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February 23, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-23

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SUNDAY, .FE13RUARY 23, 1930








ammer Wins Sabg
iive Wolverines 9-1
Over Second Op
With the outcome o
stake In the final bot

.It is a strange coincidence that l9 29, but he still remains a star
three of the best first basemen in I performer, dangerous at bat and
er Bout to the American league should pos- a fine fielder.
. . sess the same nicknames, yet it is -
s a stranger coinciidence that none rig and Blue are both ex-
)ponent. of the nicknames are the same. peckd to improve this year over
The seeming contradiction con- :then last season's showing. Neither
VEMENT cerns three stars, Lou Gehrig, of of, them played the type' of ball of
the Yankees, Lewis Fonseca, of the wti.'ch he was capable, and barring
f the match Indians, and Luzerne Mue, of the a e cidents, will be looked for to



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Veterans Returning for Big Ten]
Competition Makes Illinois
Title Contender.



ut and pitted

against Schlicher, present Westernt
Conference sabre champion, Ham-
mer slashed his way to a five to
three victory, giving the Wolverine
fencers a hard fought 9 to 8 deci-
sion over the title holding Illini
yesterday afternoon in the Intri-
mural gymnasium.
In achieving this upset the Mich-
igan swordsmen showed a marked
improvement over their perform-
ance against the Michigan State
team earlier in the season and
proved to be superior to the Illinois
fencers in both the foils and sabre
events although forced to drop
three of the four bouts in the epee.
Stolpman, Gordon Star.
Captain Stolpman in the foils
and Gordon in the sabre starred
for the Wolverines. Each of these
men won all of their bouts, Stolp-
man taking three in the foils and
Gordon two in the sabre against,
the strongest lineup in the Confer-
ence including the champions in
both of these weapons.
Captain Haier, conference foils
ehampion, was 'the outstanding
fencer for the Indians with his two
shutout victories in this event
against Friedman and Lovell. In
the opening bout of -the meet, the
two captains met with the result
that the Illinois leader was forced
to bow to defeat for the first time
in two seasons. ' The only other
Indian to win both of his bouts was
Seibert who defeated both Dosett
and Koon in the epee.
Wolves Get Early Lead.
Michigan won five of the nine
bouts in the foils to give it a one
point lead early in the meet. Fried-
man and Lovell, a newcomer on the
Wolverine squad, won their first
bouts against Seibert and Fried-
berg respectively but each lost his
other 'two bouts.
. In the epee in which the Wolver-
ines prior to the meet presumedly
had the best chance, Illinois won
three of the four bouts. Dowsett
was the only Michigan fencer to
wih in this event, taking a quick 2
to 0 bout from Wheeler. Koon lost
to both Seibert and Wheeler while1
Dowsett dropped his second bout to

Browns, Lou, Lew, and Lu.
Lou, New York's contribution tol
the trio of first sackers, is one of
the most dangerous batters in the
circuit. Although last seiason hi
mark fell below that of his usual
'standard, his hits were of the long
variety. The distance of his hits,
and the opportune times at which.
he came through with them, gave
Lou a record of 126 runs batted
across the plate, only Sammons,
Ruth, and Alexander topping him
in this repect. Gehrig leads both
Fonseca and Blue in runs batted
in, the Cleveland star sending 103.
teammates across the plate, and
the Brown first baseman batting in
only 61 runs.
All Good Fielders.,
As far as fielding goes, the trio
are practically on the same level.
Fonseca, Lew, led in percentage
points, but by such a little margin
that it scarcely made any differ-
ence. His mark was .995, compared
to tie .994 at which Lou and Lu
were deadlocked.
Lew, Cleveland's first baseman,
led the American league in batting,
beating out Al Simmons of the'
Philadelphia Athletics by a n.rrow
margin. While his hits were not
for as long distances as those of
New York's Lou, there were more
of them and they were just as.
timely. He was near the front in
the manufacture of doubles and'
triples, but fell off in the makibag
of circuit clouts.
Blue Slipping.
Lu, the Browns' entry, failed to
have as good a season as usual in

r ,ise their batting percentages in
7 1.30.

(Spccial to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Feb. 22-Seven

Lew Has Great Year. lettermen, six squad members from
Lew Fonseca presents a different last season and 18 newcomers are
7roblem. While he undoubtedly is candidates for the University of
L good batter, as far as steadiness
Lnd consistency goes, it is very Illinois swimming team.
>robable that he was playing above Last season the Illini won every
lis head last season. A natural dual meet, defeating Chicago, Pur-
omedown is to be expected, al- Idue, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin and
;hough, of course. he may not have, I n ,s

bena flash in tepan andhe may
ontinue the gogd work.
SJohn Schmieler, Michigan fresh-
man tank star, provided the fea-
ture of the state A. A. U. swiimming
1meet at the Detroit Y. M. C.A. on1
Friday night when he defeated Don
McClellan of the Detroit Yacht
club in the 100 yard breast stroke
open event. McClellan, a former
national collegiate champion, had
been unbeaten in state swimming
circles since 1921.
In acomp roishing this feat,
Schmieler swam the distance in
the fast time of 1:10 2-5 seconds
Bob Goldsmith, Michigan Varsity
star, also finished ahead of Mc-
Clellan to take second place, rele-
gating the Yacht club ace to third
position. Schmieler led all the
way, while Goldsmith passed Mc-
Clellan on the last length.
cVichigan swimmers captured a
Slarge share of the honors in the
tank meet, winning four events, in-
cluding two state titles. The Wol-
verines made a clean sweep of the:
A. A. U. senior 50 yard champion-
ship. Bob Walker, Maize and Blue
star, captured first place followed'
closely by his teammates, Frank
Walaitis and Fel Hosmer. Walker's
time was :24 3-5 seconds.
First honors in the 100 yard jun-
ior free style title race went to
Ivan Smith, grid player who has I
.developed into a fast sprinter. Mar-
cus, a Mi'chigan freshman, took
third place.' Smith covered the
century in :58.1 seconds. Michi-
gan's first quartet of Walker,
Walaitis, Hosmer, and Smith had
little trouble beating the Yacht
club team in the 200 yard relay
in the slow time of 1:41 2-5

'Cinciiati, placed third in the con-
ference meet, tied for the water
polo title with Northwestern and
finished fourth in the national
meet. The schedule remains the
same except that Minnesota will
compete here for the first time in
place of Iowa.
The following lettermen are avail-I
able: G. W. Barry, F. W. Holbrook,I
R. J. Kieding, F. R. Schroeder, H.
W. Stout, Chicago; E. H. Wagner,
Elgin :and G. A. Webster, Des
Plaines. Frank Sweetman won his
letter last year, but is at present
On previous records, Kieding,
Holbrook and Schroeder are out-
standing. Kieding won all his races.
in dual meets last season and plac-
ed third in the national and Big
Ten 220 and 440 yard free style
events. Schroeder, captain of the
water polo team, placed third in
the conference breast stroke. In
this event in the national, Hol-,
brook finished fourth.
Tuesday-Chicago, here.
Saturday-Illinois, there.
Saturday-Northwestern, here
Friday-Wisconsin, here.
Saturday-Wisconsin, here.
Friday - Northwestern, 'there.-
Saturday--Chicago A. A. at
San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 22 -
Forced to find a new practice field
because the Giants are to hold two
practices daily and cannot share'
their diamond, Manager Donnie
Bush. will move the Chicago White
Sox to Van Daeke stadium next

tp ai to i e; auy)
IOWA CITY, Feb. 22.-On the
roll of the official all-American
track and field team, for the fifth
time in seven years, appears the
[name of a University of 'Iowa ath-
The latest occupant 'of ;a place
is Edward 'L. Gordon, Jr., the
Negro broad jumper who -hurtled to
three major chamiponshi'ps last
scason, including the National A.
A. U., title. He was named :by Dan
J. Ferris, secretary-treasurer of the
Amateur Athletic Union. -
Compared with Brookins.
So the -lanky, 180-pound, 20-year
old athlete 'from Gary, Ind., form-
ally bas 'ensconsed himself with
Charles 'R. 'Brookins, all-American
220-yard ltw hurdler in 1923, 1924,
and 1925, and Frank J. Cuhel, who
(Special to The Daily)>
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 23-Pros-
pects that Northwestern univer-,
sity's swimming team will clinch'
the national intercollegiate title
.again this year appeared bright
following the record breaking per-
formance turned in at the recent
dual meet with Wisconsin.I
Capt. A. Schwartz, the Purple'sl
free style ace knocked a half sec-
ond dff! his own national collegiate
record 'for the 100 .yard 'dash, ne-
gotiating the distance in :51.5.
This is the fastest that :the century
has been swum this year. By the
time the national championships
are held at 'Harvard, March 28-29
he expeCts to lower this mark still
Northwestern's 160 yard relay.
quartet -also contributed to the ree-
ord breaking by equalling the world;
record !of 1:14 head by the ChiCago
A. A. This betters -the Purple's own1
national record of 1:14.4. 'MeM-
bers of the team are Dick -Minch,
Bill Covode, Bill Wilson and Al'
Don Peterson, breast stroke star,
I also indicated that he has hit the
ieak of his form by swimming the
200 yards in 2:37 'which is two-
fifths of a second under his Big
Ten record.

vwon the 1928 onor in th e same
event. He is entering his second
year of intercollegiate competition.
Only six years ago, a scrawny
adolescent who , had grown too
fast, Gordon was sickly and car-
ried only 115 pounds on his six-
foot frame. His father, believing
that he might build up, compelled
him to compete in athleties.
Had No Reputation.
Gordon high jumped 'and low'
hurdled, developed fast, but enter-
ed the University of Iowa with no
reputation as a broad jumper, his
|sole attempt in high school net-
Iting barely 22 feet.
'concentration upon the event
during his freshman year, how-
ever, resulted in consi'stent leaps
over 24 feet, and membership on
the American Olympic team of
11928. At, the international games,
he finished seventh, with a bad
muscle holding his performance
about a foot. short of his best dis-
With the impetus of his power-
ful run and a tremendous push 'on
the take-off board, Gordon's
"springy" legs propelled 'hiln to the
Western Conference, National Col-
legiate, and National A. A. U.
championships last season. His
best leap was 24 feet, 81/ inches,
and in four of his six'efforts he us-
ually exceeded the 24-foot mark..
BOilermaker Nine tQ
Have Nineteen Games
(Special to The Daily)M
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 22 -
Nineteen games, including 11 Big
Ten tilts and eight non-conference'
engagements, have been scheduled
for Purdue's 1930 baseball hle, It:
was announced today by Director
of Athletics N. A. Kellogg. The
season will open on April 4 with
the first of "a three-game home
series with Wabash <and will close
(on May 23 when Michigan invades
Lafayette. The conference :season1
Will 'open on April 19 against Ohio]
State at Columbus.
Included on the conference
schedule are home and home
games with Ohio State, Northwes-
tern, Michigan and Indiana, a two'
game away from hrnde series with
Minnesota, and a single enga'ge-
ment with Illinois.

Coach Kizer Faces Proposition
of Rebuilding Championship
Grid Combination.
(Special to The Daily)
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 22.--
Realizing that he faces a big task
in attempting to find men to fill'
the shoes that will be left by the
graduation of such stars as "Red"
Sleight and "Pest" Welch, All-
Americans; Glen Harmeson, All-
Western halfback, and Bill Woerner
and Bill Mackle, regular ends, No-
ble Kizer, Purdue's energetic new
head coach, 'has already started,
plans for thedBig Ten champions'
spring grid drill that will start
early-in March.
I The Purdue mentor, assisted by
l Earl Martineau and Mal Elward,
intends to spend a great part of
the spring drill with new pros-
pects and developing reserves that
will enable the Boilermakers to
capably defend their champion-
ship when the season opens next
fall -against Baylor University, one
of the title favorites of the South-
west conference.
Middle Trio Back.
While the"Boilermakers retain all
of their center and guard candi-
dates from the 1929 championship
squad aldAg with George VanBib-
ber, ,a great tackle, as the nucleus
for 'the line, developing wingmen
and tackle strength will present a
real problem.
Two of the rivets from the fa-
mous "Four Riveters" backfield-
Alex Yunevich, fullback, and John
White, quarterback-will also be
availaable, but it remains to be seen
whether another quartet as effec-
tive can be welded together with
the addition of "talent that broke
into the limelight last season.
New Coaching Staff.
Although the Boilermakers have
a reorganized coaching staff to
pick up the reins where Jimmy
Phelan left 'of, the present coach-
ing triumvirate has a familiar
smack and will be able to keep
things moving at the same pace.
All thre Purdue co'ach'es were big
factors fin the development of the
1929 title team, being in charge of
the personal instruction and build-
ing the component parts of the

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Pur e Nine Slates
Seven Spring GAMes
(special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 22.-ven
games are included in the spring
training trip' to be taken by North-
western's baseball team, it was an-
nounced by Coach Paul Stewart.
The Purple squad will leave Evans-
ton Sunday, April 13. The itiner-
ary of the trip follows: Two
games with Central College, Fay-
ette, Mo., April 14 and 15; two,
games with Southern Methodist{
University, Dallas, Tex., April 16j
and 17; two games with the Uni-
versity of Texas, Austih, Tex.,
April 18 and 19 and one game with
the University of Missouri, April 21.1

I! - A4


Gordon won both of his bouts 1
sabre against Gross and Schlich-a
while Hammer lost his first bout v
Gross and won the final and de- A
ling bout from Schlicher. t


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