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October 05, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-05

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er Expeeted
';Will Play


(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 4.-Continued im-
provement was reported in Rear Ad-
miral Grayson's night bulletin which
declared that President 'Wilson had
passed a more encouraging day al-
thougl:.he improvement was not de-
The bulletin issued at 10:30 tonight
"The ,president has passed a more
encouraging day. The improvement
is slight but not decisive."
With all of Mr. Wilson's immedi-
ate family at the White house, scores
of other persons, including many of-
ficials and diplomats, called at the
executive offlee to express their sym-
pathy and their hope for a speedy
No one except members of. the fam-
ily were permitted to see the presi-
dent, however, and it was said that
for a few days the rule of absolute
quiet would be enforced rigidly.
Literary Freshmen to Hear First of
Series of Lectures

0 00


o --0 3 2'
0 0-2 5 0

Conflicting Claims Made by Boarding
House Men and Cream-
Immediately f.ollowing the city
chemist's disclosure in Saturday's is-
sue of The Daily that two of the larg-
est boarding houses, one of the larg-
est cafeterias, and many smaller
boarding houses in Ann Arbor were
serving unpasteurized 'milk to their
patrons, some of the houses and dair-
ies concerned were interviewed re-
yarding the situation.
According to C. C. Freeman, man-
ager of the Freeman house, he has
been unable to obtain the pasteurized
product when he has asked for it. He.
says a milk famine has existed every
year from August on, and that he has
phoned in to the Ann Arbor Dairy
for milk and been refused. He did
not care to state that he would change
over to the pasteurized product even
if it could be secured, and main-
tained that his milk was cleanly han--
dled and not dangerous, though it was
not pasteurized. He said that the
Chubb house was in the same sit-
Dairy Criticises Managers
The Ann Ar orDairy was consult-
ed and stated that at present it has
a shortage o; 600 gallons daily,
which is gradually being reduced.
The manager declared that the board-
ing houses of the city, including
Chubb's and Freeman's, could secue
pasteurized milk throughout the year
if they would stop their jpractice of
waiting until the worst time'of the
year before calling the creamery. "If
they would become regular patrons,"
he said, "I would be able to take
care of them; but at present I feel it
my duty to supply the buyers who
take'my pasteurized milk during the

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to win the
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Steel Strikers Clash with County
City Authorities; Many


(By Associated Press)
Gary, Ind., Oct. 4.-Serious rioting
broke out late today' when thousands
of steel strikers and others . hailed
bricks and stones, fought the police,
deputy sheriff and the city fireme.n,
injuring probably scores. A local'
company of militia was notified by city
officials to be in readiness for duty.
The fighting spread virtually all
over the south part of the city, ex-
tending from 10th to 18th avenue.
Hospitals Filled
The (local hospitals were soon filled
with the injured and the city jail with
men arrested.
The fighting was of such a fierce
nature between squads as well as be-
tween individuals and spread so rap-
idly that it/was feared that it would
be prolonged. No shots were fired.
Shortly after 7 o'clock Mayor Hodg-
es issued a statement that the police
had the situation under control. At
that time fifty men had been taken
by the police. Incomplete reports say
that 40 or 50 were injured.
The trouble started when/strikers
were leaving a union meeting. Sev-
eral thousand' men who were at the.
meeting and others in the street were
Militia Ordered Out
Indianapolis, Oct. 4.-Gov. Goodrich
ordered 11 companies of the state mil-
itia to East Chicago and Gary when
rioting, broke out today. Troops are
expected to arrive at East Chicago at
6 o'clock tomorrow morning.
The governor's action followed an
appeal from SherifftBarnes of Lake
County, and Mayor Hodges of Gary.
The sheriff reported that agitators
were inciting the striking steel work-
ers to riot and that the situation was
beyond, his control, on account of in-,
ability to obtain sufficient, deputies.
Strikers Return to Work
Baltimore, Oct. 4.-- The striking
tin plate workers ,at the Sparrows
Point plant 4f the Beth.lehem Steel
corporation tonight voted to return to
work Monday. It is understood no con-
cessions have been made by the com-

Meetings for the nomination of class
officers will be held during the com-
ing week. Nominations will be
made, from which four men will be
selected by the class for each office,
and the names of these four men will
then be sent in for the eligibility com-
mittee to pass upon their standing.
Following the decision of the com-
mittee as to the nominees' eligibil-
ity, the class at its next meeting, the
date of which will be decided at this
firqt meeting, will elect from the list
of 'nominees a man for each office.
The offices to be filled are president,
vice-president, secretary, treasurer,
aid, oratorical delegate.
Dates for the various class meet-
ings are as follows: senior lits will
meet at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
in room 205 Mason hall; junior lits
at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in
room 205 Mason hall; and sopho-
more lits at 3 o'clock Thursday aft-
ernoon in room 205 Mason hall.
Engineers will carry on their elec-
tions at the class assemblies, but the
date for the freshman assembly, at 11
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, is the
only one decide upon as yet.,
Senior, junior, and sophomore phair-
mies will meet for the nominations at
4:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in
room 151 of their building. As yet
the dates for the medic, dental, and
homoeopathic meetings have not been
set, owing to the unsettled condition
of these classes.
Expression of University Sentiment
in Readabli Manner Is Aim of


test- To bring together the large number
of literary ,tudents and to give them
a knowledge of the purpose of the
literary coiled ' first of series of
a out talks to literar) freshmen, will be
ie at given at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon
~in 'Unversity Hall.ticuse i
thre- "The purpose oftbis course is,
e threefold," said Dean J. R. Effinger
inp- yesterday; "to aid the beginning stu-
dent to appreciate the difficulties and
roved opportunities of undergraduate life, to
acquaint hn with the better types
s, al- of University traditions, and to en-
lg able him to fhid his proper place in
rt of the intellectual interests and activi-
tip- ties of the academic world."
Class Meetings Follow Talks
They Development of a strong lass and
elded college spirit is expected to be an-
iandother result of the meetings. Class
meetings will be held at the close of
fifth the talks.
they Dean )longer will speak at to-
sack. morrow's meeting, telling of the pur-
ound pose of the course. President Harry
f the B. Hutchins will- speak Monday, Oc-
hair- tober 13, taking as his subject "The
a an University."
d Ci- Prof. J. R. Brumm of the rhetoric
haste department and Prof. Guy M. Whip-
ndilhs ple 'of the education department, will
speak at later meetings. Professor
Whipple's subject will be, "Hints
About Methods f f tu.'
Dun- Prof. R.. J. Weney, philosophy de-
t partment, wll give three talks on the
9h - idea of the Uiversita gnd three, on
'.wn the function of the literary college.
'ngled Tq Discus Ourrliuiu
The content the ourrculpmi3 will




-imself o
List out o
es will b
the sixt
hed Cin
a the firs
fty" Wit
rs in th

- be discussed by Prof. 8. I. BigelIw
of the chemical department; Prof. H.
d H. Baptlett of the botany depart-
w PtProf. L. , Karpinski of the
mathenetic5 department; Prof. W.
'r A. Frayer of the history depart-
-n ment; Prof. David Friday of the eco-
'n nomics departnent; Prf. F. N. Scott
f of the rhetoric department; and Prof.
R. M. Wenley of the philosophy de-
e partment.
h Attendance will be taken at all
meetings..Seat numbers were issued
1 at classification, and the seating of
t students will be arranged before the
1 first talk tomorrow afternoon.


Monopoly Feared
In reply to this statement Mr.
Freeman said, "Of course the creamer-
ies want to get the boarding houses-
tied up for the entire year, in order
to 'monopolize the market. But we
refuse to become patties to any such;
combination. Of course if the Uni-
versity authorities require it we will
have to change; but I want to state
here and now that our milk is far
better than the supply of any cream-
ery,; pasteurized or not."
R. V.Trosper, manager of the Ar-
cade cafeteria, stated that he had no
intention of changing to pasteurized
milk, and did not beievo such Wilk
really was necessary. " belieY@,"
he said, 'tht z r using the very
best milk supply i town.
"For some tine9' continued Mr.
Trosper, "we secured good milk from
a dairy which supplied us from Jack-
son. We didn't know the source of
this milk but finally we managed to
secure otr milk from the Bolger
dairy. This milk, while not pasteur-
ized, is much better than the pas-
teurized product sold here, and the
cream will stay sweet for three days
in hot summer weather. Cleanliness
and not pasteurization is, the prime
necessity for securing a safe milk
Chemist Gives Views
Dr. N. R. Sniith, city chemist and
bacteriologist, is directly opposed. to
this view. "Pasteurization maks the
milk absolutely safe and we. will stand
by It as the one sure methoi of 4e-{
curing purity. Any milk supply, 7o,'
matter how carefully handled, is cot}-
taminated occasionally., a only pus-
teurizatior can tak this q. 1e~re
is always danger pf ufe tio uoi .s
that h is use. Moral suaslon
should ertainly be brought to bear
to galie arding houses serve only
the pure prodtot," -
Dr. Smith did not name the houses
using unpasteurized milk, their state-
ments being obtained from them per-
Union Billiard Room Nears Completion
Billiard tables for the Unionwil l
be set up in the new room on, 4te,
second floor some time tuia 'k eek, as
everything is inished except for one
fixture d the cementing of the floor.
.n expert will, arrive from the Bruns-
wik factory Monday to unpack aid
plac~e the tablea,




OHIO WA ...... ..
( 3y Assgciated Press)
Coumpu . s, 9,"Pqt. 4.-States foot-
ball tear ybg little dicuity in win-
ning he first game of the season to-
day from Ohio Wesleyan 38 to 0.
.Willaman, and Harley, Ohio. State's
all-American half, were the Buckeyes'
mainstays. Willaman scored two
touchdowns on straight line plunges,
while Harley scored by an end run
and a drop kick
Other Games
Minnesota 39; North Dakota 0.
Franklin 14; Purdue 14.
Wisconsin 7; Rin''.4
TT-n 322 "T ..is c '^ f

When the new R. 0. T. C. unit in
the engineering college begins work
next week, it will be thoroughly
equipped with signalling apparatus,
due to the fact that a shipment of
over three tons of unused signal corps
portable equipment has been loaned
to the University by the government
for that purpose,.
To date the response of the men
toward the unit, of which Lt. Col. J.
P. Lucas is the head, has been very
discouraging, only 3r5 lving en-
rollec -.
> t. tso thought that one reason or
the smal\ enrolnent is the fact that
so ;any of the ien have been in
sericn a ghave bad their fill of.
Military tactic. The idea, however,
teat driflbi to be conducted is er-
poneous. The only drill required will
'be at the two summer camps, and
only then will uniforms be worn.
Not only will the work here at the
'University be of an entirely techni-
cal nature, but all those who com-
plete the course will, at graduation,
be given a commission in the reserye
corps of the army without emlna-
Iapare t y nion Floors
SanerAAe been placed in the main
colxridor and the dining room of the
Union in order. that work toward 'lay-
ing the cement may start. As yet the
tile for the upper layers hs failed
to arrive, but it is expected that it
wilfl hare as soon as the cement
Wvork is copleted.

What the Literary Digest does with
world news the Michigan Chimes will
attempt to do with the treatment of
vital University issues occording to
the present Plans of the Board of Di-
rectors of the new magazine.
Above all else The Chimes Will en-
deavor to be exceedingly readable.
Large print, two column pages, short
articles, numerous cuts and cartoons,
and many other as yet unannounded
plans of make-up will be planned to
this end. The Chimes will not en-
deavor to be academic, but an organ
in which the whole campus may ex-
press its opinion regarding Michigan
affairs. Clothed in a two color cover
by Bachman, the monthly has been
said to present a distinctive appear-
Clubs Inadequate
"Clubs and campus societies offer a
medium for personal expression," re-
marked George Hurley, general secre-
tary of the Union at a recent meeting
of the Board of Directors in telling
how The Chimes would be able to as-"
sist the Michigan Union in its work,
"but the Union can only be of full
service when it learns just what the
student body wants. Chimes will ful-
fill this need, for lerp will be a pub-
lication fe'arle , enough to present all
sincere beliefs."
In telling of the long felt need for
such a magazine as Chimes at Mich-
igan Harry M. Carey, '20, managing
editor of The Daily, said: "The Daily
trys to present news 'as it happens..
All campus opinion can never be se-
cured in time for each issue. The
Daily is limited to the publishing of.
news. The Michigan Chimes will be
able to do things 'for the Univer-
sity body which The Daily finds it-
self unable to do."
An Aid to Athletics
"Since The Michigan Chimes will
undoubtedly realh more alumni and
prospective, high school students than
any other publication does at the
present it will be sure to boost ath-
letics. Its good effect will be bound
to be-noticeable here in a very few
years," was the .belief expressed by
Angus Goetz, '22M, Varsity football,
Grad Accepts Position -with Academy
Wilfred Emnmons, '19, has accepted
a position as master of French at
Howe academy, Howe, Ind. Emmons
was, for a year, in army Y. M. C.
A. work, where he devoted his time

Engineers Fall to Penetrate Wolv
ime Line, Succeed in Getting
Only One First Down
Michigan's Varsity eleven took
first "game of the season from ' Ca
Saturday afternoon, on Ferry iE
Three periods decided the final verd
of 34 to 0 against the Engineers.
Prophets who conceded the fi
Maize and Blue opponents a look
on the kcore' through the cripp
Wolverine line, overlooked the off
sive strength of Michigan's backfi
with its monopolistic attitude towa
the pigskin. The Case plungers str
heavily and successfullyat the we
slots irf Yost's armor but were uad
to retain the ball. Captain Goet
Hugh Wilson at tackles formed t
further arguments against threaten:
gains, by the Ohio eleven.
Band Appears on Field
The afternoon was opened in 1
conventional fashion. One of the b
organized bands which has ever "
peared on Ferry field arrived w
"The Victors" at 2 o'clock and Cd
followed by the Varsity took the 1
promptly at 2:15. Crowds estima:
at 12,000 spent 'the early moms:
getting back into cheering form.
With the exception of Vick"'whto
mained on the sick list with a 1
foot, Yost gave the public a glance
his regular backfield. Sparks wo
ed throughout the session as pilot
-consistent ground winner, bring:
the stands to their feet at the
of the se ond quarter with a 50 ya
run of his 1916 brand. The fast m
ing quarter ran the team with
questionable judgment and outici
the Engineer booter by 20 yards. I
spirals which averaged 45 yards
accurate form, etablished a gene
confidence that with Sparks in
game, thisfeature will be well ca
Cruse Plays Ful bnck
Bill Cruse Who was shifted a no
to fill Vick's vacancy, handled
new position in veteran style w
was recorded definitely on the sc
board. The big fullback found
necessary openings in the Case
vance guard and doubled his territ
ial acquisitions by cieling the liar
To Cruse belong the honor of scor
the first count of' the Wolverine s
son. This episode occurred in the f
period after the Cleveland outfit I
fumbled on its own 30 yard line. '
more touchdowns, recorded in
third quarter, completed a total o
as the high individual' count of
afternoon. The work of this for]
halfback was of the," nature wt
suggests his possible permanet t
tion at fullback. Such action weo
permit the,returu of Vick to streng
:n the line,;
Weston and Knode who held a d
ecd responsibility behind the line, g
the visiting tackles and ends n
heat than the abundance supplied
the weather man, and each contril
ed a touchdown.
Third in Hard Luck
The ex-captain of the baseball t
received a bad start and repeate
fumble. His error was quickly o'
looked a few moments later, howe
when he located an unobstructe'd p
down the last ,12 yeards towards
Case goal and registered Micmrig2
third score.
Sparks opened the game with a 1
off to 0.ae who defended the 1
goal. Uuering returned $the ball
(Continued on Page Three)



i win-


The literary faculty
at 8 o'clock Tuesday
Because of the numero
es in address the noti
may not be delivered.
hers of the literary f
requested to come, bri
members with them.

.to giving instruction in French.


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