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September 15, 1954 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-15

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Hatcher Begins Fourth Year at 'U'

University President H a r 1 a n;
Henthorne Hatcher will be start-
ing his fourth year on campus this
Eighth president, the 55-year-old
educator, author and civic leader
was appointed to succeed retiring
President Alexander Ruthven in
May, 1951. He has spent his first
three years getting to know people
and places, and trying' to become
a "students' president." (By ac-
tual count, President Hatcher has
spent more time listening to stu-
dents than any previous holder of
his office.)
Wide Background
President Hatcher has a wide
background for his job of heading
one of the Midwest's top univer-
sities. A native of Ironton, O., he
prepared for college at Morehead
Normal School in Kentucky.
After completing preliminary
work at Ohio State University, he
received his PhD degree from Ann
Arbor's arch rival school in 1927.
He did postgraduate work in the
United States and abroad, and be-
came an Ohio State professor in
1932. He served" as dean from 1944
to 1948 and became OSU vice-pres-
dent in charge of faculties and
curriculum in Sept., 1948.
Noted as one of Ohio's leading
citizens, President Hatcher was
given the Ohio Governor's Award
for advancement of Ohio's pres-
tige in 1949.
A year later, he received thb
Ohioana Grand Medal for his books

lumbus the following year. She
received her master's degree from
O h i o State University several
years later.
She met President Hatcher when
he was a professor of English at
OSU and she, a teacher of French
and German at the university high
school. Other members of the
Hatcher family include 10-year-
old Bobby and 8-year-old Anne
President's Aides
Aiding the President in running
the University, a $40,000,000 a year
business, are Vice President and
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie-
huss; Vice-President Wilbur K.
Vierpont, in charge of business and
fidence; Vice-President J a m e s
Lewis in charge of student affairs;
Assistant to the President Erich
A. Walter; Vice-President Herbert
G. Watkins; and Director of Uni-
versity Relations Arthur L. Bran-
Honorary Tapping
Although the women's honorary
societies generally like to keep the
time of tapping secret and seldom
announce it, students are warned
that the men's honoraries are tak-
ing "braves," "saplings" or what-
ever through traditional verses
which appear on the front page
of The Daily the morning of the
day on which they will tap.

ROTC Units
Link School,
Martial Life
(Continued from Page 1)
encampment or cruise, for which
he is paid $112.
If a student breaks his ROTC
contract, he must pay back all the
money he received.
If a student takes the second
path and tries to get a deferment,
he must pass the academic apti-
tude test. This test is given on a
national scale twice a year. The
next deferment test will be given
in December. The exact date has
not yet been announced.
Passing this test does not guar-
a.ntee deferment, however. The
test results are used by the local
draft boards along with the stu-
dent's marks as guides to deter-
mine whether or not deferment
will be granted.
Deferments can legally be given
only to students studying in a
field the board feels is "neces-
sary to the maintenance of the
national health, safety, or inter-
est." This, however, has been in-
terpreted to mean almost any col-
lege program.
Men attending the University
remain registered with their home
board. If they are ordered to take
a physical examination, they may
have their physical here in Michi-
gan through the Ann Arbor board,
but their classification will be de-
termined at home.
At the beginning of each term
the Registrar's office notifies each
student's draft board of his at-
tendance at the University. This
is usually sufficient notification.
The board can review a stu-
dent's classification at any time
and in the light of their quotas and
available manpower, reverse a pre-
vious 2S classification. It must be
remembered that a deferment is
not an exemption. Students deler-
red for college work must still
serve their required time in the
armed forces at a later date.
William Zerman and J. Wesley
Kurschilidgen in the Administra-
tion Bldg. also have more informa-
tion concerning draft regulation
and the draft deferment test.

'U' Tradition

Newly-Created Position
Handles Student Affairs


on Ohio and the Northwest Terri-
The President's right-hand wom-
an, Mrs. Hatcher, has a back-
ground as much centered around
Ohio State as her husband's. Born
in New Haven, Conn., Mrs. Hat-
cher recieved a Bachelor of Arts
degree from Vassar college and
began her teaching career in Co-

Co-Recreational Swimming
Hours for Women's Pool

m M

First Meeting

Special co-recreational swim-
ming hours will be held at the
Women's Pool Saturday and Sun-
day of Orientation week.
Women's recreation officials an-
nounced 3 to 5 p.m. and 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. Saturday and 3 to 5 p.m.
Sunday the new pool will be open
for co-recreational swimming. The
reguluar co-recreational hours will
go into effect when classes start.
They will be held from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m. Saturdays and from 3 to 5
p.m. every Sunday.
Construction of the pool, located
at the corner of Forest and N. Uni-
versity Sts., was completed in Ap-
ril. Landscaping around the struc-

ture was finished during the sum-
Highlights of the streamlined
building include grandstand acco-
modations for swimming meets and
a special broadcasting booth. Loud-
speakers can be heard under wa-
Present plans call for the con-
struction of equipment for other
indoor sports in- additional rooms
to be built around the swimming
pool quarters.
Before the use of safety glass
in cars 45 per cent of all motor-
ists injured in accidents were cut
by broken glass.

A new University administration
member this week is beginning
his second month of service in a
recently created position.
He is Vice-President in charge
of Student Affairs, lames A. Lewis,
who took over his present position
on July 1. He was formerly direc-
tor of the University Bureau of
School Services.
Vice-President Lewis outlines
his job as "one of coordination of
non-academic aspects of student
life." In addition to "pulling to-
gether" loose ends of student re-
lations, he will work to avoid du-
plication of service by several
campus organizations.
Counselors in residence halls, the
Dean of Men and the Dean of
Women will meet with the Vice-
President for Student Affairs and
discuss their problems. Services
from these offices will be supple-
mented by Vice-President Lewis,
and he will strive to coordinate
their policies.
Another Task
"Another task of mine" the soft-
spoken administrator said pleas-
antly, " will be to work through
administrative problems." He has
observed that the president of a
large institution such as the Uni-
versity has his hands "more than
full," and that the top adminis-
trator will delegate some admin-
istrative work to him.
In addition to the Dean's offices,
Vice-President Lewis will work
with the International Center,Lane
Hall. the Admissions office, Regis-
trar and Bureau of School Services
"I have another job," he re-
marked. He will act as a com-
munications center for all parts
of the University giving scholar-
ships. A file of all scholarships
and grant-in-aid will be kept to
avoid duplication of them. He
feels that a few students receiving
University grants as well as schol-
arships from private industry are
perhaps making impossible grants
and scholarships for other students
Council Seeks
'U' Finance Aid
"We have learned that we are
not quite rich enough to defend
ourselves, whatever the cost-we
must now learn that we are quite
rich enough to educate ourselves
aq we need to be educated."
The words are Walter Lippman's,
the sentiment corresponds to the
steadily expanding branch of the
University organization, the De-
velopment Council.
In formal operation since the
fall of 1953, the organization has
been set up to help the University
solve two of its most insistent post-
war problems: increasing enroll-
ments and decreasing prospects
for adequate funds.
At present, the Development
Council is focussing its attention
on the latter problem in attempt
to get ready for the former when
it hits.
The situation facing the Univer-
sity, and most state-supported
educational institutions, is one in
which legislative appropriations
cover only operating expenses and
few wealthy benefactors exist to
finance additional needs. The sol-
ution, then, is to broaden the Uni-
versity's fund raising base and
coordinate it with planning for
future development.
The three-fold aim of the Coun-
cil is: (1) to assist in University
relations, especially those aspects
which will lead to improved finan-
cial support; (2) to stimulate the
interest of alumni in University
development and to facilitate this
development by a study of the in-
stitution's needs, and (3) to coor-
dinate the University's special fund

raising program.
The Council's Board of Directors,
directed by Alan MacCarthy, in-
cludes such big-name alumni as
Treasury Secretary George Hum-
phrey and brother of the Presi-
dent, Edgar Eisenhower.
Its large membership also in-
cludes two student members.

TUESDAY, 7:30 P.M.

receiving no aid. He hopes that
better distribution of financial aid
will result if, all departments will
communicate with him on scholar-
ships they are giving.
Team Coordination
"I see my job as coordinator
of a team" the Vice-President ob-
served. "We want to improve the
services for students, and the best
way to do this will be to coordinate
the services of the many offices."
When Vice-President Lewis took
over his new position, the Office
of Student Affairs was abolished in
name. The functions of the OSA
were turned over to the two Deans
offices. Those that -do not fit in
with the service given by these
offices havebeen delegatedto
Prior to his position as.director
of the University Bureau of School
Services, he was superintendent
of the Dearborn School system.
Last year he completed work for
his PhD in education at Harvard,
Previously he earned his*bachelor
of arts degree from Central Mich-
igan College of Education, 'and his
master of arts degree at the Uni-
versity. He is 48 years old.
Aid Available
To Students




With the exception of the Re-
gents-Alumni scholarships and
several others, there are few schol-
arships available to an entering
undergraduate student at the Uni-
The other exceptions include the
LaVerne Noyes scholarships for
sons and daughters of veterans of
World War I the Michigan Public
Junior College Scholarships, the
Elmer Gedeon Memorial scholar.
ships and those sponsored by
alumni and alumnae groups of the
University (usually for students
residing in the vicinity of the
sponsoring club.)
After a student has successfully
completed one semester at the
University, however, there are a
host of scholarships for which he
may qualify, ranging from a schol-
arship for students showing out-
standing leadership in interfaith
affairs to one for a woman stu-
dent residing in Helen Newberry
The Committee on University 4
Scholarships, established to ad-
minister the Regents-Alumni and
other scholarships assigned to its
jurisdiction, is made up of the
Dean of Students and the Dean of
Women (or their designated rep-
resentatives) and three members
of the faculty appointed upon
recommendation of President
Further information may be ob-
tained at the Office of Student
Affairs, Rm. 1020 Administration
Held Yearly
During the school year honors
come to many people, both stu-
dents and faculty, at the Univers-






It is the purpose of the Honors
Convocation, held every spring, to
call attention to those people who
have distinguished themselves dur-
ing the preceding year.
Convocation procedure today Is
much the same as it was on May
13, 1924, when University Presi-
dent Marion LeRoy Burton be-
gan the ritual. Clad in black robes
with bright academic ribbons, the
Regents file onto the stage first,
followed by faculty members. Aft-
er solemn music and the national
anthem, honor students are pre-
sented by the dean of students.
Next on the program is the con-
vocation address, always given by
a nationally prominent figure. Aft
er organ music and general sing-
ing the "Yellow and Blue," the
audience files out to catch the
last chimes of the noon hour
from Burton Tower.



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