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Police Break Up
Radical Parade
(By Associated Press)'
New York, Oct. 8.-Heads were
broken in Fifth avenue today when
mounted police charged a mob' of
several thousand radicals who at-
tempted to parade up the avenue with-
out a permit. Banners which bore a
number of incendiary slogans were
confiscated by the police and half
filled a patrol wagon. A number of
arrests were made. The police said
the parade was organized by a Rus-'
sian newspaper published here call-
ed the Novi Mir.
Devices in the banners read
"Bloodyhounds of Russia;" "Deport
us all to the Soviets;" "Open the
jails;" and "You want to give us de-
mocracy but keep it to yourselves."
The riot started after the proces-
sion had, gone only two or three
blocks. Refusing a request of a po-
liceman to see their permit for the
parade the officer was forced to call
assistance and before the melee end-
ed, the services of a score of mounted
policenen and 50 reserves were re-
quired. The mounted officers charg-
ed into the crowd and 100 or more of
the paraders were injured.
Proposed Body Would Test Supply
Daily Before Distribution by
Local Dealers
ociated Press)
t. 8.-Winning today's
incinnati 4 to 1 the re-
and all but hopeless
v consider themselves
for the world's base-
)w stands four games
and three for the
morrow weather per-
y in Chicago. The Sox
onight jubilant at the
:h they have snatched
ictory at what seemed
and were confident
game played on their
see the series tied up.
'two Runs
Date for A94lress Not Yet Set; Taft,
( erard, teaeock Will Speak on
Oratorical Program
Ex-President W. K. Taft, President
Samuel Goneners of the American fed-
eration of labor, James W. Gerad,
former ambassador to Germany, and
Lieut. Sir Arthur Brown, English av-
iator who made the first non-stop
trans-Atlantic flight, are among the
prominent speakers who will appear in
Ann Arbor this year under the auspic-
es of the Oratorical association, Pres-
ident Carl G. Brandt announced Wed-
Dates Set for Six Lectures
Dates-have been set for six of the
eight lectures. President Gompers has
5igned provisionally to speak here
sometime after Jan. 1. The date of
former Ambassador Gerard's appear-
ance is not settled.
Coningsby Dawson, noted English
author, will speak Nov. 5, his adb-
ject being "Remaking the World."
Lieut. Brown will give an illustrated
lecture Nov.-15 on "The Story of the
First Non-stop trans-Atlantic Flight."
Vilhjamur Stefannson, arctic explor-
er, comes Dec. 12, and he is followed
by ex-President Taft on Jan. 17.
Leacock to Speak
Stephen Leacock, noted Canadian
humorist, will speak Jan. 22, his sub-
ject being "Laughing with Leacock."
He is professor of political science at
McGill university, and has gained fame
as the author of "lVoonbeams from-the
Larger Lunacy," and other similar,
humorous works.
Alexander Watson, English dram-
atic interpreter, appears Feb. 16.
y earned two of
stent playing and
vin while the oth-
by grace of Red
were charged
I but one against
trotted out pinch
tchers in a des-
ome up from be-
d yesterday, but
Reds used three
icher and Luque
r, Ruether, ap-
rgency batsman.
hurlers the Sox
vhile the National
to pole out but
was driven from
game invthe se-
nd game because
not hit, came- in-
ernoon. He ex-
,d and judgment,
ayed with a con-
pered and qual-
ns and a dash,
Appointment of a medical
commission for the city of Ann Arbor
would be an excellent step out of the
present pure milk difficulty, accord-
ing to John A. Wessinger, city health
officer. This commission, like similar
bodies in Detroit and other cites,
would examine the raw milk to be
peddled, in the city before its sale, and
it would not permit unpasteurized milk
to be sold without the certifying mark
of the commission.
The idea of certifying milk seems,
according to Dr. Wessinger, to be qne
sure method of permitting Ann Arbor
residents to have raw milk if they
want it and at the same time to in-
sure the prevention of any. disease/
epidemics due to lPck of pasteuriza-
tion. A hmigh standard of cleanliness
would be established, and the milk
would be tested daily before distri-
bution. If it failed to keep down to
the bacteriologidal count require-
ments, it would be barred from cer-
(By Associated Press)
letroit, Oct. 8, 1 a.l m.-The will I ,0 T O
of Charles L. Freer as filed in pro- A A E F R T
bate court yesterday bequeaths
$50,000 to the University of Mich-
lgan to be held in perpetuity, the COMMITTEE N?
Income to be used to add to the
knowledge and appreciation of
oriental art. CONFERENCE TO GET
Great Berd, Kan., Oct. 8.-
Three persons killed, between . h (By Associated Press)r r
and 40 injured, and a damage es- Washington, Oct 8. -After thre
timated at between $200,000 and days spent in organization the indus-
300,000 was the toll of a. tornado trial conference called by President
whieh struck the little town of Wilson willcome to a showdown tomor-
Hosington, cutting off communi- r.ow on the business to date.
cation and razing an area three Only a brief session was held today,
blocks wide across the town adjournment being taken to permit the
_________________ ngroups representing capital, labor, and
the public to formulate such'sugges-
tions nd proposals as they wish to
submi for consideration.
V 111 None were ready for submission to-
day except the preamble of a resolu-
tion to be introuced by a represent-
040 ative of the farmers' union. 'The re-
olution would demand a comprehen-
Baptist Preacher Leads in Trans- sive national agricultural policy.
Continental Aerial Derby Begun-
Wednesday; 5,400 Mile Race J-LTS NOMINATE
FIRST ACCIDENT OF EVENT Nominations for officers of the junior
lit class were made yestery after-
(By Associated Press) noon, William Hinshaw, '20, presiding
Mineola, Oct. 8.-Forty-seven air- in the absence of Lawrence Butler,
;lanes piloted with one exception by '21. The balloting is to take place
American military aviators started from 10 to 3 o'clock Wednesday, Oct.
from here today to blaze an aerial 15.
trail 5,400 miles across the continent , The nominations were as follows:
and return, in the greatest speed, en- President, Archibald Wenley, Albert
durance, and reliability contest in h.is- Jacobs, Henry Whiting, and Jack
tory. From San Francisco 15 planes Gardner; vice-president, Alice Hink-
hit the air for the east.' son; Katrina ,Schermerhorn, Cecelia
Five more planes will leave here. Fohey, and Maluerite Clark; secre-
tomorrow. At sundown tonight Lt. tary, Howard Weeks, Margaret Ruhnes,
Melvin W. Maynard, a Baptist miniter Wilhelmna Warner, and Dorothy
and winner of the recent aerial derby Dodd; treasurer, R.H. Leonard, Valde-
between New York and Toronto, had mar Watts, Alan Rorick, Paul Burk-
flown 849 miles from Mineola and holder, and Ftzhug Brewer; student
landed at Chicago while sevearl oth- councilman, Fred Petty, Earl Miles,
er westbound contestants wereresting and George Prather.
over night at Binghamton, Rochester, . ' .
Buffalo, and Cleveland STUDENT'S AUTO
Accident Reported INJURES WOMAN
The leading east bound plane had '
reached Salt Lake Ci y. Eight acci- Whil attemp'ting to cross Packakd
d.,nts in which three persobs were street at State street after alighting
killed and one injured had been re- from a street car, Mrs. Fred Hebbard,
ported tonight to the headquarters of 808 Oakland avenue, sustained several-
the American flying quarters here broken ribs and cuts about the face
whih is co-operating with the army when struck yesterday afternoon by
air service which is conducting the an automobile occupied by two stu-
contest. dents. Her daughter, Sarah, seven,
Lt. J. B. Machle, in a De Haviland- was slightly injured.
four airplane, equipped with aaLiberty The driver of the automobile states
motor, was the first to get away in that he was going not more than-15
the 5,400 mile coast-to-coast air race. miles an hour whin the accident oc-
Sergt. Jesse D. McClure accompanied curred and that his brakes failed to
him. work. He and his passenger were tak-
LimitedtohService iedn oen to the police station and will be
The contest, which Is limited to held on bond pendig Investigation
military aviators, Is for testingthe of the accident.
reliability of the planes and stimu-
lating interest in recruiting for the SUNDAY EVENINNG DATE SET
air service. A return flight also will FOR FIRST UNION SERVICE
be made, making the total flying dist-
ance 5,400 miles.
Ten different types of machines At the first union religious service
were reported in the entries. Some to be held Sunday evening at 7:30
had seen active service on the battle- o'clock in Hill auditorium, Charles W.
front. Gilkey, pastor of the Hyde Park Bap-
tist church of Chicago, will speak on
SOUTH AFRICAN UNION BEGINSx "A Faith for These Times." Mr. and
ACTIVITIES FOR THIS YEAR Mrs. William-Wheeler will sing, and
Prof. S. P. Lockwood will play a vio-
Activities for the coming season lin obligato.
were commenced by the South African union 1meetings are to be held
union in its meeting held last ni'ght at during the college year. The dates for
the home of the president, C. D. Dya- *the last five are Nov. 2, Dec. '7, Jan..
son, 214 South Ingalls street. The 18, Feb. 22, and March 14.
ranks of the club have been strength-
ened this year by the addition of nine WOLVERINE SECOND BASEMAN
new members, who were admitted into WINS FIVE WAR DECORATIONS
the club at the initial meeting.- It is "
planned to continue the meetings fort- Harrison H. Caswill, second base-1
nightly throughout the winter. man on Michigan's 1916 baseball team
and more recently first lieutenant in
HONOR DEAD the first division, came out to watch
Coach Yost's gridders yesterday aft-
ternoon. Caswell was .overseas -two
erect a flagpole on Ferry field years during which time he participat-
n who gave their lives to their ed in five offensive engagements, won
dements have been made with the the Croix de Guerre, four American
tto secure such a pole, and the citations, and was wounded quite sev-
3its hearty approval of the 'pro- erely in the mchest. He was a member
t thet$400 needed to pay for the . of the 1916 engineering class.
of the Student council last night Michigan Dames To Meet i Lane Hallj
as supporting. the proposed plan The Michigan Dames held their
?n who were sacrificed during the first meeting of the year Tuesday
to support it.'" The memorial evening at Lane hall. "Get-acquaint-
ppole on Ferry field. ed" games furnished entertainment
was appointed chairm6n of the for. the members. Those who are in-t
campaign. The other commit- terested are urged to attend the reg-t
id E. J. Blackert, '20L. Believing ular bi-monthly meetings of this or-
r of the memorial, the council is ganization' which will be held at Lane I
Varsity Band and Glee Clul
Speakers and, Cheerlei
Rouse Enthusiasm
Setting Tuesday, Oct. 14, a
for the second annual Tradit
the Student council last nigh
initial plans for the event
A committee headed by
Hogan, '20E, president of I
was named by Carl E. Jol
president of the council, to
'mediate work in,, formu
plans for Traditions' Day, H
be assisted by Samuel J. Slav
Pierce McGlouth, '21E, an
Nash; '20.
Plans Call for Talk
Tentative plans laid by
cil, call for representative
alumni, faculty, and studen
explain to the new men an
in the minds of the older st
the campus that which on
last year characterized as "W
igan stands for, is, and al
be." Arrangements ,are be
for the Varsity band and
to co-operate with the ch
and speakers in rousing up e
in Michigan ideals.
"Freshmen are to be the
the student body on T
Day," said Johnson last ni
Fifty per cent of the $375,000, which
the Union started out to secure last
spring in order that the building
might be completed, has been raised.
Committees all over the country in
alumnicenters are slowly securing the
Owing to conditions adverse to a
money raising campaign, the drive was
not as successful as it was thought
it should be; -However, Union offi-
cials think that under the circum-
'23 will occupy seats
To Outline T
"The council want
to begin their work
ception of Michigan,
ing affords an excel
for outlining campu
The slogan for Tra
'year will again be-
'eminded their following of their
mid season form.
Rods Win Toss
narrowing of Cincinnati's mar-
f victories caused serious con-
ton of a possibility of a ninth
Cincinnati won the toss taken
iately after today's contest and
eelding game, if Chicago evens
up tomorrow, will be played
r here.
>r the first time in the series
seats were vacant due to the
al feeling that seats would be
It to obtain.
d" Eller, who held the White
o three hits in the fifth game
series at Chicago Monday,
>ly will face the Sox in tA
game tomorrow.
y Williams although twice beat-
the Reds is expected to be Man-
Gleason's pitching choice.
e Sox went into the game today
g with the old time dash that
hem the American league cham-
ip," said Manager Gleason tQ-
They were themselves for the
ime in the series. They are
now and will defeat Eller to-
w if Moran decides to pitch
The Sox played magnificent
utguessed the Reds, outbatted
outplayed them and Cicotte out-
I them."
Cicotte Won, Says Pit
otte was our master today, but
e confident tomorrow will see
d of the series," said Manager
of the Reds. "I expect to pitch
and if he can repeat his re-
ble game of last Monday no
an beat him. The Reds real-
at they must rally. The Sox
Test Milk Daily
At present all milk coming into the
creameries of the city is tested daily
before pasteurization. The ideal milk
requires a bacteria count of 50,000
or under, but no warning .is issued by
the city until the count-.goes above
500,000. The farmer is then told to
clean up, and if he fails to follow or-
ders, 'his milk is thrown out by the
sanitary inspector. Six dairymen are
now undergoing this penalty. This
sort of examination guarantees that
farmers will not use the excuse of
pasteurization for bringing low grade
milk to the creameries.
On the other hand raw milk ped--
dled by the farmers themselves re-
ceives an examination only once in;
two or three months. This is because
the city at present provides only one
sanitary inspector and one chemist to
assist Dr. Wessinger in his work of
keeping all food supplies up to health
.requirements. The farms, are inspect-
ed for cleanliness and their milk giv-
en 'the sediment test. This. test is
made at such long intervals that dis-
ease germs might easily get into the
milk through a general letting up of
carefulness, and the change would
not be discovered until an epidemic
had started.
Advocates Pasteurization
It is this possibility, according to
Dr. Wessinger, which must be over-
come through public opinion.
"Public opinion has already brought
it about that all but 5 per cent of the
city's milk is pasteurized," said Dr.
Wessinger, "and I strongly advocate
pasteurization of the rest of it, for
that is the simplest and surest method
of obtaining absolutely safe milk. If
milk is .pasteurized in the right way,
stances, a creditable showing was
Although no plans have been made
for a vigorous campaigir in the near'
future, Union officials expect that the
entire sum will be obtained by vol-'
untary subscriptions and by committee
work within the next three or four
years without vigorous effort, as sev-
eral checks arrive every day at
Homer Heath's office for the build-
ing. .
Each year it is intended to work!
for a large number of life members'
from the senior class, and this will'
constitute most of the active cam-
paigning by the Union. A large part
of the $375,000 has been subscribed
for but has not yet been paid by the
men, who signed 'for life memberships.
Within the next five years after the
necessary money for completing the
'building is secured, it is thought thatl
an effort will be made to secure $200,-
000 or $300,000 for a general endow-
ment fund, as the income from annualt
memberships is not sufficient to pay1
for the upkeep of the Union.
Housing Canv
Planned 21y V
Selection of about 40 men
tions on the Union housing c
which will study and invesi
situation for next year, will
by the appointment commit
it meets next Monday morni
Plans are being laid by 1
ficials whereby this new c
will canvass the whole city,
availaple rooms, in order tha
fusion \and difficulties en
this year may be abolished. I
ly every single and double
Ann Arbor will be on this I
The committee will also
with the landladies as to fa
and means by which co-oper
tween the students and th
owners may be obtained.
months will be necessary for
pletion of the committee's w
This purpose of the .Union,
thoroughly the situation f
year, comes as a result of e
by University and Union of1
the attendance in 1920-21 w
large if not larger than tho
prIsent year. They say the
thing points .toward this a
steps should be taken in pr(
for such.
An, extensive report of the
tee will be made'both to the
directors of the Union %and
Board of Regents of the U
Members of the committee
drawn from all the classes,
the chairman undoubtedly w
junior or senior.-
Albion Man Joins Oratoriea
Oratorical prospects for
are strengthened by the ad
the squad of D. H. Breake,
three years a member of All
Michigan students are going to
to commemorate those Michigan me
country in the Great War. Arrang
buildings and grounds department
Athletic association has expressed
ject. All that remains is to colle
It was resolved at the meeting
that: "The council go on record
for the recognition of Michigan me
World War, and pledge themselves
proposed in this instance is the flag
. LeGrand A. Gaines, Jr., '21E,
committee to manage the memorial
teemen are Joseph Kerwin, '20M, an
that the campus is strongly in favo
planning a campaign to secure the
necessary funds for'the erection
° " " 1