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October 08, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-10-08

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rt g n



Cheer Leader
Not Yet Chosen
While there were two or three men
who showed up very creditably in the
cheer-leaders' tryouts at the Case
game, Saturday, no one has been defi-
nitely picked to fill this place, as


Union Announces Changed System
In Registering All New Members




The committee in charge intends to
have thoroughly competent men on
hand to lead the cheering by the M.
A. C. game, and with this end in
view again calls for tryouts. Accord-
ing to C. ji Bottum, '20E, there are
half a dozen men who are still to be
tried out, aiid it is hoped that there
will be at least twice that' many by
the ,week-end.
All men may be certain that they
will receive a fair tryout. The com-
mittee still finds the turn out for the
job disappointingly small, and is
sglad to give all men every possible
chance to make good. All-those.in-
terested should call Bottum, at 1399.1

Changes in the system of register-
ing Union members have been made
by the officials in charge, owing to the
inability of the committee to be pre-
sent at all times. Life and annual
members may now register at the Un-
ion desk from 7 o'clock every morning
until midnight.
Blanks may be secured at the desk
and a special table has been provided
at which they may be filled out. This
change is primarily for the benefit of
life members, the majority of whom
have as' yet failed to register.
Want Registration Immediately;
As committee appointments are
made upon the basis of the candidate's
qualifications as set forth on his mem-
bership card, life members, who form
the most important part of the Union,
are asked to register immediately in
order that they may be placed on com-
mittees. Registration will continue at

the desk for two or three weeks more
when it is expected that every one
will have registered. As there are
about 5,800 men in the University the
Union expects that about 900 life mem-
bers will sign up and about 4,900 an-
nual members. At present only 100
life members have registered and 3,400
annual members.
Committee Meets Monday
The appointment committee .meeta
Monday morning at which time com-
mittees will be chosen. It is therefore
necessary for all the cards to be sorted
and filed by that time. Announcement
of the committees will be made about
Thursday, Oct. 16, after the names
have been submitted to the eligibility
committee for ratification. More men
than ever will be placed on the com-
mittees this year, owing to the more
extensive uses to which the Union
will be placed.


Definite Action for Canvassing
University Women Began



on who
-up the



to. lose the
would have


)leat with thrills
h1 some ,wierd The Michigan state committee to
running, mighty award Rhodes scholarships will meet
and practically Saturday, Nov. 1, to choose two stu-
o baseball. dents from the state for scholarships
like a certain at Oxford university.
d fourth rounds Elections for Rhodes scholarships
ch four Redlegs last year were postponed- on account
i the fifth, how- of war conditions, but provision has
two passed and been made so that each state will have
and in the sixth its regular quota this year. Mich-
singles were the igan is to choose one scholar for the
hree rpns which 1918 scholarship, and one for, the 1919
Buck Weaver, scholarship. Next year the committee
an who wielded will choose one for 1921.
e game, fell the Receive Large Income
ng the winning ,The students chosen receive a three-
ras the first man year .course at Oxford, with the in-
nter, his second come of three hundred pounds annual-
me. The parti- ly. Candidates must be American cit-
ished and then izens, unmarried, between the ages of
couragement to 19 and 25 and by Oct. 1 of the year
aced Ruether as for which elected must have completed
he sophomore year a a- recognized
unt and missed college or university. Considerations
>t ,the ball drib- of literark and scholastic attainments,
a the fr'st base fondness for and success in outdoor
ll was perfectly sports, qualities of manhood, character
sed the initial and leadership govern selections.
spare, Weaver The Michigan committee of selection
sch, who had de- is composed of Dean John R. Effinger,
he sixth, struck chairman; J. K. Watkins, Detroit; G.
led and Weaver E. Barnes, Flint; Mr. H. E. Yntema,
Ann,Arbor; and W. F. Crossland, De-
onfident troit.
n entered the Committee of Recommendation
ey had so drub- The committee of recommendation
he last ounce of for the University is composed of Dean
rom them. The A. H. Lloyd, chairman; Prof. J. S.
>een hauled over Reeves, and Prof. E. H. Kraus. Stu-
gable fashion by dents who wish to become candidates
.ring the fore.. for Rhodes scholarships and who have
n the field look, not applied to this committee should
than hopeful. report to Dean Lloyd at once. Recom-
itched Chicago's mendation by the University commit-
a 3 to 0 shut- tee is necessary before the state com-
again called on mittee will consider a candidate.
and although all Change in the status of foreign stu-
against him he dents at Oxford has been announced.

When The Michigan Chimes goes to
press Nov. 1 it will be with the as-~
sured list of 1,000 paid subscribers
judging from the present results of+
the subscription campaign.
Men Speak at Fraternities
A corps of 15 men speaking at the
various fraternities aifd house clubs'
during the dinner hours Monday and
Tuesday evenings have sold subscrip-
tions to rmore than 90 per cent of the
members. The remaining fraterni-
ties will be canvassed Wednesday
night. By stationing one man in the
Union, so as not to conflict with The
Michigan Daily's booths in Univer-
versity hall and on the campus, more
than 200 subscriptions have been sold
by the business staff of The Chimes.
Definite action for the canvassing
of University women will begin with
a meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon
in theWomen's League rooms on the
second floor of Barbour gymnasium
when selling details will be explain-
ed by' members of the Board of Di-
rectors of Chimes.
Women to Have Team
The women's subscription tam will
be composed of: Margaret' hapin,
'20, president of the Women's league;
Martha Gurnsey, '19, Women's editor
of Chimes; Elsie Erley, '20, vice-
president of the Women's league;
Sue Verlenden, '20; Lucy Huffman,
'20; Kathyrn Glass, '20; Ann Kirk-
patrick, '20; Anna May Yorks, '20;'
Hannah Blumenthal, '20; Dothea
Flinterman, '20; Ruth Abbott, '20;
Delcia Gilbert, '20, and Agnes Abele,
'20, business manager of the 191.8
n At the first meeting of the Varsity
Glee and Mandolin club last night of-
ficers were elected and the club com-
pletely organized for the coming sea-
son. /
F. E. Motley, '19, of the Mandolin
club, was elected president; David
D. Nash, '20, was chosen leader of the
Glee club; Carl Mason, vice-presi-
dent; Lawrence M. Rutz, representa-
tive on the executive committee. The
leader of the Mandolin club and its
representative on the committee were
chosen last spring. C1arlg R.
Osius, Jr., '20, is ifianager.
Pins were distributed by the man-
agement to,.all members of last year's
club. They were given out in gold,
silver, and bronze according to the
number of years of membership.
The Glee'club will sing at the state
newspaper editors' convention which
will be held in Ann Arbor next week.
Only last year's men will appear, in-
asmuch as tryouts have not been held
yet for new men.
Tryouts will be held at .7 o'clock
tonight and Thursday night in Lane
hall. All members of former clubs
are expected to come with instru-
ments. Freshmen will not be allow-
ed on the Varsity club but may try-
out, and'. if sufficient interest is
shown, arrangements will be made
for a freshman club.
Demand' for Union Rooms Fals
Alumni rooms at the Union, waich
were full during the first days of
school because students stayed there
when unable to get other places, are
not so much in demand, as the num-
ber of transient alumni is unusually
few at the present time, only 19 rooms
being occupied.
Norway Adopts Prohibition
Christiana, Oct. 7.-National prohi-
bition has been adopted in Norway by

the vote a general plebicite held 'yes-


Registrar Hall Does Not Feel That
Revision Will Greatly Effect

Industrial Delegates Adjourn
To Permit Formulation


Faculty, Alumni, an
All Represented
Are Gue
"Traditionh' Day,'I
foremost business to
fore the Student cour
regular meeting, acco
Johnson, .president.
Plans for the obser
will be discussed whi
be made to establish
date for the event,
Newest Tr
Although it is the
igan traditions, Tra
tablished only last s
campus to the need
the students of the
"again consecrate th
Michigan should be, i
Faculty, alumni, a
are alike represented
of Michigan pep me
distinction, for the t

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 7.-After perfect-j
ing an organization todV the indus-
trial conference called by President
Wilson got tangled up in its own rules1
and adjourned until tomorrow.
Secretary Lane was elected perm-
anent chairman. In his speech of ac-
ceptance he stirred the delegates rep-1
resenting capital, labor and the pub-
lic to great enthusiasm by declaring
that the high purpose of the gathering
made failure Impossible in the eort
to harmonize industrial relations in
this country.
*Proceding to the adoption of rules
the conference struck its first snag
in a protest that the report of the
rules committee soa4e no provision
for minority expression and was a
"travesty" on free deliberation. The,
criticism caused early adjournment to
permit amendments to be formulated
by the respective groups 'b-ut on re-
convening the rules were adopted
without material change. They 'pro-
vide for public sessions and unan-
imous vote by groups on all conclu-
sions and decisions, and require the
assent of a group before any member
of it can introduce a resolution.
Lawn School Holds
C lass elections
Elections were held yesterday aft-
ernoon for officers in all classes of
the Law school. The final results in
the three classes were as' follows:
Senior class-president, Ben Mat-
thews; vice-president, H. Hayworth;
secretary, R. E. Merner; treasurer, E.
W. Dunbar; oratorical delegate, T.
E. Phillips; class orator, N. F. Ire-
Junior class-president, T. B. Doyle;
vice-president, L. Mattern; secretary,
John Watts; treasurer, C. E. Page.
Freshman class - president, John
Cary; vice-president, D. Forbes; sec-
retary, D. B. Landis; treasurer, Earl
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 6.r-President Wil-
son's condition improved iagain to-
day and his appetite the failure of
which has been one of the serious
drawbacks to his recovery showed a
decided change toward normal.
London, Oct. 6.-The capture of
15,000 Bolsheviki during operations
around Voronezh by General Deni-
kin's troops is claimed in a commu-
nique.received by wireless from the
general headquarters today.
Boston, Oct. 6.-A radio message
-picked up by. the naval radio station
here.today said the destroyer Talbot
was disabled, with the destroyer Mc-
Lanhan standing by .

"On account of the errofs ar
from complications in records di
the S. A. T. C. period, publicatio
the Fraternity Scholastic chart
been postponed."!
The above statement was issued
terday by Registrar Arthur G.
following the discovery that erro
the original announcement of
standings had been made.


es and kept
for his two

ge Six)

Hereafter any person holding a de-
gree from a foreign university and whc
has been in such a university three
years at least, may be admitted to
the status of a foreign senior student.
However, this change does not in-
validate (until January, 1922) the

averages of a nrmber of thre men's
houses on the campus, it was found
necessary to declare the standing as
previously given out to newspapers, as
"I do not think that the revision
will affect the standing of the ma-
jority of the fraternities to any great
extent," Dr. Hall declared. "Yet we
who are in the office and who will be
responsible for the chart, would rath-
er have it correct in every respect, in
just. e to all fraternities in the Uni-.
versty." -
Dr. Hall declared that if any
houses were affected by the correc-
tion, it would be very slight, as rec-
ords showed that mistakes were
largely due to complications during
the S. A. T. C. and post-S. A. T. C.
Will Take Some Time
"Due to the enormous task we have
before us as a result of the large en-
rollment, it may be some time be-
fore we have the' corrected standing,
but we want it to be correct before it'
is published and distributed," he said.
The registrar declared himself
pleased with the general increase in
standing of the men's fraternities, and
said that the slight slump whiPh was
noted last year, was due to war time
He said that he' did not understand
the reason for the drop taken by the
women's clubs and sororities.
The standing of the various divi-
sions on the chart will not be af-
fected by the revision, he declared.
.f At a meeting of Comedy club held
Monday afternoon Joseph A. Avery,
'21, was elected president to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Elwyn G. Davies, '21.
Balloting for the office of treasurer
resulted in the election of Albert C.
Jacobs, '21, who takes the office pre-
viously held by Avery. Richard For-
syth, '20, was appointed manager.
Fall tryouts for the club will be
conducted from 1:30 to 3:30 o'clock
Saturdayafternoon, October 11, inj
University hall. A petition for the
revision of the by-laws was read and'
tabled, to be' acted upon at the next
meeting, and arrangements were made
for a program committee to youtline
the work to be conducted by the club

It is expected that this
the extraordinarily larg
Traditions Day will me
greater success than it d
introduced to the Univer
ally planned as a post
it was decided to advanc
the fall of the year in:
spring, and that it be n
ent in order that lasting
be derived from it.
The council, following
sion of the day, wll
plans upon completion, i
Nominations for the c
senior literary class w4
the class meeting, Tuesd
Nominations for preside
president were made b
Four were., nominated
flee. The balloting wil
next Tuesday, Qct. 14, be
3 o'clock. Ballot boxes
ed in the corridor of Un
Those nominated .fie,
William Hinshaw, Reed I
Id Nash, Carl Johnson;f
dent, Mary G. Grow, E
Ruth Abbot, Susan S.
secretary, D. Jones, Ros
Ida Gratton, Gretchen Jon
urer, George H. Hiedem
Hart, Bruce Millar,
Stumpf; for student cour
Mason, Karl H. Velde,
Paul R. Kempf. A duty
dent of the class is to voi
of the seniors on all a
appear in the Chimes.
A similar class meetin
by the junior literary cla
Wednesday afternoon, O
205 Mason hall.
German Offcials Ready A
Paris, Oct. 6.-The ne
nounce that the list of
cials and 'other persons
,eed to the allies for
ready for submission
'They point out that the

them, that they m,
opportunity to l


right of any student who on May
this year was entitled to claim

1 of


inounces a series
given by Dallas
alamazoo bar of
of investments.
be given daily at
y to Friday, in-
s beginning Oct.
)m C, Law build-
all students and
Boudeman is a
r in the Law
best known law-
be as follows:
as the basis of
vestments in real
y; individual and
tments; corpora-
stments; public
nvestments; mu-
ents, U. S., state,
ntal bonds; spe-

Action taken at the meeting of the
literary faculty last night resulted in.
including six lectures on hygiene as
part of the requirement in physical
training for first year men in the
literary college. These lectures will
be given later in the year by Dr. W.
E. Forsythe of the Health Service.
>They will fall as no extra burden on
the freshman, since they are to be
'given during the regular gym pe-
Prof. H. P. Thieme, of the French
department, was elected to the libra-'
ry committee in place of Prof. A. G.
Canfield, resigned. Professors A. L.
,Cross and J. L. Markley were re-
elected as the representatives of the
literary faculty on the Senate Coun-

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