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October 01, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-01

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niver- It is proposed to establish an employment and a
- legal bureau to advise and safe gaurd the inter-
efr ests of its members. It concdemns the activities of
erwisethe anarchists and the "international socialists.
- 'The post in Ann Arbor meets on Wednesday
econd evenings at the call of the chairman. All meetings
are held in the Washtenaw County Court house.
There are more than 6,ooo students eligible to join
e Sig- the local post.
ite of Are you going to let the opportunity slip?


There is a new meeting place for the students.
The old flag pole has been moved to a less advan-
tageous 'position at the end of the mall but its place
in student activities will be taken by the monogram
in front of the new Library.
In former times it was customary to gather
around the old flag pole for the class games or the
honor society initiations. It was the center of stu-
dent campus activity. It was convenient to all'
pairts of the campus, -and was, well known.
A monogram of 'the University has taken its
place. The letters are formed of brick in the mid-
dle of the diagonal.
In f ront of the Library there is a spacioi4s ce-
ment walk which is available as an outdoor meet-
ing place or forum. A person may stand on the
Library steps and address the throng gathered
upon the sidewalk.
Even though the flag pole be gone why not con-
tinue to fnake the spot the center of student activ-
ities ?

_ r _ -
r. r r


State Streets
Complete Optical Department


Eyes Examined
accurately and
at a reasonable
cost to you.






& Fuller.~

An Indiana maid married a man who found her
name written on an egg. What girl wouldn't an--
gle f or a man who could buy eggs.

State Street Jewelers

quench The Great Thirst.
The Guillotine

will help

r ...,...

Promptly Filled



The Female of the Species
0' the Daily cub is fearless
And the Daily, cub is brave,
lie will tackle' any creature
That was ever known to shave,
But a lady dean just scares him,
He will tremble and grow pale
For the female of the species
Is more deadly than the male.


To Present the Smart Tailored A
You Have Only to Choose from Our

Established 1857



0' the ~blooiming blushing coed
When she needs a C to pass
Tries to vamp the poor instructor
At the finish of the class,
She will smile and ask him questions
And this method does not fail
For the female of the species
Is more deadly than the male.

-Every woman in choosing1
individuality, quality of materi<
tive price. The student wishes
which will youthfully express't


These fall suits now on display
picked for their originality combined w
Much of their charm lies in the beauti:
shades. Various shades of brown and
altho we are showing numerous other c

0' the hero f rom the Argonne
Is as quiet as a mouse
When he sees the light of battle
Neath the eyebrow of his spouse,
He will fight a dozen Germans
But no rolling pin assail
For the female of the species
Is more deadly than the male.
0' the motor cop is bitter
And the motor cop is sour,
He will pinch his own dear- father
Going sixteen miles an hour,
But to stop a lady driver
Much apologies entail
For the female of the species
Is more deadly than the male.

*With trimming mainly of
usual collars and cuffs and belt
els still do not depart f rom the
a trimming so dear to most
number. This simplicity and

-The dressier suits have embroidery and braid
sometimes a touch of fur at the throat.
These 'models are of frost glow; wool velour, sil
and men's wear serge. The colors are navy, var
--brown, of blue, mahogany, and oxford, with an e.
ment of the smartest models around $75.00.
(2nd Floor)

4A a

I :,

t U-

"Tiravel brings out all there is in one."-Cur-
rent Opinions. Yes, ocean travel particularly.
Film Service says that Al Jolson's father is a
"rabbit" of a Washington church. Evidently not
a Welsh one.
Our Daily Novelette
"Why does Coach Yost wave his arms ?"
-"0', he's just looking, forward."
"Looking forward ?"
"Yes, he wants to win'd up the training sea-
Blankety-Blank Verse No. 3
After all
The most important date
In history
Was Anthony's
With Cleopatra
And then too
The most stirring passages
In literaturea
Are in
The Boston Cook book.
We thank you.
People going to classes these days have an At-
lantic City gait-sort of a bored walk, you know.
Famous Closing Lines
"Anhd the wot~t of it is I'm sober," said the
movie operator as he reeled away.
LOUIS x vi.

Hose was

Never Miore Important
than Now


Our line of hose is very complete, containing
a futll assortment of the shades' matching the fall
boots. We also carry a line of fancy hose, for
more dress wear. We have black, white and
colors, in the Burlingame, Kayser; and Radmore
hosiery at $i.5o to $3.50. We also carry the
Luxite hose.


" "

(1st Floor)

i _ _


nization, is non-
vs no distinctions
>and others. It

ris the early
growing. It
hen tl~e great
inneapolis on

I have 100 shares in Florence Oil
and Gas in new Kansas oil field, to
be sold in ten days. Call Neal D. Ire-
land at 1326 .Washtenaw.----Adv.
The Athletic Association of the Uni-
versity of Michigan will receive bids
for the refreshment concessions on
Ferry Field for the ensuing. college
year up to and including Thursday,
6 P. M., October 2, 1919. Send sealed
bids to Athletic Association offices,
Ann .Arbor Press Building, P. G. Bar-
telme, Athletic Director..-Adv.

For (Satisfactory Amateur
Finishing leave your Films'


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