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February 01, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-01

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I 1-I t~ BALL Y -4 ~ATU1tD '~' L*Th




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Co pz etition

C) -__ ___

Varsity Tennis Squad Phllfh ~TrP
tDaily indoor drill will be in ordecr ~ i [ P A I~ LO E O E T I O L G IC E
for members of the Varsity tenn r~ jfl'
squad shortly after the exam per- 1oe athtoLptn f llnos
iod. Two letter winners from last j then iNa' Tonal A. A. U. and Inter-I
year's championship net squad and :oc et o iapti e
the strongest contingent ofcn Cac .i o Dspone collegiate titleholder. Hlowever, He-
year candidates along with a nui I With hidiana's Shocwi] Witt won thie Conferenee tip Li*n'
ber of last, year's reserve perform- Agaist Badgers. ! he 118, weight, and l<at r gined{
ey's are expected- to give Michigan' revenge on Lupton xvhe ch. 1at
one of the best balanced net teams1, TO PLAY WASHINGTOiN ed himi at Grand Rapidls in the, N ~-
1 she has boasted in many years. > izatunmn o i'
The apparent weakness of the (Special io Tho Daliy) ! rOlymp~ic team. This Willgave H ,
1930 net squad as now seen will be ! LOIGO, n. a.31- Nwit the privilege of re pr '., nting
Sthe difficulty in finding capable ..otdiapoite;.thth:p.frm. the United Sta~tes in Europe and
number one and two players who!Ianeof Inian against Wisconsin,-A .W hminhp
can win against the best in Con- anE 'n";" ,:. At the Olympic gameis H-ewitt~
ference comrpetit ioz. when the Crimsoin netter's went f;.: tii went uneatduntil the fin~al
At the present time it appears down to defeat 23 to 21 in al over- match when he lost to the Finnish
that players to replace the star.; of time battle, Coach Everett Doan-r. :x grappler on a riflin~g which is not
last year, Horace Barton and ,Tin sent his court performers ibnmh ued1n1tePUite Sttes
of Cptan Edie ammr, inginthred1 by ilanss aedittlst
,pencer, miust come from the trio Weis rciessoa - hshsb lns n rs -
Bea-i, and Fred Brace. Hammer aladI semester yesterday af{,erno~li1. 'hsfismatch la,5t season to Cox
Beal, consisitent winners at their' A short Shooting -pacofe aeast Q win everyuthcaerbotckn
positions of 3 and 4 last will have held yesterday Morning and a ;'eail t ins eyofther ation.
Ia hard fight on their hands in scrimmage was held in the after'- iltefnl fteNtoa .
outranking the star sophomore, noon-: against the fresh-man squad. - U. tournament. In this match hie
Brace, who has received a western Another -hard workout will be held was defeated by Mantooth of the
rating as a result of his play dur- this afternoon and a Tight one BSdaett- kaoaUnvriy amnwoi
ing the past summer. urday afternoon. The squad mem-; Although trying his hand at coached by Paul Keen, a bMotherl
Not far behind these men in mat- bees will leave Sunday afternoon wrestling fort the first time only, of Michigan's mat mentor.]
- ter of. proven ability are a quartet for St. Louis to 'meet Washington four° years ago, Michigan's 1930 mat. Tlis year the dimninutive Wolver-
-of last year's star freshmen. Colby University Mondaiy night, and will captain, Buddy Hewitt has attain- (Cdnt ntii: on Page 7) "yn o lrJh eneadrtr o Bomntnnx Tos dapsto ntegapigwr? -
Bob Clarke./ These men will prob- day. The first conference game which establishes him as one of theI
ably be pushed hard for the other; of the new semester will be at Ohio outstanding wrestlers in American
positions by three of last year's AM State -on Feb. a.i Intercollegiate matdom. Finalist
Awinners, ,Nelson, Dusenbury, and Althcouph. Coach IDean has not at the 1923 Olympic games, Nation-F I
Swvarson. ;annouyncedl'his lineup for the ganie, al A. A. U. champion, Conference F 1 RE"
Monday night, it i plrobabl itI chiaion, Tand State A. A1. U. cain.
Frt e eseheigs 1 will, use the sfimez players tl { pion are ,soiree of the tit-lo which $TARTS SOON
perormd vainst Wisconsin inY he has held duringa his three years jW~jLt~
Bafflermakers SucceSS the last game played before final: of competition here. oW th fra
----examinations started. This will Comning fi 9m Royal Oak High net
( l' ('erl 'Il'bc [leave Strickland and Zeller at the School, where h-e played footba l 1
LAFAYETTE, mId. - With the I forward positions, Capt. MceCrack-; and tennis, the Wolverine 128
'opening of the second semester, l en at center, and Veller arnd Bla- pounder did not wrestle until h-ie
Purdue looks badk on a rec;ord of [grave at guards. There is a batre entered the "University of Michigan-
ahltcscesitefis ee-possibiility that B. Millecr t-1-1y stazrt fitas a f'reshman. Under tile oach-O L
°te tht ~,brought victory in nearly l in place of Strickland. ivig of 1'te t c tchen,1-hwittt worr
- three -qarters of all encounitersE-- - his nlunerals in thle 11 pounrd cdi-~ FACTO RY
Since the start of the football sea-, KANSAS CITY, Mo.,-- Kansas i vision here and went on. to annex
son-"that bro rght Purduie the conl- City appears to be certain of be- :thle State A. A. U. charnpiornship iiin
.ferenrce~<champlioniship and anl un- ing; awarded the 1930 nationial (-ay the iigliI weiglit class that yeaK.
defeated "'record , Ptird to athletic: icourts. chianpionshi~p ttInis tom- Ill- his first year on the 'Varsityj
1squiads have hean in dual cotnpe ti- anamnent. ,thle pr esen ichga eaejls
tion 23 tinmes. and have won 17 oni
gaments,. while the Old Gold and c
Black colors have bea'n loiwerec T C E UC I N C T
only si.ims
Of the ein~ht Purdue teams tha t UO aig
have been it)ac tioni, the cross- K It will start
country.- angd gymniastic squads areariesCu i H l
the only squads that have a inarlri
.below .900."
Ins the only two spgrt s, football j
and cross country, -that Pav b,- i;10MICHIGAN SODA :GR-ILL"
1:bouhttoconclusion in the ies w° _.
Cent conference athletic year, tih 601 East Liberty 'Street - ACTORY
athletic fortunes have brouglht N4ext to Miciin The-at ___
Purdue top ratinig in both.

Unlikely T hat, Record Number~
of TZhirty-three Nations Will
be Broken~r This Years
PAIRTSJn 1 nre for 1930
iDais cu tenni om-petition close
101-iI th i tit' chance that the
record inmber of 33 nations, es-
ta'blishedl in 1928, will be equalled.
ITwenity-four hours before the of-
ficild closing time, tonight, 25una-
tions had challenged for the cup,
hirmly held by the famnous muis-
keteers of France.-
Only fQtur nations will comnpete
in the American zone, Japan hav-
ing, preferred to challenge in the
European zone this year. In the
American zone, the United States
will be heavy. favorites to ruin
o ver "Canada, Mexico, and Cuba.-
With 21 nations already in the
hield and two or three more ex-
pected to enter, competition i the
European zone will not be the aped
and. shut affair it sremIs to. be .in
tlie American zone.




Holder of the Pan-American a~m-
ateur golf title, is successfully 'de-.
fending his title in the champiou-
dip play now being held at 1 dge-;
water Park, Miss. In the first 36
hole round of the championship
flight he demnonstrated his claim
to the title by defeating HaI~rry
fPritchett of B4irmingqh~m,11 ;ancl




net week!


hough. he holds the Conference re- He is one of thr~ee golfers .from I
cord for the breast. stroke and fin- Chicago who survived the first
shied second yin that event in the round 'of play in the tournament.
outional intercollegiate meet. flinch The Other two Chicagoans who
also holds a national, inter-collegi- beat their first opponents are Rush
i to record for the bact. stroke. Martin who defeated Don Arim-
1-io lett, +Covode, Wi1s0za and 0'- strong of Aurora, 6 aned 5, and
K(eefe are other veterans, of the Franik JXutip, who e imninatec4 Al
'r ack Northwestern team. Welsh of Biloxi, IMiss.}, 9z and 8.

) E.N.S



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