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February 18, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-18

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A61F Ap



air; Sunday rain
lightly warmer.

Every Course Must Have


No. 98



N - m


eal IS
ni ise(I

One Good Lame Duck

Democrat Party Chieftains
Committed To A Speedy
Passage Of Resolution
0. K.'d By Senators'
Garner Is Jubilant;
Rainey Sees Victory
Rep. Snell Says 10 to 20
Former Dry Republicans
Will Vote Wet; 36 States
Still Must Ratify Action
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. - (P) -
Congressional leaders were jubilantly
confident tonight that the House
would adopt the resolution to repeal
the Eighteenth Amendment. Predic-
tions of success were made by Party
chieftains after the Democrats had
bound themselves in caucus to sup-
port the proposal.
Smiling broadly after the closed
meeting of the Democrats, Speaker
John N. Garner said, "It looks to me
like chances are good it will be
adopted, and a close margin is good
"It will be adopted by at least 20
votes," said Rep. Henry T. Rainey,
of Illinois, the Democratic floor
Snell Sees Wet Swing
Meanwhile Rep. Bertrand H. Snell,
of New York, the Republican floor
leader, said that between 10 to 20
Republicans who previously have
voted dry had indicated that they
would support the Senate proposal,
"because it's the nearest thing to the
Republican platform we can get."
With theslast step in Congressional
action thus reduced from a contro-
versy of uncertain result to a virtual
formality, interest turned to pros-
pects for action in the states, 36 of
which must ratify before the Eigh-
teenth Amendment will be dead.
An informal summary prepared by
interested individuals showed that 43
legislatures are in session or are
scheduled to meet some time this
year. Many of them, however, have a
statutory limit on the length of the
session and would have to act quickly
if they are to call state conventions
to consider the repeal at this time

, . . ..\ ..a .. ,:,
-Associated Press Photo
Sen. John J. Blaine (Rep., Wis.) is
one lame duck who has turned his
hand to constructive legislation. His
Prohibition repeal resolution, recent-
ly passed by the Senate, will come up
in the House Monday, under suspen-
sion of the rules. Vice President-
Elect John N. Garner has promised
speedy approval.
Comstock May
Be Made State
Financial Czar.

High Powers
May Be Given
To Governor
Senate Recommends He
Appoint 5 Of 6 Members
On Administrative Board
Case And Palmer
Sponsor Proposals
Electorate Will Vote On
Proposed Measures In
Referendum Next Spring
LANSING, Feb. 17.-(AP)-Appoint-
ment by the governor of five of the
six members of the state administra-
tive board was proposed in measures
submitted today in the Senate as the
Legislature adjourned until Monday
Joint resolutions initiating consti-
tutional amendments permitting the
governor to name most of his cabinet
were submitted under the sponsor-
ship of two Democrats, Senators
Leon D. Case, Watervliet, and Wil-
liam Palmer, Flint.
The offices affected by the resolu-
tions would be secretary of state,
state treasurer, auditor general, at-
torney general, and superintendent of
public instruction. The highway com-
missioner is the other member of
the administrative board aside from
the governor. His office is a statutory
The resolutions provide for submis-
sion of the proposed amendments to
a state-wide vote at the next spring
election. Although t h e measures
would give Gov. Comstock the power
to name Democrats to the offices of
secretary of state and superintendent
of public instruction, now held by
Republicans, sponsors denied their
purpose was political. They said the
resolutions were designed to shorten
the ballot.


usiness Ouietl

Institutions; At
Depositors Pra
DETROIT, Feb. 17.
igan tonight looked to
"financial dictatorship"
banking problems and
least partially-normal
commerce soon after
eight-day moratorium

In Local
titude Of
an absolute
to solve its
to open-at
channels of
the present
ends next

Difficulties Foreseen
Seventeen, it was said, have no
such limitation. Another point of
uncertainty lay in the fact that some
legislatures place a ban on the in-
troduction of new legislation during
a varying period prior to adjourn-
A two-thirds majority of the House
members voting is required for the.
adoption of the proposed Constitu-
tional Amendment. On the first day
of this session the Democratic flat
repeal proposal was defeated, 272 to
144, or by six votes, with 100 Repub-
licans and 44 Democrats voting in
the opposition.
In caucus today, the House Dem-
ocrats voted 115 to 46 to bind their
membership of 220 to support the
Senate proposition. Thirty, or 14
fewer than 44 Democrats who voted
against repeal on Dec. 5, were ex-
cused from being bound because of'
previous commitments to their con-
Additional Repeal Bloc
Indications of additional repeal
strength came from the Arkansas
delegation of seven, which previ-
ously voted solidly against repeal. It
voted six to one to be bound by the
A 'check by Rep. Carl G. Bach-
mann, of West Virginia, Republican
whip, indicated that a dozen Repub-
licans who voted against the flat
Democratic repeal proposal at the
outset of. the session because it did
not provide protection for dry states
would throw their support to the
Senate resolution.
In the vote Dec. 5, 103 Republi-
cans, one Farm Labor member,
163 Democrats voted for repeal
With a dozen additional Republican
votes and the indicated increasedl
Democratic support there is a pos-
sibility that Rainey's prediction of a
margin of 20 votes will be exceeded.
While there were more votes in
the caucus against being bound than!
there, were on the repeal question in
December, Rainey explained that the
issue was on whether the Democratic
leadership had a right to bind the
membership on a Constitutional aues-

Into the hand of Gov. William A.
Comstock, less than two months in
office, would be placed the most far-
reaching powers ever vested in a state
executive under le-isation, which
today went before the state's law
makers. By Monday night, when
final action will be taken, the gov-
ernor himself said he expected to be
fully empowered to regulate banking
The "acute financial emergency"
in the Union Guardian Trust Co. of
Detroit, which led Gov. Comstock to
proclaim last Tuesday a banking
holiday, he intimated tonight may
lead to an extension of the morato-
ritnm. He said that "developments
alone" will determine whether "a full
or semi-moratorium" will be con-
tinued after Feb. 23.
Walz on Committee
William Walz, president of the
Ann Arbor Savings bank, yesterday
was appointed to serve on a five-man
committee which will assist Gov.
William A. Comstock in the solution
of the state's banking problems
brought to a head in the moratorium
The committee intends to formu-
late plans by which the banks may
be re-opened.
Business at local banks yesterday
continued along normal lines, the
amounts placed in trust exceeding
the limited withdrawals. Owners of
safety deposit boxes were allowed to
use the boxes for the first time since
the proclamation.
C. John Walz, president of the
clearing house association, praised
Ann Arbor depositors for the calm
and co-operative manner in which
they had met the banking crisis. He
said that the "limited business"
method whichethe localbanks have
adopted 'is the sanest way by which
the problem could be treated. He also
said that he had received protests
because banks in other cities had
opened for unlimited business but
declared that these institutions had
violated the spirit of the moratorium
and that most of them had since
Business Staff Tryouts
Will Come Out Monday
Tryouts for the business staff of
The Daily will report at 5 p. m.
Monday at the Student Pyublica-
tions Building on Maynard St.,
Byron C. Vedder, '33, announced
this week.
Opportunity will be given the
tryouts to acquire experience in
accounting, advertising, layout,





From R..ip Is
Filtration Plan

k1da k -1 KA h 1 1

League Tells
Japanese f
Censure Plan
Leaders Will Also Move
For Peaceful Settlement
Of Far-Eastern Conflict
Nippon Spokesman
Remains Trenchant
Military Machinations Of
Japan Are Denounced;
Chinese Stand Upheld
GENEVA, Feb. 17.-()- The
League of Nations told the world
today by its own wireless telegraph
of the plan of its leaders for a pro-
nouncement of solemn censure upon
Japan for her military action against'
China, and for a peaceful settlement
of the dangerous conflict in the Far
Yosuke Matsuoka, special counsel1
for Japan, announced that his Gov.
ernment would not accept the rec-
ommendations for peace.
"There never was any question of
Japan's accepting the report," hel
said. "To protect Manchukuo we
must possess the chief town of Jehol.
The only way to get peace is for the
Chinese to withdraw their troops
from Jehol.
"We will fight if we have to. I have
heard that there are about 150,000
Chinese troops in Jehol, but one Jap-
anese is worth 10 Chinese. All Chin-
ese soldiers are bandits."
Silent on Withdrawal
Mr. Matsuoka avoided questions
concerning Japan's plans for with-
drawal from the League, saying that
he had received no instructions to
the withdraw.
The settlement plan, drawn up by
the representatives of the 19 princi-
pal League powers, is embodied in a
report which will be presented to the
League Assembly next week with
every prospect of the full approval of
all members and Governmients except
Reaffirming China's right to sover-
eignty over Manchuria, the report1
repeats the Lytton Commission's
conclusion that the Japanese military
activities in these provinces have not
been legitimate self defense, and it
recommends the early evacuation of,
Japanese troops.
The report, viewed as a moral con-
demnation of Japanese policies, pro-i
poses no measures for coercing Japan1
if the Tokio Government formally re-
fuses to accept the recommendations.
Adoption of further measures at this
stage to bring about execution of
the League's will, leaders assert,
would amount to uttering a threat.
The Chinese look forward eagerly
to the time when the Assembly may,
approve their taking military meas-
ures against Japan. They frankly'
announce China's purpose to resist
with all her resources.
Cabinet Votes Rejection
TOKIO, Feb. 17.-A')-The conflet
with the League of Nations over'
Japan's Manchurian policy was the'
subject of a Cabinet meeting today,
at which it was decided to reject the
League's recommendation in the
Manchurian situation and to instruct'
the Japanese delegation to vote
against the League report and in
event of its adoption, to withdraw
either to London or Paris.

To Hold Cook
Funeral Rites
Here Sunday
Former Economic Geolo-
gist Will Be Buried Same
Afternoon At Fenton
Funeral services for Prof. Charles
W. Cook of the geology department,
who died early yesterday morning
at a local hospital, will be held Sun-
day afternoon at the M u e h 1 i g
Chapel, with Reverend Henry Lewis
officiating. Burial will take place the
same afternoon at Fenton.
Professor Cook taught economic
geology, but had been absent on
leave during the first semester of the
year. He received his bachelor's de-
gree from the University in 1904, his
master's degree in 1906, and his doc-
tor of philosophv degree in 1913.

Roosevelt Placed
Unde ~r Po w eifii
Police Protection
NEW YORK, Feb. 17. - (P) -
Aroused public opinion threw one of
the strongest guards ever put about
any man around President-Elect
Roosevelt as he returned home smil-
ing today after the sensational at-
tempted assassination at Miami.
Hosts of blue-coated policemen
and grim-faced detectives and secret
service men, aggregating nearly 1,000
persons, surrounded Mr. Roosevelt
from the minute his special train
stopped in Jersey City.
They escorted him across the Hud-
son river on a ferry and led him
again through the welcoming crowds
along the streets of New York.
Arriving at his East 65th street
home, the happy President-Elet
got a "hello" from Mrs. Roosevelt
who came out to the automobile amia
the crowd to greet her husband.
The thoughts of Roosevelt how-
ever, were still with the five victims
down in a Miami hospital who got
the bullets of the madman intended
for himself. He immediately got in
touch with Miami and was cheered
to hear news of progress by the
Karpinski Will
Give Lecture
On Textbooks
Sunday Radio Talk To
Follow Closely Recent
Slap at 'Pseudo-Experts'
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the
mathematics department, will deliver
a radio address Sunday on the gen-
eral subject, "The Problem of Writ-
ink Textbooks," it was announced
This address will be along the lines
of a talk given before the Central As-
sociation of Science and Mha'thena-
tics Teachers in Cleveland recently
which aroused much discussion
throughout the country.
The Cleveland address was a force-
ful attack against "pseudo-experts"
who were writing textbooks without
a teaching knowledge of their sub-
ject. It inspired much enthusiasm at
the meeting, Professor Karpinski
said, because of the widespread feel-
ing that some teachers of education,
particularly in the eastern colleges
and universities, were exploiting the
public schools for their private gain.
"The present idea that, any fool
can write a textbook in reading and*
arithmetic," he stated in his talk,
"will spread to other fields of teach-
ing if not stamped out."
In proof of his contention he
stated that he knew of at least 12
members of the faculty of a certain
teachers' college who were at one
time writing text books on arith-
metic, of which at least 10 could be
proven incompetent. Their books are
often adopted in the schools because
of certain political pull or other con-
siderations," he said, "and really
have no merit in themselves."
As a result of this speech, Profes-
sor Karpinski has had several invi-
tations to address other groups tell-
ing the extent to which the general
educator influences for the worse,
the content, method of teaching, and
the position which the subject occu-
pies in the curriculum. The radio ad-

dress Sunday will present the facts
relative to the writing of textbooks.
Professor Karpinski is at present
working on a series of 24 slides which
when finished will illustrate the his-
tory of arithmetic, algebra, geometry;
and trigonometry, and will be used as
a part of the Century of Progress1
Exposition to be held in Chicago this



Local Ba rbe


Michigan Team Takes
First Places Out Of
New Record Is Set



EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 17.-(Spe-
cial) -Michigan's swimming t e a m
overwhelmed Northwestern's natators
tonight at Patten gymnasium in
Evanston by a score of 49 to 26,
thereby serving notice that it is pre-
pared to defend its Big Ten title this
spring in strong fashion.
The victory came as a surprise to{
Coach Mann's men as they had beenI
anticipating a stalwar opponent in
the Wildcats for some time. Of the
entire competition Michigan took
seven of the eight first places. Don
.Horn, Northwestern sophomore, cap-
tured the only first place of the eve-
ning for his mates in the 200-yard
breast stroke and established a new
inter-collegiate record of 2:31.3, bet-
tering the old record of 2:32.4 held
by Johnny Schmeiler of Michigan.
Schmeiler, however, evened matters
somewhat by pulling a surprise vic-
tory in the 150 back stroke event. He
took points in this that were unex-
pected, in view of the ineligibility of
Taylor Drysdale, and proved his ver-
sality by so doing. He also swam
backstroke in the 300 medlay relay
and with his teammates, Lemak
and Marcus managed to win handily.
Bob Renner, newcomer to the Wol-
verine ranks, started off his Confer-
ence competition with a bang by
capturing the 100-yard free style
event in the good time of :54. High-
land and Troup of Northwestern
trailed him.
Jim Cristy, Wolverine Olympic
star, swam true to form to win the
440-yard free style event easily in the
time of 5:25. Second place went to
Kennedy of Michigan and third to
Taylor of Northwestern. -
In the 220-yard free style Ken-
nedy and Chritsy switched places,
the former taking first and the latter
coming in on his heels. Troup of
Northwestern came in third in 2:21.8.
Lemak of Michigan trailed Don
Horn to the finish in his record-
breaking race in the 200-yard breast
stroke. Schmeiler played the iron-
horse act by swimming in four
events. He placed third, coming in
behind Lemak.
Dick Degner, Michigan star diver,
had little difficulty winning his event
from the Wildcats. In the wate rpolo
game between the two teams North-
western gained slight revenge by
coming out on the long end of a 10
to 4 score.
Michigan Socialist House
Reports Surplus of $55

Swimmers Win
Handily From
Purple, 49-26

Student Threat To I
Hair Cut Out Of 'T
Partially Responsi
No Price War Starte
Reveal Law Clubl
Was To Open S]
Too Much Compet
In Campus Area
Existing Trade, Is CL
Depression One C
Boss barbers in Ann Arbor 1
meeting last night and reducE
prices of haircuts to 35 cents.
The action was taken after
learned that students were pr
ing the high rate and intend
have their hair cut out of tow
less prices were forced down.
also learned that law students
thinking of installing a barbei
in the Law Club.
The new price level is in
with that of other cities surrou
Ann Arbor.
Although the possibility of a
war" was termed absurd by th
barbers last night, nevertheless
announced that, in the event
individual shops, not in harmon
the action taken last night, cut
to a still lower level, they woi
ready to meet competition.
According to statements mad
terday, there are too many b
in the campus area for the ai
of trade that there is at prese
is believed that the lower pricE
force the weaker shops out of'
ence and consequently bring g
trade and greater profit to

High Haircut Rat


Comn mon Concil Group
Unanimously Approves
New Water Supply Move
Members of the Water Committee
of the Common Council meeting in
City Hall last night unanimously de-
cided to present a resolution to the
entire membership of the Council fa-
voring an application for a $210,000
loan from the R. F. C. The money
would be used for the erection of a
filtration plant at the Huron river,
which would become the source of all
the city's future water supply, super-
ceding the well water now being
As the matter now stands, the ap-
plication needs the approval of the
Council. It then goes to Gov. William
Comstock, who, under the regula-
tions for such loans, applies to the
R. F. C. in Washington for the
money. Gov. Comstock has assured
the Board of Water Commissioners
that he will make such an applica-
;ion and representatives of the R. F.
C. have stated that the money will
>e forthcoming.
It is not planned to allow the cit-
izens of Ann Arbor to vote upon the
proposal. Mr. R. T. Dobson, member
of the Board of Water Commission-
ers, stated that "The members of the
board should exercise their conscien-
tious belief in this matter and as-
sume the responsibility. I have no
apologies to make for my attitude. I
am willing to assume the responsi-
Estimations of the Board indicate
that the plant can be built without
any rise in taxes, the money from
the R. F. C., plus the present revenue
of the Water Department, being suf-
ficient. This estimation, however, did
not consider the disposal of sludge
left after the filteration process, the
cost of which the Board was unable
to judge at the present time.
Varsity Glee Club Gives
Performance In Detroit
Forty members of the Varsity Glee
Club, under the direction of Prof.
David Mattern, sang last night in a
benefit concert at the Wilson The-

Many barbers left the trade
"good times" to go into other
it was stated, and, since the
sion, have returned because ti
their other jobs. This has c
the trade throughout the stag
The bosses cited the fact tha
overhead is approximately th
as it was in 1929 since rent
Arbor has come down very 11
The split between the sh
town resulted when individua
took action before a meeting
barber group could be called
night's action was the first t
the last decade that the boss
not been in accord.
The Union barber shop, al
not represented at the meetii
also lower prices, it is believed
terday, Paul Buckley, manag
nounced that the Union woula
ably cut prices if the othei
did. However, he would make
inite statement on the matter

15 Ce

A $55 surplus for the past semester
was reported by the Michigan So-
cialist.House at 335 E. Ann St. This
surplus was derived from the fees of
$2 a week for board and room that is
charged each occupant, according to
Stewart Way, Grad., manager of the
house. Each member does four hours
of work per week about the house.
Twenty one students roomed at
the house while 24 ate there, the re-
port revealed. At present there are
four vacancies due to withdrawal
from school of several members.
The low price of board and room is
due to the purchase of large quanti-
ties of food direct from farmers and
by non- profit operation, Way said.

Railroad Jack Busy On
History Of His Travels
Railroad Jack, well known to local
students for his wise cracks as well
as his peculiar brand of history, is
now engaged in writing the story of
his experiences during the last thirty
Jack, born Harry Cooper, has spent
most of his time since 1896 travelling
from university to university. He
has visited Northwestern, Wisconsin,
Chicago, Ohio State, and other
smaller institutions.
Army And Navy Club
To Hold Dinner Today
The Army and Navy Club of Ann
Arbor will hold a dinner at 6:30 p. m.
today in the National Guard Ar-
mory, according to Maj. Basil D. Ed-
wards, head of the military science
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the po-
litical science department, will de-
liver the principal address of the

Co-Operation Between Public
And Representatives Solicited

WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-(IP)-The
House was told today at its annual:
memorial service for deceased mem-
bers of Congress that the legislative
branch of government was handi-
capped "by the lack of inspiration
that the confidence of a good ex-
pectancy on the part of the country
would give them to do their best."
Rep. Fred M. Davenport, New York
Renublican. aid :-

the population in the times in which
we live," Davenport added.
"There is no more dangerous symp-
tom in the American democracy than
the tendency on every hand to point1
the finger of scorn at the Congress.
Its very faults and blunderings are
the faults and blunderings of. the
American people."
The ceremony was held in memory
of Senators Charles W. Waterman.

Lost a Notebook?
Found a Dog?
Need a Room?
Want Employment?
mha Mirh . nhn.1,


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