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February 14, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-14

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o w probably Tuesday;
r ca West and south por-
cloudy Wednesday.


Sfr igari.. DadI

Pwring Down Body
Requiremntts; IZO Insl
And It's Yours.

CA -


i 1\7r

: IN0. n



_ . {

re Sliced


Pollock Deprecates ElevationOf
Adolf Hitler To Chancellorshitp


Conference0f Deferred Tuition Notes Fa

Literary Faculty Votes To
Lower Physical Ed. Re.
quirement For Women
FroQm Two Years To One
'oinen Gain Equal
Footing With Men
Lction Taken As Result
Of Recent Decision Of
Council To Leave Matter
To Individual Colleges
A step toward the ending of the
n-year controversy over physical
ducation at Michigan was taken last
[onday when the faculty of the lit-
:ary college voted to reduce the
hysical education requirement for
omen students from two years to

Criticism and disapprove
Hitler's elevation to the c
ship of Germany was vo
Daily interview yesterday
James K. Pollock, of the
science department.
"It is a sad commentary
war Germany that the Gei
plc are able to choose no
than Hitler," Professor Pol
According to Professor Pc
"new development in the Ge
uation is not a new depai
"there has been no politic
tion such as occured in Jui
"Hitler," Professor Pollocl
only the head and front of
erment; he is not the bi
is in no sense a free agent
with von Papen as Vice-C
and Reich Commissioner fo
Hugenberg as Minister of C
and Agriculture, and Seldte
ister of Labor, together w
over ministers of Finance;
eign Affairs, there ought r
much chance of Hitler gett
even if he wants to.
"I disapprove of the repo

AF solutions of the Reichstag," Profes-
Ll of Adolf sor Pollock said, "because they tend
hancellor- to further discredit parliamentary in-
iced in a stitutions.
by Prof. "However," he continued, "the re-
e political cent dissolution will give to the Ger-
man people an opportunity to say
on post- thumbs up or thumbs down, in the
rman peo- impending election made necessary
one better by the dissolution. This is a greater
llock said. opportunity than was given to the
ollock, the Italian people, or to the Russian
erman sit- people.
ture," for "If the German people prefer this
al revolu- re-actionary set-up," Professor Pol-
zie. lock continued, "let them have it -
k said, "is but let them be prepared for the con-
the gov- sequences, which may include intern-
rains. He al revolution, international 'compli-
t, because cations, and a return to the mon
;hancellor archy.
r Prussia, "I also disapprove of the dissolu-
Commerce tion by the present cabinet of thej
as Min- Prussian Legislature," Professor Pol-
ith hold- lock said. "Their action," he said,
and For- "appears to me to be in violation of
not to be the German Constitution as well as
ing loose, contrary to the. decision of the Su-
l preme Court in a recent famous
ated dis- judgment."

Highway Men
Begins Today
Morning Session Will Be
Held In Union Ballroom
With 700 Attending
Sadler To Present
Opening Address




Due As Several Hundrei

Garner Leads
Cagers To Win
Over Indiana

uis action, which places virtually
he women on the campus on the
e basis as the men in this re-
t, was taken as a result of the
it decision of the University
icil that the matter be left here-
to the discretion of the fac-
s of the various colleges instead
ing treated as a subject for Uni-
ty legislation. The College of
macy adopted a similar ruling
s last faculty meeting.
other innovation provides for
er elastcity in choice of physi-
ducation work during the fresh-
year. While before R. O. t. C.;
darsity sports were the only ac-
es a);-owing exemption from
lastic classes, the faculty ruled
choice of any sport might be
at the beginning of the semes-

2nd Semester
Shows Decline

England's Debt
Stand Reversed
By MacDonald


To Include Sessions On
Relation Of Accidents
To Highway Safety
The Michigan Highway Engineer-
ing Conference for 1933 will open at
9:30 this morning in the ball room
of the Union with over 700 members
of the Michigan Traffic and Safety
Directors' Association, the Michigan
Association of Road Commissioners
and Engineers, and the Michigan
Good Roads Association registered
for attendance last night according
to Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the
Highway Engineering and Transport
department, who is the presiding of-
ficer of this morning's session.
The conference will include ses-
sions on accidents and their rela-
tions to highways and public safety,
punishment of traffic law violators,
highway construction, and motor ve-
hicle taxation. This is the annual
conference of the highway groups of,
Michigan and has more than trebled
its attendance since 1925..
Address of Welcome

Michioan State
Appears Certain
Comstock Favors Inquiry
By Legislature; College
Club President Protests

3rd Quarter Spurt Keeps
Wolverines In Thick Of
Conference Race
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 13.-
(AP)-A ten-point barrage by Garner,
elongated center, and Eveland, elu-
sive forward, in the second period,
carried Michigan to a 32-25 basket-
ball victory over Indiana University
here tonight. The win kept the Wol-
verines in the thick of the Western
Conference title race.
The Hoosiers, never ahead, fought
doggedly to tie the score twice, at
seven all in the first half and again
at twenty all in the second, after
Michigan held a 14 to 13 edge at the
Garner and Eveland then took
charge, however, the center hitting
twice and the forward three times
to put the game out of reach,
Lehrt, forward, and Weir, guard,{
led the Hoosiers with three basketsI

Money Taken From Tru
Funds Has Replace
Payments Of Studen1
During Last Semester
636 Outstanding
Notes Are Unpai(
No Immediate Action I
Planned Against Thos
Delinquent In Payments
Authorities State

315 New Students Enroll Will Try To Reach Accor
As Classes Open; 66 In Econonic Field A
Change Colleges Washington Meeting
New registrations in the schools LONDON, Feb. 13.-(')--Completely
and colleges of the University for reversing Great Britain's debt stan
this semester rose to 315 yesterday as voiced by Chancellor of the Ex
as classes opened. This figure as chequer, Neville Chamberlain, Prime
compared with corresponding regis- Minister Ramsay MacDonald told the
trations of the year 1931-32 reveals House of Commons today that the
a decrease of 66 students, debts discussion at Washington nex
Including 77 students who changed month will range over the whole pro
their existing registration the total gram outlined for the projected world
semester enrollment now stands at economic conference.
392. Last year the registration of In an important statement to th
new students alone at the second se- House he accepted the wider scop
mester was 381. for the debts conference, declaring
Sixty-five students als o either 1 10 whn hp f, . .i



le old system, which ha dbeen4
orce for fifteen years, has been
pic of discussion since 1925 when
Joy report,inade by a University
ate committee headed by Profes-
Dey, recommended among other
gs a two-year requirement for all
ents. The argument which fol-
d this proposal resulted several
s later in the appointment of an-
r Senate committee to study theI
ific problem of physical edva-
requirements, but a series of d-e-
caused by other problems and
organization of the University
ieil, prevented eflective action
g taken until last year when the
icil took the problem under con-
ation and made the report which
Lted in the new rulings,
itil the past few years, move-
is were toward increasing rather
decreasing the requiremetits,
some catalogues issued a few
s ago carried a notation that
e the present requirement was
year for men it would probably
aised to two years soon. Since
organized opposition from the
mt body and certain liberal fac-
groups has turned the tide of
ment in the other direction.
aeu naLeage T
rhow Russian Film

changed their schools or colleges or
re-registered for combined curricula.
Changes in registration and the de-
crease of 66 students over last year
were proportionate among the sev-
eral schools and colleges with those
with the largest enrollment showing
the largest registration changes.
The offices of the recorder were
crowded throughout the day with an
unusually large number of students
busy with changes in classification.
Members of the staff were forced to
work overtime last night to take
care of the recording of the classifi-
cation changes.
On Thursday, Feb. 9, 93 new reg-
istrations left a decrease of 64 from
the corresponding time last year.
Registrations bringing the total to
186 Friday, Feb. 10, showed a de-
crease of 69 from last year and yes-
terday's registrations numbering 129
students brought the total new en-
rollment to 315 making a decrease
of 66 students from last year.
Good Will hid
Reaches More
Th an $2,000

appiroach to the problem with the
United States.
Economists who evolved a tentative
program for the world economic con-
ference, which is to be held sometime
this summer with Mr. MacDonald'
presiding, divided their detailed rec-
ommendations into six primary sub-
jects for discussion at that meeting.
1-Monetary and credit policy.
3-Resumption of the movement of
4-Restrictions on international
5-Tariff and treaty policy.
6-Organization of production and
"Will the House have a general
idea of what proposals the British
government intends to ask the United
States to discuss?" George Lansbury,
floor leader of the Labor Party, asked
the Prime Minister during the ques-
tion period.
"The agenda drawn up by the com-
mittee of experts preparing for the
world economic conference covers the
field," Mr. MacDonald replied.
Mr. Lansbury persisted:
"This is very important. Will the
Ilouse and the country be given any
idea of the British proposals on the
war debts?"
"It has been stated again and
again," said the Prime Minister, "that
as far as war debts are concerned, we
want an agreement with America
which will enable us to pursue our
European policy."
The Labor leader continued to
press him.
"Surely," he said, "the Commons
and the country are entitled to ask
for a clear statement of the lines of
the policy on war debts."
The cross-examination was closed
by the speaker at this point.I
State Farmers
Unite Avaiist
Tax On Sales

y The official address of welcome will
d be given by Dean Herbert C. Sadler
- of the College of Engineering at this
e morning's meeting under the direc-
e tion of Professor Morrison. Addresses
e will be given by W. Sherman Smith,
t University of Toledo, on "Washtenaw
- County Accident Investigations," F.
d M. Kreml, Director, Bureau of Ac-
cident Prevention, Police, Depart-
D ment, Evanston, Ill., speaking on,
e "Highway Accident Investigations,"
g Howard D. Brown. Attorney of the
s De troit Automobile Club on, "Con-'
pulsory Insurance vs. Safety-Re-
sponsibility" and Gerald J. Wagner,
consulting engineer, Jackson, who
will read a paper on "Safety and
Economic Features of Various Types
of Railroad Crossings."
- At 12:15 the Michigan Traffic and
- Safety Directors' Association will
hold their annual luncheon and
meeting. Lieut RRobert C. Demaroff,
president of the Association and na-
tionally known safety director of the
Flint Police department will preside.
At 2:00 there will be a division of
the Conference with separate meet-
ings for the traffic session and the
1 highway engineering sections,. The
traffic session will be headed by
1 Lieut. Demaroff and talks will be
given by Lieut. Herbert McCaske,
Detroit Police Department, talking.'
on "Detroit's use of Accident Rec-
ords and Traffic Survey Data." N. IH
Goldstick, Detroit Corporation Coun-
sel will speak on "Right of Way of
Emergency Vehicles and Funerals,"
Judge Sherman D. Callendert, De-
troit Recorder's Court, will talk on
"Punishment of Impecunious Law
Violators," Sheriff Thomas W. Wol-
cott, Gene.'-c County, will conclude
talking on "Traffic Problems From
>a Sheriff's Viewpoint."
Hess to Speak
In the other session for highway
engineers, Otto S. Hess, engineer-
manager of Kent County Road Com-
mission, will be the presiding officer.
Prof. John C. Brier of the chemical
engineering department will speak
on "Paints and Lacquers for High-
way Purposes," Searcy B. Slack,
bridge engineer of state highway de-
partment of Georgia will speak on
"Low Cost Bridges," C. A. Melick,
bridge engineer of the Michigan
state highway department will speak
on "Reconstruction of Old Steel
The evening session will be a
smoker with Prof. John S. Worley of
the transportation engineering de-
partment presiding. The address will
be delivered by Dr. Heber D. Curtis,
professor of astronomy, speaking on
the subject, "Around the World to
Chase a Shadow."

4 +

Eveland, f .............. 4
Plummer, f ............. 1
Garner, c ........... .. 5
Altenhof, g ..... . . ....... 1
Petoskey ...... ........2


Total .................13 6 32


Hodson, f .... .......... 0
Kehrt, f .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..
Dickey, c ...............
Heavenridge, g . ..........I
Weir, g3...............3
Porter, g ................ 2


1 1
1 7
0 2
' 3
0 6
2 6


LANSING, Feb. 13.-R)P)-Gove'nor
Comstock today threw his support to
the proposed legislative investigation
of Michigan State College.
The Governor announced his atti-
tude in answering a telegram from
H. B. Keydel, president of Michigan
State College Club of Detroit, pro-
testing against the proposed inquiry,
The executive said the investigation
i is needed to eliminate "an impres-
sion" that the college was "white-
washed" in previous inquiries.
" am in favor of the investiga-
tion," Governor Comstock said. "The
impression exists that under the last
administration it was 'whitewashed.'
Whether this is true or not, a great
many people think it is true. From
every standpoint, including that of
the college, I believe that an impar-
tial and public investigation is the
best way to arrive at the facts and
let the people know what they are."
Keydel's telegram, sent in behalf
of the Michigan State College Club,
expressed confidence in Dr. Robt. S.
Shaw, president of the college. It
stated the president should not be
subjected to the adverse publicity
that might accompany such an in-
Large Scale,
War Foreseen
In Manchuria
Japan's Withdrawal From
League Is Regarded As*
'Foregone Conclusion'

Total....... ...

.10 5 25

Score at half, Mich. 14; Ind. 13
Personal fouls, Plummer, 2; Garner
3, Altenhof, Petoskey 3, Hodson 3,
Kehrt, Havenridge, Weir. Referee
Fezzle, Indianapolis; Umpire, Reese,
Purdue 41, Chicago 21.
Wisconsin 25, Iowa 31.
Minnesota 25 Northwestern 41.
Ohio 31, Ill., 29 overtime.
Ruthven, Gov.
Comstock Will
Address Rally
Public Sehool Problem Is
To Be Subject Of Mass
Meeting In Lansing


The possibility that hundreds o:
students will be forced to drop ou'
of school because of inability to pay
i the deferred "sixty-forty" tuitior
notes which are due today was seer
last night when it was revealed by anl
official source that 636 of the notes
are still outstanding.
Since under the terms of the state
law the University is required tc
I show a full paid tuition for every reg-
istration, the notes were possible
only through use of money taken
from university trust funds. Since
this money will have to be replaced
students signing the notes must pay
them or withdraw from the Univer-
sity, unless somecmodification of the
terms of the notes is passed.
September Agreement
According to the terms of the notes
signed by the students in September,
unless the loan is paid when due the
student must withdraw from school
and the University is further au-
thorized in that event to discontinue
its contact with him as a student.
The notes were issued under a plan
which has been in use several years.
Upon payment of 60 per cent of his
tuion alnd he promise to pay the
remaining 40 per cent at the begin-
ning of the second semester the stu-
(lnt is admittecd to the University,
Last year between 25 and 30 stu-
dents were forced to leave because of
inability to meet the 40 per cent pay-
ment in February. This year 1541
notes were issued in September. This
number is twice as great as the num-
ber last year and with 636 notes still
unpaid it is inevitable that a larger
number may have to withdraw this
Service Charge
According to the terms of the
notes a service charge of $1 or in-
terest :at the rat of 6 perĀ° cent per
Year is charged by the University for
the deferring of the tuition. Under
this plan the University can replace
the money which was taken from
the trust funds with a suitable in-
tcrest return when the notes are
The income however is insuf icieit
to pay for the additional clerical.
work which has been necessitated by
the increased number of deferred tui-
tion loans this year. The University
is in no danger of loss on the notes
however in as much as a student
withdrawing from the University at
the beginning of the second semes-
terh is etitled to a.40 per cent re-
fund on is i5tuition.
The $1 srvice charge is paid when
the note is signed and upon inability
of the student to meet the note in
February the note takes the place of
the money which otherwise would
be refunded upon his withdrawal.
No action will be taken by Univer-
sity officials today regarding the.stu-
dents holding the unpaid notes.
In Tennis Mlatch Here

Genuine apprehension e x i s t s in
Washington official circles that ef-
forts to conciliate China and Japan
lave failed and that war on a large
scale over Manchuria is inevitable.
Japan's withdrawal from the
League, is regarded by observers as a
foregone conclusion. That even if
Japan were not to withdraw military
observers believe the slow advance of
Japanese troops toward Jehol will
bring on a great Chinese resistance
and major fighting.
China's famous nineteenth route
army, which did such gallant fight-
ing at Shanghai last winter, and pet
organization of General Chiang Kai-
Shek are among the quarter of a

"Czar Ivan the Terrible," starring
conidoff and the Moscow Art Play- Amount To Be Added By
's, will be presented by the Art -H t).ContIihtion Is
Ln ema League Thursday, Friday and
aturday of this week at the Lydia Still Uncertain
endelssohn Theatre, it was an-
yunced recently. The total cash placed in Ann Ar-
The picture is an historical study bor banks through the Student Good
life in the time of Ivan the Ter- Will Fund reached a total of $2,-
ble and contrasts his unlimited 018.08 yesterday with additional
)wer and his utter loneliness. "In pledged contributions from fraterni-
idertaking the creation of the ties expected by fund directors to
reen portrait of this Czar," Leoni- bring the total to between $2,300 and
df, who has the title role, said re- $2,500 by the end of this month.
utly, "I turned to books, objects Of the money thus far received
ose to Ivan, and in them I hunted $1,143.47 has been turned over to
r the spirit that would unite me Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students
th the character and the epoch for relief work among men students
was to recreate." and $874.61 has been give to Alice
This picture has been favorably r- C. Lloyd, dean of women, for similar
ived by many cities throughout the work among women students.
aited States and Europe. Max Rein- The money which was donated by
rdt, famous German producer, said women was given to Dean Lloyd and
the film, "In my opinion, Czar the funds contributed by men were
an the Terrible" ranks high among turned over to Dean Bursley. Money
i best pictures of our times." colle 't ed from others than students
land proceeds from various social
r-rfunctions has been divided propor-
tyouts or L J Ln tionately. Under this plan men will
TIeamn To Be Held Today receive $663.75, or three-fourths of
the money so collected, and women
Try-outs for the second semester will receive $221.25 or one-fourth.

million soldiers the Chinese have
As an effort to aid in the solution south of the great wall between P ip-
of the public school problem, whichj ing and Tientsin line.j
has occupied a large part of the at- Japan's total military forces in
tention of the residents of the state Manchuria at the present are esti-
of Michigan since the passage . in mated at 100,000 These are widely
November of the "15 mill" amend- scattered, but there has been con-
ment, a huge mass meeting is to be siderable concentration of the recent
held Wednesday in Prudden Auditor- week along the railway between
ium at Lansing. Shanhaikwan, where the great wall
President Alexander G. Ruthven, touches the sea, and Mukden.
Gov. William A. Comstock, and Dean Japan also has a large fleet pa-
James B. Edmonson, of the School trolling the Manchurian coast north-
of Education will head the list of ward from Shanhaikwan and guard-
speakers. ing Chinwangtao and Hulutao, the
The conference will be divided into two ports of the end portions which
a morning and an afternoon session. would be used in case reinforcements
Dean Edmonson will deliver the key- were sent from Japan.
note address at 10 a. in., when the The drive of the Japanese into Je-
morning session opens. hol, which they insist they mjust
State-wide organizations which are I make to protect Manchukuo against
planning to send delegations to the invasion from south of the wall is
conference include the American Le- not generally expected by military
gion, the American Federation of observers to begin until next month
Labor, the Child Study Club of Mich- because of the cold weather. But the
igan, the American Association of season has been unusually mild and
University Women, the Federation of recent movements have persuaded
Business and Women's Clubs, the military men that the Japanese have
State Parent Teacher Association, decided to act regardless of the
Kiwanis, Rotary, and Exchange weather.
clubs, the Michigan Education Asso-
ciation, and the Federation of Wo- Republicam Club To Ask
men's Clubs .
Buses will transport the Ann Ar- For G.O.P. Recognition
bor contingent for a round-trip price
- .- A 4- -4 .... -f -. .y .It t -...

e i

In a tcnnis match marred by fre-
quent booing of decisions and players
Hans Nusselin, German professional.
last night defeated William T. Til-
den II in straight sets 6-4 and 7-5.
The upset of tc old master was
completed when Emumet Pare and
Bruce Barnes teamed up to defeat
Tilden and Nusselin 6-4 in a one set
doubles match. Nusselin played a
fine game to save his team from a
shut-out while Tilden only occasion-
ally showed flashes of the form that
made him famous.
In the opening match of the eve-
nig Barnes and Pare fought a hard
three set match with Barnes finally
winning. Set scores were 6-3, 1-6,
and 9-7.

LANSING, Feb. 13.-Michigan farm
organizations, through their official
representatives, took a stand in op-
position to the sales tax measure of
the Democratic Administration at a
meeting in Lansing Monday.j
Resolutions adopted by the group
stressed three points and were as

Prohibition Repeal Debate
Next On Senate Program
WASHINGTON, Fe . 13.-(P)--A
headlong plunge into prohibition re-
peal debate faced the senate tonight


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