occasional snow,
moderately cold
Y. r
fr iga
Non Profit - Yet High
Price; Take The Hellt
Of Nell Week.
No. 100
t rmty
i Break
Speaks Here Today
enate Act
ly 12 Freshmen Given
'erruission T o ove
nto Fraternity Houses,
tates Dean's Office
of ators Warned
By Council Heads
Special Fund
To Aid Girls
In A.G.D. Fire
Loss Of Wardrobes May
Force Co-Eds To With-
draw From University
$12,500 Damages
To Sorority House
Dean Lloyd To Subscribe
Money From Emergency
Fund For Women
Varsity Wins
35-10 Against
Cbicagro Five
Maroons Hold Michigan In
First 12 Minutes Before
Wolverines Open Up
Small Crowd Sees
8th Big Ten Game
House Resolution
Legislature Act
Powcer (irver
Banks To Comstock
Leads In Scoring
18 points;, Chalks
Field Goals
dged Men May Eat
Houses As Relief
sure; Checkup To
Vlade Immediately
2 freshmen have been grant-
,ission to move into frater-!
Lses under the ruling recently
y the Senate Committee on
Affairs, it was revealed yes-
it the dean of students' of-
first year men are living in
ies without having obtained
on from Dean Joseph A.
it was learned last night.
nen, and members of the fra-
into which they have moved,
e to severe punishment for a
i of the ruling," Edwin T.
president of the Interfrater-
ncil, said last night.
le Governing Freshmen
iling states that all first year
> desire to move into frater-
ust present the dean of stu-
th a written statement from
ent's parent or guardian con-
o the arrangement, and they
scholastically eligible for ini-
nto a fraternity. w
Interfraternity Council rules
n stretched as far as possible
the financial crisis which
the houses are experienc-
irner said, "but violation of
3 as they now stand will be
Carveth Wells
Will Appear In
Lecture Today
British Explorer To Give
An Illustrated Account
Of 'Noah's Home Town'
Peculiarities of a bit of ancient civ-
ilization, "Noah's Home Town," will
be described at 8 p. m. today in an
illustrated lecture by Carveth Wells,
British explorer and purveyor of fan-
ciful truth, who will appear tonight
at Hill Auditorium as the Oratorical
Association's fifth presentation dur-
ing the present school year.
Although the statements of Mr.
Wells have invariably been substan-
tiated by scientists as cold truth, the
lecturer has a way of making facts
,appear to be fantastic lies. Lack of
credulity on the part of audiences
has, according to the explorer, re-
sulted in a number of amusing ex-
periences during lecture tours.:
Having begun his globe trotting as
an engineer employed to survey a
railroad in the Malay peninsula for
the British government, Mr. Wells
was, according to his own account,
so enthralled by the amazing odds
and ends of nature and civilization
existent in the world that he has
since spent all his time collecting
motion pictures and still photographs
of these oddities, together with com-
plete data regarding them. The out-
set of his Work as a lecturer com-
menced in western United States,
where, stranded following his return
from the Malay Peninsula, he was
forced to lecture in order to keep
from starving. That which he had
to offer met with instantaneous ap-
The explorations of Mr. Wells have
in many instances resulted in valu-
able additions to scientific knowledge. I
Notable among these achievements
were his observations concerning the
periodic migration of lemings in Ice-
In addition to the material set
forth in his lectures, Mr. Wells has
added to popular knowledge by pub-
lishing several books, notably "Six
Years in the Malay Peninsula," "In
Coldest Africa," and "Adventure."
Checks will be accepted for tickets
at the box. office tonight.
Several gins may oe forced out of
school as a result of the fire that
swept the Alpha Gamma Delta soro-
rity early Sunday morning at 1322
Hill street.
Although Dean Alice C. Lloyd has
arranged to turn over special sums
from the Emergency Fund to the
group, the total loss of clothing may
force several of the women to with-
draw from school, Reta Pearl Mc-
Omber, '33, president of the organi-
zation, said last night.;
The group has not decided upon
temporary quarters as yet, although
several houses have been investigat-
ed. The former residence was dam-
aged to such an extent that it is
doubtful whether it can be utilized
and rebuilt. Plans for building a new
home at the same location will not be
considered until officers of the Na-
tional organization can get here to
investigate conditions.
Must go Home
Florence Hiscock, Grad., chairman
of the executive committee, said that
only two girls remained in Ann Ar-
bor while the rest had gone home
to make arrangements for new ward-
robes. She would not comment upon
which of the eleven girls that were
in the house at the time of the fire;
would be compelled to withdraw from
school. i
Latest estimates by insurance
agents of the damage place the fig-
ure at $7,500 on the house and be-
tween $4,000 and $5,000 on the furn-
ishings. All the bedrooms were de-
molished, except three in the front
on the second floor.
The fire had swept up the back
stairs from the basement, where it
started in the waste-paper receptacle.
Miss Agnes Barker, house chaperon,
was awakened by the crackling of
flames in the kitchen immediately
below her bedroom.
None Injured
She went into the hall to awaken
the girls and found that the back of
the house was in flames. The occu-
pants of the second floor ran down
the front stairs while those on the
third used the ladders on the back
of the house. All escaped unharmed,
although a few had bruises to show
for bumps that they received while
trying to pass through the smoke-
filled halls to safety.
After all of the occupants were
out, the fire continued up through
the third floor and the roof and
started back down the front of the'
house: then the firemen stopped it.
Eileen Lutzenhiser, Spec., called'
the fire department at 5:45 a. m.
When she came down the front stairs
(Continued on Page 5)
Freshmen who have been granted
permission to live in fraternities will
be given a written notification of
such action, which must be presented
to the president of the house into
which he intends to move. All house
presidents were warned by Turner to
see that freshmen who have not
taken the proper course be obliged
to obtain permission at once.
A check-up will be made shortly
to see that the ruling is being obeyed,
he added. All freshmen not having
permission, he indicates, will be re-
quired to move out. z
Depledged May Eat in houses
First year men who must be de-
pledged when official notification of
their marks are sent out by the dean
of students' office will be permitted
to eat in fraternity houses. "This
lenient interpretation of the ruling
has been made in view of the eco-
nomic stress of the houses," Turner
stated, "and we hope to change it so
that freshman who have been de-
pledged must sever all connections
with the fraternity as soon as times
are better."
"Under no circumstances are these
men to go through "Hell Week,"
however, Turner continued. "The
main objective in depledging men is
to give them an opportunity to raise
their marks, and we believe that
"Hell Week" seriously h a n d i c a p s
their scholastic work."
Depledged men will be eligible for
rushing by other fraternities than
those with which they have been af-
filiated, Turner stated, and a list of
these men will be published within
the next week.
Council Votes
Down Appeal
For R.F.C. Loan
The perennial Ann Arbor water
question, where to get it and how
to pay for its procurance, came to a
sudden, complete standstill in a
meeting of the Common Council last
night in City Hall.
The Council voted down, 13 to 1,
a resolution introduced by the Water
Commission asking that "the Com-
mon Council of Ann Arbor make ap-
plication in amount of $210,000 to
the R. F. C. to establish in fact
whether this loan can be had." It did
Chicago held Michigan for twelve
minutes of the first half but from
then on the Wolverines had things
their own way and won easily, as
expected, 35 to 10.
Big Ed Garner was the only Maize
and Blue player to hit the basket for
more than one field goal, making
seven.He added 18 points toghis to-
tal and stretched his string to 85
points made in Conference competi-
tion. He added four fouls to his
seven baskets for the 18 points while
the next high scorer for the Wolveer-
ines was Petoskey with four points.
Chicago presented a close-guarding
quintet that held the Wolverines for
the first half of the first period of
the game. However on offense they
could not find the basket, although
they had plenty of shots. Evans and
Wegner each made three points to
lead their scoring.
Garner made three pivot shots af-
ter his one-handed manner in this
half in addition to four fouls. Michi-
gan held the lead of 17 to 4 at the
In the second half Garner got four
field goals before he was pulled in
favor of Wistert near the end of the
;ame. Black, Teitelbaum, Seeley,
Wistert, Petrie, and Oliver replaced
the original starters. Of the substi-
tutes Petrie, Black and Oliver played
good basketball.
Michigan 35, Chicago10.
Purdue 42, Northwestern 20.
Indiana 36, Minnesota 25.
Illinois 29, Wisconsin 15.6
Ohio State, 38, Iowa 23.
Comedy lub
Will Produce
Mystery Play
'Three Times The Hour'
To Be Presented During
First Week Of March
"Three Times The Hour," a mys-
tery play by Valentine Davies which
was produced in New York last year
is to be put on by Comedy Club
March 2, 3 and 4 at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, it was announced
last night.
Valentine Davies is a Michigan
graduate, having been president of
Comedy Club during the year 1925-
1926; since then she has been doing
dramatic work in New York. This
play has only been shown in New
York and Boston before its presenta-
tion here.
The play itself is very unusual, ac-
cording to officials of Comedy Club,
and should be technically as well as.
dramatically of great interest to a
student audience.
All three acts of the murder mys-
eery take place at the same time on,
different levels of the same house.
The characters move out of one room
in the middle of an act and in the
following act reappear in another
room at the instant in which they,
left the first.
This is the first play recently pro-
duced in which this device has been
used t secure time unity, Mary
Pray, '34, president of Comedy Club,
said yesterday.
Charges Against Student
Revoked By Complainant
Charges that Ralph E. Taylor,
Grad., was driving while intoxicated
have been withdrawn, it was learned
A complaint charging Taylor with
driving while drunk was filed by Jack
Chyz, of Detroit, following an acci-
LANSING, Feb. 20. - (MP)-The
Michigan House of Representatives
tonight adopted a resolution declar-
ing an emergency to exist, thereby
giving Gov. William A. Comstock vir-
tual dictatorial power over the op-
eration of the state's banks. The
Senate adopted the resolution last
Under provisions of the bill the
governor may extend the existing
holiday if necessary, or may continue
restriction on withdrawal of funds
by bank depositors as long as he
deems it necessary.
Revolution Is
Unlikely In U.S,
Says I. Lovett
Chicago English Professor
Talks On 'Literature Of
Revolt' In Speech Here
The United States is one of the
countries of the world in which revo-
lution is least likely to occur, Robert
Morse Lovett, professor of English
at Chicago University and nationally
known for his liberal writings, de-
clared last night in a lecture on "The
Literature of Revolt" in Natural
Science Auditorium. It was the sixth
of a series of talks being sponsored
by the League for Industrial De-
"Violence in this country is un-
likely to be fruitful because there is
no political or economic capital com-
parable to Paris or Moscow," he
stated. The diversity of economic
and personal interests also would
preclude any general revolution, Prof.
Lovett added.
Discuss Socialism
In Alpha Nu Talk
A-rationalization of views of free-
dom is needed in this country, ac-1
cording to Robert C. Steen, whose1
talk, "Socialism from the Students'
Viewpoint," was delivered last night
before Alpha Nu, national honorary
speech society.
Mr. Steen presented the view of a
struggle between the owners and,
workers. "There are two classes of
people in this country," he said. "Thej
first is those who own the means of
production, but do not work them-
selves, and the second is those who
work to produce but do not own."
Mr. Steen applied the term
"slaves" to the working classes, say-1
ing that he did so not with the in-
tention of bringing to light the true
conditions under which the "wage-
slaves" of today work.
Oratory Contest
Announced Fort
University Ment
Chicago Alumni Medal To
Be Given To Winner;1
Meeting Called Thursday
Official announcement of the 1933
University Oratorical contest was
made last night by speech depart-
ment officials. Carl G. Brandt, of
the speech department, will meetz
men who are interested in writingt
orations at 4 p. m. Thursday in the}
Alpha Nu room, 4003 Angell Hall. c
The final winner of the contest will
be awarded the Chicago Alumni
Medal, which Mr. Brandt describes
as, "The most beautiful medal award-
ed to university students anywhere3
in the country for any line of;
achievement." Tentative plans also
include a trip to Chicago for the win-
ner, who will speak before the Chi-
cago Alumni Association.
This year for the first time it is
not necessary that contestants use a
strictly oratorical style. Extempore
speaking or a combination of both
styles is permissable. This ruling is
in line with the desire of the speech
department to make the contest prac-
tical rather than extremely oratori-
The first preliminary contest is
tenatively scheduled for the first
week in April with the finals early
Prophecy Fulfilled
Associated tress I'Itoto
Rep. John Nance Garner (Dem.,
Tex.,) saw his prediction of last week
come true yesterday when the Heuse
of Representatives adopted the
Blaine resolution. E
New iProblems.
Confront States
In Repeal Fight
Prof. E. Brown Discusses
Questions Involved In
Convention Method
:.. .
Four major questions will face the
legislatures of the various states in
the ratification of the repeal amend-
ment passed yesterday by the House,
Prof. Everett Brown of the political
science department said last night in
explaining the unprecedented pro-
cedure which the convention method
will entail.
The legislatures, according to Pro-
fessor Brown, will be forced to de-
cide upon the following questions:
1. How are delegates to the con-
vention to be nominated?
2. When are they to be elected?
3. How are they to be elected?
From the states at large or from dis-
4. If elected by districts what unit
will be employed?
"The action of Congress in sub-
mitting the proposal to repeal the
18th amendment to the states is of
the utmost importance," Professor
Brown said. "Not only is it the first
time that an attempt has been made
to repeal. a constitutional amend-
ment but it is also the first time
that the convention method has been
used since the constitution itself was
."All amendments up to now have
been ratified by the legislatures of
the states. Since the proposed
method of ratification is unprece-
dented many interesting questions
have arisen. One of these already
seems to have been answered. This
was as to whether Congress had the
power to provide all the rules and
regulations governing the conven-
tions or whether its power ceased
with the proposal, leaving all details
connected with the ratification to
the legislatures of the respective
states. The latter view was adopted
by Congress. It remains now for the
state legislatures to take the action
necessary for the calling of the con-
Women Will Try Out
For Daily Thursday
Freshman women who wish to
try out for the editorial staff of
The Daily should report to Mar-
garet O'Brien, '33, 4 p. m. Thurs-
day, at the Student Publications
Building. Although it was pre-
viously stated that the tryouts
would be Wednesday, they have
been postponed because of Wash-
ington's Birthday.
Women trying out will have an
Michigan M
Lead Wet Par
Tentative Approval
Given To Plan
Would Submit Measu
To People At Gener
Election On April 6t1
LANSING, Feb. 20.--(M)--Propos
to put Michigan at the head of t
list of states ratifying repeal of t
prohibition amendment were consi
ered by Gov. Comstock and membi
of the legislature today.
Plans to let the people name de
gates to a ratifying convention in t
general election April 3 were tent
tively approved. The governor a
legislative leaders agreed that prom
legislative action to this end is d
Two measures were under seric
consideration. One, aavanced by R4
Miles F. Callaghan, Republican, R
City, would designate the legislato
as a state convention to act upon
peal. It would be submitted to t
voters in April, and if approved
them, the legislature almost imM
diately could swing into action as
"It would eliminate all expen
and would greatly expedite matters
Callaghan said. "The people in p:
could vote to designate members-
the legislature as lelegates to ti
convention. Members of the legis
ture are assembled here. They a
organized. As soon as the eledtio
vote was canvassed the legislatu
could assemble in convention at
ratify. There would be no delay R
organization, no milage or ho
Submission of prohibition repeali
the states by Congress touched o
keen rivalry among the states to
among the leaders in ratifying V
amendment to end the Eighteer
With enough legislatures now
session to dispose of the axmendme
this year if they take a tion, leade
in many sections of the country k
no time in getting things starte
From a large number, howeverirea
tions were still to come last night.
As the first of the states were a
ing, President-elect Roosevelt in N
York expressed gratification of it
action of Congress. He coupled
with hopes that this short sessi
of Congress would carry out one m
proposal of the Democratic platfor
of last year by passing beer legisl
tion. 1
'Ensian Issues
Call Today Fr
Staff Tryout
Business Group To -Me
At 4 P. M. Today; Edito
Says Teacher On Radii
Business tryouts for the 'Ensi
will report today at 4 p. m. at ti
business office of the publication 4
the second floor of the Student Pu
lications .Building on Maynard
John A. Carstens, business manage.
stated yesterday.
Tryouts will be given general bu
ness experience and especially in Vt
department of accounts, sales, adve
tising and organizations. Manage
of these departments are chos
from the tryouts in the spring
their sophomore year and the f
lowing year the business manager
chosen from them.
Editorial tryouts for the 'Ensia
are reporting every afternoon in t
editorial office, Benjamin McFa
Bill Introduced In II
Would Allow Solon
Sit As Convention
TaX Resolution
Introduced In hWilliams Will
Senate Friday
A joint resolution introduced Fri-
day in the Michigan Senate pertain-
ing to the fifteen-mill tax limitation
amendment, was explained yesterday
by Harold D. Smith, secretary of the
Michigan Municipal League. The
legal aspects of the resolution were
checked by Prof. E. Blythe Stason, of
the Law School and Clarence Wilcox,
corporation council, of Detroit. It
proposes to submit an amendment
to the electorate this spring that
would clarify the millNtax amend-
According to Mr. Smith the pro-
posed amendment would definitely
exempt cities and villages having
charters setting taxing limits at
higher than 15 mills from following
the provisions of the amendment.
Mr. Smith said that the measure
would also permit taxes to be raised
in excess of the fifteen mill limit for
Give Talk In
To Tell Of Political Crisis
Confronting President-
Elect Franklin Roosevelt
"Can Roosevelt Meet the Present
Crisis?" is the subject which Howard
Y. Williams, national director of the
League for Independent Political Ac-
tion, has chosen for his talk to be
delivered at 8 p. m. today in the
Mr. Williams has recently returned
from Washington, where he has had
interviews with more than 25 lead-
ing progressive Senators and Repre-
sentatives. He will tell of many of
these interviews, placing emphasis on
the political problems which are fac-
ing President-Elect Franklin D.