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October 02, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-02

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vixv en'" tit'ed ti the nsP or
c' c td nAor nu'i ot!'crwisc
1in g, :Mayard strcee.

It is an absolute truth that MIichigan nccds high TWENiTY FILIPINOS REGISTER
grade men as cheer leaders. WVhcn we consider the THIS FALL AT UT. OF I01WA
prominent camplus mein who arc virtually idle at
"h's time of the ycar-opera men, baseball nUniversity of Iowa is wurking for
certain track _men-w,- havc a righlt to expea ct od an international reputation, and from
material to groxv. out of t"tei tryouts. At least the this year's enrollment' and regi tra-
men ho aveMiciga'; wlfae a hert illtion it would seem that the cornh3uL_-
not' hesitate ab)out instillit g . their cnwhusiasm into esaescedn pet el
others, cvecn thctrgl itd u take a little time and
l ?n. Tower.
And in order that we- get cny the great mian ®
for the critical moment let thec tryouts bye conucted
at pep me etinlgs. Not at the games. C)

the Dal-r Iowan to have registered tries nd~ to thne princeipal univer;
thiere this fall. This is th3 largestofaltarpenaivfrig
number from that territory that hae tions.
been enrolled there any year yet.
Clot'h-bound cceles of the catalog Drawing Instruments and Engia
of the Universit-, of Iowa are being Supplies at Wahr's, 316 S. State
sent to the national libraries cf sev- Adv.

wo\"rds if signed, the sig-
rt, but as an cvidence of
ished i The jDaily at the
.ailed to The Dailyr office.
o consideration. No man-
er incloses postge.
dorse the sentiments ex-

le %%

...Managing Editor
Ole 24t4 Or 1o16
.ii:iness Manager
hon;e 960' or 27 38
... .. .. .. .. .. \ i~t r
.City Idlir
S rts [hlt.11r
... . . .. .. . A-omecn's Editor
Cha rles iR. Osius, Jr.
.Advert n i1 .i~a *r
.is~tj: ara- er
........T'.. \0Tein Mana'r
... . . .. . .......... lai Ma1nge
.Musi ic-i ditnr
Qtau"ff C t or1-
.~ StifE 'a~-toihA

A University graduate refused an instructorship
to stick to his Job in a.feed store. When the teach-
ing profession receives'~its due rcmr:.t.;ion, such
things will not occ.
F:r shmren mayv take comfort in lhe news that
Princes Albert ahiUei- of Enuland have just
cn~cered into thec joys of their first year at Trinity
Lanl-dies dLclarc they have been losing great_
sumls cf money in past years. Dut ~ve lstill -find
tl~he=-nin out the sign ecvery fall.
The Bolshev,,st' Gover-nmciitof Russia went in
'-"Jt sOnle 3O7O30009OOrillCs in1 six mt10nths.
Acions s",cak louder 'than words.
Isn't it about time for th° old joke- con~erning'
[he "frosh" xwho wants to know xvhch building is'
Thie Daily Times News has been sold, says a ,re-
por,1t. "Ehvery day for two cents," says the office

... i. ... 4 _ r

1919AT ASWith LateGVE
LASWar Maps GV
6o the students of The Univrs~y of Vecaigan whvo trck- ad-vntage of tis~ offer now made in connection




Kius cl. i: n

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on I ak'n

Pal Al T,,llois
orn : .Lert C. Angecll

Tfrp Only Grand Prize Award
given to dictionarie 3 at the Paniama-Paciflc Intcrna-
tional Exposition was granted' to Webster's New
International and the Merriam Series for superiority
of educational merit.

Words of Recenit Interest
Anzac, ace, barrage, Bertha, blighty, Boche, Bol-
shevflki, ' camouflage, Lewis gun, Liberty bond, Sam.-
inso-iet, tank, war bride.- These are but a few
fro-ni the thousands, of late words,-all clearly de-
fined in this Great Work.



{ anms Rawlings
Ravmond 1X. Corwin


ER 2,113.
the 211"h'.an Union
-tIon 1z;~~l in hayn,1
toL omdt all
C. v ln r-1itcof the
grantc - ac1 c:t for
111 isl . emrgenCy. but
,.p ct of the tIouL1i1:

Bellgiun has sent out a call for cats.
if they could t,.e any Bo1sh-viks?


1I-ve you sig;ned up for the Ame ,rican Legion,
the vteran's organization?

Thy G ilo±

SThe )fierriam Webster
A Cornpl'te Ref erence Library in Diction,'ary Form-with near
3,0-00 pages, and type matter equivalent to a. 15-~V6lume En-cyc
pedi~a, all in a single vohimcn, in Rich, Full Red Leather or Libra
Buckr-am Binding, ca~n now be secured by readers of The~ Michig
Daily on the following rema~rkably easy terms :
7 he cn~ire work in either binding (wvitht comnpi
,1919 Alqs)
Delivered for $1.00 and easy paymen
thereal ter of only a few cents a week
(Ian.IUnl.ed States 4uid Canad.)


tmmany of
and arc, more-
:t rcnm11"; tha
ir r-enta-s ap-
, propecrty r c-
~tt5is a malt-
Sdetermined to.

Our ,Daily Al
if ,,on think it is ca--= to do this
Jnvcnting of humor( ?) and wit(?)
Just- take up ycur trusty self fillur
SAnd try it yourself for a bit/
For a wheeze has your heart's blood onZ it,
A rhyme the sweat of your brcw,
The keenest joke is an unpazdded yoke
And wor se, as you xviii jallow,
(I oIdo't grind an axe! for the d;roo'smith
Cr hope he is thrown in the lake,
Chortle a bit'if he don't mak e a hit,
Laugh, brother, for courtesy's ~le
bm11oritun °ythl e cmniloor of the Michlian
U nion is not what it is cracked up to be.
It cost the Chic- ;o Tribunec 6 con s to call Ftord
an anarchist. A'ccor-ding; to that rate it would entail
an expense of $i i,oco to say what we think. about,
the weather manl.
heard ,i n thc DaIy Offlcc
"Who is the belle going upstairs ?"
"Dunm-. but she's sonme belie."
'She is?'>
"Yes, s-he belong.s to the ichigan1 ChimeZs staff."
'M)tcrman- Sust in's 6oo Volts; Lives."-"De-
i-U ouri.!.You isec hewas a , non-conductor

93/ in. x


I str

ost common of the alleged griev-
n sttients -who claim fthat they ve-
to find roomrs Nwhich they,,had en
ed rrices last sumr-er re--t' ° at
's If this is true and the' indications,
- re samie lanlad'iets 9-mst not ak
ir ro1- rii~ili asl!mrni idisre
.1 - .r cmeni~s a d =neov& out.
71hlo.i is ^an i11ric-a"eone a'nd
ll cirlit'o:1 arwas srloulan his
n nQ'; be de'^rnielt? b-' athr
n of repnomt. Jt i for the ^11rpose
invesr"11 p1 nihtte i-hi7-vi.
r~d 4A *~ fo~i ,t) he fiIcrl 1i1 by
lboly Wiho 17virctim of 'n unar-
room ntaa-ftj n ~to re-
)ial saying tha^t th e m-. who- staled
mlay ,do nearly a-, much as the
is col-,lily a 1laitde to Say that
onl at .Uivriygame i-> of tun-
to Tthe .1t1 . Mos Mlchiq-11men
,ir ~'Al "in te Min , reso vzd not
po unf ough 2intheblhes a, 1vel

",It is an ever-present and reliable
school-master to the whole f imily"
The only dictionary with the re n-'4TV'-e.P"- charactei ized as "A Stroke of Cenius."



/Is the 1919 "New Re~erenc Atl'is
of the World," containing nearly
200 pages, with 128 pages of maps.
beautifu~.lly printed in colors, %vith
marginal reference indexes, late
Census Figures, Parce'-Post Guide,
late War Maps, ttc., all hando36m
ly bound in red, cloth. size 1014x:135/3


E. Van Arali, 605 EImpire Bldg., Detroit, Michigan
(PIublishers of Genuine Webster Dictionaries for over, 7d years)
Please s.n 1 me free of all obligation or expense a copy of "Dictionary Wrinkles,"'
crritaininig an ' a- u in-7 "Trst in Pronounciation~" (with key) entitled "The American-
ization of Carver". also "t,'5 Interesting (questions" with referenccs to their anfswers,
"i I t'-y1,Ir, -- ,r . Plate" of the new bindings. Please include specimen
rarcs- of In ia and Re ;uiar parer with termjs of your Michigan Daily free Atlas offer on
tC l .'~~A Ft-f.a LIa, klI i.ilonary.-
Nlm- - .~
A ad e~rs

TIGa' ctv-Blank V>rc:sc ANo.
- W'e haver
A lot of respcct
-For Moses-
P cau~se h1e was
°'ie first columnl con:ductor
--And didn'ta
3Hrve to worry
Alo l is last line
Thaving; a lot of pe;;
-You se
The F-yptian army
Was right behind it,
We thank you.
0-ir DaTv Nov,-lette.
{,1-,-i '"My hair is ann up straight this
r~crnin <'
G; rtic-"You see: I v-cd the D t. otTm o
curl papers last evmin, "
( Deep )
The o'd ffasir' c l uent tused 'osit .t)all night
to. imroe s imd hut -^ -vof them nowadays
try to impr-ove their hand instead.
"Our frien l t'h "Y" X1'1., -th-n'io-h its elmloy-
- nta7:,ncv for ,five Ubarbe)rs and 'one stone cutter.
N\o im7.plicatins ibt--
F'atouts C~uwL
"Xnmoan is the root of all evil,"' s-id the^ young
~'"after biddIing on. four queens --itn t a r,+yal
flu.L - .LOUIS X T1.


_ ,

I ft


.An' Invitation IFrom The,
Ailmendinger Music Shop
Is Extended To All Students

We'' are glad to

see aill the old customer~s back

rro;^" crl . r dt mu-. t a a 1. r.j
isytemati:cheering di:n ja CArill i
ng; As ~ 'ad he oae se bv
1' that acts c OteaiclY .n! doe

again as 'well as the new 'ones.
You will always find a hearty welcome
at our store. Our air is .Service-Satisfacion.
Make This, Your Musical Headqjuarters
122 L. Liberty St.


MCe oethn of in..ngh
ocrty 'lheman who110can

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