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February 18, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-02-18

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Pubs at.on in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all membe of the
Univhity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President unt
3:30 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
University Broadcasting-Saturday--7:15 p. m. "The Target of the
Bleachers" Elmer D. Mitchell, Professor of Physical Education, and Direc-
of Intramural Athletics. "Constitutional Revision for Michigan" Har-
o1dl. Dorr, Instructor in Political Science.
Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Faculty
of this College on Monday, February 20, at 4:15 p. in., in Room 348, West
Engineering Building. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Graduate School: Graduate students who have not handed in second
semiester election cards should do so this week.
tt4dents who have changed their elections since submitting election
cards should call this week at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 An-
gell Hall. This involves the dropping and adding of courses, the substitu-
tion of one course for another, as well as the change of instructors.
G. Carl Huber, Dean
Hopwood Awards: Rule 14 of the Rules of Eligibility for 1932-1933
reads: "In particular or irregular cases the committee may, upon petition,
Wive prticular parts of these rules, but no petition will be received by the
committee after March 1, 1933." Bennett Weaver
Art Cneima League: Tonight is the LAST CHANCE to see CZAR IVAN
THE TERRIBLE. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8:15 p. m. All seats re-
served. Box office (phone 6300) is open 10:00 a. in. to 10:09 p. m. Tickets,
25 cents. Special added attraction, "Forest People."
English 261: This class will meet on Saturday from 10-12 in Room
,227 A.H. E. L. Griggs
English 181-182 (American Literature) Except for seniors who are tak-
ing a teacher's certificate in English, no student will receive credit for
English 11 unless he elects English 182 for the present semester.
Navigation (Astronomy 102) will hereafter meet in Room 311, West
Egineering Building.
Student Art Exchange: Exhibition Tea and formal opening, by invita-
tion only, tSunday from 4-6 o'clock. The exchange will be open to the public
every afternoon, beginning Monday.
Varsity Band: Meet at Yost Field House at 7:15 in full uniform. Bring
marching folio and identification card. The band will also play at the
hockey game immediately after the basketball game.
Craftsmen: Meeting at the Masonic Temple at 7:30 p. m.
Cosmopolitan Club: Meeting eight p. m. in Lane Hall. Professor John
B. Waite, .of the Law School, will lead a discussion on Criminology in the
'United States. Social program and refreshments. Meeting open to students
and faculty as well as members of the club and their friends.
Upper 4t om Class, Lane Hall, 7 to 8 p. m.
Men Students in Education: Meeting Monday night, February 20, at
7:30 "in the Elementary School Library. Dr. L. T. Purdom will talk on
"Qetting a Job."
Oratorical Association: Carveth Wells will speak in Hill auditorium on
Tuesday, February 21, at 8 p. m. on the subject "Noah's Home Town." The
lecture will be illustrated with motion pictures. Tickets are available at
Wahr's Bopkstpre.
Acolytes: Monday, 7:30, 202 S.W. Mr. A. J. Bahm will discuss "An a
priori disproof of all arguments for transcending presence." There will also
be a report on the proposed Philosophy Section of the Michigan Academy
of Sciences.
Triangles: Meeting Sunday, February 19, 5 p. M., Michigan Union.
Alpha Nu will meet Monday in the society's room, fourth floor, Angell
Hall. Those interested are invited to attend. Program to be announced.
Poetry Society: An important special meeting will be held Tuesday,
February 21, at 8:00 p. in. in Room 3227 Angell Hall. All members are urged
to attend.
Latin American Club meeting Sunday, February 19, at 3 p. in., Room
MQ2 Michigan Union. All members are requested to come as their votes will
be taken in matters of utmost importance.
Diving Class-Women Students: The elective Diving Class will hold its
first meeting on Tuesday evening at 8:15 at the Union Pool. Everyone in-
terested is asked to come out.

Luncheon for Graduate Students: Tuesday, February 21, in Russian
Tea Room of Michigan League Building at 12:15. Cafeteria service. Bring
tray across hall.
Hindustan Club: Regular meeting on Sunday, at 2:30 p. m., Lane Hall.
All the members are requested to attend. Election of office bearers for the
second semester.-
Eligible Women: Women's Business Staff Daily: There will be tryouts
for the Women's Business Staff on Monday at 4:00 in The Press Building.
Weekly meeting has been changed from Tuesday at 4:30 to Monday at 4:00.
Wesley Hall: Sunday classes for Freshmen and Upperclassmen at 9:30
a. m. Student Guild at 6:30 p. m. Prof. Leroy Waterman will speak on "In-
fiuence of Various Religions on Culture." Graduate Forum, 6:30 p. m. Rabbi
Heller will speak on the Jewish viewpoint of religious education in the
schools. Oriental-American Group at 3:30 p. m.
First Methodist Chr-ch: Dr. Harry Holmes of New York will speak on
Sunday, on "The Creed of JesUs" at 10:45 a. m.. At 7:30 p. m. his sub-!
ject will be "A City Without Walls."3

Dry Air Called
Forerunner Of
Common Cold.
And Mr. Average Student
Has At Least Two Such
Illnesses Every Year
"Dry air in over-heated homes is
believed by medical science to be
largely responsible for the lowering
of general vitality and irritation of
the mucous membrane of the throat,
which leads to the common cold,"
according to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
director of the University Health
According to campus medical sta-
tistics, one out of overy two students
visits the Health Service for the
treatment of a cold sometime during
[the year, and of this group the
average student has at least two
colds before the year is over. In other
words it amounts to the Health Serv-
ice diagnosing an upper respiratory
infection for every person on the
campus, every year if averages are
Conditioning Units Outlined
In discussing these respiratory ail-
ments from an engineering view-
point yesterday, Col. Henry W. Mil-
ler, head of the department of me-
chanical and engineering drawing,
outliped the present units obtainable
for the conditioning of air in homes.
"There is no commercial device on
the market today in the medium
price rance which can be said to be
a complete air conditioning unit, de-
spite manufacturer's claims," he
The complete air conditioning unit,
which would so greatly increase the
efficiency and health of the indivi-
dual in the home, must heat the air
in winter and cool it in summer. It
must supply humidity when the
weather is dry and withdraw it from
circulation when summer makes the
living conditions uncomfortable. To
be really efficient there should be a
provision made for washing the dust
particles from the air.
New Units Displayed
Colonel Miller recently attended
the annual Power Show in New York,
where the newest developments in
air conditioning units were displayed.
A complete unit which fulfills allthe
requirements was displayed but, as
Colonel Miller commented, the prices
are so exhorbitant as to make imme-
diate installation in homes a finan-
cial impossibility for the majority of
The history of the newest air con-
ditioning unit dates from the days
when a thermostatic control was first
established for the hand-stoked fur-
nace. The next step was the intro-
duction of humidity control in a
crude form with an attempt to re-
move the dust from the air by wash-
ing it. It became apparent that steam
and vapor heat were unsatisfactory
for air conditioning at this stage so
partment, on "The Psychology of Re-
ligion." The discussion class led by
Mr. Lewis will meet at 8:15 p. m. and
the topic for discussion will be, "St.
St. Andrew's Church: Services of
worship Sunday are: 8:00 a. m. The
Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m. Church
School, 11:00 a. in. Kindergarten,
11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Ser-
non, "The Child, Ourselves and God"
by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
Presbyteri n Students: S u n d a y,
9:30-Student Classes held at the
Church House.
10 :45-Morning Worship. Theme,

"A Christian Ideal for Human Liv-
5:30-Social Hour and Supper at
The Church.
6:30-Student Forum. Dr. Duffen-
dack is to be chairman of a panel of
men selected from the Church to try
to define the objectives of the
8:00-Student Convocation-Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Dr. Lynn Har-
old Hough is speaking on the subject,
"Religion and its Task.
Lutheran Students: Registrar Ira
Smith will address the Lutheran Stu-
dent Club on the subject "Home and
University," Sunday evening, in Zion
Parish, Hall, corner of Washington
Street and Fifth Avenue. Social
Half-hour at 5:30; Supper at 6:00;
and Speaker at 6:30.

Walrus Exhibit In Iowa
Museum Badly Damaged
IOWA CITY, Feb. 17. - Carrying
away a piece of walrus skin and a
piece of tusk, vandals, believed to be
adults, seriously marred the Univer-
sity of Iowa museum exhibit of twol
walruses brought back from the Arc-
tic regions by Admiral Robert E.
Peary in 1909. The two speciniens se-
cured by Peary on this Polar expedi-
tion are of an almost extinct type
and were in very good condition,
constituting valuable exhibits, ac-
cording to officials of the museum.
further developments concerned
forced air in this type of system. The
introduction of oil heating units
making possible more automatic con-
trol was the final step in wide-spread
commercial development.
The difficulty in producing a com-
plete unit to sell at reasonable price
lies in the solution of the problem of
cooling the air and removing exces-
sive moisture under summer condi-
tions. The air spray cannot remove
moisture, although it does cool the
air, because the dew point of ordi-
nary temperaturesif°56 degrees. This
low a temperature must be reached
to condense the moisture from the
air, yet city water which is used in
the sprays, seldom reaches tempera-
tures below 60 degrees.
Pullman companies and theatres
have tried electric refrigeration, dry
ice, and natural ice. rAll are prohibi-
tive in cost except the natural ice
method which is ncol readily adap-
tible to home use. A new unit de-
veloped by an electric corporation for
office is installed like a new radio in
an attractive cabinet. It draws in
outside air, washes it, humidifies it
and forces it into the room heated
to exactly the correct temperature.
This, unfortunately is so expensive
as to be available for-de luxe installa-
tions only.
Because there are no units avail-
able to fulfill the public need, Col-
onel Miller explained substitutes
which might be utilized. "The first
important principle," he explained,
"is to keep the air in motion, com-
monly possible with the electric fan."

New German Leader Broadcasts A

Committee Hear
3.New Leaders
'Better Times' Probe Is
Pushed In Attempt To
Gain Economic Relief
New York banker, a labor leader and
the head of a farmers' organization
were called upon today to outline
their remedies for American econo-
mic troubles.
These men-Thomas W. Lamont,
John L. Lewis, president of the Unit-
ed Mine Workers, and L. J. Taber,
national master of the Grange-were
witnesses in the Senate finance com-
mittee's "Better Times" investiga-
The committee has summoned 250
national leaders to give their views
on restoring industry and agriculture
so that President-elect Roosevelt may
have ample information for the basis
of an anti-depression drive.
Men prominent in many fields
have appeared all week. Among those
who presented programs Thursday
was E. D. Duffield, president of the
Prudential Life Insurance Co.. who
appealed for sound currency ,nd re-
stored public confidence. He also
urged that Congress take no action
that would impair the validity of
mortgage contracts and championed
a balanced budget.

-Associated Press Photo
Germany'c new chancellor, Adolf Hitler, is shown in Berlin broad-
casting his appeal to the German people to give his regime four years
in which to "make good the havoc produced by 14 years of Republican

Cosmopolitan Club Will
I-ear Waite At Meeting
An address on "Criminology in the
United States" by Prof. J. B. Waite
of the Law School will feature the
semester's first meeting of the Cos-,
mopolitan Club at 8 p. m. Saturday
at Lane Hall.
In his address, Professor Waite is
expected to deal with some of the
main factors which hinder the ad-
ministration of justice in this coun-
try. In this connection he will ex-
press his opinion on the subject of
capital punishment. He is considered
an authority in this field and has
written a number of articles on the
After the lecture the meeting will
be turned into an open forum and a
social program will follow. Students
and faculty members are invited to

A second store, in the downtown
business district, has been opened by
the Francisco-Boyce Photo Company,
it was announced yesterday. The new
store is located at 108 E. Liberty St.
It will handle a complete line of
photographic supplies and greeting
cards, the manager announced.
Headquarters of the firm will remain
at 719 N. University Ave.

} ''




Wilker Editorial Shows Trend
in Child Development Studieqs

Justifying the need for redirec-
tion in the school program, Dr. Mar-
guerite Wilker, associate professor of
education, shows in a editorial in the
current issue of the School of Edu-
cation Bulletin how the trend toward
centering the studies around the
child is valuable in developing the
character of the child.
"With information obtained from
the parent during an interview," says
Professor Wilker, "departures from
the traditional academic curriculum
have been made in an attempt to
provide influences conducive to a
well-rounded development. Social
needs have been recognized in chil-
dren and emotional stability has be-
come a goal to be achieved in many
practical situations of the day.
Teacher A Helper
"The adult, the teacher, always
remains a helper, encouraging the
child when he nees it in the de-
velopment of special skills and atti-
tudes, emotional control, and social
expansion as well as in knowledge.
Professor Wilker points out that
as much thought is given to teach-
ing the children desirable behavior
in an eating situation as is given to
the teaching of music or good wood-
shop behavior.
To conclude her article the edu-
cator mentions the importance of
discussion with the parents in en-
deavor to make the school child and
the home child one.
A problem which is before many
school administrators is discussed by
Dr. Wray H. Congdon, assistant di-
rector of the bureau of cooperation
with educational institutions, who
writes on "The Problem of Oversized
Class Sections." Dr. Congdon has
made a study of the classes in many
of the high schools of the state and
from his observation he notes that
"so long as the concomitant learn-
ings are something about which in-
telligent teachers feel concern, over-
size classes are a menace to the most
desirable educational outcomes."
"Measurements of these educa-'

tional outcomes," Professor Congdon
claims, "are in most cases confined
entirely to the acquisition of factual
matter. Character development, emo-
tional control, physical efficiency,
habits of study, development of in-
tellectual powers, attitudes. apprecia-
tions, standards of judgment, and
other concomitant learnings are too
readily ignored."
The educator has provided a ques-
tionnaire which the school adminis-
trator is to fill out as a check list
of the factors compensating for over-
sized class sections in the line of ad-
ministrative and instructional ability
Dr. O. W. Stephenson, of the de-
partment of social studies, compares
the teaching methods, buildings, fur-
nishings and equipment generally of
the American schools with those of
the schools in southern Europe. He
has found that in respect to class-
room procedures certain activities are
engaged in which produce more last-
ing results than are obtained on this
side of the Atlantic. In the matter of
buildings, furnishings and equip-
ment he has found that the schools
there suffer by comparison with
Interiors Base
"The interior of one of the schools
in Naples is typical of many. Its
entrance is reached by way of the
'last turning at the bottom of the
alley.' The wiring and steam pipes
are all exposed, there are no bul-
letin boards, blackboard space is very
small, and in this particular school
there are no pictures 'on the wall
other than those of Benito Musso-
lini. The seats are only four inches
lower than the tops of the desks,
the pupil must either sit up straight
or hump over his task in a cramped
and uncomfortable position."
The remainder of the buletin is
devoted to faculty news, lists of re-
cent master's theses and new books,
and notes on the University Labora-
tory School.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns* close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-lb per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 iineH per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephonerate--15 per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minninm three linies per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 ilnes daily, one
4 lines l. . TD 2 months........Bc
2 lines daily, college year..........7e
4 lines E. U. D., college year....... 7c
100 lines used as desired.........9
300 lines used as desired.........8C
1,600 linres used av; desiredt..........'Ic
2,000 lines used as desired... ....O
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per lin: to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c perline to above for.
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point type.
TYPING - Typing carefully done.
V e r y moderate rates. 0. K.,
Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty.
M. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
These. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
LAUNDRY -- Soft water. 2-1044,
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
WASHING--And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001, Open evenings. 19c
A Stirring Drama of Today!

HAVE-Your snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer-
sity. Here fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
KLAD EZEIE-4Aothes. Girls' hand
meda frocks. Spring styles., Easy
curtain stretchers, Call E. H. Can-
non, 1110 Olivia, 6152. 308
FOR RENT-Nice completely fur-
nished 4-rooms for housekeeping.
Private bath. Low price. Phone
2-2829. Southeast section. 310
SINGLE-Room. Southeast exposure.
Three large windows. Reasonable.
Mrs. Cannon, 1110 Olivio. 6152.
SUITE -Private bath, first floor,
well furnished, near campus. No
other roomers. For men. 3280.
NICELY Furnished front room. Suit-
able for one or two men. 928 For-
est, Phone 2-1767. 304
LOST -- Wire-haired pup. White,
black and tan. Call 4818. 1706
Cambridge. 307
LOST - Small Elgin watch, white
gold, square with diamonds and
sapphires. Harriet Edelstein, phone
2-3281, 305
FIRST CLASS-Woman cook. Best
of references. Hotels and fraternity
experience. After March 1st. Witc
Box 14A. 303
Radiobeacon signals to guide mar-
iners were first applied in a prac-
tical way off the entrance to New
York harbor in 1921.

i ___

Unitarian Church: 10:45 Sunday morning, Jury Panel discussion on
Social Trends: Professor R. W. Sellars, chairman, Dean S. T. Dana, Pro- Baptist Students, Sunday 12 Noon.
fessor Carl LaRue, Professor Preston James, Professor Lowell Carr and Pro- Study group on Gospel of Mark, con-
fessor Z. C. Dickinson. Liberal Students Union at 7:30. ducted by Mr. Chapman. 6:00 p. m.
address on "Astronomy and Religion"
St, Andrew's Church: Service of worship Sunday arc: 8:00 a, In. The by Professor Carl Rufus.
Holy Communion, 9:30 a. mI. Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten, 11:00 Jewish students are invited to at-
a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon, 'The Child, Ourselves and God" by the tend services at the League Chapel
Reverend Henry Lewis. Sunday at 11:15 a. m. Rabbi Frank-
lin of Detroit, guest speaker, will talk
Harris Hall: Regular student supper Sunday evening at 6:15 p. In. fol- on "Atheism, Agnosticism, and Juda-
lowed by an address by Professor John F. Shepard of the Psychology De- ism."




"Supreme reality in motion pictures."
-National Board of Review.

Moran & Mack Comedy

Pat O'Brien Constance Cummings




! ,
_ a


IBurns ' Allen

L. M. Leonidoff and the Moscow Art Players

l rAi to l






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