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February 25, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-25

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Class Teams Choose Names and
Elect Captains Before
First Game.
Margaret Friedrich and Helen
Townsend Elected to Head
Junior Teams.

Through superior teamwork the ||
two sophomore teams were able to
defeat the junior teams in the 9 r
opening game of the interclass bas- '
ketball tournament yesterday aft- y|| @
ernoon in Barbour gymnasium. Be-
fore the opening of the game the '
teams chose names and captains. AssociatedPressPhoto#
One junior team chose the name Edith G. Pritchard,
J-Hoppers to distinguish them from
the other junior team and elected University of Vermont senior,
Margaret Friedrich, '32, as captain .,who recently scored 595 out of 600
The other junior team styled them_ Ito win the national women's col-
selves the Bluejays and chose as lege rifle championship. She is
their captain Helen Townsend, '32. from Pawley, Vermont.
Sophs Named Cardinals, Basketeers
The sophomore teams are named
the Cardinals and the Basketeers.a
Ruth Unsworth, '33, was elected ( T T '
captain of the Cardinals and Au-
drey Callendar was chosen captain r
of the Basketeers. INS
The Basketeers dtfeated the J-
Hoppers in a very one-sided con-
test by the score of 39 to 18. The Jan Johnstone Will Instruct
sophomore team was well organ- Fencing Class Twice
ized and made a strong attack on Weekly.
the juniors which they were not _
able to withstand. The Cardinals John Johnstone, varsity fencing
won their game from the Bluejays
by the score of 30 to 2u. The weak- coach will mstruct a class of women
ness of both junior teams was the students in fencing at 7:30 o'clock
lack of accuracy in the shooting of every Tuesday and Thursday night
baskets. in Barbour gymnasium. it was an-
Schedule Announced for Today. nounced yesterday.
The schedule for today's games This will be the first time that
is as follows: Seniors vs. Cardinals women interested in fencing have
at 4 o'clock; J-Hoppers vs. Fresh- had the opportunity of expert in-
men at 5 o'clock; and Bluejays vs. struction by a member of the var-
Freshmen at 5 o'clock. sity coaching staff.
Twenty students attended the
OPERA STAR AIDS meeting yesterday at which plans
YOUNG MUSICIANS xwerecdiscussed, and about 30 are
YOUNG MU~iIANSexpected to join the class, which

Preliminaries Will Begin Next
Week and Continue Until
Final Meet.
Preliminaries for the Intramural
swimming meet will bagin Tuesday,
March 3, and continue every Tues-
day and Thursday until the night
of the final meet, it was decided at
the meeting of Intramural man-
agers held yesterday.
Each house is to have a prelim-
inary meet with three other houses,
for competition rather than elim-
ination inasmuch as individual
times will be taken. In the final
meet the best times of each event
will be run, and the total number
in each event will depend on the
total number of entries in the pre-
Events Include Five Strokes.
The events will be the crawl, the
side-stroke, the breast stroke, the
racing stroke, the relay and diving.
Each contestant may enter two
events and the relay and diving
Twenty-one houses reported at
the meeting, and those who did not
report are asked to communicate
with the Intramural office in Bar-
bour gymnasium. The names of
students who are to compete should
be handed in to the Intramural
office Friday. Each house will be
notified as to the date on which its
members will swim.
All of the swimming events will
be held in the Union pool, and
admission cards to the pool may
be obtained from the secretary in
Barbour gymnasium.
A. A. U. W. Will Hear
Noted Economist Speah
Prof. John B. Condlifle, visiting
professor in Economics from New
Zealand, will address the members
of the International Relations groun
of the American Association o:
University Women at a luncheon tc

flI ~I Proffessor Extols Organizations1
r, ,a .t0 Lin Social Work; Probes
Race Problem.
W.A.A. to Sponsor Breakfast in'. -- w
Women's Athletic Building Wmnmrlgou okse o
Womenda M Bing be more pious and, at the samei
Sunday Morning. time, more objective than men, in
Invitations have been sent to a- the opinion of Prof. James F. Yard,
bout 75 women interested in riding religious leader at Northwestern ,
to attend a breakfast-meeting atIUniversity.
9:30 Sunday morning, March 1, i This, he said, is because "they are
the lounge of the Women's Athletic± objective in that they are realistic,
building, and can find practical application'
The event, which is being spon- for their theories."
sored by the Women's Athletic As- Inclined to Generalization.
sociation, is under the management "Nevertheless, women are essen-
of members of Pegasus riding club. tially ide alistic in their view-
Frances Beuthien, '32, riding man-
ager of W. A. A., is in charge of the for this, he added by way of ex
arrangements, and is being assisted planation, is because they do not
by Ruth Babbitt, '31, president of come into contact with actual con-
Pegding Eiiditions as much as men, and are
raiding Exhibition Planned. e inclined to generalize in their
Plans are being made for ,the~~--

j They set their eyes on a goal,
and in attaining it, they disregard
all minor obstacles. To do this,
they have to be decidedly pugna-
tious, and they most certainly have
Ie cited Maud Royden, of Eng-
land, and Mrs. Lawrence Thurston,
head of Gin-Ling college, the only
women's college in China, as out-
standing leaders.
"In this country," he said, "Mrs.1
Fisher had won a national reputa-1
tion both as a speaker and mis-'
sionary worker. Miss Anna Rice,
national secretary of the Y.W.C.A.,
is another person of note in the
religious world.
Y.W.C.A. Work Important.
"The Y.W.C.A. is itself the most
advanced socially of any religious
organization in the United States.
It alone had dared to tackle such
issues as the race problem and the
labor issue, and in addition to its
sane and clear consideration of
these topics, has shown that it has
the courage of its convictions by
its own actions. To cite but one
instance, it will hold no conventions
in a hotel to which a negro is de-
nied access. In other matters, it
has shown itself to merit highest

The state competition of the Na-
tional Biennial Contest for young
artists and musicians is to be held
in the Art Institute of Detroit on
Wednesday, April 15. The district
eliminations will follow almost di-
rectly, and will also be held at the
Art Institute in Detroit. Contest-
ents from Ohio, Indiana, and Mich-
igan will participate, and the win-
ners will go to San Francisco to
compete for their final appearance
in the National Contest.
Mrs. Byrl Bacher, assistant dean
of women, is state chairman of this
contest and will preside at the De-
troit competition. Information re-
garding the required numbers and
rules governing the contest

as State Chairman.

theories. Mrs. Beryl Bacher Will Preside


transportation of the group to the
indoor riding ring at the fair-
grounds following the meeting,
where an exhibition of simple form
riding will be given.
Among the faculty members who
plan to attend the meeting are Dr.
Margaret Bell, physical education
advisor for women, Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick and Miss Vanessa Glenn.
Miss Glenn spoke at the last
meeting of Pegasus which was held
last Thursday, and expressed the
interest which the physical educa-
tion faculty take in the effort o
W. A. A. to organize riding, and the
hope that women interested in rid-
ing would take advantage of any
assistance the faculty can give.
be held at 12:15 o'clock, Friday at
the League building.
The topic which the spcaker will
discuss will be "The Institute of
Pacific Relations." Prof. Condliffe
has studied and taught in New Zea-
land, England, and on the conti-
nent. Before assuming his present
position he was with the Institute
of Pacific Relations.
Reservations for the luncheon
I may be secured from Miss Nan
1 Johnson, 8133 or from Mrs. W. K.
Wilson, 2-1010.
--- - - -- -

Girls' Glee Club Will
Sing at Couzens Hall
Following an informal reception
tomorrow night at Couzens Hall,
the University Girls' Glee club will
entertain the Couzens Hall Glee
club. The guest group will singl
several numbers.
Couzens Hall will hold an infor-
mal dance from 9 o'clock, to 1
o'clock Saturday night.

As illustratcd




Water Snake
A cuban heeled tie . .
ideal for those long walks
across the campus to
class or office . .-. The
marvelous fitting qualities
assures you of perfect
comfort . . . AAA to C
widths . . . also in com-
binations of black and
Jacobsvon 's

will meet for the first time at 7:3U
Mme, Schumann-Heink Teaches o'clock tomorrow night. Any women
Girls Sent to New York. students interested in fencing who
have not already signed up should
"At the age of 69 she is helping send in their names to Miss Marie
others up the ladder she climbed, Hartwig of thephysical education
unaided, fifty years ago. This isfaculty for women at Barbour
a statement, appearing in the cur gymnasium.
rent number of a popular maga-
zine, referring to Ernestine Schu- (time on her success was assured.

MANICURE . . . . . 50c
PERMANENT WAVES . . $5, $6 and $7.50
open Evenings (WITH SERVICE) Phone 22813
-i - -- = -s


mann-Heink, one of America's
twelve greatest women.
"Standing before the micro-
phone," the article continues, "in
soft chiffon the shade of the winter
sky, her snow-white hair piled high,
her earrings tiny jewel points of
lapis and platinum no brighter than
the jewel points in her eyes, she
is indeed a figure to command love
and respect."
Even thougk she is an Austro-
German herself, her voice posses-
ses the lovely liquid gold character-
istics of the voices of Italian sing-
ers, seldom found in others. The
fact that she spent her first five
years in Italy may have colored
her voice for all time.
The story of Schumann-Heink's
early years is a tale of hardship
and poverty, but through which
her spirit was unconquerable and
endured everything bravely because
she was looking toward the future
constantly. For her first public
appearance she had only an old
black silk dress cut down from one
of her mother's, yet her voice was
new, young, and fresh.
Her first great roles were in
"Carmen," "Fides," and "Ortrud."
A few years later she made her
Chicago debut and found America
the land of opportunity. From that
You wil gt mor^ out
of your University" ca
te yuron ots
e f you tale them in
shiort sd. H Ireds of
M Ii dfl 'stuidents have
learned I ypcwiitin~; ani r
shorthand at h-amilton
Business Collegc. Many1
have used it to earn
money on the side or
during vacation. You
will also find it very
valuable in your career
after graduation.
Secretarial I

Now she is teaching the girls
whom' the National Broadcasting
Company has brought to New
York on scholarships. No one
knows what she will do next, but
one thing is certain, "any book
written about her before the actual
closing day of her life will be in-

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dark coats.

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