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February 21, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-21

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"TA-4 E JVI I* C H'I G A N


3r i k


DA1311,LOLF[IIIIN !Yokc)hda p(i i!s Watch Bukicti Board
BULL[TIN rresults of Recent General Ulcc
Puibtlie ;tir~ n xthr Bullet in 1. ,~,(ri t. ivc 'e nticv to all m r
0i the U~iver.,ty. Copy rjtcxit v bwt AsA t eant te r c:i.
dent until a30 p.fi t I(1:,0 a. m, . rrd~y
VOL. N f'Lbi FRDA , F 21UASY , '. R ,} X T e t


JS5li3u.e 1 tfldy. wil" t , ''iK. V : iw8iv~~tiV 4
h)i] ty oiiucs will inut b i.If1d'X ~ Ji(1)oij(.Ps for pub-
licattonic n S ,}n),y ;s lDally C~fl~ a.. itI} i':1i, 1iz. 4;' (^e l ' )V ii1 tI )
1tU thcl 1~}7tdersig.(et 1before 3' ;' i0 ". ? . ~_ t
U~niversit~y e'lephwic XUirectovy lbanp s, It is plannexd to Is 'Rica
-,upplemcent to the Telephone Dire((,,1,(- f t ic U xTl.vel'Sity of Micbi.!z),
Telephone System soon rafter JMu rub 1sit. '1 h1w isiiws s OlIECe Wil appre-_
da7te reports of anly error. or 01 iVai;f))lS Ill tile Direc(tory. plea se n1:o;.fY
the telcephone clerk x in h Iuiew ) Lce, UuvcrSity hail.
shirley i. Sm~iEth
School1 of tEduc;.irio-dh " ;l1Eil ot f Etc tri isC1FiarT of clectl Jons
maay 1be madtodfticayin the (AM..-(! of 11w 11( '~hUniI {) upa it
M iberiilp inU cla7S(I 'c; )ilt r-,-ve ll()r it/*s )a faii.)\'' " ahl ina a
clasa begin xxat l all ch ain~es have b{"cn)oflici,1y i'cgislreed in the
olflcc of the Recorder of the Sr:hool of cducat ~in. A: riig e~innt amde
with the instructor onaly are not of fi l c cnge~s.x
After, February 21, chan~ges should still be macde in Room 105 Tappanz
Hall, but only after paym)ent of a fee of one dollar.
Elizabieth U. Clark, Recorder
±M1IQot o Educa1Jou--MCh1an-c osei cetions: Chiange"; of seecilis sor
of istructors should be reported at Ihe offece of the Schotol of Ewca-e'
tiona, Room 105 Tappan hall, a s soon as they havle been marl^.
Elizabeth 13. 0Chirk, Fecorder

D15?UL-LVC (4volu~ * iiirt9of ,l,'^piod n a tde ithis9
i~tt~crrv IJt, i~ ~s x ucrtea tntions for ttese works. Ofteni
Freatur e aboraic IDisplay ti -sthe sxa il pl Ieswere u:sed 'r
of Early WTrIfIngs. di Fe rent volumnes. The ari ies Wre
a n o i 1 1 O l e ,' l i biil~ o io n i tb l . ta ai ti. I U b y t.i 1lIS . 'l > in i ; -- w "s U: l ly'11
4 t1If libary i'v i~ 8 a rtaii I, rcol- (I ,l Oii d ii1(VIa1aret:l al l u Y. A i)
'uta ?f tF I- ivr n 'a is arvt gift c ira S 501e 1 4W) US 1U I 0 pro
, ?F Plo1c ~odiom 1846 ~t e [ t W;e1(;eotfat U '11t5I. t gft
II ~i'ch~fk IQlel boil-'; would be t'sol. '['hey Were
Utic first. prinlte(d work of toueket.asgi..s Alat.i ,j
~ron ~ert. v~t~'s.~e~~arnnual rcoid tnot u,, eovlsid(red a,1
eo)t, o'a lpresent rga ,rd less of 11" ,v ttrac-
osai ty erhig tire it ini:;h t be.
nnuals which may contain the first; 'fie eleganat literary style i somae
r orinting; of theC poc cs or prose' of thec storics reaches amuatsing
woris of their favorit~c authors. The fail las. "Comea, comear. Ill (lte ar," and
1 wort- of the foremlost authors is suc ston epatvss phw
more (comlmon inl thWecarly Cditlons :are frequently founed.'
'rf tl a n as owacst e e d:of the popiular~ity of thes e publiea- O' RTABfLE
tic s thvetilaity of work printed
WITS 14( t.ue t, 1.the literariy men ! [ Pll"WRIT'ERS
would no tlnger coi riibu ct to thcrna. W have all ti kl.
IDistinactive are the title 3' illus- Reiningtton, Roayalu.
I i o s mi bi d n oftle e p b Co o a Un e oo cationas. The titles of the books Colorer} duco finishes. Pilce 00.1
tell little of their contents. They
were called gifts, tokens. keepsak-
es, etc. Some of the best kno~r 314 South State St. phone 661'
!k w w- -

Resultz of the general election held recently in Yokohoma, Japan,
wer(d viewed with interest by the citizienry when they were posted oil a;
buletibordini one of the main streets of the city. This was the
first Japanese general election ever held.


~poog 3 (crdiy) Itwil roaby e ossbl t 'ch~i ~ Chief of Chemical War far~c Service:'Talks on
of n3 2(lerdt,) twl rbby epsil oamtc ueirt those wh9 have hitherto been turned swvay. Preference ill be given S er riy of Smoke and Gases as Weapon
to seniors, but there may be room for others. ___ _IgK~ '4.
A. Franklin Shulhl SilA 0. as a1 wieaponi in warfare; has gone xaroundi aboutth gi
is rapidly becoming one or #the? warfare, Gen. Gilchrist pointed oult
Drawing 12: lW ill m eet every Thursd '-,.from 2 to 5, Room 443 W est m ost 1important phases of file that a soldier has a 12 tim es E g n ei g P fji;A . l r lenc~ i e o ei ,a c r i g t ra e ha c o i ei h r i l!
Ma00or Oca eral 11:arr y L. Gilchirst, warfare than in war with other 1
l1aiiuscriptf for !Vbe-5i M.Rtrri;,i.: Al ioiis ;iouit of illailuscript, chief of t he C hiew cal Warfare types o f weapons. Only one- hall
whiceh would serve the basis of aL tlzci for an enineerinzg striden't, tService who spoke in Nsatulral Sci-"of',
hias recently beeni received at the Transpaoriationr Library. ITwill be glad t nce a1udlitorium ,yostcrday after- ! foe> per centi of t he war casual- J
to discuss It with anyone interestod in the subject.n. Smoke is effoetive inl screen-, ties 'lied from gas. Cases of to-,
.Ttlint S. Morley, Curator i119 troop mlovemient, foartifzcationas, bereuilosis were acetually of lower;r
azrtillery,:and whlile it does not crc- percentage in troops th at hadl been
1 VENP\TOD*AY te definite casualties, it neverthae-;gassed than in those that had not.
Univrsi~y ectre,-Mis Ages onwy: ,ReentExcava~tionJs i (ess nzullifies oflensive efforts onl By means of slides and films, i
Petra," at 4:15 p. in., Natural Science Auditorium, the part of thle enemy, he said.',Gen. Gilchrist demonstrated 1how
permianent smoke protection for! gas attacks are mnade,' the methods
i~xciit ar bin hed n lac G~lcri~sofAlriira Mcaz~r~zlIlllthe Panarna Canal is; being experi- of protection from then, and the
ai~~os nlented w ith a:t. the present time i olos ethodis of experimentation used;I
according ;to 'Gel). C(iichrist. in the development of new gases
911 PIaintingls by Allied lArti"l,s of Atlni( en it, en. ilebist (le seribl theLI,(2vU - --- -' -
Oils adtiatbyErcoeor by MO)Paul 1115('L'rious types of gasses that had been HARVARD UNIVERSITY ---liar-
An exhlibit of Contemprioravry ' aicriccan Sctilplt~irc i5 n ~c 171 > ic e nIie ol apointing ;yarid's Hasty Pudding Club show
juo fAcitcue it the ('fleets of the dliferent .will be produced this year by Dolan
Schoolof Ar-10Grcittr. i types. Mus:ta~crdgas is the best cos- Boyle of New York city. Boyle is1
11lty troducer, accordin g to Gen. !prominent in theatrical circles and
Fxbii~ol of elptor'e, tllfraftecrnloonin 11roorni40:1, University IHIall. G 'r'1,lreybcuei s n a enascae ihJc
W~or~k. by studecnts in pth c clas ses of sculp:ture in the Div sion of' Fine Glbii,1lteybcuei si-ihsbe soitdwt ak
expenlsive and persistent. [Donahue, MrlyMilranAn
Arts. The exhibition alid rooms will be opoUzi to friends of the students : e 4 l m' MillerI athndIemAnngto.
ill the evening of the same da.y. Avard Fairbanks _
0. ihln o the arrciwelcome at a conference which I shall hold regularly every Mondcayl
Seijr M'ech.lauical JEng_;iue ^rs: mlr. XW. G ilno ICre
Engineering Corporation of Ne.wark, New\t Jersey, will be in1 Room)li 231 iforin{X, a<'t f in .room1 26 East Hall. .,R1jhNloCara
West Engineering BIuildling ;for the pularpose of iiiterviewing senziors i5i- J.i Raleio x ghih NorsForeign aStudn
If. tdCn eplymntwit tiseoipaiy Colleges of Engineering and Architeeture
ll.ziiid Flanige: Busines's mneetingp for the election of new ofilccrs,I
1,Eit~-iner Suba's: Westinzghourse Elec. & Mfg. Co. is being represent- Sunday at 5:00 p., ma. at the Union.
edc here, by Mr. A, . )3aker, '29E1*, who, as advance mxaan, will be heret
to give inf'ormation to those interested in employment with the corn- Peiei -ovrsRlgo: Rv .L onwl etr ne
many, until the end of next week. Mr, A. M. Dudley and others will the auspices of the Tolstoy League on "President Hoover's Religion -'
recruit heregiebruary 27 and 28. the Quaker Faith", Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 4:15 in Room. 231 Angell Hall.
Mr. Baker may be found in Rooml 271 Ws niern lgo The pubhlic is invited,
appoitnmenits may be made by calling 441". Mr. Baker will sch?<duleI
interview appointments with Mr. Dufley. A. I). Moore VriyW d omto tteClsu Cr o it n
I~lna c " T'er wil e z" nc~tzatofth ilezl3ersofI~iln ;{a Hill) on Saturday' night at 7:15 for the Minnesota-Michigan hockey'
~ oclql~ hisaftrnon i th thatr. jgame. Uniforms andl overcoats.
5 o'cloi tla?; aftclnoon ii. the t eatrI Mcris 1 1 Halw lltbe open f lromx 7 to 7:1() rad ar short time following;
'h h~n~rl4se Society oflieAn n rbor present:;the Ne'icw r' ork c h ami
StringQuiaartet iina conzcert a, at. 1 ydia. Memdessoha ThIeatre at pc1IrhralaMiisalJrda'ftrioratiP,1.
8:15 p. al.. Iliukda.t-auClub: The fir'st meeting of the current; semester will bej
Sheld ona Sunday, Feb. 2:3, at 2:30 p. mx. at Lane Hall. All the 1indiana
COMING XN~l>t'l h lS tdnsare requested to be present.
Germnon 8Sepatinair 222 will meet on Tuaesday, F'ebruarry 25, at 2:00t p. --
in, .iz 400, Library building. ..1-' ''to i Craftsmen will confer the third degree oil : Srenior Medical Studenlt
._. ---- ! at 7:30 Saturda y at the Masonic Temple. All Masons in Ann Arbor arej
E~i.gUsli 5i, C91leges of Engineering and Architecture: Tt has been +invited, Arrangemenits are made for examinaation of strangers. Final
founld imore convenient for the students in this course to meet Tuesday: arrangcn ents will be annou need regarding Battle Crocek-Kalamazoo trip
evvningP fronm '1 to 9, Roomi 2G, East Ball. There is still room h.i thj. o f next weeok.A
course for future enrollmlent. w r.. -... ~ . - - .

By George Kelly
Lydia Mendelssohn
Feb,.28 and Mar. I




A Play Production Presentation

1111111 1 l M. M ausus l i u ttt. !a m.. . . t.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tt a .. . .


iiti IMUM


Opposite Michigan Thcater
Thlere's -4 bol1e IIIthe top )of
atul there's lwhclere she trouble



presented a

Ljiglish far Foreign Studtmts; Foreign students in the Colleges of
ngineliflg and Architecture who wish help on their English will be
N ew York Lis3ted0"R AU
a&4AOUflts solicte .

. .

L: 1)) I C.. 1-r tvtld ~ hrel rs 1 eI IV ((I1 -a.( of, 11 H t 'iIh ' Ann iArbor
stmp club in rooum 408~ of the Romance Languages building at E O'clock
Saturday night. Dr. Howard Lewis will exhibit his collection of charity
stamps, and give a short talk on them.

and Saturday
230 P. m.
There will be. no
performance this
5:-30 PS m.
U11dcr Auspices of
Ujider graduate Campaign
Co r~ti nUce
All Seats 50c



hose to begin with
starts . , for, after

Trcl)-hone 23271

!4flhrf ! 1cu#ties
Ari At-but Trust Bldg.
1st floor

I I -,


to be sorry. i'siston Weajr-Ing
brand hose, They cost no more

a good Standard
in thle beginning
We Particularly

You've 1-uLltyour :foot into it, its usually too late

W H '


a.il( nlich tess ill
smggest Coollfrs.

the ruId

lichigan Lea lie


~- -m - - - - -

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