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February 01, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-01

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A27 ~ -

VIT. lvi i C 0 4-1
i i Ca- A, IN - - ' A 4 - -,-

THE MIC.i-i-iC.AN~ E~Aii~-x

JN4ians Lead Am~erican Teams
With List of Nine Former
f College Players.





In former tiunes tihe college base-
ball player was discouraged from
joining professilonal baseball clubs;
now the major leag ue telams are
'going out of their way to sign the
collegian's name to the dotted line.
No less than 21 bal. players who
starred with their Almna Maters at
'one time or another have been tak-
~en on by the American league alone
"-or the 1930 season, although not
all of these %yere with college teams
last year.
Cleveland -loads the rest of the
American league clubs in acquiring
'c ollege ball players, nine of them
-having signed with the: Indians for
-the coming campaign. Detrot has
taken on four from the university
ranks, the White . Soxxc three, New
York two, and each of the remain--
ring four clubs one apiece.
Michigan has contributed two
n ewcomers to the list of collegians
just breaking in the big league
ranks. Fred Asbeek, one of last
year's sterling Varsity pitchers, will
get a trial with the New York Yan-
'*es, -and 'although he will un-.
doubtedly be farmed out to some
ininor league club, he has the mak-
ings of a real big league h ,-I-r. As-
beck was one of Michigan's best
pitchers for th e last two seasons,
Ihurling many of the victories that
enabled the Maize aid Blue to takef
1two consecutive Conference base-
ball titles.
2The other Wolverine hurler to be
taken in by an American league
club is Pete Jablonowski, who for
three years was the hurling m~ain-
stay of the Michigan team. Jabby
h as seen service with the Cincin-
xati Reds and Columbus Senators,
with which .club hie won 18 games
M-.41d lost G last sson to put him1
among the leading hurlers of the
American Association. Jablonow-
-ski represents an $18,0004 invest-
ment for the Cleveland team.
one other newcom-er hails from
the state of Michigan, Byrne. of
Michigan State, who will be with
th~e White Sox. 11(r broke, into a.
few gamnes at the fag end of last
season and showed a little promise.'
CICVcLLI h a,, added lnine coll0'-
,ians to its roster: Pitcher Jablon-
cowski of Michrigan; In lders lBur-
* nett of Fl11orida, Detore of Colgate,
- c1ldman of Syracuse, and Stewart
df fib Ti P1oY; First. Wseasn,
ealiidwelI of Yale, I-loo:ks of Southern
(Alocli.st, and Bonura- of St. Sian-
1a us; and Outfielder Gill of Cum-]I
berland. Gill led ,thle Easten league
in batting last season, while ald-
well led it in home runs. Goldman
was the prize shortstop of the last j

LI BM YC AC ,-HEW'IT LLADS MA TMENj most of his houes air gaining a
viI O H R d 1 ..N tI f a --urNw __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Til i; (v Ct-l i 1. i cB? h3 y it- 'of l iji0 hUlthi e ordes
a ;appears to be oil on the best sea- natnen ever turned out here, and
son of his itrol.it aer his name may well be included with
* hre fal a do.jti edi suh W olverine stars as Geore,
y. tv - * ---------Ra a rk-er Leadsnginn1 FoureTfamslsemnd oneisihie deerorr tI{IDonahe, Saaer, and Soloman.
I ll-round C m etitionHa bllT unm t Hewit, a seior in the pharmacy' MINNEAPOLIS, MNN-Emil W.,
school, is ~resiling his last seas>,n I Iverson, hocey coach lit the Uni-
IFifty men have scored poi'its in:'naMieri ~i~~iioan e~t ~Mieoahshne
the all-a-round irdividual chais-i Foir doubles tecus are'still in is one of tho men on~ the 130 Var--i in his resignaion to become effec-
pl ow hip contest which is beinrg the runni ; for the handball chain-l sity on whom Coach Keen pins tue April 1.
J. riducted this year by thec ntra- pionship anfd there is little to _ -_ -
i"tulal Department, This contest: chop' e bcwone fu. fthr
S., wru all year prcpoiiIion, paints thif hr
ing warcd Lo 11 he idle- t(and tbhal sec ins to have
i 'f . u r, F itra event- such as boin res- it over the res1; it, is the Jnes- v lt
r'y{ S- t -kn tii ,+ handballsquash, rile shoot-;Navare teami which won the event mirs hoo
r..*-~ *,.~ - ing, archery, foul shooting, teninis,1 last year. This team meets Fried--
Y 4h.y{Aa1bA'1, lorseshoep,, bowling, cross country, la ixn' nteupe rce
ften cing, golf, track, Sig mra Delta of the smi f in al s l e Cllinrck tat
?+ , j ~psi and twenty-one.:othseifnl I1 Cln-
; A Ray Parker with 24 points is the Engenan will ly Gorelick-
leadertodte He accumulated Grctcli This n, tch is a toss-up.
Itwenty points by winningth15-- ' -
1 pouned division in wrestling and s-
curing entrance points in the tennis.
M- Six - othes -lave secured twentyTHURSDAY NIGt llRESULTS
- Points and are tied for second 1TUSA
pl ranaely: roaelin, Woodward, O<lympis, 8; cturaries, 3.-
tekSigooAdge'ad Oki-wnd Rats, 21.; Polona CQir. $
-WiliaiM Phelps has scored fifteen Pole Katz, 1; Yazoos, G. jjct6
- - 4soc~ae4 Praa ~points -and has taken part in the SgaP,", 4 a et
_ _- jmst .sports; tennis, golf, suash Pi", .-
Tam Bial, and horseshoes. The winner even- ! Junior L its, 13; Senior Dil 'o ents
Coach of the Notre Dame eleven tu1ywi8udubel.e h n
dividual who takes part in the most 1.'
during the illness of Knute Rockne, evns!nrac ons r wri Sopi. Phys. Ed., 18; P rolh
will accept the post of head foot-I Laws, 5.
ball coach 'it the University of Mini- I ed in every sport regardless of the ISph. Engrs,, 20 Bus. Adts, 18.
nesota only on condition that he distance that a moan advances
will be gvnatrey~
wi h asalary of $h0area.e
Lieb, it was earnied unoiflicially, -m t a
submitted these terms Wednesday f no s Ae ia
to a special Coinmiittee which i T u x e dBar- one - i
making a siirvey of candidates for yt
th oiinlf aatb h resignation of Dr. Clarence Spears)
I to become head coach at the Ui _Apiil . 1enatiareaarneL C O 1
vriyof Oregon. They Gophers'A Spe.at ,$3.751
trscall for a salary of $7,500 '3J, Tofietusical ne hiso e aiad p ictor I
year with an annual increase o-= rra~ fu~sclhsor.H~rts Vctrlai
$500 uip to $l.0,OQO a year. isH . musialy a igig likeness of the actual performer
Detroit follows the Indians i closedzt~ eyes and irageu I hear the artist ins perso!"I
number of collegians signed, its hli - 1 ihe wadiRend,4se by he wrldt
beinag as follows: Pitcher I-fogs Y", " W R do I teol ai nosdb h ol'
-of Bethany (Neb); Catchers H-ay- Ann Arbir's Forenost Clothers -gets rit igriitu
worth of Oak Ridge, and Steineck e 1 322-324 Soutb Main St'eet mnentaitte fareiot eoduo
Qof eaw n Ouedr Fuk, '' I." tors from jazz to symphony. These
oft olahoma. i r te s r' iI11II1t111I11hi11lis ratedl111l111! lllllastilltlone11(###i-I li- "
ofthe best 'fly chasers in the .Pit- III1IIIIIIIuIIII~IIIIIJhJ~I people knt~w TONE QUJAITY.
cific Coast league and has had some 1-11l f11.111WithUIlllthe amazinfilgIIIl new1 E111111111e1etroll 111ial
experience with the Yankees. thI ado r-ne - -ro
-- N K.JHU G .~. - Vieor.Rdiohrngs you th music
N PW YORK , .Y.---IZay Barutti,*-- : a uwahtyuwn~t~elid
former Syracuse track star, -has ,- l ai n
been restored to the good graces of jFOMFIY;4sT. - biiy every nrofaicr
the Amateur Athletic Union. Orienta,,4.v~l - instrumeniet can vouch fo,. All
~'~~'(-f' - elecl~t.,ir v Lw ri@cei ever before
SPECIAL OIR.YUi~ee ptab.l JI~~
TH.IS-WEEK I .lu"fi ~ii :ia~6P -3
1 o n lhra fatois s o a t recirse dcelooet .fter frirty, I -- 1~~ )/ ~ , i
Just Try One of i Dkhes 'TIon;glt!
1Winning Popularity as a headifuil a'lrrge fCir toie i ttdy tIII
LIBER T YE f rdter of rmeat n aprtit"r -3Universi usi C Ho s
MA K T V LEIEC FE6 L~f~L -(T-inshaw & Son) loe7.5
Phone 4312 v WIrTT-1A ivii IION I1 1 NDi.S"
118 W. Liberty WfE 'LIVEI, -329 SOUTII MvAIN S 1UEET /
__ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _" - --- --..i rw'j.,' a s -- rmi ' - t- a ___cR.
.911111________119____#II___ #I#NN1111111f II 1t~ tltl~ lllli I-- ------- -


,215 E. Washington Phone 4310
TY~PIST-Speedy, accurate, will
copy theses at any time. Reason-
able rates include expert advice
on English construction. Lucille.
5865, C
TYPING-Theses a specalty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hlartsu I. Dial 0087.
WANTED-Twro refined students,
young men for suite. Lavatory
and shower. 802 Monroe. Phone
-~w~ yuuV, 114 TO
share large suite; lavatory act
shower, 701 Oakland, Phone
4053. 5
FOR RENT-Desirable, single front
room, second floor. Mrs. Charles
Eaton, 421 Thompson, phone
of campus. Dial 5740. 56
NICE room in quiet home, three
blocks from. canmpus. Dial 5740.
- 56
FOR RENT-Two very pleasant
large- rooms until tule or longer.
Private bath and storage for. car.
4 lumadifled air heat for health.
EEspecially pleasant location for
those who like the open spaces.
Golf course close. Five minutes
drive to campus. Phone 970. 5
FOR RENT-Single room. and pr-
Rledge of sleepng porch. Dial
8524. 1101 Church.
-Nice front room. Available
next semester. Phone 811. 1:$
Geddes Ave.- 561
FOR RENT-Suite for. two men;
warm, comfortable; 3 .blocks
from campus. 555 Packard. $.50
per man, Dial 2205$. ~56
FOR RENT-Second semester flow-
er frot double room, warm and
nicely furnished, including vkc-
trola. Men student. 707 'Tap-
pau. 56
FOICR Kt----Attraetive room for
one or two, girls. Steamu heat;
5lRowei; soft water; washing
priviledges.' Dial 8544 or 8791.
422 E. W siitoi. 234
}FOR NENT --Large, very comfort-
able front suite. Phone 8194.
ATTE ACTIVII;, comfortable, cuit.
south room for secodsmeser
IReasonable rent. :Phone 53.
SMALL-Nicely furnished apart-
lmenit two blocks from campus.
Grad, girls preferred. Call 650
during the day.
orated an4 furnished apartment
between State at. and downtown.
'Four rooms and bath on first
floor. Ideally arranged for a
permanent home. Call 650 dur-
ing the day 3X
W'Ef;LL kepi;, quiet room for men.
one blodck south of lEnghtaeer
Arch. Qije d0-gb r0om aid two
' ;tifll$ to share. -'1510 Wa.
CAMPUS (Near)7-Four room $ur-
nished apartmaent. Freplce.
Grge. $60 per month. Phne

vOR i1NT---large suite, c1QO'.1o
room and single room for merik
ini cuiet 1ho11e. '425 5. iV Violl.
I Ph1one 22352. 456
near campus; two desirable
1single rooms ' or me.n. 41,1 H amUi-
tQn-Place. D il G5839. 3450,
l1 R CRENT-For 2 men ;. lar g c;
Jwarmn room, with shower bathi.
ailf block from camprrus. 215
Soito Thayer. Phone 7981. '- I45
State on first oor Private bat:
and entrance., Furnished. Mal.
0437. A456
Campus, ial4051L 4G
ONE SUITE, and one single :roomn.
Clean and warm; hot water day-
Iand uight. 304 F3, Jefferson, Dial
23580. 456
ORIENTAL RUGt -Genuxie Turko-
ma.n Bokara in ox-blood red and
natu ral brown. shades. Sizo
10 xt8'/2 feet. In perfect condi-,

-We have all Makes.
Reminton, Royali
Coroa, Uniderwood
(;olored duco finishes.

Pope $4% 1



Mixed ,Frults
Orug le
Thr'ee layers of tasty AnntArbor
Dairy lee Cream blended inito 'ae
Ti4Qr s hrick- do es it reed inviting?
-Well it is about twice as g"od anid
invitin~ga ras!Tiry it.. Most
degrsh~ve Ann Arbor DNiry Ice
Cream~ or. you can get. it at, the

T[he Mida-hgan Dily offers yon this service e3E-di Sat
_ ie ly. This space is ititende d to ceia heieyoui ' to o or
economic huyinig. tisestiltityucpea ih
the Daily in making this feature of even greater value.
The mec~a~t ar wi'ty cf omap~irbldg.r
y Fresh Home Dressed Chickens.
40 and 42c 1b.-

Scranton, Pocahontas
Kentucky and Weost Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been grrowing ever
since it was established. The secret-
"giving absolute satisfaction to our
custzmers."" We believe it pays to 40
bis~ise0u in s: friendlyway. Ifyu
tl in. jo too. lot's iet together.


.4ioice Pot Roast of ]beef, 27c lb.
hoice Lean Pork Ro st,, 23c lb.

-Delivery Service on all Groceries.


MOR SALE--Tuxedo. For. man 6
feed tall; 36 inch waist; good






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