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May 15, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-05-15

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The Sup

200 Seniors Ex-ECA Director
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FINAL HONORS-For this year's class of graduating senior students, the greatest honors of their
entire University careers will come next month, when they will join in an academic procession like
this one to receive diplomas.

Convocation Procedures Today Steeped
In Traditions, Customs Begun in 1924.

During the school year honors come to many people, both
students and faculty at the University.
Some of these are acclaimed publicly, at the time of their
success, but for the far greater number their accomplishments,
activities and work goes unheralded except within their own small
Of the nearly 17,000 students attending the University a con-
siderable portion give much of their time and talent to some
activity, housing group or sport. Another large group, in many
cases including those in the other two, consists of those who have
distinguished themselves in scholarship as well.
It is the purpose of this supplement to bring to the attention of
the campus at large those thousands of students who in their own
way are contributing to the betterment of the University in its
educational function.
President Hatcher Speaks
The Honors Convocation is an occasion for looking both
backward and forward. As usual, the forward look is the more
important. We congratulate those who have won a place in the
honors roll. They are in the fortunate position of having the
better part of their lives before them, qnd it is of great moment
to the University, to society in general, and to themselves, what
they will make of the years to come.
It is of moment to the University because the University
has a reputation to uphold. Surveys of the scholarly standing
of American universities are not too frequently made, but
there have been one or two, competently conducted, in the
past fifteen or twenty years, and it is a source of pride to us
that no such assessment of higher education has failed to put
the University of Michigan high among the leaders. It follows
that more is expected of those institutions which are judged
to perform best their educational functions, and that in greater
part these expectations must be fulfilled by the performance
record of the institution's graduates.
As of today, we have in the Honors Convocation group only
a few selected hundreds of young people of whom we can say
that they have done brilliantly in their University classes, and
that they give promise for success in the future commensurate
with that which they have already attained.
Twenty years from now we, or our successors, want to see that]
some of them have become prominent as scholars, leaders and
authorities in their special fields; that some of them are counted
among the physicians and surgeons best able to cope with disease
or to prevent its occurrence; that others are lawyers deemedI
especially successful in protecting both the interests of their clients
and the public; that still others have made names for themselves
as architects, foresters, engineers, nurses, social workers, or in other
professions; and that all of them have so lived as to command theI
respect of their contemporaries. That is the forward look fromp
the University's standpoint, and I am willing to say that paste
experience makes it probable that Michigan's graduates willnotp
greatly disappoint their Alma Mater.p
Society wants leadership in civic affairs. Perhaps even
more than leadership it needs from us and from institutions
like ours the leaven of intelligence and understanding among
the citizens at large, the ability to distinguish right from t
wrong, the courage to abide by worthy convictions, and thes
willingness to work for the common good. Again, judging by
past performance, I do not think society will be greatly k
Whether the University or society is or is not satisfied with
the future performance of the honors graduate is of little moment
if he himself finds out twenty years hence that he has failed toP
satisfy himself. Ambition is unlimited, and we are our own severest1
judges; but however high we may have risen in our own businesst
or profession, if we have not achieved the ability to live satisfac-
torily with ourselves we shall of necessity feel that we have failed
in the most important respect.F
Hard work, good judgment, and devotion to the task ahead
are still required. Today's winners of academic honors must proveP
themselves as capable as those who have preceded them. But Ig
remain optimistic.I

Seven eventful semesters at the
University have not prevented the
following graduating seniors, num-
bering almost 200, from maintain-
ing their original Regents'-Alumni
Regents' Scholarships, paying
full tuition, are awarded to de-
serving students living in the state,
and maintained as long as the stu-
dent holds a set grade-point aver-
(Asterisks indicate January
Allen Mayer Abrams, BAd, Jane
Alexy, Ed, Hichard David Allen,
Ph, Eugene Walter Alpern, Ph,
Ivan Ambrose, John Martin Ap-
sey, A&D, Thomas Roscoe Arp,
Lester Kear Arquette, Jr., E,
Paula Lou Bargeman, Helen Ruth
Beatson; Alton Lewis Becker, Phyl-
iss Claire Bettman, Hugh Theodore
Birkhead, Walter Bjarnesen, Bruce
Bjorseth, BAd, Donna Jean Bla-
zevic, Anthony M. Bonadio, Leland
David Boddy, E*, Barbara Bos, Ed,
David L. Braendle, Austin Martin
Breining, E, Anna Marie Breyfogle,
Ed, Ann Carolyn Broman, Joanne
Brunson, Dhy, Thomas Gibbons
Buck, BAd.
Marilyn Ann Campbell, Joanna
M. Cannon,SN, Margaret Ann Car-
ter, Lura Risley Cation, SN, Shel-
don Ray Chambers, Ed, John Bun-
ker Clark, SM, Arthur Phillip Col-
dren, E, Sherman Howard Cone,
BAd, Daniel Kimball Converse,
BAd, Faith E. Cook, SM, Patricia
Corrigan, Ed, Claudia Mae Coun-
cil, Ed, Mrs. Marilyn Yvonne
Crowe, Margaret Mary Cunning-
ham, Kenneth B. Cutler, BAd,
George Ronald Dalton, E, Mary
Marjorie Darling, William James
DeJarlais, Lore Dengler, Ed, Tula
May Diamond, Francis Drinan, Er-
nest W. Dyer, Paul Kendall Dy-
Harry August Easom, James
Echols, Charles Edgar Eckfield, E,
Lloyd Ranney Evans, SM, Patricia
Blossom Fehlberg, SN, Elise Cath-
erine Fiber, Peter Bacon Fletcher,
Mary Joan Fliege SN, Daniel
Fogel, SM, Bradford Foster,
Thomas Edwin Fricke, E, Eddlene
Marcia Friedman.
Della Mae Galloway, Carol Joy
Giddings, Ed, June Carol Gran-
strom, George Edwin Gryka, E,
Mae B. Guyer, Donale William
Haapala, BAd, Gerald Eugene Har-
burn, A&D, Marjorie Alice Heberle,
Mary Ellen Hiener, Ed, Ledra
Hirsch, Ed, Edward Otto Hirsch-
beck, E, William Y. Holz, Bebe
Toshiko Horiuchi, BAd, Richard
Fredrick Hulstrand, Robert Harry
Hunt, Mary Catherine Hutchins,
SM, Mrs. Mary Edna Jaquith, SM,
Nathan Carter Judson, SM.
Robert Melvin Kashmerick, E*,,
Richard Louis Kennedy, Gordon,
Milburn Keyser, Ed, George Kir-
cos, Mildred F. Knapp, BAd, Edith
Kristofferson, Thomas T. Kucie,
Elazabeth Pauline Kuna, Patricia
Ann Lindberg, Carolyn June Little,
See REGENTS, Page 3 +

tion at 11 a.m. in Hill Auditorium,
Paul G. Hoffman's name will be
added to a list of the thirty prom-
inent national figures who have
addressed previous convocations.
Hoffman's topic is "Free Minds
in a Free Society."
Now chairman of the board of

After today's Honors. Convoca-

ulyi i netain

Hoffman 1o speak
Studebaker Head Will Deliver Talk
On Free Minds in a Free Society

the Studebaker Corporation, Hoff-
man achieved world-wide fame as
administrator of the Economic
Cooperation Administration after
World War IL
* * *
LATER, from January, 1951 to
March, 1953, he served as presi-
dent and director of the Ford
His long career in the auto-
mobile industry, marked by con-
nections with the Automotive
Safety Foundation, the Com-
mittee for Economic Develop-
ment and the Commerce Depart-
ment's Business Advisory Coun-
cil, began in 1911 when he was
an automobile salesman for the
Studebaker Corporation.
Hoffman has also been a direc-
tor of the Federal Reserve Bank,
of Chicago, Encyclopedia Britan-
nica, Inc., United Air Lines and of
t h e , Automobile Manufacturers'
Former national president of
Delta Tau Delta fraternity, Hoff-
man attended the University of
Chicago and holds honorary de-
grees from twenty-seven colleges
and universities.
* * *
COMMENTING on Hoffman's
visit, Dean Erich A. Walter noted
that the executive had been con-
sidered as a Convocation speaker
for the past four years but not
until this year could he free him-
self from other engagements to
come to Ann Arbor.
"His choice is an obvious one,"
Walter continued. "He's played a
remarkable part in the govern-
ment through the Economic Co-
operation Administration. pro-
gram, and is a distinguished
public figure who has done
much for the country and for
the entire world."
Hoffman, 62 years old,. is the
father of seven children and
author of two books, "Seven Roads
To Safety" and "Peace Can Be

Thirty times at eleven o'clock
on a spring morning, the Univer- followed by faculty members. Af-
sity's highest-ranking seniors have ter solemn music and the nation-
marched from Alumni Memorial al anthem, honor students are
Hall to Hill Auditorium. presented by the dean of students.
Next on the program is the
Thirty times the auditorium, convocation address, always giv-
traditionally crowded not only en' by a nationally prominent
with stud'ents but with their par- figure. After Robert Noehren 's
ents, townspeople, faculty, and organ music and general, sing-
outside groups such as the Michi- ing of "The Yellow and the
gan Scholmasters' Club, whose Blue," the audience files out to
annual meeting is held here at catch the last chimes of the
convocation time, has seen a pro- noon hour from Burton Tower.
gram now deeply entrenched in The Honors Convocatio idea
University tradition, originated with President Burton,
* who felt strongly that "in the
CONVOCATION procedure to- small world of a college campus
day is much the same as it was far more public commendation

the word itself, is no more than{
the bawling of a child who can-
not bear to leave the nursery."
Alistair Cooke, chief American
correspondent for the Manchester
Guardian, made Ann Arbor his-
tory with these words at the 1952
Appoint Baity
And Campbell
John Baity, '55, and Anne
Campbell, '55E, will be next year's
student representatives to the
Honors Convocation Committee,
according to a Student Affairs Of-
fice announcement.
Baity, a native of Wilmette,
Ill., is affiliated with Phi Eta
Sigma and Phi Gamma Delta.
He has been a member of SL,
Arnold Air Society, Sphinx hon-
orary, of which he was vice-
president, and will serve as In-
ter-Fraternity Council's presi-
dent next year.

... Convocation Keynoter
Hatcher Tea.
Another tradition has been
added to the 31-year old his-
tory of the Honors Convoca-
Last year President and Mrs.
Hatcher held a tea at their
home, on the day, of the con-
vocation, for students honored
and their families, as well as
other guests. The occasion met
such a favorable reception that
today, from 3 to 5 p.m., the
Hatcher's home will again be
open to honor students and

on May 13, 1924, when President
Marion LeRoy Burton began the
ritual. Clad in black robes with
bright academic ribbons, the re-
gents file onto the stage first,
SAC Recalls
Year's Student
Set up to recognize new organ-
izations, approve student-sponsor-
ed activities, and to draw up rules,
and procedures for extra-curricu-
lar non-athletic organizations, the
Student Affairs Committee busied
itself this year with developments
of many campus groups.
Among SAC's major projects is
the planning of the new $2,350,-
000 Student Activity Center, with
room for student activities, the
Office of Student Affairs and
headquarters for the'deans of men
and women.
were a new society, Hectorians, to
honor outstanding fraternity men,
Panhellenic Association's decision
to uphold fall rushing, and plans
for Michigras and J-Hop.
SAC has also studied the re-
organization of student govern-
ment. A plan for a Student Exe-
cutive Council, combining the
functions of SAC and Student
Legislature was developed.

and recognition of their achieve-
ments come to the athlete or the
officeholder than to the ones who
have distinguished themselves
"The holding of an Honors Con-
vocation," President Burton's re-
port continues, "is but one means
of equalizing these conditions."
The Convocation is thought to
rank with Commencement exe -
cises among the year's most im-
portant academic ceremonies.
* * *

M Letters Bring Honor
To Outstanding Athletes


UNIVERSITY historians and
past issues of The Daily can re-
call several outstanding Convoca-
tion affairs.
In 1938, for instance, the
campus buzzed with the amaz-
ing news that a woman was to
be guest speaker. The lady in
question was Lillian Gilbreth,
consulting engineer and educa-
tor and, more recently, co-au-
thor of "Cheaper By The Doz-
en." Mrs. Gilbreth gave her ad-
dress on "Research and its Im-
portance" to a crowd focusing
on the 800 seniors in the upper
ten percent of their class.
Graduate students who had ex-
ceptional scholastic records were
honored, too, but a revision in 19-,
49 specified that honors at the
convocations should center around
* * *
LORD Halifax warned againstj
repeating the error of 1919, plead-
ing for "sound international order
after the war with a force behind

Miss Campbell, a member of Al-
pha Chi Omega sorority, is from
Caro, Mich. Her affiliations in-
clude Alpha Lambda Delta, the En-
gineering Honor Council and theI
Society of Women Engineers. SheI
has headed illustrations for the
Michigan Technic and was decora-
tions chairman for the Slide Rule

Frederick Baer, '55BAd; Louis
Baldacci; '56; James Balog, '54B-
Ad; Richard'Balzhiser, '54E; Rich-
ard Beison, '54; Donald C. Bennett,
'S5BAd; Tony Branoff, '55; Theo-
dore J. Cachey, '54BAd; J. Daniel
Cline, '55; Donald Dugger, '54BAd;
George Dutter, '54BAd; James Fox,
'56 Ed; Ronald Geyer, '56; Edward
Hickey, '56 Ed; Robert Hurley, '54
Ed; Raymond Kenega, '55Ed; Eu-
gene Knutson, '54Ed; William Kol-
ear, '56; Edward Kress, '54E; Dun-
can MacDonald, '55; T. Edgar


Extra-Curricular Groups Occupy Hundreds of Students

dAterisks indicate that thstu-
dent has held office for both se-
mesters of 1953-54.
ACOLYTES-Harold T. Walsh,
Lang, grad *
Ajaui, grad *
CIETY - Kenneth W. Edwards,

it sufficient and ready to prevent '54
Membership in SAC is by or- its violation d d AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF
ganization, but is based on exper- "Much that now passes for Am- ARCHITECTS-Ralph U. Price,
ience rather than representation.: " '54 A&D *
Members this year are: ericanism, indeed, the fetish of AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF
Barbara Bos, '54Ed. CHEMICAL ENGINEERS - Ken-
Lee Fiber, '54. Engmneers Review neth L. Moore, '54E *
Bob Neary, '54BAd.-H ioricalYear ELECTRICAL AND RADIO ENGI-
Janet Netzer, '54. NEERS - Robert D. Richardson,
Sue Riggs, '54. Rounding out a hundred years' '55E.
Jay Strickler, '54. service to the University and the AMERICAN PHARMACEUTI-
Pete Lardner, '54E (member un- nation, the Engineering College CAL ASSOCIATION=-Richard D.
til graduation in February.) celebrated its centennial birthday Allen, '54Ph-fall.
from October 22-24. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIV-
..... A-+ nii -.t-. a,-.IL ENGINEERS .:..Willianm A

ka, '54E *
Joy S. Faily, grad *
Ray, '56 *
MITTEE-Robert J. Golten, '54 *
Hyde, '55 *
LOWSHIP-Elroy Chun, grad-
fall; Matthew F. Chen, '56E-
Hsieeh-Wen Shen, '57 A&D-fall;
George C. Sun, grad-spring.
ETY-Homer I. Larson, grad *
IZATION-Joel S. Margenau, '54
BAd *
PLES GUILD-Robert E. Bacon,
'55 *
marie G. Koch, grad-fall; Lois

Meads, '56; John Morrow, Jr., '56;
Richard O'Shaughnessy, '55Ed;
Howard J. Peckham, Jr., '56; Thad
Stanford, '54; Richard Strozew-
ski, '54E; Eugene R. Topp, Ed;
John Veselenak, '56 A&D; Arthur
Walker, Jr., '55; Gerald Williams,
'56NR; Ronald Williams, '54.
Neil Buchanan, '57; George
Chin, '54; Patrick Cooney, '54;
Douglas Dunn, '54; Jay Gould,
'56; James Haas, '54; Yves He-
bert, '56; Willard Ikola, '54Ed;
William Lucier, '55Ed; William
MacFarland, '56; Douglas- Mul-
len, '54; Douglas Philpott, '54
Bruce Allen, '55BAd; James Bar-
ron, '56; John Codwell, '55Ed;
Paul Groffsky, '55; Thomas Jor-
gensen, '56Ed; Milton Mead, '54
Ed; Raymond Pavichevich, '54Ed;
Paul Vawter, Jr., '56;, Harvey Wil-
liams, '56.
Franklin Adams, 155E; James
Barbero, '56Ed; Richard Berg-
man, 154E; Jack Burchfield, '56
E; Marvin Johnson, '54Ed; Leon
Krumibholz, '54Ed; Anthony San
Antonio, '57Ed; Wesley Wenrich,
'54; William Winkler, '56Ed.
Charles Anderson, '56Ed; Don-
ald Haney, '56; Franklin Hirt,
'56E; Harold Holt, '54E; Robert
Hurley, '54Ed; Andrew Kaul, '55
BAd; John McMahon, '56; Nor-
vard Nalan, '54Ed; Richard 0'
Shaughnessy, '54Ed; B r o n s o n
Rumsey, Jr., '54BAd.
(Spring sport athletes listed re-
ceived their letters last year. This
year's letters have not yet been

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