)" Ien To Commemorate Heroes
ed partially disabled sold-
educated by the govern-
University this year, ac-
r. Fred B. Wahr, officer
Fifty have already pre-
cre'd'entials to Dr. Wahr,
an assigned to vocational
he law, literary and en-
leges. It is expected that
id of the week the hun-
ill have been reached.
al Board for Vocational
s charge of the trainting
. The work is directed
Eighth district head-
hicago. Men who through
mess were rendered un-
ime their civil occupa-
in this manner under
is of the compensation;
ving all tuition and
for by the government,
s Federal Board receive
h if married, and $80 a
igle,' for their mainten-
t the University.
Wearers of the Varsity "M" who
died on the field of honor while
fighting the battle of democracy in
France, will be commemorated by a
fitting memorial, to be erected on the
University campus by living members
of the "M" club throughout the Unit-
ed States. Engraved upon the mon-
ument will be the names of the four
Michigan men, Lieut.-Col. Curtis G.
Redden, '03L, one of the great-
est ends Michigan ever developed,
Lieuts. Efton James, Howard R.
Smith, 11A, and Otto C. Carpell, all
of whom participated in' Michigan
Bronze Tablet Favored
Letters sent out by the "M" club to
its members showed that a , majority
of them were in favor of such a pro-
posal. The greater number of the
men favored the dedication of a bronze
tablet which would be placed in the
Ferry field club house. This will be
ready for unveiling Nov. 22 at the
Minnesota game, when a great re-
union of the "M" club and other
Michigan men is to be held.
The four men named above are the
only 'M" men known to have died
in service and requests ;were made for
information regarding the men.
Work to Begin Soon
After a definite decision has been
made concerning the form of the
meiorial, work will start imrnedi-
ately in order that it may be ready
for dedication by the date of the
Minnesota game. The "M" club, which
was organized in 1913, is composedl
of practically all the living letter men
of the University.
Will Be Discussed at Labor
Industrial Conference Called
by Wilson
ew York on Sept. 6 aboard
umbia, the University ex-
the study of the battle-
sar, composed of Prof. F.
id Mr. G..R. Swain of the
tment, Mrs. Kelsey ; and
arrived in Glasgow after
p, and is by now onits
for humanistic re-
.e possible by the
dividuals who have
mnention be made of
ich amount to more
University, though
nces for the party,
>f the party.
alled for sailing on
e steamer Royal
pool set as the des-
eseen business pre-
om leaving for one
ke at the Liverpool'
ssary to avoid that
;e Comparatively Pleasant
gain, in a letter to his family,
the pleasant voyage across
atic, and of the travels of the
evious to arrival in London.
p, sole survivor of the six
lied the Glasgow-New York
fore the war, was the oldest
ne. Built in 1904, it is much
han the modern liner, a fact
he passengers soon realized
itching of the boat in rough
eptionally rough weather was
red, but stiff breezes account-
,he seasickness of 300 of the
r list of about 1200. Of the
ty party little Easton Kelsey
e worst, being confined to his
r several days.
Captain Saw Action
captain of the boat is a fine
chman of 60 or thereabouts,"
Swain. "He commanded troop
mm England to France and Gal-
r. two years, then a sub got
ship. He tried to ram the
ch shot a torpedo at close
waring out part of the side of
The ship then overran the
shing the periscope and buck-
deck plates, but the latter was
to be cut in two." The cap-
taken prisoner when the sub-
ame to the surface, being held
ermans for over two years un-
ar ended.
sing the itinerary from Lon-
Swain says, "As soon as we
1gh at London, we go to Paris,
r Kelsey remarked that he
ous to get through to Con-
le as soon as we reasonably
Plans will be vague until we
jondon where we shall be 'al-.
go, and make arrangements
for autos." ,The entire trip
aching there will be by ma-
At first it was hoped that an
ntinued on Page Seven)
i Re-appointed Ambjassador
ngton, Sept. 30.-Without a
ote the senate late today con-
the nomination of Brand
c of Ohio as ambassador to
. (By Associated Press)
-Washington, NSept. 30. - Proposal's
for. the establishment of a council
for settlement of indusrial disputes
replacing the recently di solved war
labor board probably will be one of
the first subjects brought up for dis-
cussion at the labor and industrial
conference called by Presi4ent Wil-
son* to meet here Monday, it was
learned today from Department of
Labor officials in close touch w h
the arrangements for the meeting.
Strikers Await Conference
Pittsburg, Sept. 30.-The steel work-
ers' strike ' so far as the Pittsburg
district is concerned drifted along
today without any distict change be-
ing noted. -The strike zone was quiet.
The )anions claim, they are holding
their, men together and are cnstantly
bringing more into their ranks. The
steel companies, on the contrary, say
they are getting ,more workers into
their plants due to the desire of the
men to work and to the police pro-
tectior afforded then.
There is a belief in some quarters
that no break, if any, can be looked
for until after the industrial confer-
egce which opens at Washington.
Tension Inerases at Chicago
Chicago, Sept. 30.-Tension increas-
ed today between the warring forces
and the Chicago district steel strike
area. Both sides claimed gains, but
developments seemed to indicate lit-
tle material change in comparison
with previous days. The big steel
plants continued to operate at about
25 to 30 per cent capacity and no se-
rious violence was reported.
At the' first meeting of the board
of directors of The Michigan Chimes
last night details for the coming pub-
licity and subscription campaigns as.
well as topics' of University interest
were planned and discussed.
Final subscription plans will be
completed during a special meeting
to be held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday
night in the Michigan Union. Repre-
sentatives from the campus at large
and members of the board will at-
Since the presidents of the senior
classes hre been voted, to sit on an
advisory committee of Chimes early
dates for the elections of class oft-
cers will be decided upon by the Stu-
dent Council when it assembles to-
night. Quadangle's representative to
the board of directors wl be chosen
at the club's bi-monthly meeting.
Utah Approves Women Suffrage
Salt Lake, Sept. 30.-The hquse of
representatives of the Utah legisla-
ture in special session today ratified'
the amendment to the National Con-
stitution providing for women suf-
frage. The senate ratified the amend-
" m"n > *sterav.
Moran Announces Choice for Initial
Battle of Series; Sox Hurler
Still in Doubt
(By Associated Pres\
Cincinnati, Sept. 30.-At i o'clock
tomorrow afternoon the four umpires
at Redland Park' will wave 'their
hands, the Reds will take their play-
ing positions, Leibold or J. Collins of
the Chicago White Sox will enter the
batter's box and the first of the great
conteLts for baseball's richest prizes
and highest honors will begin.
Manager Moran announced tonight
that Ruether will pitch the first
game for Cincinnati. The White Sox
battery was not announced tonight.
Nothing but weather of the most
unfavorable kind will' delay the start
and when play begins the largest
throng that ever saw a baseball game
in Cincinnati will be _-the'park.
Every seat for the first game 'and'
eveW reserve for the first three games
have been purchased. Cincinnati ho-
tels grogned today under the weight
of base all enthusiasts.
Tomorrow morning the final details
of the seris will be made at the Na-
tional Commission meeting. While
no official announcement has been
made relative to ground rules, it is
believed thg National. league rules
'will apply for the series.
Betting on the series was notice-
able today for its absence. Several
wagers of large amounts were offer-
ed. No' takers were reported. Local
fans are demanding odds. Chicago fans
ask even money.
Both teams worked out at Redland
field today, the Reds taking a turn in
the morning and then allowing the
Sox to figure. on the angles of the
"So well is the rooming situation in.
hand, we could provide lodging for
,a couple of hundred students, should
that numiber enroll tomorrow," said
George Hurley, general secretary of
the Union, Tuesday. "We have enough
rooms to take care of everybody, 'al-
though their location from the cam-
pus is not all that could be desid-
ed," he said.
The housing committee of which
Robert F. Grindley, '21E, is chair-
man of the room assignment divi-
sion, and Howard Collins, '20E; of the
room canvassing side, is still at work
to provide for any changes where stu-
dents may desire to shift from tem-
porary, to prmanent lodgings. Ac-
cording to Collins, rooms are still be-
ing reported and listed to tage care
of any overflow.
The newly created housing com-
mission, which in all probability will
'be a combination of the present com-
mittees, will be announced within a
short time.
In order to reduce to a minimum
next year the work of lodging stu-
dents, the comiission will hav can-
vassed the city for availabe rooms,
cataloged and indexed these, and
have 'divided the city into rooming
zones. A study will be made in the
hope of standardizing student room-
ing conditions.
"Concerning the selection of a cheer
leader, I am very much in favor of the
old competitive system," said Philip
Bartelme, Director of Outdoor Ath-
letics, when questioned Tuesday. "I
believe that the Student council
should take care of the selecting," he
"For the last two years Michigan
has had- no reular man to lead its
yells,- while in the past the cheer
leader was one of the big men on
the campus. The Student council
used to furnish one and I think it is
up to them now."
Others than Bartelme have voiced
the same opinion, especially thoe
who recall "Hal" 'Smith and "Bob"
Bennett and their antics before the
stands. With the approach of the
football season and its attendant need
of organized cheering, it is hoped that
the council will take definite action
concerning the selection of a cheer
leader at their meeting Wednesday
Besides being one of the best var-
sity cheer leaders, Smith was captain
of the track team, and the suggestion
has been made that this year's track
leader automatically be made cheer
leader as well. Other suggestions
have been made and it is hoped that
the council will act favorably upon
one of these. in order that a leader
may be picked shortly.
That the suggestion of-a University
chapter of the American Iegion is
illogical is the opinon of Lieut.-Col
John P. Lucas, professor of military
science. "Since students joining the
proposed University chapter would
transfer to their home organization,
the effect would be to produce but a
'temporary society within the Uni-
versity," he said.
All Service Men Should For
Colonel' Lucas believes that every
student who 'has been in service as a
soldieri, sailor, or marine should af-
filiate himself with the local post,
for which application blanks may be
obtained from him in room 239, en-
gineering building.' \iembers of the
S. A. T. C. and naval unit are eligible
for membership,
Endorsed by Government
Organized in Paris by a meeting of
all the branches of the A. E. F. on
March 15, the Legion has been en-
dorsed by a second meeting of army
and navy men held at St. Louis early
in May. The organization has the
backing of the War department and it
Is expected that in time it will be-
come more powerful than 'the G. A.
R., to which it is'similar.
A meeting of the local chapter will
be held in the courthouse next Tues-
day evening, according to Patrick
Walsh, permanent chairman. Oct.11,
12, 13 are the 'dates slt for the state
convention, which will be held at
Grand Rapids ,.
Washington, Sept. 30. - President
Wilson whose illness t ok a turn for
the better yesterday continued to im-
prove today under the rest cure pre-
scribed by his physician.
After the first good night's rest he
had had since he was taken ill, the'
President was up most of the day and
was permitted' by Dr. Grayson to give
his attention for a short while to press-
ing executive matters.
Dr..Grayson would make no prodic-
tions saying wvhether the President
would be able to take any part in the
labor and industrial conference which
meets here next Monday.
At the meeting of the Union com-
mittee held Tuesday night the various
books for the opera were well discuss-
ed. All of those submitted were of
such a high standard that the commit-
tee was unable to decide upon any
one. It is hoped, however, that they
will soon be able to pick the one best
suited to Michigan's need.
at 9,0
Enrollment in
increased by on
to the opening
reached the ,960
her there are twc
Registrar Hal
figure to be pa
not surpass tha'
previous years it
registration prat
the University b
years ago Tuesd
year of' 1916-17,
reached 3,Q00, w
third less than t
17. -Basing est
seem that the
University, in
sion, will prc
Registrar H
hs this, but hE
ures at 9,000,
will be on the
being at Sumi
1 when the r
ful estimate o
it will not be
er Idhe 10,000
At this ti
ing every p1
istrution, es
-oilnent wi
in 1916-17.
was 7,516; a
that Registi
will be cor,
After We
flAN I U 9U
same will prove true
Hlats isc
'r oshLl
"Fresh- Gayly dre
\"Pot-A plain,
ing the neat plaid 'cli
'ish gray felt for the
piece which must b<
Cap night brings reli
Last fall our year
their identity beneath
and walked easily in
Ferry field stands,
to calls of "Hat, fros
perclassmen. This
sophomores are expe
ciless in their insis
ancient ceremony. V
class surpassing all
in size, both collect
vidually, we may so
shortage of gray w(
buttons. Every 192
therefore lose no tin
cap while they last-
SSt. Louis, S
financiers, can
spread of radic
States. by/ mal
builders, Raym
Seattle asserte d
the convention
ing Association
"The home i