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July 15, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-15

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Latest Deadline in the State


Bill May Block.
TVA Contract
4 Anderson Acts To Block Private
Utility Firm TVA Negotiation
WASHINGTON (P)--Sen. Anderson (D-NM) Wednesday night
introduced legislation to prevent the Atomic Energy Commission
from negotiating a private utility contract for power to be delivered
to the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Anderson offered his plan at an amendment to a bill revising the
Atomic Energy law. It was introduced after an hours-long speech
during which he criticized the proposed power contract which Pres-
ident Eisenhower has directed the AEC to negotiate with a private
utility firm. Three members of the

Inserts Wool
Subsidy Plan
WASHINGTON () - The Senate
Agriculture Committee put the fin-
ishing touches on its controversial
farm bill Wednesday, inserting a
wool subsidy plan the Senate had
passed April 27 as separate legis-
Chairman Aiken (R-Vt) said de-
bate on the bill should begin in
r the Senate Monday or Tuesday.
The wool section provides for
government payments to encour-
age domestic production. Growers
would sell their clip for whatever
it would bring in the open market,
then the government would make
direct incentive payments to bring
their return up to the desired level.
Import Duties
Aiken estimated annual pay-
ments would range from 35 to 40
million dollars a year. The money
would come from import duties
clected onforig wo
The House refused to deal with
wool separately and wrote it into
its general farm bill, which was
passed earlier this month.
In another last minute move, the
Senate Committee reversed itself
and removed peaches, pears and
potatoes for canning from federal
{ marketing controls.
The late changes apparently
were made in an attempt to pick
up votes for the approaching bat-
tle over flexible vs. rigid price sup-
ports for major crops, a major is-
sue in the legislation.
The government now has about
6% billion dollars tied up" in sur-
plus farm products.
President Eisenhower has re-
quested a more flexible system of
price props ranging from 75 to 90
per cent of parity. Parity is a
standard for fixing farm prices,
said by law to be fair to the farm-
er in relation to the cost of basic
things he buys.
Dental School
Librarian] Dies
In Canada
Hilda Marbaret Rankin, 61 years
old, died yesterday at Highbank,
Ont., where she had been under
a physician's care for cancer.
She had been ill for about two
Miss Rankin had been librarian
of the University dental school
since 1939. Under her leadership,
the library became one of the
finest dental collections in the Uni-
ted States. In 1952, she was one
of the few non-dentists honored
with membership in the national
dentistry fraternity, Omicron Kap-
pa Upsilon.
Raised in Ontario, Miss Rankin
received her degree in library sci-
ence from the University in 1923-24
and completed her education at the
Pratt Institute School of Library
Science in New York. She served
there as a librarian after gradua-
tion and also in the New York
Public Library, the Windsor, Ont.
Library, and Teacher's College
Library ineDetroit before coming
to the University.
Private funeral services will be
held at Chatham.
Mental Patients
LANSING ()-A proposal to
remove 500 state mental patients
from the Wayne County General
Hospital was rejected Wednesday
by the State Mental Health Com-
The Wayne County Board of
Supervisors had requested that

the patients be removed from three
buildings at the institution. The

commission had opposed the plan.
Sen. Gore (D-Tenn) suggested
earlier that the law be revised to
make sure the AEC "cannot be
overruled by a telephone call from
the White House."
Undre the President's plan, the
AEC would contract for 600,000
kilowatts of private power to be
delivered to the TVA at Memphis,
Tenn., in return for TVA power
the AEC receives at its Paducah,
Ky., plant.
Anderson's amendment would
limit the AEC's authority to sign
power contracts to those for pow-
er to be delivered directly to atom-
ic plants.
It also would limit any cancel-
lation costs to the actual loss suf-
fered by the private utility group
and would require the AEC to sub-
mit any power contract to the Joint
Atomic Energy Committee before
it is signed.
The proposed contract is part of
the President's broad new atomic
energy program to spur develop-
ment of peace time atomic power
and to exchange limited atomic
information with allies.
Lehi 'Lost'
fishing boats and a private
plane failed Wednesday to find
the Hawaiian-bound raft Lehi,
presumably drifting somewhere
off the central California coast.
Radio silence and the fact
that the Lehi was believed to
have been pin-pointed by ra-
dio-direction finders to an area
about 30 miles off Point Sur,
150 miles south of San Fran-
cisco, led to reports that the
radio operator Don Smith of
Santa Iosa had been taken off
the raft and returned to shore.
This report, however, was with-
out foundation.
Drama Critic
Speaks Today
Panel Discussion
Planned Tonight
"Woman in the World of Man"
will delve into the subject of wom-
en in art-especially modern dance
-as "The Dancer's Heritage" is
studied at 4:15 p.m., today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater and
again at 7:45 p.m. tonight in Aud.'
A of Angell Hall. .
Walter Terry, New York Herald-
Tribune dance critic, will lecture
on the modern dance, with Miss
Myra Kinch, New York dancer,
as demonstrator and Manuel Galea
as composer-accompanist. The trio
will present their program at 4:15
p.m. at Lydia Mendelssohn.
In the evening Prof. Irving M.
Copi, of the philosophy department,
will lead a discussion entitled
"Modern Dance-a Synthesis."
The panel will consist of Miss
Kinch; Terry; Esther E. Pease,7
associate supervisor of women'si
physical education; Prof. Marvin
Felheim, of the English depart-1
ment; and Oliver Edel, of the7
Music School.

Hauge SeesI
Optimism !
In Economy
Tells Governors
Of Surge Upward
President Eisenhower's economic
adviser said Wednesday the ad-
ministration's legislative program
is putting punch into an economy
that should surge upward in five
years to production of 450 billion
dollars in goods and services.
Gabriel Hauge rubbed the eco-
nomic crystal ball for the nation's
governors, in the windup stages of
their annual conference, a n d
brought out what he said was a
confident, optimistic picture for
the future.
Nevertheless, somengovernors
spoke up about what one of them
called "pockets of retardation."
Past Retreat
But as Hauge saw it, America
is past the retreat or recession
that set in. a year ago, reorgan-
izing, "catching its breath for an
upward economy surge of 440 to
450 billion dollars."
It now is around a level of 365
billions a year.
The 46th governors' conference
ended with a closed door session
that elected Gov. Robert F. Kennon
of Louisiana chairman for the year
ahead and set the stage for a pos-
sible conference in Washington on
President Eisenhower's vast high-
way construction program.
This plan calls for a federal-
state alliance to construct an ad-
ditional 50 billion dollars worth of
roads in the next 10 years in addi-
tion to some 40 billions of construc-
tion that normally might be sched-
uled in that period.
It has been a source of concern
and confusion at this conference.
And the way the state executives
disposed of it was to adopt a dou-
ble-barreled resolution.
It calls on the council of state
governments and state road ex-
perts to make a study and report
on highway problems.
Jury Acquits
'U' Student
Richard Spero, '54 of 1808 Hierm-
itage Rd., was acquitted of un-
armed robbery here Tuesday by
a circuit court jury.
Spero was indicted at the end
of April in connection with the
$21 robbery of Jeff Evans of Ann
Arbor. A water-pistol was the weap-
on used in the robbery.
Evans could not identify Spero
and claimed that only two men
held him up.
Two Others Arrested
Two others were arrested on the
same charge. They are Leonard
M. Gusser, '55 of 806 Kingsley and
Clifford E. Snyder of Dearborn.
The pair had previously pleaded
guilty to the unarmed robbery
charges and are now awaiting
Albert Rapp, an Ann Arbor
attorney, said that "Spero started'
out with Gusser and Snyder, but
changed his mind and did not go
to the, scene of the crime. In-
stead, he returned to the apart-
ment where the other two later1
divided the money."
"Conspiracy is a hard charge
to prove," continued Rapp. "It
could be a scheme, a plan, a plot."
Spero was slated to graduate in
June, but his degree was withheld
until he could be cleared

Color TV...
CHICAGO (A')-Ross D. Siragusa,
president of Admiral Corp.,Wednes-
day said "by Christmas the firstl
color television sets with a 21-inch
tube will be on the market." He
predicted they would obsolete all
previous color sets.l

The Summer Student Dire-
tory can still be purchased this
week at local bookstores and at
the Student Publications Build-
ing from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. week-
days and 9 to 12 a.m. Saturday
Lowuier Tax
For Widows,
House conference committee
agreed Wednesday on a limited
tax cut for widows and widowers.
But the committee ruled out a
much bigger reduction approved
by the House for all single heads
of households.
This was the first major deci-
sion as five Senate seniors and five
senior House members set out to
settle hundreds of differences be-
tween the twohouses over Presi-
dent Eisenhower's big tax revision
Hot Issue
The tax writers postponed action
for the time being on the hottest
issues still at stake-how muchto
cut taxes on income received as
stockholders' dividends.
The committee decided that for
two years after the death of a
wife or husband, the widow or
widower would be able to continue
to split income for tax purposes
just as married couples do. That
often puts the taxpayer in a lower
Experts figured the saving would
amount to about six or seven mil-
lion dollars a year.
The House bill would have given
all single heads of families-wid-
owed or divorced persons or single
persons supporting dependents-
the full permanent benefits al-
lowed from income splitting.
This would have been a saving
of about 50 millions a year for
about 800,000 single heads of house-
The Senate had eliminated this
provision entirely from the tax re-
vision program, on the ground that
most of the benefits would go to
wealthy persons.
Experts had figured that under
the House plan a household head
with $4,000 income would save $8 a
year. At $6,000 income the saving
would have been $36, and at $8,000
income the saving would have been
$92, with much bigger savings in
higher brackets.
Under the conference agreement,
except for new widows or widow-
ers, single heads of households
would continue in the same tax
status as under present law. They
now get one-half the benefits of
income splitting.
Also stricken was a House pro-
vision which would have permit-
ted single taxpayers to qualify for
tax benefits as heads of house-
holds even though their dependents
did not live in the same house
with them.
Seven GIs
May Be Freed
WASHINGTON (m - The State
Department said Wednesday there
is reason to hope that seven Amer-
ican soldiers seized July 4 by Czech
border guards will be released "in
the near future."
Department Press Officer Henry
Suydam told a news conference
that, as far as he knows, the Czech
government has not withdrawn its

charge that the seven soldiers
were acting as spies.
Suydam declined to say what
reason there was for hoping for
the release of the men. As usual,
he said, it was best not to go "too
far" in public statements until the
men actually are freed.
By the "near future," he said
he meant "in the narrowest sense."

States Given
Small Firms'
Labor Cases
NLRB Standards
Being Tightened
WASHINGTON W'-The federal
government Wednesday gave the
states the job of controlling labor
relations problems of additional
thousands of small firms and their
The action came in a new tight-
ening of National Labor Relations
Board standards on accepting ju-
risdiction in cases involving appli-
cation of the Taft-Hartley law.
Other new standards were an-
nounced on June 30.
Long Arm
NLRB Chairman Guy Farmer
has said "Uncle Sam's long arm
has reached out to assert. itself
over too many labor management
situations which ought to be re-
solved closer to their origin."
The NLRB expects the states to
take over such cases either by
exercising present state labor re-
lations laws or by enacting new
ones. Officials estimate about 15
per cent of NLRB's cases will thus{
be eliminated, giving the federal
board more time to devote to big-
ger cases.
Relinquishing NLRB jurisdiction
doesn't mean employers and:
unions involved become entirely
exempt from the T-H law. They
could still sue each other in fed-
eral court for damages for violat-
ing one of the federal labor law
standards which the NLRB has
now decided not to enforce from
a public penalty standpoint.
New Standards
The new standards announced
Wednesday apply to small retail
stores, newspapers, radio and tele-
vision stations, utility and transit
systems, and companies engaged,
iii national defense work.
These are the standards to be
met before the NLRB will take a
Retail stores-The store must
have at least one million dollars
a year direct purchases from out-
side the state, or two million in
indirect purchases from outside the
state, or two million in indirect
out-of-state purchases, or export
$100,000 of merchandise. into other
states. The former standards were
$500,000, one million dollars and
$25,000. This applies both to inde-
pendent and chain stores. In addi-
tion, NLRB will take a case in-
volving a store of a multi-state
chain if the chain's gross annual
sales are 10 million dollars

-Daily-Marj Crozier
.Panel .Discusses Facets
Of Juvenile Delinquency

Housing Investigators
Find Salesmen Trained
In 'Confidence Game'

"Moral Values in Education in
Our World" will be the topic of a
discussion by Joseph Lauerwys of
the University of London Insti-
tute of Education at 10 a.m. in
Schorling Aud.
Two movies, shown as part of
the public health lecture film series,
will be presented at 4 p.m. in Rm.
2009, School of Public Health. They
are entitled, "Drop in the Bucket"
and "The School That Learned to
Prof. Roger W. Brown of Har-
vard University's psychology de-
partment will speak on "A Study
in Language and Cognition" at
7:30 p.m. in Rackham amphithea-
The physics symposium lectures
2038 Randall Laboratory with a
talk on "High Energy Physics"
by Prof. C. M. Yang of the In-
stitute for Advanced Study.
"The Transmission of Enzyme
Synthesizing Capacity" will be dis-
cussed by Sol Spiegelman of the
department of bacteriology, Uni-
versity of Illinois, at 4:25 p.m. in
Aud. C.


"Delinquency is news now" a-
greed members of a panel discus-
sing Juvenile Delinquency, yester-
A part of the special Summer
Session series "Woman in the
World of Man," the panel included
Helen C. Bailey, Associate Super-
intendent of Schools in Philadel-
phia and Maxine B. Virtue, Direc-
tor of the Children's Services
Study, James Foster Foundation.
Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the So-
ciology Department, Prof. William
C. Morse' of the department of
educational psychology and moder-
ator of the panel Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky of the educational psycho-
logy department, also participated.
"Guilt Complex"
"The public's anxiety almost a-
mounts to a guilt complex," com-
mented Maxine Virtue.
The public is worried about the
attitudes of children, she continued.
It is worried about the ability of
the child to accept responsibility
and their contempt for authority.
Attitudes towards authority have
changed radically commented Prof.
Morse. Today we must have a
reason to respect authority.
More violence is a characteris-
tic of juvenile delinquency today,
Prof. Carr pointed out, adding that
there was no apparent motivation
for this change.
Delinquency has increased 29
percent, he continued.4
Rises With Prosperity
The relative amount of delin-
quency follows the business cycle,
he asserted. The number of de-
linquents rises with prosperity and
falls with depressions. It reaches
its peak during the war years.
"The atmosphere is saturated
with violence," Miss Bailey pointed
out. Mass media featuring murder
and torture is an "every day af-
The real problem according to
Prof. Morse, however, is not the
actual comic book or radio pro-
gram but "the substitution of sec-
ondary mass communication for
interpersonal relationships-a n d

it's an awfully poor second," he
Delinquent children, the panel
agreed, do not necessarily have
problem parents. For the forces
outside the home are becoming
more and more important today,
commented Prof. Morse.
The current inadequacies in the
interrelation between the legal and
social agencies dealing with de-
linquency were pointed out by the
panel with much audience parti-
While Maxine Virtue suggested
education as an aid toward the
correlation and exchange of the
different agencies coning in con-
tact with juveniles, Miss Bailey
described the existing setup of
close coordination between the
policewhich deal with delinquency
and schools in Philadelphia.
"Today wesareh alittlemore
secure that something could be
done to help the delinquency prob-
lem, if more facilities were pro-
vided," Prof. McClusky summed
Instructor Dies
At Home Here
Theodore Ernest Raiford, 6 4
years old, died yesterday at his
home, 2511 Newport Rd.
A member of the University
mathematics department since 1923
Raiford also taught at the Uni-
versity of Illinois and at Purdue
University. He was in apparent
good health until the time of his
Raiford graduated from Earlham
College in 1914 and received his,
PhD in mathematics at the Uni-
versity in 1933.
He was born July 25, 1889, at
Ivor, Va., a son of William H. and
Adad J. Raiford and attended sec-
ondary schools there.
Arrangements for memorial ser-
vices have not been announced.

Use of FHA
Loans Told
Senate Group
Hears Testimony
WASHINGTON (M--Senate hous-
ing investigators, turning briefly
away from million dollar wind-
falls, heard testimony Wednesday
that home repair salesmen were
"trained and schooled" in ways to
defraud small home owners.
Andrew Nicol, an investigator for
the Bergen County, N. J., prosecu-
tor's office, said the schools were
set up "all over the country," and
the home repair program, using.
FHA-insured loans, was operated
in some cases as a "typical con-
fidence game."
Home Repair
Fraudulent use of the home re-
pair program, which still is in op-
eration, was i n c 1 u d e d in the
charges which led the Eisenhow-
er administration to start a full-
scale probe of the Federal Housing
Administration last April, but the
Senate committee has given most
of its attention to the more spec-
tacular million dollar profits made
under an expired postwar apart-
ment building program.
In a day devoted to odds and
ends, the committee also:
1. Heard that a former Home
Loan Bank governor, James F.
Twohy who retired in 1947, netted
more than $45,000 from a $60 in-
vestment he made in 1950 in a
Columbus, Ohio, apartment devel-
opment which yielded its stock-
holders a total of $762,000 on a
$4,000 investment.
2. Drew from Don A. Loftus
Wilmington, Del., formerly con-
nected with Investors Diversified
Services of Minneapolis, a state-
ment that he received $197,000
from the Columbus project and
$102,000 from one in Wilmington,
Del., but not "one 5-cent piece"
from two others in which he was
"Racket" Signs
Nicol said he found signs of a
"racket" in the FHAdhome repair
program during an investigation
he launched in January 1952. Un-
dert his program, the FHA fully
insures loans up to $2,500 for re-
pair and modernization of existing
One method, Nicol said, is to
send highly trained 'salesmen to
carefully selected home owners
who are told they were selected
"for advertising purposes." After
his home is fixed up as a dem-
onstration, the owner is told, he
will be paid a fee, perhaps $50,
for every similar job done in his
Actually, Nicol said, the repair
firm does shoddy work on the
"sample" homes, collects its mon-
ey, and then moves on to another
locality to repeat the performance.
He said some loan companies
work closely with repair firms in
granting the loans,
Wade Briggs got a three in
one while playing golf Wednes-
day with Mrs. H. B. Blanken-
ship and Mrs. E. W. Willis at
the Wichita Falls Country Club.
As he teed off on the No. 10
hole, the ball was struck by the
heel of his driver. It squirted
to the left and hit the caddy on
the shoulder. Then it struck
Mrs. Blankenship on the chin.
fAnother ricochet and it caught

Mrs. Willis on the Jaw.
No one was seriously hurt and1
'flV RavlIGarre'tt maI1red it. i

Ike Asserts American Duty To Block Asian Communism

WASHINGTON (Al - President
Eisenhower Wednesday asserted a
direct American responsibility for
blocking communism in Southeast
Asia. He tied this to the necessity
of keeping Japan out of Commu-
nist control.
Eisenhower snoke out at a news

build the cooperation of the West-
ern Powers into some of its old
effectiveness. It was also seeking
to strengthen other sectors of the
free world front against the Com-
munist bloc. These developments
fitted into the picture:
1. Eisenhower announced that
South Korean Presidst Syngman

Community this summer. The let-
ter constituted a move to confront
France with one of the conse-
quences of a failure to act on EDC.
Dulles Conference
3. Eisenhower said that he will
confer with Dulles immediately aft
er the secretary returns here, and
the State Denartment announced

agreement probably resulted from
a conviction on Dulles' part that
Mendes-France would insist upon
Indochina peace terms which were
at least acceptable to the United
States even if this country would
not expressly subscribe to them.
It was speculated that otherwise
Dull1es nrohh1v would not have

Britain and France so that higher
level participation by the United
States in the Geneva conference
would be helpful rather than hurt-
ful. This appeared to mean that
Dulles wanted to find out whether
Mendes-France's minimum posi-
tion on an agreement was o n e
which the United States could at

He said emphatically that he as a world's record.
considers such problems to be com-!
pletely global in nature. Two Speeches
How can the free world, the Pres-
ident asked, see Japan go Commu- Planned Today
nist? When one has the answer to
that question, he said, then one Professor Lawrence B. Kiddle of
says that the question is: How to lthe dpanrtment of romance lang-

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