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October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 5

… pf Music Studios. Piano, n, Harmony. 312 S. Divis- one 212-J.-Adv skt. TheStage SHUBERT-GARRICK Detroit COSMO HAMILTON We set glass. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237.-Adv. WUERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 -FRANK 1 MAN" C in II MAJ E STIC TAy Saturday Dorothy Dalton in "The Lady of Red Butte" if "The Big Chance," a comedy drama which was presented at the Forty- eighth street theater at New York for five months, will be produce...…

October 10, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

… OiY [DA A I party for sopho- cur gymnasium. honor committee ngineering build- and smoker at .ry circle meets 'm iversity Y. M. C. A. inteer meeting in hall. eers get-togeth r eal for Methodist NEWBERRY HOLDS YEAR'S ELECTION Elections and appointments for the year were made last night at New- berry residence. At the same time all ofdthe new girls were formally in- itiated. The, following received offices: Pres- ident, Edna Apel,.'20; vic...…

October 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…WARN~ER I! Ahr MOM3= AW t tA ttlx ASSOCIAT PRESS DAY AND NIGW SERVICE -- = I. 10- / ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1919. PRICETHI PRICE 'P11~ . . RAIGHT CINCY ES Rl THIRD LOSING 2 ages Oomeback, I; Last Battle to d at Redland Hurl- Be V Innings 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-R: 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-4: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 H E 10 1 7 4 Police Break Up Radical Parade (By Associated Press)' New York, Oct. 8.-Heads were broken in Fifth avenue t...…

October 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…, I y 1IICHIGAN DAILY at ah1iy na duing the Univer- udn ulications. ATED PRESS entitled to the use for ited to it or not otherwise s published therein. rbor, Michigan,' as, second tard street.' Yords, if signed, the sig- , but ag' an evidence of bed in The Daily at the lIed to The Daily office. consideration. No man- r incloses postage. orse the sentiments ex- .... Minagiag Editor ....Business Manager. the University, have been force...…

October 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

… 11 for substantial gains. Stuart made the last 25 yards to the goal line single handed, carrying the ball three 1,1 IILULIIW1LU i U'I U1I FRESHMAN ELEVEN Touchdown by Stuart Gives Second String Gridders Revenge for Defeats APPEARANCE OF GLENN DUNN BRINGS JOY TO YOST'S CAMP Followers of Yost's protegees were in a more optimistic mood yesterday than has been the case for more than a week. The main cause for this advent of good spirits was th...…

October 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…i A &A- L-4- . _ . i i Of Intrs to Universiy Women It P it ,; -'J C. A. WORKERS MEET TONIGHT ers in the Y. W. C. A. member- mpaign of next week will be at a dinner given at 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jen- 824 Geddes avenue. Dean My- ordan, Katherine Loveland ex-'20, Marguerite Chapin, . Beryl Bagher, dean ,of the of Music, and Kathryn Glass, irman of the campaign com- will speak. Glass heads a' committee of, .versity women, 12 Sch...…

October 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…THE P 11U71. .r' Pugilist And Fight Referee Charge Of Union Tap Room '! tierj "Mickey" Shea, so called not from any connection with the famous rac- ing cinema by that name but because of actual experience in the more real- istic sport of boxing, has been selected as manager of the tap room in the Union, and he has been on duty for some time. <In this time "Mickey' has raanaged to get the fountain started and has secured a patronage for h...…

October 09, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t' nd Ed d vice- ooth which Arbor the ci direct ans for who is Press, himself as highly in favor of the pro- commission. The council on the con- sect for co-operation between the trary advised the board that it id notCITY 11 TB Times-News and the ,journalism de- favor this move so late in the fall and -mund W. partment of the University. recommended that the tracks be left , IEpr ietw r th y If Publishing The board of...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…KF, AI rt g n l. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8,1919. Cheer Leader Not Yet Chosen While there were two or three men who showed up very creditably in the cheer-leaders' tryouts at the Case game, Saturday, no one has been defi- nitely picked to fill this place, as yet. LIST 0 OFC HIES SUBSCRIBERS WIL KORE THAIN NINETY PER CENT OF FRATERNITY MEN SUBSCRIBE FIRST ISSUE TO GO TO PRESS ON NOVEMBER 1 Union Announces Changed System ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…>t Monday during the Univer- >f Student Publications. SOCIATED PRESS sively entitled, to the use for credited to it or not otherwise 1news published therein. in Arbor, Michigan, as second , $3.5. ling, Maynard street. al, 2414. 300 words, if signed, the 'sig. . print, but as an evidence of published in The Daily at the or mailed to The Daily office. ve no consideration. No man. writer incloses postage. ly endorse the 'sentiments ex, Managing ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…Strongj etween the rves yester- Sagainhad ut with a credit while registered a' eatened al- part of the And the line ned a punt roceeded to other 10 or up. Men who always played in the backfield are now trying to find out what happens when you are put on the line. Sporadic attempts at drop-kicking blossomed -forth at intervals but no one was able to make the effort count. Breakey, for the reserves, got off some nice punts. Wild scrambles for ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…r-i d1 4, IDEBATING BE CHOS. SOON 7rsit ,men "r ........ o'clock. She invites girls to bring suggestions to her. --J Dean Myra B. Jordan 'will entertain Bar- the 310 girls who are enrolled in the to 5 sophomore class at Barbour gymnas- 9 to lum at 4 o'clock, Friday afternoon. pre- urers ' Miss Nora C. Hunt, director of the University Girls' Glee club, will hear any girls who wish to try out for the ister- club from 10 until 12 o'clock...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…To Dr. Angell In his book, "The Iron Hunter," ex- overnor Chase S. Osborn of Mich- an and a former regent of the Uni- rsity of Michigan, tells the story of >w the Board of Regents, in selecting successor to President Angell, took r. Hutchins in preference to Wood- w Wilson. According to Mr. Osborn, after the ath of Dr. Angell the Regents gave rious consideration to the name of harles Evans Hughes, then governor New York, and Woodrow Wilson, ...…

October 08, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

… reported to it once. It think, to do dress to the the address rho have changed from en when they register- 3 given an incomplete at all, should send to )irectory, Press build- >st card giving their ew address, and tele- before noon Thursday, nities and sororities In the lists of their e lists also must be in on or they will not be. ever before, due to the nuge enroll- ment and can only hope to succeed in the book by having the co-operation...…

October 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…z. i rt gn !va -i ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1919. P1 IlED SIVELY ELB N PLANTS FULLY ET BY CITY DHERED TO -- - n of, Milk Supply [wn Methods of FRESHMAN GIRLS DANCE AND DINE Freshman girls, 432 in number, turned out in splendid spirit to at- tend the annual party given for them by Dean Myra B. Jordan. The af- fair was of the get-acquainted sort. During the afternoon the freshman social committee was elected; result- in...…

October 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…entitled to the use for ed to it or not otherwise published therein. >or, Michigan, as second Maynard street. 14. ords, if signed, the sig- tbut as' an 'evidence of shed in The"Daily at the iled to TheDaily office. consideration. No man- rincloses postage.- orse the sentiments ex- .Managing Editor 6,Business Manager cused of profiteering and advise the University of- ficials and general public to calm themselves. In justice to the landladies ...…

October 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…uad E 1 MATHER ARIVS a CLc AS l9NEW BASKETC CCHI A Line for Geddes avenue 'boulevard is now the scene of action in the afternoons as well as evenings since Coach Far- rell's cross-country men have started their workouts. I The men, were given light exercise for the first day and this program will be. carried out for most of this week, working up gradually to the stiffer schedule which will be ,nec- essary later. APPOINTNIiT 1i' LUIDES WITH...…

October 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

… at 's and Delta Of lnterest to University Women II1 All members of the *wom of The Michigan Daily end a of the campus who would li out for the staff will meet at this afternoon in room 5 u' iii' Ann Arbor Press buildin; ;Y{I (LOST AND FOUND -By student in University-A k leather bill fold containing e a large sum of money. Had calling cards in it. One with Bowen on it. Liberal rewardif rued. to owner at 2434-M. - Sterling silver fob be...…

October 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…UJim .- R ASKS THAT MICHI- N NOT FORGET HER FRANCE Talmadge = Editor, 'The Michigan Daily: Several days ago, in one of the papers of the state I noticed a short item in reference to a custom which had been adopted at one of the large universities of the country, which. was to be used hereafter at all of their footbpll games. The custom seems to me to be sum-, med up in the following phrase, '"Homage to the memory of those, who' in the pas...…

October 07, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…I the war IMPURE MILK SUPPLY NO LONGER TOLERABLE (Continued from Page One) and disease epidemics still be a pos- sibility. Often the examination is not made, and cannot be made, un- til someone has drunk the milk. Three years ago one milkman caused 106 -cases of typhoid ando.six deaths be- cause, by the tine his supply could be cut off, the infection was already in the bodies of the victims. Pas- teurization is the one sure method of taking ...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…t 3w, z WO 4 it 11au & polo ml - lop-, Pt4 4; , E _. x I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1919. PRICE A t . SHIP COME- r, fIS TEAM er Expeeted ';Will Play to PRESIDENT SHOWS MOREIMPROVEMENT (By Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 4.-Continued im- provement was reported in Rear Ad- miral Grayson's night bulletin which declared that President 'Wilson had passed a more encouraging day al- thougl:.he improvement was not d...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…Univer- itled to the use for o it or not otherwise ,bshed therein. Michigan, as second building, Maynard street. ditoriaI, 2414. :ceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- ar in print, but as an evidencetof ill be published in The Daily at the t at or mailed to The Daily office. receive no consideration. No man- s the writer incloses postage. ssarily endorse the sentiments ex- .... Managing Editor x414 or Ioz6 ..Business Manager 960 or a738 ...ews...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…FEATS CASE, Lb'. 4 ' dds i., USES MOST ' DURING GAMEi (Continued from Page One) Case 20 yard line. A second at- ;t by the visiting fullback was ped short. Medsker rounded left for a substantial gain but drop- the oval. Culver recovered on 30 yard line. Knode started the higan attack and advanced 18 Ls. Sparks and Cruse brought play to the Ohio goal and the Wol- ne crossed the line on the next . Sparks made his kick. cCune reopened acti...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…;I' I f s expect- allure to ast meet- teness of s 94ww v vvF theatre Wednesday, Oct. 8. Mr. Le Baron pays a tribute to the AT THE MAJESTIC intelligence of lovers of light oomedy Wealthy tourists were rolled out of and deft, amusing charg'cterization in their beds in a most heartlessymanner "I Love You." He permits his pen to when the jealous-natured Billie Bil- Iindulge in none of the sahdy innuen- lings was prompted to violently sound does...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 5

…Y TOMORROW TUESD I :, t N play about wives and stepogs is not to scatter their pearls before hogs way to win a wife is to wait y to hold hubby is-just make a date >ther innocuous male. A parable true of maid hunting a man She's determined to get him--if get him she can She weds him; St. Anthony ne'er was more pure A heavenly honeymoon makes her quite sure Then she learns of his awful stenog. Oh, Bluie! Biff! It FAST! e Talmadge Loos...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 6

…MICHIGAN DAMES TO HOLD MEETING There is a superior qualty Whitman's Choco- at cannot be match- ,r make. we sell them. rte St. versity Ave. St. The Michigan Dames, an organiza- tion of the wives of the students at- tending the University is now enter- ing upon its sixth year of activity. Its members are bending every effort to make it a banner year, not only in membership but also in- activities. The aim of the society is to pro- mote, g...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 7

…or & Co., Phone 237.-Adv. set glass. C. H. Major & Co., 237.-Adv. INTEREST ARUED AS- CAMPAIGN AGAINST RBOOM PROFITERING PRO6GRESSES, Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. Th Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus. $ : . .OI.l Resources.........0 Northwest Cor. Main & Htiron. 707 North University Ave I itre, Wed., Oct. 8 o 0 11 11 I rn Students the most cor...…

October 05, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 7) • Page Image 8

…S Patronize our advertisers. ... ° 0 Michi~ans Favorite SUNDAY SEVCS IN- ANN ARHRE HURCES St. Andrei's Ep!Scopal Church Commu:nion services at 7:30.Q The speaker at the 10:30 service will be Bishop. F. H. Touret; of western Colorado. Vespers at 4:30. St. Th1=omas' Roniami Catholic Churcih MaIsses at 6,. 7:30, 9, and X10 o'clogk. Serimon at 10:30 by the' Rev. Fr. Rottach. Congregational Chiurch At 9:30 Bible school. Morning wor- ship at 10...…

October 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…rov r 00 AW F.410& IN- 4ho AL .ddw Aglow I-rn Jr r PRESS DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ) f ._ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1919. PRICE TH: PRIE T F MICHIGAN SPIRIT I IS Michigan spirit has been known nation-wide for many a year, and Michigan has been noted for its men ever since it was old enough to be known for anything. Just what Michigan spirit is and what Michigan men are it is difficult to define, but there are a few ...…

October 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…if h"Yr d t f 1+.44 he use for t otherwise ij'rneA, the s!Q- ,e ex- ging Editor *s Manager vace u'D e aeu ii ine ucpartment a tunas at its disposal. The University every year is producing journal- ists of no mean ability, and its graduates can be favorably compared with those of any university in the country, but there shouldbe more choice in the work offered them in the department. There is not enough opportunity for varied work. A do-...…

October 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…t i po- I U1I 1 1LnULUj ELIMINATION BE- BY 1923 )ACH ' staged a short scrim- vo of. the freshman Friday afternoon as rk of sifting through g amount of mate- :urned out for the re lined up on the me pair were scrim- r two teams were s and starts under Abe Cohn and Paul x-varsity men, who s season. ge was anybody's last minute, when ier member of the erseas team, inter- d pass and ran for vinning for his team core of the game. ar end of Yost's ...…

October 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…-2 .Y ~I 'I School of the LUSHEfR is? It not, you'd better what they call him in MONDAY 7;' dJUUIflL 8111IVtUL 1 HIUII I1 IN OED CROSS COURES MARGARET COOLEY, '18, REPORTS" LARGE FIELD OF USEFUL- NESS FOR WORIKERS Civilian relief for returned soldiers from all over Wvashtenaw county is being attended tjo by the Ann Arbor -Red Cross, which does everything from getting Vict~ory buttons for the men to obtaining free medical care and locat...…

October 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…that which tial to be de- NT. An- 1e Bar- ay, Ive LITERARY COLLEGE FACULTiY TO DISCUSS ARMY COURSES In order that literary students may be able to~ elect courses in fthv mili- tary tactics depa rtment, engineering college, looking td commissions in the signal, ordnance, and coast artillery reserve corps, the military tactics department will bring the problem be- fore the literary college faculty: next week, according to information given ou...…

October 04, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…E AL HERE WHAT'S GOING ON_ Saturday 1:15-Varsity band meets In front of j EVERY IMAGINABLE FABRIC, PATTERN, COLOR AND STYLE IDEA -FOR MADE- TO-MEASURE CLOTHES VALUE giving is one of the cardinal principles of this business; and the fact that we've done it always, and that our customers know it, has been the real reason for our SUCCE S in making clothes that are correct in every detail of style and fit. We want to have the pleasure of maki...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…III A -I ,, r . ,i r= : t tn t Al FA DAY AND N101 SERVIC] ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1919. PRICE _ t,. L_ S EDGE I1 VIC. Hurl Icago; ce Loses 7 8 9-R.H.E. 2 0 0- 2 9 1 0 0 x- 4 4 2 ciated Press) 2.-The Cincinnati heir grasp on the today by defeating e Sox 4 to 2. ' They >r'e games to win the 'eloped in the eries a habit of rth. There is at it, for in this e fourth's means RooIn Campaign 'rings Results Alread...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…tti LC try-stan cess or who only call themselves innocent s, he need not worry. NEWSPAPEROF ITHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHfIGAN Iery Inorjningexcept'Monday during The Univer- Bloard in Control of Student Publications. BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ted Press is exclusively entitled to the use for all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise paper and the local news published therein. the' postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second by carrier ...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…line with the ball under his arm and hastening around behind the goal posts with it. Weadock, who got in toward the- latter part of the' play, also annexed a touchdown, making a total of four counters for the Var- sity. OTHEItS ven wh. rk for1 ,yn into; in a f of Mit Too Early for Predictions Cress was sent in to take Duke' ich Dunne's position on the extreme left the for a while and Jqhnson was shift- ac- ed to center when Culver needed a ...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…I)I VIII -I P, i Representatives of Michigan were given an opportunity to show their superiority in competition at the Chin- ese Students' conference of the middle west section held at Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1 to 10. Of the 130 delegates at the conference, 13 represented Mich- igan and the latter were able to cap- ture first honors in track, oratory, and singing. The track championship was won by the Maize and Blue delagation, F. C. Liu, Tsa...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…hat his company will now be able to end their men over on leave of ab- ence to secure this training, which ill render them available for intel- gent transportation service with the 'a c k a r d p e o p le in m u c h le s s tim e th a n w u d b o s b e o h r i e h s i le spirit of the whole course-co-op- ration with highway men and others iterested outside of the University ,s weU as the undergraduate and raduate student ,body, to provide ained...…

October 03, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…WHAT'S GOING ON i I er ANNOUNCEMENT / / Friday 11:00-'20 Laws hold class meeting in room G Law building. 2:00-'22 Laws hold class meeting in room C Law 'buildng. 4:00-'21 Laws hold class meeting in room 'E LaW building. 4:34-Cheer leader try-outs at UIuon. See C. E. Bottin. 7 :1I5-Alpha Nu Debating society meets in its rooms at University hall': S:00-Reception and dance for Epis- copalian students in Harris hall. Admittance by invitation...…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…it .igan at I DAY AND N I'D SER I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1919. P _ h _, nin ITH (ER ~TO! TS NEW HANDBOOK TO TELL CAMPUS LORE "Will You Do It," is the name of the handbook which the Union is publish- ing for the benefit of newcomers to Michigan. It contains hints to those who are not sophisticated in the ways of the campus, as well as a history of ,he Union, its spirit, and purpose. A short article on the athlet...…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…SCCIA T:D FR.Z S vixv en'" tit'ed ti the nsP or c' c td nAor nu'i ot!'crwisc 1in g, :Mayard strcee. ri It is an absolute truth that MIichigan nccds high TWENiTY FILIPINOS REGISTER grade men as cheer leaders. WVhcn we consider the THIS FALL AT UT. OF I01WA prominent camplus mein who arc virtually idle at "h's time of the ycar-opera men, baseball nUniversity of Iowa is wurking for certain track _men-w,- havc a righlt to expea ct od an internati...…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

… MUST BE REPLI N I vm l ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___-FIELDII\G _TRACK ATHLETES AWAIT SUNSHINE Forecasts' s can't win said Coacht g the loss of npus to sup- rho were on , spring are various rea- tee, Usher, reehan, Bo- d Pat Smith if Michigan a season as that is ex- The cam- the ranks these stars. Captain Carl Johnson has announc- ed a fairly stiff track workout the first day o...…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…Students! Gree Again we are at your service withk an enormous stock of XT BOOKS and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES for all Departnents e Books Fountain Pens Lab Outfits Shop Tools Lab Coats and Aprons Instruments and Engineer's Supplies A Cordial Welcome and the Best of Service at 's University 316 South State Street Bookstor I mmmmW T o ols II i - eering . / dy Lam ps tric Supplie s N Clocks r .} " . "' O y J { ' . i I ', fx ....…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…r for two is being laid In the lobby, but the Anrg Ar- stone for the border has not arrived. might be The main hall and concourse is to be is to ar- practically all stone, none of which >mewhat, is here. Tuesday Wood panelling for the front of the' g date is building and for the dining room has failed to arrive yet. NUOTED P5YCHULUISI TAKES PROESOSI WHIPPLE'S WORK WILL DWELL ON MENTAL TESTING OF STUDENTS Guy Montrose Whipple, 'one of America'...…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…re women entering for the first time be obtained by vberry hall, the hJ campus. These tain all sorts of cessary to women >n the campus. omecn I embers of the Symphonic if the Universtiy School of e invited to a "get-together" 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock this a in Frieze hall of the School shman girls should be signed ymnasium work no later than ay. Those who have not done d apply at the office of Bar- nnasium at once. Jordan has moved back to >ffi...…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…Mr. Ralph W. Tippett, for the past year manager of the Majestic theater, has resigned to become general man- ager of the Animated .Picture com- & pany. His headquarters will con- tinue to be in Ann Arbor. He ex- pects to begin his new work within three. weeks, during which time his successor will be named. Mr. R. A. Dolph, of Ann Arbor, is president of Mr. Tippett's new firm. Mr. Tippett expressed his regret in leaving his present office in vi...…

October 02, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…her at Y. M. , and eats. rs of Jewish' n at Lane The first year class in law is request- ed to meet the'Dean at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Oct. 2, in room C, Law building. Episcopal students are asked to note that the date of the reception and dance at Harris hall is at 8 o'clock Friday night, Oct. 3, instead' of Thursday night as previously stat- ed. Any Episcopal student who has not received an invitation may ob- tain one by calling at H...…

October 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… h 3161 L 7' I rA ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WED.NESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 19f9. MEN BY U. )" Ien To Commemorate Heroes S. ed partially disabled sold- educated by the govern- University this year, ac- r. Fred B. Wahr, officer Fifty have already pre- cre'd'entials to Dr. Wahr, an assigned to vocational he law, literary and en- leges. It is expected that id of the week the hun- ill have been reached. al Board for Vocational s charge of the traint...…

October 01, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…niver- It is proposed to establish an employment and a - legal bureau to advise and safe gaurd the inter- efr ests of its members. It concdemns the activities of erwisethe anarchists and the "international socialists. - 'The post in Ann Arbor meets on Wednesday econd evenings at the call of the chairman. All meetings are held in the Washtenaw County Court house. There are more than 6,ooo students eligible to join e Sig- the local post. ite of ...…

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