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February 21, 1930 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-21

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Tk'_Y, s BRU AY ,21, 10
rnMichiganPcksters BOXERS PREPARE 6
Meet Gophers Tonight FOR TOURNEY
(Continued From Page 6)
who has shown Varsity ability on With an increase of nearly a
the ice will undoubtedly see plenty hundred over last year's class Coach
action at a wing post. Sippila, Let Philbin's oxers are rapidly
Coach Everett Dean to Present another forward will probably seeri
S, rounding into form iipreparation



_ _. ,,


is rya 7uaa ?.ara t * aaa s.=v+. a coon Wtille vampoett will be nela

Against Michigan.



in reserve in case of injury.
Coach Iverson plans to send the
same team which turned back Wis-I
consin's saeedsters last Saturday

(Special to. The Daily) night by a 2-1 score only to lose the
BLOMIGTNTO, Id. Fb.' 0 second game to the Badgers by the
BLOOMINGTON, Id., Feb. 20 same score Monday night. Tiny
In an effort to gain revenge for Herb Bartholdi will go to center,
the defeat handed the Hoosiers at Tilton 'and Conway to the wings,
Ann Arbor earlier in the season, Wollingsworth and Peterson to the1
defense posts, and Christie to the
Poach Everett Dean will use every- nets. Bergeron, Byerly and Gould,
thing in his bag of tricks to turn front line skaters and Fenton and
in a victory Sataurday night whien Ryman defense spares will prob-
the Indiana and Michigan basket- ably see plenty of action.
ball teams meet in the Indiana field . S
ouse. MiciganSwrm ers
Believing this to be the crucial i t Compete Tonight
game on the remainder of the net(
(Continued From Page 6)
schedule, the Indiana mentor has est sprinters in the Conference, and'
been resting his players for the is favored to take the gold medal.
greater part during this week so Four freshmen and one Varsity
ghat a fresh team will be on hand man are entered in the junior 100
yard free style swim. All five are
Saturday night. It was this point fast sprinters and it is expected
that spelled defeat for Indiana in that they will make a good show-
the first meeting. While Michigan ing against any swimmers in the
h1ad been resting for an entire week, state. Smith, a member of the.
Indiana was forced to the limit to Varsity squad, is entered with
Schmieler, Chase, Klintworth, Mar-
4efeat Northwestern two nights cus, and Kennedy, all first year
previous to the contest. men.
Only two scrimmages have been Goldsmith to Swim.
Included on the program for this Chase, Goldsmith, Miller, Staelin,
week and most of the work consist- and Lemak will swim in the 100
ed ,in developing a strong defense. yard breast stroke open event. Bob
Michigan has a fast, aggressive Goldsmith is the holder of the
team and it will take everything breast stroke record for the Intra-
Indiana has to keep its scoring re- mural pool, and is a member of
duced to a minimum. Leading the the Wolverine Varsity. Miller and
offense of the Wblverines is Joe Staelin are also on the Varsity,I
Truskowski who is the acting key while Lemak is a yearling swim-I
in all plays. In the first game be- mer.
tween the two teams Truskowski Coach Mann has entered two
got away for a total of 15 points. teams in the 200 yard relay. Walk-+
He is ably supported by Chapman, er, Walaitas, Ault, and Smith will
all-conference guard last year, who probably compose one quartet, with
jumps center and then drops to Ladd, Hubley, Hughes, and Hosmer
guard; Orwig, who was changed the other. All of these men are
from forward to floor guard posi- 'Michigan Varsity swimmers.f
L ion; Weiss,; fast forward, who is Returning to Ann Arbor afterl
hrd to coer during a game; and the meet the Wolverines will pre-
anitz, at the other forward post, pare to face the Minnesota nata-
who is strong both on defense and tors in the Intramural pool at 3:301
offense. o'clock Saturday afternoon. This
It is probable that Strickland will i will be the first time that a Gopher
start his old post at forward for team has swum in the Intramural
Indiana. In the game with Chi- pool, and it is also the second Big
sago last Saturday night he held Ten meet for the Wolverines this
his man to but one field goal and season. The Minnesota team has
managed to connect with a trio of defeated Chicago, but suffered a
field goals at odd moments. Al- loss at the hands of the powerful
though Coach Dean has not made Northwestern aggregation.
official announcement of the start- This encounter should be a hard
ing lineup it is probable that Zeller fought battle as each team has
Will be used in the other forward won the Western Conference cham-
post, Capt. McCracken at center, pionship three times and both are
and Veller and Gill at guards. out to repeat again this year.

for the annual All Campus Champ-
ionship tournament. Classes are
being held in both Waterman gym-
, nasium and the Intramural build-
I ing with a goodly number of men
training for each of the eight
weights to be represented on the
final card.
' The semi-finals of the 1930 tour-,
I nament will be held on March 20
in conjunction with the annual.In-
tramural open house night. The
finals will be an event by itself on
the 27th, a week later, with an ad-
mission price of 50 cents. The in-
crease over last year's admission
price is warranted in view of the
greater show that is being planned.
Several of last year's champions
are back in the fold and plenty of
opposition is promised all of these
men if they hope to hold their ti-
tles. Among the present title-hold-
ers who are sure to qualify for the
final or semi-final bouts are Yuen,
in the flyweight class; Woodward in
the light weight group; Otto in the
light heavy class and last year's
heavyweight runner up, Auer.
, The most promising part of the
card lies in the material afforded
by the incoming freshmen. New
faces on the Michigan campus in-
cdide Joseph Oakley, who won a
city class championship i n
Youngstown, Ohio; Max Moyer
from Altoona, Pa., who transferred
from the University of Pittsburgh,
and Harvey Bauss who holds the
light heavy city title in Buffalo,
N. Y. "The squad of leather pushersI
has assumed such proportions that
it has been necessary to secure the
services of a manager, the berth
being filled by Lowell Krauss. En-
ties for the show will close within
a week and the tickets will go on
sale about the first of the month.
Campus Boxing show will close
. )February 25.

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We take pleasure in Announcing
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