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February 18, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

… promise 4 the Wolverines in the final mat eir opponents in a very material on the freshman team three yer n defeated them for the seco ry. The Purple machine has dis- ago, so he may prove valuable in…

… virtually tions, Coach Mann took his nata-j and Watson, also ex-Wolverin Llled. l tors to Grand Rapids last Thursday ' aided the Yacht club to victory. Minnuesota, Ohio State, and Chi- for an exhibition meet…

… with the .lo- This week two - meets, are ont ;o may be counted out of the cal "Y" team. The Wolverines had tank team .card. TIhe Maize a .e, having failed to show any- little trouble in chalking up a 54…

… home c :prise the followers of the Big club. In the preliminaries the f erence meet; of the Big Ten se n~e court fortunes. Maize and Blue aggregation down-' son. Records Threatened -inWOLVERINE

… pound class fur- nished the feature entertainment of the evening with the' Wolverine taking the hard fought match with anl advantage of 1 :37. Robinson wrestled to a draw with °Kelly last unable to pin…

February 20, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

… ____ _ _ ....._.. _ _ ___._ .. LN LEFT BY VETERANS 1IS FSHER'S TASK Captain Harvey Straub, Myron, and Truskowski, Only Lettermen Back. PITCHERS REPORT EARLY Montague Expected' to Act Mainstay of Wolverine Hurling Staff. as Facing…

… practice. The Wolverines' schedile for the coming season includes 28 games, 12 of them with Conference op- ponnts. Michiganl will Meet North- western, Ohio State, Illinois, Pur- due,. Wisconsin, and Chicago…

… in home and hoie series to complete its >ig Ten schedule. In addition to these Conference games the Wolverines will again make a Southern trip which will include two games apiece with Vanderbilt…

… Colgate o May 1 and 2. In addition to these new opponents, the Wolverines have scheduled a game with Oberlin,to be played in Ann Arbor on May 22. MICHIGAN HOCKEY TEAM PRACTICES, TO FACEGOPHERS' With the…

Wolverine rink with a strong team bf veteran players. The Gophers have been fortunate in having ten of the best men from last year, again on the ice and the formida- ble record that they have hung up so far…

February 21, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 98) • Page Image 7

… holder of the team and it will take everything breast stroke record for the Intra- Indiana has to keep its scoring re- mural pool, and is a member of duced to a minimum. Leading the the Wolverine Varsity…

…- 'Michigan Varsity swimmers.f L ion; Weiss,; fast forward, who is Returning to Ann Arbor afterl hrd to coer during a game; and the meet the Wolverines will pre- anitz, at the other forward post, pare to face…

… Gopher start his old post at forward for team has swum in the Intramural Indiana. In the game with Chi- pool, and it is also the second Big sago last Saturday night he held Ten meet for the Wolverines this…

February 22, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… the banquet, de-a tails for which are being pushed to I[N S NT1 comnpletion by four committees. E The number of committees has Wolverine Pucksters Miss Tries been reduced this year and a cen-j tralized…

… University members. 1 goal from the side of the rink. The Committee Chairmen Named. Wolverines evened matters two Other committee appointments minutes later as Tommy Courtis were annouinced by Monroe as f 1…

… Rosenberg, '30, and Wil- Minnesota carried the play dur-' liam Gentry, '31. ing the first two frames, keeping Entertainment committee: Geo. the puck in Wolverine territory: C. Tilley, '30, general chairman…

… benefit of experience n two meets this season, they are not expected to prove espixally langerous for the Wolverines. Chi- ,ago defeated Purdue 57 2-3 to 23 1-3 early this season, but last week he Maroons…

… Ramsey tre the other Maroon entries, vhile Campbell, Smith, and Mur- ay will represent the Wolverines. The 65 yard high hurdle race ;hould resolve into a duil between Iayden, Conference indoor chan- >ion…

February 23, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… ,dash when he beat Eddie Tolan, Wolverine sprint ace, to the tape 'by inches. Campbell of Michigan took third, relegating Captain Root of the Maroons to fourth position outside the scor- ing. Root came…

…, quarter mile ra'ce in 52 seconds and then ran as anchor man on the victorious Wolverine relay quartet. le captured the quiarter mile by three yards over Schulz and Col- ville of the invaders, but his broth…

…- er Dalton fell far behind on the last lap. The Wolverines led on the first three legs of the three-quar- ter mile relay but Root, Chicago's last runner, began to pass Dale Seymour on the last lap…

… at odonyand ___day tFeaturing a program of addresses oaE Yief, Premier Mussolini forn Wolverines Score Winning Goa Daily editorial women) - and music, Randolph Adams, "us- ally approved of his…

… they started a bxelated dcrive to stave off defeat. Daniels Garners 9 Points. Norm Daniels, playing his first game as a Michigan regular proved the Wolverine threat of the even- ing with nine points to…

February 23, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 100) • Page Image 6

Wolverines 9-1 Over Second Op ISPLAY IMPRO With the outcome o stake In the final bot D B~ THREE AMERICAN LEAGUE FIRST BASEMEN HAVE SAME NICKNAME .It is a strange coincidence that l9 29, but he still remains a…

… Illinois Title Contender. SQUAD WILL BE LARGE L / ut and pitted against Schlicher, present Westernt Conference sabre champion, Ham- mer slashed his way to a five to three victory, giving the Wolverine

… bouts in the epee. Stolpman, Gordon Star. Captain Stolpman in the foils and Gordon in the sabre starred for the Wolverines. Each of these men won all of their bouts, Stolp- man taking three in the foils…

… bouts in the foils to give it a one point lead early in the meet. Fried- man and Lovell, a newcomer on the Wolverine squad, won their first bouts against Seibert and Fried- berg respectively but each lost…

February 25, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…. Hitherto the Wolverines were likely to regard Chicago as a setup, especially in view of the fact that they did not have much diffi- culty in scoring a 29-16 victory over their rivals last semester in the…

… game of the sea- son against the Hoosiers and con- nected for four baskets and a free throw to lead the Wolverines in scoring, will take over one forward position. Hank Weiss, speedy soph- omore, is due…

February 25, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

… RED SEIXTEIT OFIORM IN GOIPHER SEIE1Sl Wolverines' Teamwork Lacking' Against Weak Minnesota Hockey Outfit. COURTIS PLAYS WELL Despite the whitewash which Coach Eddie Lowrey's Varsity; hockey team…

… tossed into the camp ofj the Gopher skaters over the series, last Friday and Saturday nights on the doliseum ice the perform- ance of the Wolverines fails to es-j tablish them on a par with Wis- consin…

… to play shortstop. Wedding Is Nothing to Wolverine Swimmer Not even a wedding can interfere with the practice sessions of Coach Matt Mann's swimmers as they prepare for their all-important meet with…

… Northwestern's highly touted aggregation this Friday at Evanston. Yesterday afternoon Fel Hosmer, Wolverine sprint star, was married to Katherine Tyler, Grad, and immediately following PURDUE NEARS CAGE TITLE…

… the season against the Hoosier basketeers, Coach Veenker was content to send the Wolverine quintet through a light drill yesterday afternoon while the reserves engaged in a short workout against the…

… fresh- man five. According to reports from Indi- ana, the Hoosiers played a dead, listless type of ball, while, accord- ing to the Wolverine standpoint, the Maize and Blue quintet had possession of the…

… approach anything resem- bling a solutlion of the Wolverine defense.- McCracken,dwho accounted for 11 of his team's 18 points, with five field goals and one free throw, was 1 the only Indiana player to work…

February 25, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 101) • Page Image 7

… season. The Wolverines are scheduled to encounter the mighty Northwestern aggregation of nata- tors at Evanston on Priday, and are anticipating the hardest fought Conference nieet of the season…

…'s captainship of the blue polo team has fallen to Hardie Scott of Strafford, Pa., the riding star of last year. Cagers Rest Following Wolverine Sextet Off Vitory Over Hoosiers 'Form in Gopher Series (Continued…

… the defense posts Sammy HartI though the Wolverines have appar- is playing the best game of his ently found their stride too =late to career and adds much to the of- gain the title this season, the show…

… has so far this season failed to prospects next year. show the same ability which .has No particular Wolverine showed marked his play in past cam- to unusual advantage on the fe- paigns and has failed…

… accomplished by the Michigan swordsmen last Saturday ind yet refusing to acknowledge that the Wolverines have yet reach- ed the perfection necessary to win the Conference title, Coach John- stone sent his…

February 26, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

… marked by mediocre play on both sides. but it boosted the Wolverines into a tie with Wisconsin for second place in the Flig Ten court race. Joe Truskowski led the NMaize and Blue in scoring with four field…

… and penalties with much this afternoon. Kenneth M. inaccurate shooting on the part of Lloyd, '32L, president, and mem- the Wolverines. bers of the various departments Chicago Leads but Once. will…

…" more closely, and to Spcak Here Duing several free throws resulted for the Wolverine. Although he had Rest of -w at least a half ofhopen .re apossile" shots during theremain WESLEYAN GUILD AIDS der of…

… Methodist church of Ann Arbo.;Wolverine score to 28 points while Arrangements fr the services areFish's charity shot was Chicago's being made by the Student Chris- only counter. Changnon counted tian…

February 27, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

… ates.. TheWolverine these two .races will M I be Kennedy, Lowmaster, and Fitz-- o gibbons in the two mile and Wolfe, c D'Anna and Fenstal in the mile. ti Crieger, O'Connor, and Arnold. Y…

… will also run for Ypsi in the half h mile run with the addition of Sur- ev holt. This quartet should prove .e tough going for the Wolverine run-f ners, Benson, McLaughlin and c1 Chase. The 'Spartan…

… who is assured plenty of work. Man for man the Wolverines ap- pear to be on a par with their speedy, deft opponents and it will only be superior combination play which will spell defeat for Michi- gan…

February 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…. Professor Political science "Ice and snow are quite common most effective plan yet devised, score the Wolverines accounted for nto the stomach. Scott had been Reeves left Ann Arbor Wednesday, a they stated…

… vas all Michigan during the wo periods as the Maize and arried the play into Wiscon- erritory, tallying three times second frame. Throughout ame the Wolverine defense good job of keeping the puck from…

… practically ntire 60 minutes of play. In ing the roles of "iron men," Wolverines played a fighting of hockey that utilized a ffense. ough they tired in the last , the play of the three Michi- orwards. Courtis…

… scored its only goal n ke play early in the opening Siegel hit the puck from the Wolverine goal and it amed off Nygord's stick into ;oal. Hart retaliated a little when he followed up his shot Frisch had…

… goal. 'The Wolverines arded the Badger net with 15 three of which slipped past i. Langen tallied on a long rom center ice which hit the )nsin goalie and dropped in oal after six minutes. Short- "The…

February 28, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 104) • Page Image 7

… that several of the regulars took time out to brush up on their foul shoot- ing, which was slightly off form in the Chicago ga'me. If points will win games, the t Wolverines plan to develop thei talents…

… From Page 6), event for the Wildcats, with Smith, Walker, Hosmer, and Walaitis swim- ming for the Michigan natators. Captain Ault of the Wolverines is favored to take the quarter mile swim. He took first…

February 17, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 94) • Page Image 6

… in Lansing. He will enter the Muskegon meet a decided favorite to cop the title. eplaces Courtis on Michigan Front Line i I I 1 Recovering from the rouwg work that the Wolverines went through to win…

Wolverine ice team have turned all their ef- forts to working for the coming series with the sextet from Madison Thursday and Saturday nights. Both games will be played here on the Coliseum ice and promise to…

… aided ma- terially in the past games of the Wolverines. Michigan must win all her con- ference games from now on if she wants to stay in the running for the title honors. In addition Wis- consin, the…

February 17, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

… student coupon books. The Wolverine swimmers will leave on Thursday for Madison Where they will, encounter Wiscon- sin on Friday in the first Confer- ence meet of the year. On Satur- day Minnesota will play…

… Boardman will likely uphold the to crack. Dues and Neiman, who Wolverine side, while Wining and performed in the shot put, are Powers will undoubtedly see service bound to chalk up some tallies, as with the…

February 18, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

…T," R. M T C -4.1 A N D A TV. RA .- -C Y PnAlI', ", !uN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1931 . 1 1... f YJM' 1Y I. 1 _,. 1. a c ._. . t _..1 1 .. < . _ .v. ... rx Mect to Give Wolverines Drill Before…

… other members of the forward line. With Schlanderer playing as a regular, and Sindles lost to the team, some other men who have not yet seen service with the Wolverines are expected to get into action…

…, meetings, etc., through the Daily Official Bulletin. Latest news of world, nation, state, and city from Varsity Than Squad Looks Stronger When It Lost to Ohio. The Wolverine gymnastic team will meet…

February 19, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…FAURSix THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURmSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1931- wasomwam"No Wolverine Natators Swam 3partan eam, 63-13 VARSITY ACES PIL Michigan Seeks Lead _i UP LARGE MARGIN MRS. HARPER AND…

… Firsts; Kennedy Also Stars. By J. Cullen Kennedy Michigan State's swimmers bow- ed before a superior Wolverine squad last night inthe Intramural pool by a score of 62-13. The pow- erful Michigan natators…

… Wrigley's ma- gic island yesterday- ck Race WOLVERINE[S MEET WISCONSl'N TON IGHT Victory Over Leaders Would Put Varsity on Top in Big Ten Title Scramble. Michigan's chances for a second consecutive hockey…

… championship will be at stake tonight when the Wolverine sextet crosses sticks with a fighting group of Wisconsin puck- men at 7:30 o'clock at the Coliseum, in the first of a two-game series. The second game…

… victory over Mich- igan and a single win over Minne- sota, have hit the skids and have dropped two games to the Gophers. That leaves Wisconsin only a half game in front of the Wolverines, and should…

February 20, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 97) • Page Image 7

… fourth. Distance, 41 ft. 3 in. theWolverine wheNorsemen,but they are con- the end of the second period Psi wil wrestle Mitchell, a new man on Pole vault - Won by P o t t oveie w rsm n ceeeltl caceo wnig…

…"~ h and Blue squad ran up a 111% to shown by his charges in their earlyi 512 score. The Wolverines complete- meets Coach Neils Thorpe, of the' ly outclassed the Spartans by hold- Gophers, is well aware…

February 22, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 99) • Page Image 6


… because of injuries. The fact Coa bell and Veller. that he was extremely lucky in this too The Wolverines were tied for respect last year doesn't mean that had Norm Daniels once again led his Lady Luck is…

… to win the game. Eveland, f...........2 5 9 against a Conference opponent. The Weiss, f.............. 2 2 6 Wolverines started out their first B BIG TEN STANDINGS Daniels, c.......... 4 3 11 year with…

… Score of 14-3 to Give Varsity Thorough Trimming. linois walked off with the fenc- meet at Champaign last night en they defeated the Wolverines the one-sided score of 14 to 3. Conference champicl h ve a 1…

… MINNESOTA, 51-13 Schmieler Sets New National Collegiate Breast Stroke Record for 220-Yards. Purdue Wins From Wisconsin f llmin i, Swrn Chlirfc as the Wolverine captain droppc i zs wamps%.ui cagu; of his…

… Illinois last week, but are vel also took defeats as his share still favored to win their second7 the meet. Winig and Powers, the major championship of the year er Wolverines on the trip, did when the final…

… conference opposition by the overwhelming total of 51 to 13. The Wolverines flashed real style and speed and held the lead for the en- tire meet. The 440-yard relay team of Mar- cus, Fenske, Klintworth and…

…-fifth seconds. in Intramural Sports Valentine and Meigs, Wolverines, captured the second and third The Intramural Sports building placehonors respectively to keep management recently issued a re- he Michigan…

February 22, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

…. Fullerton. Two goals, coming late in the final period with Michigan valiant- ly trying to protect a 1-0 lead, gave the Wolverine hockey team a 3-0 victory over Wisconsin last night in the wildest, wooliest…

… five Wisconsin players were constantly circling the Wolverine net, trying to break through to knot the count st a single goal apiece,I but between periods of play the combatants on both teams took time…

… from which to With these two victories over I build up a rormidable infield and Wisconsin and Minnesota put away fOR outfield. Although there are only in the Wolverines' favor, prospects I RNT 1 three…

… t o w i n just about the whole show, although over Purdue when the two teaiis he was given able support by every c ash at Lafayette tomorrow eight. other member of the Wolverines, The Boilermakers…

… and took a shot at the goal. TI. e break away may puck hit the stick of Goalie Chick upset the dope for, Frisch, and rebounded out on the the Wolverines. ___ playing surface, where Crossman Michigan h a…

February 24, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 100) • Page Image 7

… team defeated the Wolverine grap- home interests. Booing the referee isao time-honored customn, and is piers here last Friday night by the 1cxp ted whenkept within certain one-sided score of 25 to 5…

… reported to have but that is far from the true case. Two Men Out. While the Wolverine athletic teams never like to be calamity howlers and alibi themselves o of defeats such as this one, there does seem to…

… title. when the Wolverines ply aie to- ,the Wlverine stands have the Chicago Maroons in Lost Field lkcn up tie habit of trying to WALIKEHTe FACE ue. The Miect'gon o ach -e the invading player mr i TO…

February 25, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 101) • Page Image 6

…; burden of proof onl Captain Auer,; form rid peed o, anex e n'iet. who has not yet seen action fort the Wolverines because of injuries. UENCERSp P rEPARE '" e coach feels reasonably sureIt 14 that Auer will…

… the furWeaneses. Wolverine lineup, that of thle 126-!t i beore he 'tron >"pound division, is still rather un-I Aller allng efoe te 'trog Isettled. Otto will riot be able tof Illnoi hnevs lst…

…(:Iinued on Page 7) not plan to let that happen again. ldra:~; !.nned4 Wolverine sophomore star free styler, who performed to perfec- tion in t he three recentr met with Conference schools. I ers P roves Pu…

… Wisconsin and kh1):rt i'a al . Wi1 have played one game less thini the Wolverines when the,- season firncahy comes to a close. T.Che econd con--. test between these twio t e a in s scheduled to be playEd l at…

…' Wolverines are lo' ii 03for- pail' of hard bi-tt les agal oi 5th w-ne- sofa here Friday antd " t ul idov nights. Since the ophrs bowet~d to M'ichigan Coach TPon's na-n ha:ve celeat~-d Wisconvsiln intwo…

February 25, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 101) • Page Image 7

… seemed e n ohetackof thegrequsied to e ispied romthestat o th three men for each event has cost game. They cashed in on a weird the Wolverines a considerable numn- assortment of shots, w it h long ber' of…

… encounter the Go-- vrlof eleven tries. Seer~lnew tip-off formations philel's on Saturday. made it next to impossible for the Chicago i probably the strong- Wolverines to get the ball aa est team in the Big…

… contingent win- ning both his bouts. Captain Gor- don was decidedly off form losing five bouts. Gordon is a three year man. The Wolverine sophomore epee man, Winig, showed up espe- cially well winning his…

February 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 102) • Page Image 7

… they met the Wolverines last time. Michigan's squad conpleted its practice last night and the men l will now take a rest today before starting the series with tomorrow night's game. In this way they will…

…) mark of 1:14 which the Pur- pie team had set a few weeks previous. In three dual Conference meets the present Wolverine swimmers have been beaten by only one man, Sewell to Catch. Luke Sewell, veteran…

February 27, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

… Wildcats are the proud pos- sessors of the Big Ten title, won last year over the Wolverine oppo- sition, after the Maize and Blue had defeated the Northwestern squad in a dual meet a few weeks previous to…

… Purple when the Wolverines set a new world's recordt for the 160-yard distance. Bernoflo, Northwestern star, and Schmieler, Michigan ace, are card-_ ed to fight it out in the 200-yardr breast stroke event…

…. Wilson and Cogdill or Durin will swim the 440-yard free style for the Purple, while Coach Matt Mann will stake the Wolverine chances on Kennedy and Ladd or Schmieler. Wilson is rated as a dangerous man in…

… "three-man catching staff of the Illinois team last week, the =A hto.has cotributed 5 baskets in baseball." Wolverines are e n t e r i n g these iO hei team's total score and I matches with a determination…

… out only 14 fouls. Wrestlers to Battle Wildcats in the sabres. In the epee, Powers ST1e sensatio-al Johnny Wooden at Evanston Saturday. and Winig are the Wolverine of Purdue, who seems to have a choices…

February 27, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

Wolverines will I Gophers may be recruited from Bill throw their full strength into the Holliday and George Carlson at the game tonight when they meet the defense posts, George Todd at cen- Minnesota puckmen…

… Maize and Blue Wolverine squad, barring injuries have already taken a brace of de- or other unforseen difficulties,' cision's from the Gopher sextet, should be ready for service again there is no…

… sion the Wolverines will depend on this series, as all indications are Dougovito or Stoddard and in the that the Minnesota team will have o.eavitotddrd and in he more substitutes upon which to de…

…- heavyweight bout either Auer or pend when the regulars become Stoddard will take the ring.1 tired. The entire Wolverine team, Stoddard is still suffering fromc however, is in good condition, and an attack of…

Wolverine Entries to Win First and Second Honors Tomorrow. Major honors in the shot put (xemv-, will hp b 7'^1.. r l -.A. 'Rn GYMNASTSEMB itram ON EXTENDED TRIPiL West's Men Will Meet Chicago, HANDBALL…

February 28, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

… under a 53-22 score before a crowd of 1,500 spectators. The Wolverines. copped first place in every event except one and came out victorious in both relays. Outstanding on the evening's program was the…

… teammates touch him out at the finish. Asa result of this Schmeiler took three seconds, giving him a total of nine points for the meet, running second to Kennedy, another Wolverine sophomore, who garnered 10…

… scoring the only sec- onds for the Wildcats. Michigan took seven firsts, four seconds, and two thirds in all, as compared with the Purple's one first, four seconds, and four thirds. The Wolverines got off…

… Smith, Wolverine vet- eran, gained a yard on Aikin, and Ladd finished the race with a five yard margin over Captain Covode, Northwestern star. The time was 3.41 flat. In the 200 yard breast stroke event…

… tets, the Wolverines had an easy Expect to Defeat Buckeyes time in Turning back the threat of on Ohio Floor. the invaders by a 23-17 count. How__ ever, basketball fortunes at Wis- All basketb ams in the…

… fencing meet held in Michigan 135 - pound grappler, Chicago. The final score was nine who may be moved up a notch in to eight in favor of the Wolverines.' tonight's meet with Northwestern With the running…

February 28, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 104) • Page Image 7

… will have an excellent chance to advance into undisputed third place under two conditions, that the Wolverines win, and that Minnesota shows enough strength to vanquish the Boilermakers. Maxie Rosenbloom…

… cam- Michigan net a Minnesota player This week the instruction has been to the ner paigns, have been purchased, but hoisted the puck high into the air limited to the proper grip and the The Wolverine

…, Murphy, old to be a regular, and Grabowski of the net, and when Tompkins and SQUASH and Maloney rolled 906 for the first has never been known for his heavy a Wolverine defense man both Coach Jack Blott is…

… staff, while Earl the Wolverines clinched the title Whitehill, Elon Hogsett, and Phil last night, they will be out trying I Page are the portsiders who are ex- for another victory in tonight's pected to…

February 16, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

… Mac- The team which is scheduled to collum's position. make these trips includes Capt.t Defeated Detroiters. Miller, Smith, Ladd, Kennedy, Last Saturday t h e Wolverine Schmeiler, Cristy, Degener, Drys…

…. The men on the winning Wolverine team were Turner, star half-miler, Lemen, DeBaker, mid- dle distance man and Harman Wolfe, stellar performer in the longer distances. The performance of Renwick, a…

February 21, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… possession of the Clements library, WRESTLERS DEFEAT WESTIRGINIA,22B Wolverines Win Eastern Match in Two Falls and Four Time Advantages. (Special ta The Daily) MORGANTOWN, W.Va., Feb. 20.- Michigan's varsity…

… wrestling team administered a decisive deat to West Virginia's grapplers here to- night by a score of 22 to 6. Two falls and four time advantage bouts gave the Wolverines their safe margin of victory over the…

… and fifty-threee ec- onds. Thomas of the Wolverine team wrestling in the 135-pound class, scored the other fall over O'Farrell at the end of six minutes and nine seconds. Summary: 118 - Pound Class…

… improved. Cardinal team took the ice last nigh the Wolverines at bay most of the game. Goalie Silvia aside 29 shots while Captain Tompkins, in addition to ke net clear of all shots, kept his team -at top…

…, speaking for herself and her friend, Hanako Hoshino, '32, also of Tokio. I -.-.....a Chicago . 0 Ing was largely instrunm spoiling the Wolverine dr the floor. Norm Daniels and forward on the Micig was the…

… Gives Wolverines Conference SI of 500; Cardinals Show Improvem Over Previous Contest. III By John William Thomas By shutting-out the Badgers last night,' the Wisconsin hockey series and brought up…

February 25, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

…'s track edge over the Midway aggregation, tAman meets the University of Chi- but the Wolverine mentor an- cago in the opening Big Ten indoor nounced that he would not work his meet of the season for the…

… Renwick, sprint- for Scoring Lead er, are the only two members of the Wolverines who are suffering from Johnny Wooden, Purdue Star, the present epidemic of colds and flu. However, these men are rapid- Has…

… contingent to make the Western Conference basketball the-Chicago journey will be deter- race this season have gon glimmer- mined today. ing, interest of Wolverine fans is In Chicago's biggest test of the still…

… on their heels the Seven Men. Wolverine grapplers will tackleI Ohio State this Saturday night on IMichigan's swordsmen will jour- hmasoteBuky. ney to Detroit today for a tencingts- meet with the German…

… victory but a warming up exercise foi; the Turnverein aggregation, they fell over Paller; and Joe Oakley made Wolverine swimming team as it before the onslaught of Michigan a\remarkable showing against the…

… race this season. Fon should develop into a cone of Schmeiler a mark of 2:18.7 for the this meet, the Wolverines will use Michigan's mat great. 220 free style. The 270-yard .med- but three men. They will…

…,51.9. Minnesota will bring here Satur- Going To The Refrigerator And Opening day one of the strongest swimming A ottle I .Illness Shrinks Squad. With the Buckeye meet right at hand the Wolverine mentor has been…

… Mountaine.r's ottstandling s t a r Schwartzwalder, at 155 pounds. The Wolverine sophomore flash turned in a good account of himself hold- ing the Easterner to a time advant- age of a minute and a half. t 1…

…. pivot ean on theroffense cn he relinquished his tip-off job to Ed Gaffer, the veteran Wolverine cager has displayed a great eye from the floor and from the foul stripe to far outclass any other scorer…

February 27, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

… To Be Teams' Second Encounter; Two Men Will Make Their Last Road Trip. TO PLAY AT IOWA CITY Wolverines Will Fight Hard to Equal Last Season's Mark of 8 Victories. fy Sheldon C. Fullerton For the last…

… record of last season, when it won eight vic- toris against four defeats, the Wolverine basketeers will be forced to overthrow the Hawkeyes tonight to realize their ambitions. Since the two reverses…

… of the second semester. For half of the first period in that game the Hawk- eyes held the Wolverines on even terms, but a swift and accurate assault on the basket by the Maize and Blue sharp…

… the first period, but goalie Tompson made several sensational stops to push asi4e 34 shots while Tompkins was called on to save only 16. The Wolverines kept up a barrage of shots in the first two…

… Marquette team. Michigan Line Holds. In the third session Marquette started a series of drives at the Wolverine cage to score just once in an effort to tie the score. The little-substituted front line of Reid…

Wolverines in the later stages of the contest. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-(1P)-In an effort to plug loopholes in fed- eral criminal procedure and to close breaches in the bankruptcy laws, President Hoover anounced…

February 14, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…'s inva- sion. The full distance was a mile and the Wolverine quartet led most of the way.. Although no points were awarded by the officials of the meet, the press scores gave Michigan a total of 40, a huge…

… satisfied with a simple victory the Wolverines kept the home team scoreless during the last 15 minutes of the game, making 13 points during the interum. The State cagers are wondering just how they happened…

… take the Conference title, and for that reason the Wolverine nata-* tors have been pointing for Friday's eet, although they swim against Chicago on the following night, Wolves Succumb To Late Goal In…

… Ferries was able to break loose from the forwards again and elude the defensemen to score the final goal of the game with -two minutes to play, winning the game for Tech. The Wolverines missed the services…

…; Jewell 26. Referee, Fox, Detroit, i 9Trestlers Lose Two Meets In Eastern Tour Michigan's wrestlers were easy prey for their eastern opponents on the recent Intersectional trip. The Wolverine grapplers…

February 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… and changed places with the Wolverines in the Conference' standings. The score was 36 to 35. During the first half it was Nick Kearns who aggravated the fans and players alike with inaccurate deci…

… until Iowa substituted Kotlow and Moffitt who produced the spark of victory and clearly outclassed Michigan. The Wolverines ran up a quick lead of 18 to 7 early in the first half and Iowa retaliated with…

February 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY )m the RESS BOX John Thomas Wolverines Sweep Hockey Series, Beat Wisconsin2 v Long John Schmieler Secret Vigl Kentucky Derby Mustang Turner * * * LONG JOHN SCHMIELER is quite…

… Seconds To Play To Win For Michigan Goal Keepers Star Wolverines Get Second Place In Conference With Two Victories By ALBERT H. NEWMAN Scoring a final goal with but 30 seconds to play in one of the closest…

February 21, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… Five Maroons Hold Michigan In First 12 Minutes Before Wolverines Open Up Small Crowd Sees 8th Big Ten Game House Resolution (;ivIe" Legislature Act Powcer (irver Banks To Comstock So Garner With…

… establish in fact whether this loan can be had." It did By JOHN THOMAS Chicago held Michigan for twelve minutes of the first half but from then on the Wolverines had things their own way and won easily, as…

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