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February 19, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-02-19

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A o l*tr t a


No. 98







rridiron Dance to Open


New Press Building

r1 S. Forsythe Is Chairman; Committees
Are Appointed to Work Out Plans;
Admission Charge Uidcided.
Michigan's nev publication building, reputed to be the finest
cture of its type in the country, is to be inaugurated Friday,
il 1, by the firstannual Gridiron dance, outgrowth of the color-
and traditional Gridiron banquet, razzfest supreme, it was re-
ed last night.
Plans for the dance, which is to be sponsored by Sigma Delta
professional journalistic fraternity, became public 'yesterday
n it was learned that the Board in Control of Student Publica-
had given official sanction to a proposal presented by Carl S.
sytlie, '32, president of the society. The affair is to be formal
attendance will be limited to --~

Michigan's New $150,060 Press Building


nitee membersstated last
hat no decision has been
regarding the admission
for t "e dance, which is to be
z the editorial rooms of the
50,000 building on Maynard
but that tickets will be sold
> members of the publica-
staffs and to a limited list
pus leaders by invitation.
- understood last night that
action will serve as ,an offi-
ening of the publications
g, in the process of comple-
id is to be occupied in June
staffs of The Summer Daily
e Summer Student Directory.
iformation was available last
'egarding the orchestras un-
asideration for the dance,
embers of the decorations
ttee indicated that the dec-
.s will carry out the scheme
ly used for the annual Grid
:t, which it was voted by Sig-
Ita Chi yesterday to discon-
n. favor of the dance.
mittees chosen by Forsythe
e charge of preparations are
ows: Arrangements-Beach
, Jr., '32, chairman, David
hol, '32, James H. Inglis, '33,
nie Pettit, '34, Frank B. Gil-
'33; Invitations-George A.
r, '33, chairman, C. Hart
, '34, John W. Thomas, '33,
. Marshall, '32, Thomas Con-
'34, John D. Reindell, '32;
ty-Karl Seiffert, '33, chair-
rohn W. Pritchard, '34, Ben-
McFate, '33, C. H. Beukema,
ecorations-Kenneth Yourd,
iirman, Edwin S. McKay, '32,
['obin, '32, John Cutting, '32,
Jones, '33, Alfred Newman,l

Name of Department Is Altered;
Professor Sanders Is,
Named Head.
A reorganization of the depart-
ment of speech, accompanied by a
change in the name of the depart-
ment, was effected recently, accbrd-
ing to an announcement from the
office of the president of the uni-
versity. -
Prof. Henry A. Sanders, former-'
ly of the Latin department, has
been made head of the speech de-
partment which is now to be called
speech, phonetics, and general lin-
guistics. The change was arranged
partly because of the fact that
there had been considerable, over-
lapping and confusion between the
spech ,department and the courses
in phonetics and linguistics, which
were formerly allied with the Latin
Another reason for the change
was a general dissatisfaction a-
mong iembers of the teaching
staff with the policies under which
the department was being adminis-
tered, according to unofficial state-
ments by faculty members.
Student Will Appear
on Symphony Program

Road Association
Names New Head
at Final Session
(A copy of the conference's
resolutions in full will be
found on page 6.)
John H. Dennis of Flint was elec-
ted president of the Michigan As-
sociation of Road Commissioners
and Engineers at a business meet-
ing of that body held\ yesterday af-
;ternoon during the closing sessions
of the Highway Engineering con-
ference of Michigan. President Den-
nis was raised to his new office
from his former position of vice-
K. I. Sawyer, road engineer from
Marquette county, was re-elected
secretary-tMeasurer and E d w a r d
Scheumann of Mt. Clemens was
elected vice-president.
Engineering Student
Earns A's in 22 Hours
Erwin Boynton, '33E, received all
A's in 22 hours of engineering
school courses last semester, it was
announced yesterday. His name
was inadvertently omitted frqm the
list published yesterday morning
in The Daily, it was announced by
Dean Sadler's office.
Boyton earned all A's in 21 hours
the previous semester.

Initial Issue of the Year Set'
for Next Thursday; Price'
Will Be 10 Cents.
Diagonal, campus liberal maga-
zine, having overcome the obstacles
which prevented its appearance all
last semester, will issue its first
number since last May next Thurs-
day, Feb, 25, it was announced yes-
terday by Melburn, L. Brizdle, '33,
business manager of the publica-
Under the magazine's new editor,
Jerry E. Rosenthal, '33, work has
been progressing for the past week
and final plans have already been
completed. Cora Fried, '32, and
Joseph A. Renihan, '34, are acting
as assistants.
Featured in the February issue of
the magazine will be "The Growth
of Paternalism" by Fdward J. Phil-
lips, an article treating on the con-
ditions now prevalent in the Uni-
versity. "Student Marriage" by
Rev. Frederick B. Fisher and "Rus-
sia-America's Teacher?" by Carl
S. Oxtoby, ,34L, are other articles
which the publication will feature.
The latter article is a comparison
of prohibition conditions in Russia
and in the United States and advis-
ing America to follow the Soviet
"Collegiate Press 'Censorship" by
Carl S. Vorsythe,, city editor of; the
Daily, will be another leading fea-
ture and will discuss the present
censorship of the collegiate press
throughout the country. Added to
these articles will be others by
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the po-
litical science department, and Lyle
The defects aotdeferred rushing,
why it has failed and a possible
solution are given in "Gentlemen
Defer Pledging" by Jerry' E. Rosen-
thal. "Co-ed Phantasm" by Cora
Freid completes the list of articles
with a description of the life of the-
woman student on the Michigan
As has been the custom in the
past, the magazine will be on sale
on campus and at drug store and
newspaper stands. The price will
be tern cents.
Cooperation Is Asked
Over Eligibility Lists

Chinese Students
Enroll inR.O. T.C.
Gunnery Classes
Evidently in. preparation for a
possible summons to return and
fight, approximately 15 Chinese
students, in addition to those al-,
ready enrolled, have entered classes
in the Michigan department of mil-
itary .science and tactics this se-
mester. In order to take the work,
since they are not United States
citizens, they must-pay all expenses
of uniform and equipment.
Major Basil D. Edwards, head of
the military department, stated
that it was not unusual for alien
students to enroll in the courses,
but that none could become official
R. O. T. C. members, though any
student may attend the classes.
Several of the Chinese are taking
machine gunnery without credit.
De Valera Shows Gain
for Irish Presidency
(See Picture on Page 2)
DUBLIN, Ireland, Feb. 18-(P)-
Eamon de Valera, the lanky Span-
isl Irishman who once was con-
lemned to death for his unending
battle against England, tonight be-
,ame a real possibility as the next
president of the Irish Free State.
All day long the tellers counted
the ballots in Tuesday's general
election, and the more they count-
ed the farther ahead went de Va-
lera's Fianna Fail ticket.

ed With Necessity
From Wisconsin
y in Race.
ockey team will be-
defense of their Big
i they face the Wis-
it 8 o'clock tonight

Dalies Frantz, grad., is to appear
as soloist with the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra in the regular
symphon'lc concert in Orchestra
Hall tomorrow night, playing the
LisztrE Flat piano concerto, with
"Victor Kolar conducting. M r..
Frantz' performance will follow an
overture by Henry Hadley and pre-
cede a symphony by Dvorak.
Mr. Frantz studied for five years
with Guy MVaicr, professor of piano
in the University School of Music,
and has recently been -abroad to
study with Artur Schnabel and
Vladimir Horowitz. Mr. Frantz was
selected for solo appearance with
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra
from a number of younger pianists
who were given trial hearings.


CHICAGO, Feb. 18 A'-) - King
Levinsky won a "newspaper decis-
ion" from Jack Dempsey in their
four-round battle here tonight.
Governor Noncomittal Regard-
ing Posibility of Reduction
of University Tax.
Whether or not the University
will suffer a cut in appropriations
from the forthcoming special ses-
sion of the legislature is still a
question in the mind of Gov. Wil-
ber M. Brucker, according to his
statement mac last night.
Questioned on his views with re-
gard to legislative action with re-
spect to appropriations, Governor
Brucker said, "I have not yet con-
sidered the matter of the univer-
sity finances, so I cannot say any-
thing definite on that point."
On the matter of the mill tax,
however, the governor reiterated

Percy Aldridge Grainger, world famous pianist, will give the ninth
concert on the Choral Union concert series at 8:15 o'clock tonight in
Hill auditorium. The program tonight will be the second one in the
last two years offered by him on the series.
Grainger, born in Australia, has toured practically every country
in Europe and America in his 30 years of concert work and is noted
for his interpretations of modern composers as well as of Bach, his
favorite composer.
The 50-year-old artist first gained international fame when he be-
came the first pianist to seriously introduce Dibussy. Other composers
whose works he was the first to play are Ravel, Scott, Delius, Albeniz,
Carpenter, Dett and Guion. Since
1905, he has collected folk songs
and now has one of the most com-
plete in the world gathered from
England, Denmark and the South
Grainger is also noted for his
ability as a composer and has writ-
ten such accepted numbers as
"Country Gardens," "Molly on the
Shore," "Irish Tune from County
Derry" and "Shepherd's Hey."
During the war, after he receiv-
ed his American citizenship, Grain-

Aonship Wolverine
win this first game
ers if they wish to
itular chase, and as
Blue pucksters are
ineligibility, their
At one.
Lowey's charges lost
of conference con-
'Ice to Minnesota on
with the first two
s between Wiscon-
olves, set for Mad-
ved due to poor ice.
of the invading
what doubtful, they


or Track Tear
~e Limited in


Conference indoor track teams
will be limited to 15 men and out-
door squads to 20, it was voted at
the last meeting of Western Con-
ference athletic directors. Several:
schools objected to the unusually
small number of athletes allowed
to compete and a new vote was
concluded yesterday among the di-
"The strictest economy was vot-
ed. although it will hurt the lamge,

To avoid a rush at Dean Burnley's~
office when the pledging eligibility
list is released, fraternities have
been requested to send only one
representative e a ch t o obtaini
,,n ,ance Tf- nrill nnafanA4I-. ., a . ni


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