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September 15, 1954 - Image 21

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Michigan Daily, 1954-09-15

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Dean of Women Calls
'U' Life 'Challenging'

Miss Deborah Bacon, Dean of
Women, presents the following
message to incoming freshmen:
"It is always emphasized to
incoming freshmen women
that you will be entering 'a new
world' when you move into the
college or University environ-
ment. That is quite true, but a
corollary of this statement is
not so often emphasized. It is
'a new world' especially tailored
to suit the overwhelming ma-
jority of you freshmen. About
ninety-five per cent of you will
'make a very succesisful adjust-
ment academically, socially and
emotionally to the University of
Michigan in this coming year.
"Freshmen classes are classes
for freshmen. Or ie nt at io n
Week is devoted entirely to ac-
quainting you with those as-
pects of this new world which
will concern you. The house di-
rectors, residence counselors
and the 'big sisters' in the res-
idence halls where all fresh-
men women live, are always
available to and particularly
concerned with you.
"There is no doubt that this
will be for you a challenging
new game. It should be an ex-
citing and a rewarding game,
and, above all, one that is
great fun to play. Your four-
year record at high school
shows clearly your aptitude and
training for it. Rememiber, in
the opening weeks of the se-
mester, that your high school
principle, your parents and the
University of Michigan have all
agreed that this is a game in
which you are particularly
qualified to succeed."
Deborah Bacon
Dean of Women

Dean of Women


received the degree of bachelor
of science in education.
She spent the year 1941-42 in
Oneida, Ky., as' superintendent of
nurses in a hospital project direct-
ed by the U.S. Public Health
From 1942-46, Miss Bacon was in
the army nurse corps. Her unit
was in an evacuating hospital at-
tached to the Third Army.
After the close of the European
War, Miss Bacon attended classes
at the Sorbonne in Paris for ten
weeks before returning to the
United States. She then enrolled
at Colombia University Graduate
School, where she pursued her stud-
ies in English literature. In 1948
she received a master of arts de-
gree with first class honors.
Doctor's Degree
From 1948 to 1950, while working
toward a doctoral degree, Miss
Bacon held a fellowship from the
American Council of Learned So-
cieties, which enabled her to spend
six months in England in study
on her thesis problem.
The thesis was a study of the
psychoanalytical approach to non-
sense literature, such as that of
Lewis Carroll. She received the
degree of doctor of philosophy from
Colombia University in 1950.
Swim Clinic
A synchronized swimming
clinic for women swimming in-
structors will be held Saturday,
October 16 at the University.
The Department of Physical
Education for Women is spon-
soring the clinic, which will be
taught by Beulah Gundling, of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Council Sets
Coeds' Rules
Panel Hears Cases,.
Assists With Work
Of Joint 'U' Board
The Women's Judiciary Council
is responsible for the formulation,
and enforcement of the rules gov-
erning University coeds.
The Council, working with the
Dean of Women, represents the
interests of women students and
sets the standards of conduct. It
is composed of three seniors, five
juniors and three sophomores. I
A pamphlet called "Judy Be
Good" is published, providing in-
formation concerning w o m e n 's
It is considered the duty of each
coed to become acquainted witha
the rules as soon as possible. These
rules are enforced by means of
close cooperationbetween thesres-
ider direcotr of each house, Dean
Bacon and the Judiciary Council.
Women's Panel
The women's Panel is composed
of the chairman of the Women's
Judiciary Council, a junior rotating
member of the Council and the
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon.
Dean Bacon refers all major dis-
ciplinary problems brought to her
attention to this. Panel, and Wom-
en's Judiciary sends all cases pend-
ing two weeks before and during
examination periods to it,
Cases which are highly confiden-
tial or require immediate action
are decided by the Panel.
Other cases brought before it
are referred for a hearing to either
the Women's Judiciary Council,
Joint Judiciary Council or Women's
Requests for rule changes are
heard by the Women's Judiciary
Council. A three-fourths majority
vote in each house is required in
order to make the new rule ef-
House Councils
Many sororities and houses have
House Judiciary Councils. The or-
ganization and membership of each
of these is left up to the individual
These House Councils have ju-
risdiction over minor disciplinary.
problems such as latenesses and
failure to sign out. Their duties are
to conduct hearings, set penalties
and see that they are carried out.
The resident director makes out
a weekly report which she sub-
mits to the Women's 'judiciary.
Council, which will then take up
any case whici' requires action.
A student who is dissatisfied with
the ruling of her House Judiciary
Council may appeal to the Women's
Judiciary Council.

MICHIGAN LEAGUE-Center of coed extra-curricular activities, the League provides facilities for
every kind of campus production, event or recreation. From the library for women on the third floor
to the Round-Up Room in the basement, students will find this building a gathering spot. The many
associated League organizations have their offices here, and the Ballroom is the scene of coed-
sponsored dances. Rooms may be rented, and a cafeteria and meeting rooms provide facilities for
visitors to the campus.-r
Assembly, Panhellenic Associations
Guide Women's Campus Activities

Membership includes
All Women Students
Building Provides Facilities for Recreation;
Many Organizations Have Headquarters Here

Miss Deborah Bacon assumed
her duties as Dean of Women and
assistant professor of English at'
the University in the fall of 1950.
A native of New Haven, Conn.,
Miss Bacon's field of academic!
specialization is English literature.
She has had many years of prof-
essional experience in nursing and
publich nealth, including three years
in the Army Nurse Corps with an
evacuation hospital attached to
General Patton's Third Army.
Nurses' Training
Miss Bacon attended St. Tim-!
othy's School in Baltimore, Md.,
and eftered nurses' training at
Bell-vue Hospital in New York in:
1930. In 1936-37 she went to Fort
Yukon, Alaska, with an EpiscopalI
missionary hospital. Returning to
the United States the following
year, she enrolled as a student at:
New York University and in 1941

Independents. ..
Assembly Association, the organ-
ization for independent women on
campus is an integral part in the
life of coeds.
All incoming freshmen, transfer
women and other women who are
not affiliated are automatically
members of the association.
Unlimited opportunities of meet-
ing people and working with other
League sponsored groups, in addi-
tion to other campus organizations
are offered to coeds through As-
Assembly Board is the executive
committee o f t h e association,
whose job it is to coordinate all
functions and work to keep the
close ties between independent and
affiliated women on campus.
Officers this year include Hazel
Frank, president; Sondra Oren-
stein, executive v i c e-president;
Mary Jo Park, administrative vice-
president; Grace Riteau, secretary
and Judy Jennis, treasurer.
The first project on Assembly's
agenda is I-Hop, an all campus
dance co-sponsored with the inde-
pendent men's Inter-House Council.
This dance is held in the fall, the
date this year being October 9.
Next on the program comes
Fortnite. All the independent wom-
en go to Rackham Amphitheater
to watch the various dorms, league
houses, and co-ops present their
talents in informal skits. Last year
the theme was "Painters and
Famous Paintings." The' tradition-
al cup is handed down to the win-
ning skit and plaques are awarded
to the second and third place win-

awarded to the house with the
highest average. The pins a r e
small silver disks with crossed mal-
lots on the front with each presi-
dent's initials and year on the
For the Freshmen, there is Frosh
Weekend. Assembly unites with the
Panhellenic pledges to present a
weekend of dancing and entertain-
ment. A great rivalry between the
"Maize" and the "Blue" teams
promotes one of the most spirited
activities on campus.
Assembly's largest social event
is Assembly Ball, a girl-bid formal
held later in the year. Petitioning
for positions on the central com-
mittee will be opened in the late
* * *
The executive board of the Pan-
hellenic Association has the job
of coordinating the 18 sororities
which are located throughout the
The Board, consisting of nine
coeds, directs the energy of the
sororities into constructive chan-
nels, such as the traditional "Help
Week" at the University Fresh Air
Camp for underprivileged child-
ren, making Christmas and East-
er baskets, and many other pro-
jects, such as contributing to bene-
ficial organizations and helping to
man the Salvation Army buckets
and Tag Day buckets.
The nine members are chosen by
means of interviews and petitions
for a term of one year. The coeds
are chosen from different sororities
to give wide representation.

tional sororities. Weekly meetings
are held to plan activities and
formulate policies of furthering in-
ter-sorority relationships and bring
about greater cooperation with
other campus groups.
A large project is the annual
Variety Show which features well-
known stars in the professional
and entertainment field. It has
had such persons as Danny Kaye
and Spike Jones and his "City
Panhel Ball is also sponsored by
the Board, and provides affiliated
womendan opportunity toinvite
their dates and "foot the bill" for
the formal dance.
Throughout the year, Panhel-
lenic works in close cooperation
with Inter-Fraternity Council.
Last year saw the beginning of
the new fall rushing system at the
University, instead of the form-
er system of coeds who wished to
rush having to stay in Ann Arbor
between semesters. The plan is still
on a trial basis, but final decision
will be made on it before the new
term starts, by a final vote of the
Board. The sororities have approv-
ed the new plan.
The Board undertook a Atudy of
the new plan fpr fall rushing with
other groups, including Assembly
and with Dean Bacon to study the
effects of grades on both rushees
and found little difference in the
and activities living in sororities,
two systems.

Upon enrollment at the Univer-
sity, every woman student auto-
matically becomes a member of
the Michigan League.
This means that she is free to
participate in all the League acti-
vities and to use the facilities of
the League building, which include
dining rooms, meeting rooms, a
theatre, listening rooms, a library
and ballroom.
On the first floor of the Women's
League are located the student and
alumnae offices, including t h e
League Undergraduate Officer
which are the coordinating center
for all women's activities on cam-
A cafeteria is also located there
for meals and after-class snacks.
Also available for this purpose is
the Round-Up Room in the base-
ment. The Rumpus Room vith
ping-pong tables, jukebox and tele-
vision set is next door.
A chapel, which has been the
scene of many student weddings,
initiations, pledging ceremonies
and religious meetings, and several
other meeting rooms are also on
the main floor.
On the third floor is the League
Library, which is open -to coeds
only. Here the University women
may study in a comfortable at-
mosphere-even to taking off their
shoes and putting their feet on the
furniture. The library houses a
complete drama collection as well
as fiction and non-fiction.
The Henderson Room and third-
floor Concourse are available for
coeds and their study dates. In
addition, there are rooms for pub-
licity and decoration committees
work:ing on class projects.
Guest Rooms
Sleeping rooms for members and
guests are located on the third
floor, too. Reservations for these
facilities may be made at the main
desk in the lobby.
Coeds may use the facilities of
the League Garden and the Ball-
room, which holds 350 to 400 people.
In addition, plays and class pro-
jects, such as Junior Girls' Play
may use the Lydia, Mendelssohn
Theatre at the north end of the
The League Fall Dance, which
is coed-bid; is the biggest annual
dance sponsored by the League.
However, dance classes, bridge les-
sons and Student-Faculty Lounge
are alsoLeague projects.
The Barbara Little Listening
Rooms, located on the third floor
of the League across from the
library, provide students with fa-
cilities for study and listening to
classical music in a pleasant at-
The League is an interrelated
and cooperative network of organ-
izations, under the auspices of the
Board of Governors of the League.
Comprising the framework are

the Ex~ecutive Board, the Adminis-
trative Committees, and the Asso-
ciated Organization. Members of
the Executive Board include the
presidents of the' League, Assembly
and Panhellenic Associations, vice-
president, secretary and treasurer'
of the League.
Twelve separate groups fall un-
der the head of Administrative
Committees. Among them are the
Junior Girls' Play, Sophomore Ca-
baret, Frosh Weekend, Dance Clas&-
Committee, Social Conmmittee and
League House Judiciary Council.,
Many of 'the widespread activi-
ties that go on in the League are
functioning plans of the 12 adminis-
frative committees.
The third part of the League's
framework is made ip of the five
associated organizations: Assembly
Association, Panhellenic Associa-
tion, Women's Athletic Association,
Women's Glee Club and the Wom- a
en's Page of The Daily,
Staff Seeks
New Tryouts,
All Classes
The staccato of typewriters, the
click of the teletype as the news
comes in, the thrill of .hearing the
sharp series of bells When the "big"
news comes over the wire and the
roar of the rolling presses all go to
make up the unique atmosphere at
The Daily.
There's more to the Women's
Page than weddings and engage-
ments-plenty more. Fashions and
social affairs are now crowded off
the page by news and features on
campus projects.
-Subjects covered on the Activi-
ties' Page, include all aspects of
the workings of the League, Union,
Assembly, Panhellenic, IFC, IHC,
Women's Athletic Association, IM
schedules, Church groups and
numerous other campus organiza-
tions' activities.
Activities Covered
All-campus dances, such as J-
Hop, I-Hop and Senior Ball, are
also given publicity, with stories
and pictures.
Michigras, Spring Weekend,
Homecoming, Frosh Weekend,
Soph Cab, JGP and Senior Night
are given complete coverage on the
Activities' Page, too, as well as the
Men's and Women's Glee Club
concerts, and special events such
as the .IFC Sing and Lantern
The Women's Staff trys to ap-
peal to the campus-as-a-whole,
covering the news- and feature
angles of all the organizations and
their work on campus, and all
those community affairs directly
connected with the University.
The readership of the all-around
Women's.Page has increased sub-
stantially, particularly with the
"Michigan men" and faculty, and
has an equally bright future.
Student reporters and editors
complete every step in the process
of putting out the paper.
Staff Opportunities
'The Daily Women's Staff offers
an opportunity to gain a toe-hold'
in campus activities. Members of
the staff learn to know people,
meet new friends and dignitaries,
and more important, people learn
to know them.
Tryouts write assigned stories,
learn the principles of head-writ-
ing, and work on the editor's desk
one night a week, rewriting copy
and proof-reading, As soon as try-
outs grasp the fundamentals, they
are automatically promoted to the
sophomore staff, regardless of
their class standing. "Beats" .are
assigned and soph staffers con-
tinue to work desk until they are

ready to tryout night-edit a page.
Night editorship, a paid posi-
tion, is the next step toward the
top. Night editors are responsible
for putting out the page one-night
a week, as well as writing stories
for theirhregular "beats." On night
desk, they check heads and pre-
pare the page for publication.
Thee senior positions, Women's
Editor and Assnciato Women's Edi-

Hatcher To Entertain 'U' Students
At Bi-Monthly Teas Held in Home


University May Help Solve
Coeds' Financial Problems

All students at the University
will have an opportunity to meet
President and Mrs. Harlan H.Hat-
cher at the bi-monthly teas held
from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Hatcher
) This unique tradition was start-
ed early in Pres. Alexander G.
Ruthven's 22 years of office, and
has continued as a popular aspect
of student life.
Later the social committee of
the League took over the task of
organizing the open houses, and
since then men and women stu-
dents have served as hostesses and
introduced students and special
guests to President and Mrs. Hat-
cher and their two children.
Student Hostesses
An outstanding feature of the
open houses, is that hostesses also
acts as guides and take students
on tours of the Hatcher homes.
While attending the teas, hungry
Michiganites will have an oppor-
tunity to eat fancy cakes and cook-
ies and chat over a cup of coffe
or tea.
Informal entertainment is pro-
vided and ranges from uke playing
to singers, bands, pianists and
Su4r- sts.


activities. Special open houses are
also held honoring graduating stu-
dents and their parents, and for
campus scholastic honor societies.
The University redecorates the
president's mansion to suit every
occupant. President Ruthven, an
authority in the natural sciences,
had a closed patio between the
living room and study banked with
many plants.

President Hatcher now has a
small patio with pale aqua walls
and darker aqua rug. The white
wrought-iron chairs are upholster-
ed to match the rugs.
Bobby, the Hatchers' son, is al-
ways willing to show the students
his room and all of his toys, while
their daughter often answers the
door and ushers people into the
teas and open houses.

On this night the house presi- The University branch of the
dents are installed and given their organization is a member of Na-
official Assembly House President tional Panhellenic Association,
pins. A scholarship cup is also which ties together all the na-
overnment Explained

Under the auspices of the Board
of Governors of the Michigan
League, the Women's League Coun-
cil a c t s as t h e administrative
branch of the League, planning
and coordinating the work of wom-
en's activities. "
Membership on the council con-
sists of the executive board, the
women's judiciary committee, the
interviewing and nominating com-,
mittee, the projects committee and
associated organizations.
The executive board serves as
a steering committee f o r t h e
League Council and the Women's
Senate. Those on the board in-
clude t h e presidents o f t h e
League; the chairman of the inter-
viewing and nominating committee
and judiciary committee; and
three members-at-large from the
Women's Senate.
Associated Grouns


Sophomore Cabaret, Frosh Week-
end (Maize and Blue), the vice-
chairman of Assembly Association,
League-House Judiciary and par-
Jiamentarian of the League.
Among the recent projects of
the League Council are the re-
vision of the League Lowdown, an
information booklet, in order to
make it more attractive, larger and
easier to understand.
Faculty Participates
It has also inaugurated faculty
participation in Gulantics, the all-
campus variety show, and has ini-
tiated the couples dance class.
The Council seeks to aid both
men and women students with its
various projects, and it has devel-
oped and put into practice many
new ideas during the last f e w
The Women's Senate, the legis-
,-4- 1. . 7. - a1 - T...r - _;t...

Perhaps one of the most common
problems of college coeds, those
of the University included, is the
financial one, and many a woman
finds that her money just does not
go as far as she might wish.
Realizing that this is an impor-
tant problem, the office of the
Dean of Women devotes a great
deal of time to helping women with
their financial difficulties.
Among the aids available are
loans, scholarships and part-time
Women entering the University
for the first time will find that
there are some scholarships avail-
able for them. Among those that
they may apply for are the Re-
gents-Alumni Scholarships, given to
seniors graduating from Michigan
high schools and Michigan Public
Junior College Scholarships.
Loca alumni groups often give
scholarships, too.
For women already attending the
Tni.s-ri .v +hn - am a .r n + man

disposal several funds from which
it may make loans to worthy stu-
dents. Women interested in ob-
taining such aid should consult the
University publication on student
loan funds.
Many coeds find that can better
their finances by obtaining part-
time work. The Dean of Women's
Office keeps a list of jobs avail-
able and will help any coed find
Because of the scholastic strain
of college life, it is suggested that
a coed plan on earning no more
than one-half of her living expens-
Freshmen women are limited to
10 hours work per week, while
upper classmen may not be em-
ployed more than 21 hours per
week, although these rules vary
with need and ability.
Among the opportunities avail-
able for part-time employment are
clerical jobs in University depart-

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