~AL~ L~
'WEDVt;,ic XL 1', F UsLh , i ,131
J1. 4boy
A U(
I ~~~~~ ~ d t o- -''--_____________ _________
.. .C -lo ~ 'o
Uarlwr i I Season.
SeTl~icr n~1Mi~c ~k ~ SI1 0h f c W:all lj'actic e at the
r~~u~ i~~d tei;ilunivaer sty f i( hi~zn will get an
ealersat hsyear it appeared
iZ Cor4P 7i jj Yo s or"p. {eateid; y hen Co!ach Marry Kipke
- - UlflOUlCC hr ihc] isprinig prac-
?' A( U VNLX'r ice ce s wold begin IMarch 30
,hite ne)u1heri' of the Varsity
hA Ii mln g[ anl~ a aet eca:l",ed out for five
jus:t re'~tt' rnedf[roar a tipinto they o 6i e dilliing on the t(chniqluej
teritoy f o hr cn ereceteams of the gridiron.
amnd they have done" plent y for the An evein earlier workout will be
,lory(11 tn; M r e nd Blue while given the freshmen aspirants, for
gon, Te ~n arar covercl2,700 they are tou be called out next Mon-
mils i oi wid te tampartici- day for some intensive drilling on
pa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . te0nIfl m 7 ;i fu as. fuildemejtal ione s w xill be held
misb g utOiO 1 y l lase. h ire h (1I CS iwekin ttho intra-
WoIivtne ou ase to- nuiigyrain. Th; early start
ta, l or1 i point o ;.hirip to the will give the yearlinags four weeks
total scote f()('6_ pointSs sc o red jump on the veterans.
against t1hem by three Big Ten The Varsity will get two weeks
teamirs, of preliminary work before the'
Wisconsin fell before the Michi- Ispring -acation. Three weeks of
ganu forces first by h score of 50I real work following the layoff will
to 25, and then linnesota wasI conclude the spring limbering up
thriiowni for a lots to the tune of the session. The early date has been set
be(ttersor of 155 to 21. Finally, as because of the late occurrence of
aclim)x to tir victorious trip the vacation period this year.
abroadfthe VarsLit hung up a win Althouifh it is Kipke's plan to,
ni~ht y te wrkthe freshmen inside at first,
x or of 5~) to , I'the practice sessions are to be
Swhb illier wai'ts Twice. I moved outside as soon as the
)Aoth 1o f 1Mich ins relay teams weather permits. The five weeks
coppe d the hionors Monday- at which the Varsity has to show its,
Chl amtpaign t. Selunieler took high ability will give the coach an ample
point hori,is for tii i meet as a opportunity to get a line on the
Wh1ole by w inn_ iing the be stroke most promising material available
and bak tok wims, and: comning for the 1931 cam~paign besides giv-r
in a closeseon in the 220-yard ing the maen a good workout (alter
evenr t . TA wnex high point mnan the winter of indigence.;
ANA iT X -'-
was BrachIl of Illinois who captured
th qu ffarterl-mile race in 5:10 and
followed that by takinvg the 220-
,yazrd evenit in 2:21.,
iller 'cont inuefd his go;tod work in
thebrest troe swim by taking
secon p1 w,while Kennedy and
Ladd(roSe(1thewhirin the quar-
tr fo eod011tidhonors re-
specive. Ii ih(;3-ya, rd sprintl
Kenedymad upiorlosing thef
quart'C'' er y b .-la _ ing i fr irst pla ef
Gralpers to (SeektoRdci
by Hcosier Tream.
Haikowed b Ynfla as se1.a.1 \aile --
a ded ano hr 1ivepintLs to Mich-~'
hi o-nentametsomnginh ort- 'o -diving- eent, with XwesterI1 this1S aturday night, Coach
Veil aigthird non1oles . _, h:~i ie n e teiverill
WidasAe fot c Eet his me n i to top form so
Thismeetwasmuchlikethe thtat they can i rdeem the showing
showsqeitecleal owstong the they made against Indiana last Fri.-
Wolerie sianersare this sea- day night. This m eet will be out
son.The vcviieiingscores for of town aind the coach expects that
the ~ ~ ~ ~~1 I~az u lelc ie thne it v-ill be a good, hard one takig
workot nY hr r: otluyproi- 4 toconieraton both the op "os-
matta Insyaradtomen Pggape~an1d die Cer'puie con- W1
wli try ard o han,2g up the scalp dition of the Mic-higan squad.
of ortiwsuen long with their Stoddard, who wrestled against
t rio already cquired this Friday Indiana while running a fever, is
laight i . The', W"T? idcatLs will bring al still down with the influenza and
stronerteamof aken tHan thei will not be in shape to scrap fort
Wves v e had tac yet but the Main:e and Blue. This puts the
the wil'Pav t flshunusul; burden of proof onl Captain Auer,;
form rid peed o, anex e n'iet. who has not yet seen action fort
the Wolverines because of injuries.
UENCERSp P rEPARE '" e coach feels reasonably sureIt
14 that Auer will be in condition to
...FA d i1CAfGO take over the duties and add his,
-~ '-'-experience and superior ability to ;n
( ,acI, JoI,a. te Seeks Remedy, the Michigan lineup.
Weaknsses The other big problem in the
furWeaneses. Wolverine lineup, that of thle 126-!t
i beore he 'tron >"pound division, is still rather un-I
Aller allng efoe te 'trog Isettled. Otto will riot be able tof
Illnoi hnevs lstSa,,turday atj wrestle again and that leaves the.
Urbaa, te Wlverneswill againI choice resting between Bennett who
nivae te sateof Illinois whenI went to the mat f or the first time,
they !woirney to Chicago wherei last Friday, and Aldinger.
thl ey .idmeet Wisconsin on Fri.-I The workouts this week will be
day~n Cicgoon Saturday. j devoted entirely to the offensive;
Coc Jw)h5-tone believes that I side of the wrestling game. In fact,
hischagesexprieceda good deal the coach has threatened any man
of eneit rom1 hirstinging 14-3 who goes on the defensive unneces-
detfea tle obo the Indians. sarily with dire and immediate re-
T1i le !',~oI a~ as hopelesslyi suits. Theome were soe-what too'
oite ? e )~1li 11. I autious and, not quite aggressive
Friedman shoed the best form enough last Friday and Keen does;
Cl(:Iinued on Page 7) not plan to let that happen again.
ldra:~; !.nned4
Wolverine sophomore star free
styler, who performed to perfec-
tion in t he three recentr met with
Conference schools.
I ers P roves Pu rple's Claimr. I
A new WeStern Con ference bask
e~tballchminwse wed o-
day night atineapiolis when the'.
startling Wildcats eatsily j umped
the last hurdle in their path to-
ward thde title. Minnesota, within
one ga.me of the l):i c -so tt iih
N on hwesi.t(-rn oluintet, wws looked;
upon azs the one team which culd
keep the Purple frorn their second1
championshrip of the year, but how
the Gophers fell clwn ova the job
is nloW a mcatter of history.
ifl i n Ie s (o t._cnever hard a
iA) HOF r Oi1, ~ncli-zs
biv' tid,4i-S. 11 uL, th (?!or.-
1e, hs er Peian ~h
j Te ccI li.k't Dnolla ood
be tleeno _fr _ t win te gam
even 31 no,,rkeLiz to heir credt t
play keC-i'nls ''o ed c i ii
1 less 1 Ctlilh ttot O ve g-s
topics 1-than < i(fu.(Ibts
of" the,"; wtoThioubtshow
1 ab ln t i a t;taher-
He hr d oe ari -l 1 rotyrvs
th ieamhic they havet ias
SIA L ErtdIm ude
4 heowolv tertinestopova ood
chancend0ejoyigoltoas icould pac
be. led.x r rate orogl
sre ofLtheCe CeOCisT4'Y This show-
Ie l Pofesveieral n frolastea'
1 g8
I his Cc~ lut ~.
puck team, d j r 1; ; 7 4 1a 0 0II
of thce Vcex Con 9 i 'll~ ci
appcar to be l];-ru~.) iofI1,1'
only two gaine\'1if w ith i_. (fl 1E',-
mainiing 1o he layed.A. t< -neIn
either one of the zcam.-; , ; -c iaol
to assurle the Wob ?rl " t7.ISrn
while victory in ci r owof tOiiI
I a o tilts Ivi ti: Ii'wb tleio 'e10 F
the Maize and Slue.
This is brou ii. a ,bo,,t in- ii,,,11
that Wisconsin and kh1):rt i'a al . Wi1
have played one game less thini the
Wolverines when the,- season firncahy
comes to a close. T.Che econd con--.
test between these twio t e a in s
scheduled to be playEd l at :Maison
early in the year was 005i poiwb
because of poor ice conditiontls, ianid
that deprives both WsE;(ii i ' L
MfCIGAN .......3 21 .;)
Wisconsin........ 3 1 .50
Mivlnesota...... 3 0 .400
iiinuiltsofa oi ,, lo,7ibl_ v-ictory j I 118
wvouldi have givmn either of them a
good chance to nse ot NMicliige
Although Lowrey's miina he 10
ready taken the Goola inP1two
Istraight skirn'ishies a~ in i-1neal~ili>
I he' Wolverines are lo' ii 03for-
pail' of hard bi-tt les agal oi 5th w-ne-
sofa here Friday antd " t ul idov
nights. Since the ophrs bowet~d
to M'ichigan Coach TPon's na-n
ha:ve celeat~-d Wisconvsiln intwo
consecutive gamecs, and fromt te
type of pla]y that the D a d g c i° s
showed her'e any teinito ("I 't'
cannlot be cl %s (ed a s ctrp. ?'1Y°i}
'Gotaapoc(1arsLt) be moii 5 nn
1.thn i it w a s a t ilic ou t.:> -I iE±: t ,
t ilaol, sT )c= ve: Ic"ii o o< (1-t -c
-y inexpt' en inrieiiee moo 11 yeriloo I"
I in goooiro.
While ti xo hard bait 4s 'Ia s.
;ta , it in dobtiuii i o
then2 ill. 1evae 1 rl) :'Iv a ppma; Ii !
hew. final W casi cia-o112.iri'' A--^,
-a-s or play. Alt houghl sin- ani
i___ :Yi110iii 8 2;.4
Clay niigh ti is ('0111 1 --t-x
Viewpouint, Suchl(- a O( id nr1a 0must
be avoic:;10 .t1n itat,<ll costcs. Ci<
tests wvill begin At 8:30 rawehfr tha
at 7:30 as or iginaclly scheduled.
i11aaYa°'e (Siof-'the 1BetvoAel ige!'6, 11d
indicated that ,acomple1te 1a'W UM,
11Ad may start thesc a--;ME. or tU>
l igers this year- in n 1 h- o. l Eit
:oine('throwing strelith in I0lie <a r
r EN AVANT ' e~ wa d n
Burr, Pattersoan & Auld outc.rngFaeriy we I:
IDetroit, Michigan & WaILrervilc OntaroI
icmetmn.events on tire - --!
atenh thletic program r -3. U
I~ ~ t'1 " ia f tonighat at t
i~7l Spa t ,biling.of The]first Big, T.en Indoor C onitet1
' nI'la _jairnrit:/ swimming ~''- - to be field Here Saturdt
-,x'l 'inirt at 1:30.itCiao
. .the in-ls of the WihCiatSud
_0aurnr.fl ein which winl - Iehigan's Varsity ftrack t1(
1 .at 3 o'clock. ,-ill play host to its hirs.du!al mee
.13(ii ~oiidaais. Phi of the indoor season here ne li:t
v '' 9- i' -r'winners, turday night when it Xill en ,>a e
-nrc . ai abdn. 'The j --y-thae University of Chicago tliinc la ci>
'ac' il osstof two sin. - ;. a mreet in Yrost field house that
S a (d(t r~uibles. Phi beta will enable Coach Charles H'oyt to
- r:1 nil Itv Goodmn and i get a line on the squads' hopes for
Cani i thde singles, ;while their a Conference title.
(au ' ~ 4:{:-'a mu wll con sist of
C--I"~ inandBisko.Aiphr -------'---<-- IAlthough the Maroon team is;4()(
--' p .'ak. 1--lpa------- ;~; considered of a really strong cali-
z~~t nbi as not, yet a bre it has several star's who<} are
eJ tned Iheir 1 n-uap. Last ilkeii-ii ~- bound to cause considerable trot--
-or.-:1101011011 are favored to ble to the Maize ad Blue -racks-
ierte ra teriie have.: ters. Ina letts the visitors will have
one of the fastest distance runners
<< < ,d te swimming competi- ~le Yhioin the country. He can run the
t. phi Kappa Psi, the defend- half mile, the mile or the relay
C io hampions, will be repro- Veteran baebllsar. twho has 1grind. In the mile he can cut the
d~ Ildy a strong team and are gathered together practically aI time down to the low mark of
- 1-~rAto win the meet again veteran team to c-nest the chain-; around 4 min. 20 sec., which is
tiyar. The finals will be run postpo h mni-nLau better than Wolfe has been able
iii-d5ateoo.during the 1)31 rion. t ag up as- yet. East is thie
j .---- Maroon sprint star who beat Eddie
Tolan and the Michigan sprinte'rs
last year and he is coming again
/C AGES EXPEC TEDN'NU this year.
OF WASHINGTON SE"NATORSa'OF 1931 Coach Hoyt will not have so
much to worry about, however, for
t, <E£bI - d to Provide Strong Waslhngns weketpoint be-1 he can pout a team on the track
. - e ,_ rap- which is fairly well rounded ill
(,'rnpctifloii forCA' s. ,fore the t.raing' g-,1ind opens a
I all departments except the field
B':8hidn 2. uleron Ipears to be se cond ibrase. Buddyj events. Then too, things are not
° 1e6 s4H7C. i ulI l.ol 1 mer, veteran of s l-lcamrpaigns so quiet in tire Wolverine strong-
f7 e'sIltc: This is the third- in t' .)onior c iut will be back hold, for Monday while running in
a seiesof ar(Iie dealing with Ionr the job, L', is po ),or wor-k on tihe ornic trial heats o[ the 440, DeBaker
-l~concs of he m ajor- league I execu,.aol 0 1ubl plays more flashed through with a mighty fine
- - n 191 . an dsc-oritshis ood woark at tinre. DeBaker also does; well in the
1h: coigteexml htwiltepae.Udutdy yr is the - hurdle events.
t- is rlnte m i6rity of~ thebis'betatr n bas ite h Some conflict has arisen eonl-
U ! t-nt i the Amrerican League Nascngbt lylr esoeIcrig the record which was
x'ahntnsSenattors will noscbtthswa vrki iehl awarded t;o Beatty of Ypsilanti in
roai'ma o-anesin the lineup m'ay make t psi-ileFor a r'ookiel, the triangular meet last Saturday.
.I l: wiiae the field on olrein i Johnny Dt- i.t) win the post. Beatty won over Eggleston, it was
!c Jo be h emta t e i.-~ t jl -In etsorop in announced at the time, butsor
tile Aor tahe a'vu, ts.lbe bckconsiderations entering it h
lUi rs fac-1tte teami ' itonell awarding of tire winlhave conic tip
t7s~--- thi ssBluo, tlrd sacer, Joe which are being considered. No
In IWiili-ere5>sitWashaingtn u'ocve,'
- a bed ai t) e nrottet°-a T1 ai f ithe inib 'al-lourneenrent was made concern -
'! .11'' ar i y to obuit, oeand ofhoul i i 1ti J cshionl, will r",v' oe coma- ing the nature of the error.
a' n f the few clubs that is ac ' p- ~uotin 1f0o1 a i .lo ii nl inor I (conatinued on Page 7)
-lyeqttioed to give the Philu- Iicpo.trJef ~',rwho was-----' ------
-~-pi.Athletics a good light be- I r)1 Ual-~ at eslI101 ~aa
-0 i (ccn h enntt)teCli ihui I ciel is-1slated to
-.i~rCity club. Walter John,- d{o a lt(1ci vd i gtesasona,
o'SUs:pns club of 1930 is backhe 'oal N91'LIiitereuI
xi A ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ only one or two changes in - atkifhi,'hii'0Ot l--
( 'ad 'n ,-le, and what shifts th,' otne nI~g ~ I t 1 H lh~i
on {pp ,r to) be of benefit to the V III~~
'I -S ( S C I~I' ___
I-his L~A SITE - iI h
an% y:..
-ti ,eto ac
i) y ' p in and see
the Smnart
Clotheis th'at
before you ECCepC n e
from $5 to $10
1 i l I ' t11I,1
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For your convenience
SAnn Arbor Store
603 Churck' St.
wil wear this
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l~e colors
.~h Grey and
FIfhe Stit values
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CVC~All Silk
Trini ,d liiid
an Y;eage
LTOOK UP at the windows of
darkness to find otut what
the Yale man smokes. In the spring-
time you'll see hin- sitting in his
window seat 'A'~i a pipeful of
Edgeworth between leis teeth.
Oan Chapel Street . .. out at the
Bowl... -ev(rywhe-re the Yale man
goes, his pipe and l-.acorhgo
with him. And at d2 otit of 54 of
tile leading c C 1: and universities
Edgeworth is ti_- favorite tobacco.
A tobacco must be good to win
the vote of so rmanydi-rii'iating
smokers. And Ldj oth is good.
oconvinc OUrelfyl dgeworth.
You c:,a tx"arxrtbacco is
sold -. . at.Or oragenlerors
fret: s npte, ,.i;; to I .zus & Bro.
Co., f0-5 S. 2!St., IRichmond,
lJr -a.
Let no'orne persuad.e yon to accept
sonme inferior pien, and throw in a
Vaguel ytlt.rat.tc, t ra f tl'Ybox,\lM
platce of a Gits'a~yiAE rfir,1)"b
Parker. There are~ nolopoe i
the Parker guarantee.
And there is no oilier point lik
the Pressureless-Writin g Durof'old. IJc
lets you write as easy as you br-e-athe.
Fence, nut h.aving to focus your
thought on 11hritt y ou are doing, you11
Concentrate on wat t) )Li lcayne
Go and see: these new,btacd
streaulried Beauties th~at hax-c 7.P'.
more ink c'apacity than a veragt,''size
for sire, anid :trcun\'rtilo""r)it'Xi.
and Pocket, at will.
, iw apt 'a
,j q J.