-5 p.m. The President repeated a state-
Priday. ment he had made when he asked

The positions, open to all stu- the Special Advisory Committee
dents as well as freshmen, have to make inquiries into the three
been created, according to SL Pub- cases: "Their refusal inevitably
ic Relations Chairman Larry Le- placed the University under the
vane, '56, so "non-elected students obligation to examine these cases.
can take part in their student The University cannot say that.
mnvernment" these auestions are nnimnortant.



The cars bringing incoming
students continued rolling into
Ann Arbor today, threatening to
make an already tight housing
situation even tighter.
Both men's and women's resi-
dence halls are filled over the ca-
pacity figure and temporary ar-
rangements have been made to
take care of late applicants.
Despite the influx of graduate
students created by last year's re-
moval of this group from the res-
idence halls, there are still some
private rooms and apartments
However, according to Mrs. Es-
ther C. Griffin, administrative as-
sistant in the Office of Student
Affairs, the apartment possibili-
ties are scanty.
Due to a record number of wom-
en enrollees this fall, a realign-
ment of the 1953-54 men's andj
women's dormitory situation has
been necessitated.
Fletcher Hall, long-time men's
dormitory with 52 single rooms,
has been converted into a suite
system capable of handling 80
By inserting doors in the walls,
two room suites were construct-
ed out of adjoining single rooms
making possible living quarters for
three women in each suite.
This is the fourth conversion of:
a men's residence hall into a
women's dormitory in the past
three years. In 1952 Prescott
House of East Quad was convert-
ed and last fall both Tyler Houses
of East Qua'd and Chicago House
of West Quad became women's
Limited luncheon facilities will
be available in the basement of
Fletcher Hall for girls who wish
to cook their own meals and the
others may eat in South Quad-
In addition, 104 double-decker'
beds have been distributed among
the wnmen's dorm msaking Rsme

Clubs Aim at Divergent

More than 2,900
the University will
dent organizations
every taste, ranging
clubs to nationality

Rise of 1,000 Seen
Above Last Year
Freshman Class Anticipated To Set
New High for Third Straight Year
When the final tabulation is made after registration, UfhIver-
sity enrollment for the fall semester should total 18,500, 1,000 more
than 1953 figures, if the latest estimates by University officials
prove correct.
Earlier this year, admissions officials made a similar prediction.
Although a definite total will not be available until registration is
complete, current estimates are based on the number of new stu-
dents accepted and of last year's students expected to return.
Another increase in freshmen is expected to provide a record
freshman class for the third year In a row. With approximately
250 more than-last year, freshmen
will probably reach the 2,850 mark.
New High in Nursing
The School of Nursing is ex-
pecting its largest freshman class
In history. In fact, the total of
women students in all colleges and Week vents
schools of the University is head-
ed for an all-time high this se-
mester T onne
Latest reports also indicate that
the Medical School, with its in-
crease in students, will have the The merry-go-round of events
largest enrollment of all the medi- knowp generally as Orientation
cal schools in the nation this se- Week has already begun for sev-
mester. eral thousand freshmen and trans-
Including freshmen and trans- fer students new to the University.
fer students, new students will ex- Offering continuous a c t i v i t y,
ceed the 5,000 figure, according to some of which is optional, the
present tabulations. week-long program planned by the
More Veterans Expected Office of Student Affairs includes
There has also been a substan- assemblies, meetings, examina-
tial increase in enrollment by Kor- ions and recreational events.
ean veterans, eligible for univer- es function is to acquaint the
sity education under the G Bill, cawstutvn, witandtoake h
Such an increase had been ex- cmu iig n omk i
pectee accrdi ng Gaye_ W first registration for classes more
son, Assistant Director of Admis- convenient.
=5i-f*l''* The - Freshman Orientation
FtAssistant ReistrarEdwad G. The orientation program for
GAosisktaintestra dward Gn freshmen got under way Monday
Groesbeck pointed out that en- with a general meeting for men
rollment estimates were tentative, and women addressed by Unier-
having been based on the numbers.
of applicants accepted. Not all of sity President Harlan H. Hatcher,
thee aceped.NotalltheDean of Women Deborah Bacon,
these will decide to attend the Dean of Men Walter B. Rea and
University. How many of them doStudent Legislature President
will not be known until registra- StvedJelng'5sd
tion igures have been computed, Four-hundred and fifty upper-
he said.classmen returned from summer
Reports from other schools have vacations early to serve as group
shown a similar rise in enrollment leaders during the week. Picked
throughout the country. Whether for their knowledge of campus ac-
is will be proportionate to the tivities, from the 600 students who
University's cannot yet be deter- applied, they have been put in
Rise Steady Since 1951 charge of groups of 10 to 15 new
students each. The selection of
Enrollment has been rising leaders is made by student com
steadily since 1951, after a down- mittees from the League and Un-
ward trend following the 1949 ion.
peak of 24,000. This record en- Transfer students also began
rollment was due to the large their orientation activities Monday
number of GI students who soar- in assemblies addressed by Uni-
ed the attendance figures from a versity officials.
1946 figure of 14,481. Tuesday and Wednesday fresh-
After the GI era, veteran en- man men will be attending physi-
rollment decreased, returning the cal education department meet-
campus to "normalcy" and the ings scheduled during the two day
darkest enrollment picture since period. Health examinations for
early post-war days with a six- new students will be, held through-
year low in the Spring of 1951. out the week.
The rising trend since then and College Programs
the steady upward movement of Nine of the colleges in the Uni-
enrollment in other schools have versity have planned a program
caused enrollment predictions for for Wednesday night to acquaint
1960 to run as high as 50,000. students with the different col-


freshmen to
find 125 stu-
designed for
from political

Union Smoker
Set for Frosh
Freshmen are invited to be
guests at Union Stag Night at 8:30
p.m. Thursday in the Union Ball-
Tom Leopold, '55, Union presi-
dent will be on hand to greet frosh
and outline the activities of the
Union. Dick Pinkerton, '55, Union
executive secretary, will act as
master-of-ceremonies for the smo-
Wally Weber, well-known foot-
ball commentator will show a
football film. A Union Opera skit
will round out tkie entertainment
for Stag Night.
The following organizations will
have information tables in the
Ballroom: Union, Men's Glee Club,
Daily, Inter-Fraternity Council, In-
ter-House Council, Wolverine Club,
Union Opera, 'Ensian and Student

First semester freshmen are
eligible to participate in extra-
curricular activities although stu-
dents carrying less than 12 hours
or on academic probation are not
allowed to join in.
Special permission for part-
time and special students and
those on probation may be grant-
ed by the Dean of Students Erich
Walter and Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon.
Campus politicos keep their ma-
chines well-oiled even in off-elec-
tion years. Young Republicans and
Young Democrats work in bring-
ing national, state and local polit-
ical figures to campus.
Students for Democratic Action,
League of Women Voters, Civil
Liberties Committee, Internation-
al Relations Club, National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People, World Student
Service Associations and a cam-
pus UNESCO group are also in the
Appreciation of the arts is fur-
thered through membership in the
Arts Chorale, Inter-Arts Union,
Gothic Film Society and the Stu-
dent Players. The Gilbert and

Sullivan Society and the Men's
and Women's Glee Clubs present
musical productions throughout
the year.
Other fields of study that are
represented by active campus
groups are architecture, public ad-
ministration, business administra-
tion, industrial relations, anthro-
pology, journalism marketing,
chemistry, botany, sociology and
With students from all corners
of the earth at the University
many clubs have sprung up in
which foreign students get togeth-
ed to bring into their college life
a bit of their native land.
See MANY, Page Three
Gargoyle, a fearless and com-
pletely idiotic magazine will be
on sale Monday, Sept. 20th.
According to managing edi-
tor J. W. Malcolm, '55, the issue
will contain stories and all the
pitchas that's. fit to print. The
price is 25 cents per issue, $1
per year (five issues). "A buy
at half the price.,

---_ --._.-. _.... -__. _ - _ i. w .r

School May Be Combined with Service Obligation

Three ways are open for physically fit freshman men to face
his 'armed service obligation and also go to college:
1) He can join one of the three branches of the ROTC on
2) He can seek deferment from his draft board.
3). He can join the Organized Reserve Corps or the National
The ROTC provides one way for college men to meet their mili-
tary obligations.
A man joining the ROTC can receive a full four years of educa-
tion, a total of $630 in pay, and enter the service at the end of college
with a commission.
However, one big obstacle, that must be surmounted before enter-
ing the ROTC is the physical exam which is more rigorous than the
regular preinduction exam.
After that, the ROTC student is free to choose his own academic
ri ~-rr m hn -cn r 10 lntrcof + n m'n" .....llv a ..,ln ^a io a n-

leges and with their fellow stu-
On Thursday night an activities
stag party has been planned for
all new men students in the ball
room of the Union.
Various organizations on cam-
pus, including Student Legislature,
Inter-fraternity council and The
Daily, will welcome students and
explain the activities of their or-
ganizations. Some of the Univer-
sity's athletic standouts will also
be on hand. Pictures of a Michigan
football game will be shown.
Sale of Books
Opens Today.
The fall semester begins almost
a full week earlier for the Student
Bro Exchane . which nnsn. for


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