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February 18, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-18

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EAi890 D



DL. XL, NO. 95





,lclg , , Oj j DEj STORMS IN EAST
ERTSYSTEM (FyAssciatd Pess
ARI Tcame in the wake of a snow storm,
NIZ9TION br9Nhet death and suffering over
0069the week-end to the North Atlan-
tic states.
. . In New England the storm was
Propsed dmmitraton Wuldaccompanied by a northerly 'ale.
Effect Adjustment Similar Four deaths in Boston and one each
to Union Changes. in Fall River, Lowell, Webster, and
Revere, Mass., and Providence, R. 1.,
CABINET TO ACT FEB. 24 were attributed to the storm and
the cold. Shipping in Boston Har-
bor was hampered. On Cape Cod
Board, of Control -Would Select snow drifts stalled automobiles and
President and Secretary even snow plows. Northfield, V.,
Under New Method. ; had the lowest temperature record-
ed in New England, si: degre:3 be-
Plans for a merit system of stu- Ilaw zero.
dent Christian association will be re New York City the tempera-
dentte for approval 4t the next Lure reached a minimum feen
meeting,,of the Cabinet, according degrees above zero. The city had
to a report made yesterday by Fen- " 3 1-2 inches of snow, the heaviest
elon W. Baesche,'31, chairman of theI fall of the season.
reorganization committee
The proposal, which is similarto
the one recently adopted by the ' IH6 OfS
union in q campus vote, will be in
the. nature of an enactment in the l
By-aws if, the association, if -
passed by the Cabinet. .
Will Attract More Students
since the proposed plan provides -- -
for the appointment of the presi- Wolverines Smother Visitors in
dent 'and secretary of the organiza- One-sided Contest; Tompkns
tion by the Board of Control strict- Accepts Only Four Stops.
ly on a merit basis, it is expected I
that mxlore students would be at- L-ANGEN LEADS SCORING
traeted to try out for committee
positions 'Inasmuch as opportunity
fdr advancement would be offered. 4 Coach Eddie Lowreys Varsity
With: subi- 'a system in operation, puckmen swung in io the last lap
tho office of president would cease of their 1930 hockey season in bur-
td, be. a paw x of campus political lesoue fashion by smothering a be- j
mac ites in''te ar te sr wildered Michigan State sextet j
efficlent management of the associ- under a 7-1 count last night on the
ation. Coliseum ice.
If approved at the Cabinet meet- The score fails to indicate the
Ing,, February 24, the organization n-densofhewrdxhb-
of the S. C. A. under the new plan l n-iens ftewid xii
would consist of a Board of Control, tion which saw the Michigan of-
c.mposed of two faculty members, fense holding the rubber within
the 'retiring. president and secre- °scoring distance of the Spartan!
'r~y, and three students elected byI nets over the inajority of the route.
e rmpus ballot who have been nom- ,
mnated for the cabinet, and the cab- ' Tomrpkins, Michigans goalie set
inet ap ,ointed lay tho presiden f: what Is supposed to be a new record
Wi e Reresenative. in accepting 'only four stops. aver
Ire addition to the chairmen of the 60 minutes of play The ony
the Open Forum,. International, ,
Convoeatlons, Student Relations state score camne as a result of a
and "Freshmren Committees, the slow tricker from the stick of
cabinet" W441 be composed of other Clark which slipped by the napping
students appointed by the president Tompkins, dull from lack of work. I
including representatives from all Big Bill Langen showed the way
other religious activities. By, this .to the Varsity marksmen, bagging
Arrangement many religious seCCU two counters in the first period and
represented on the campus will find a third in the second frame. Tom-
means of expression through the my Courtis and Sam Hart followed
Interchange of ideas. closely with a brace of scores
Albin Stdent PayThe upstaters' offense was pow-
Albin, Sudets P y erless at the hands of Michigan's
for "Theatre Damage effective pokehecking and never,
got a slear shot at the meshes. A
(ray Associated Press) stubborn defense and the poor
ALBIO, Mich., Feb. 17. - More! marksmanship of the Varsity stick-
than $250 in fines was collected handlers was all that kept the Wol-
from 52 Albion college students as verine total out of the. teens.
An aftermath of their celebration The summary:
of a basketball victory here .last Michigan Michigan State
Thursday night. Tompkins .. .. ... g . . .. . .. ... Pevic
The students pleaded -guilty to Bryant. ........ ld . . .. .. .. Burris
charges of disorderly conduct and Hart......... rd ....... Warner
were fined $5 each by George M. Langen.......... c ......... Jones
Markle, Justice of the peace, but Courtis. .. . .. .... .lw". . . . ... .. Jane
escaped Without having to pay thel Nygord .. ... .. . .. rw . .. .. . .. Clark
$5 costs Wbich the court had hoped1 Sipp la . ..... . . .. spare . .. Schraf t
to assess on each defendant. This Schlanderer..... spare ..... ("on
latter circumstance was caused by Campbell ........ spare .....: Litule
the failure of the court to prepare Scoring first period-Langen 5:07,
separate warrants for the defen- Langen 7:50, Hart 10:35.
dants as all the names were listed Second period-Hart 12:25, Lan-
on one warrant, costs on this war- gen 14:05, Courtis 17:45.
rant alone could be assessed. Third period--Courtis 5:15, Clark
During the celebration last 3:55.
"Thursday night, a local theatre Penalties-Hart, Bryant, Jones.
and the city jail were damaged byl Clark.
the students. The theatre was dam-I Referee - Roushorne (Windsori

aged when the manager refused to - - - - - ---
adit h tdnst reso E A TEand aillsuffered when then riot E A T E T O
ers charged the structure to rescue !R EVISION IN FRES,

IfHolmes Expected to l" DV 1 T ARCTIC AVIATOR'S !Oddities Authority
Give Oath to Hughes I I IIgH ll fHU L I BODY RECOVEREDi to Tell of Travels
The fate of Carl Ben Eielson, noted
Arctic flier, and Earl Borland. hias
.:.) companion, was definitely estab-;
li lished today with the receipt of
i Meeting/}/ t{ iscus.i. radio advices telling of the finding ?«
Meigfor GeneralDscss of Borland's body buried 111 the V
Planned for 7:30 O'clock snow at the spat near North Cape
E Thursday Night. where their plane crashed Nov. 0.
Recovery of Borland's body re-
y~ SEVEN MEN WILL SPEAK moved any doubts that the men had
prshed, although death fte
3 i fliers had been accepted as a cer-
h ~Opinions Expressed to be Used' tainty following the finding of the
by Curriculum Committee scattered wreckage of the plane.
inMaig hngs Advices relayet. :rom Pilot Harold
_ ~~Gillami, who had been at the scene "
General discussion of the aims of the wreckage, said Borland's1
an upsso heltrriolg body was located last Thursday un-i Robert L. Ripley,
of the University will be held at a der five feet of snow. It lay near Known as creator of the "fBelieve
closed meeting of the entire fac-; the engine which had been :hurledi It or Not" cartoon, tonight will tell
ulty of the school at 7:30 o'clock, 100 feet from the wrecked ship.I an Ann Arbor audience of the rar-
Thrdyngtinteasml Indications were that Borlandi ities which he has discovered while ;
hall of the "Union, it was announced; was killed instantly when the plane traveling through 69 different
by Dean John R. Effinger.j struck the tundra and searchersi countries of the world. He +carries a
i +1AA~iaftt .. at- h'1 The meeting was called at the said Eielson also must have been3 more facts about sports in has head
Oliver Wendell H~olmxes, request of Prof.; nl.Brdhaklled outright. than any other newspaper man in
.JhW.Basa,}Associate Justice and senior of the department of mathematics, Borland's body was removed to the country and knows a multitude
member of the supreme court in his capacity as chairman of the; the camp of tents and snow houses! of amazing facts.
bench, who will no doubt adminis-, curriculum committee of the liter- maintained by the 19 men conduct- -
ter the oath of office to Charles ary college. The discussion is ex. ing the search and will be sent to-Mil
Evans Hughes when the latter is petted to aid members of the com-4 morrow to the icebound motor ship
3worn in as Chief Justice of the mittee in framing contemplated Nanuk at North Cape. 'T D N 9 1T H
United States. curricular changes, insofar as the! The hunt for Eielson's body was
committee members will be guided# resumed today after an interrup-
in their decisions by the opinions! tion of three days" due to storms.
of the entire faculty as to what
general purposes the curricula - -
should be adapted. Sophomore Stalls Ship on Turn;
i~i Will Read Paper. O T B 0 H SI4Rednoftnmueparsn Spins into Ice, Receives
the general topic, "the aims of the ; Fractured Skull.
literary college 'of the University,"
Dorothy Brandon's Play Opens fby seven prominent professorswll POOR PILOTING BLAMED
Seso;Jue a, avd later be led by seven others. American Medical Body Hears Stalling his glider in a steep bank
I-empstead Have Leads. Those who are to reid the ten- Warthin' Alexander; Former over the Barton pond ice last Sat.-
1rinute papers include:. Prof. A. S.; urday, Edgar Stiekemeyer, '32E,
SEAT PRICE IS LOWEREDI Aiton, of the history department; to Edit Magizine- crashed in a tail spin and received
Prof. Harley Bartlett, of the botanys fatal injuries that caused his death
+E. Mor tinier Shuter, director of department; Prof. Campbell Bon-! IS CHOSEN AS OFFICER , few hours later. As the fuselage
Mimes plays, announced that "The' ner, of the Greek department; ---- of the ship was splintered by the
.. Prof. Jobn W. Eaton, of the Ger- Dr. A. S. Warthin, director of thei imp ct, Stiekemeyer was thrown 3
usdeb DrtyBrnn. man department; Prof. Moses pathological. laboratories, and Dr. head irst to the ice, f racturing'the
.vouldl open the Mimes season at Co be: f the cemitrydeprt'JnAlxneothpamnt base of his skull,
3:15 o'clock< tonight. The cast iri nme t; Prof. DeWitt 11. arkr ~JAexder, of tedprmn He was one of .a group of seven
alues avi B.Hemsted '1 te pilooph . epatmet; ndof surgery, who returned fr'om th; tudents who hodr )ready made 20
'- hdPr!liof. A.F. Shull, of the zoology de- ; ,enhanulssio ftesuccessful flights with the glider
fh a parts in Iasi year's Mimes 'armet° American College of Phaysicianq, ex-. Saturday afternoon, towing it fie-
t rodtuctions . and "Mcrrae - Go - Disussnt. tbe d y r f tending from Feb. 10 to 15 :it M hindn utmbie Y an t-
Dmn, eog .Tembero hs ersOea a3',r:oF Campbell, of the English depart- inepols'rc vdpronnetpla;esude. Stiekemeyer himself had 1
a meberof hisyea's per an ment; Prof. Bradley Davis of the ;on the speaking program of theI made two of these flights and on
last year's Mimes' productions, Ar- botany department- Prof. Carteri national meeting.I the second attempt executed per-
}hrSto,'2 omnBon Goodrich, of the economics depart- Dri t;nwsr-eetda fectly a 180-degree turn. On the j
'31, Truesdale Mayers, '31, and Rob- I went; Prof.J. R. Hayden, of the first vice-president of the College, fatal flight lie cast loose the tow-
ert Wells, '32, all of whom were in oicasinedprmn;Pr. and also received editorship of the rope at an altitude of 400 feet and
the cast of "Merrie-Go-Round,"'po.iHiHabsifehe deartymen;Parf official publication, "Annals of In- sn.s earve h tes
George Priehs, '30. The feminine ;Po .RMri te ternal Medicmne," which is publish- htln h ak ftepn,
lea isplaed y uneDay '3)rhetoric department; and Prof. C ed in Ann Arbor. On Thursdayt intending evidently to turn back
who is assisted by Hadie Sue, '32, , Remer , of the department of eco-' afternoon, Dr. Warthiri presented and land on the ice. Fearing that
imd 'Eleanor Walkinshaw, '32. ms discussion on "Heredity. of Cancer! perhaps he had insufficient alti-
The' play will open tonight and T' xpect Dill Attendance. nM ";heperwsapciludtolarhere, Stiekemeyei
run through Saturday, with a mati- Thrdsdsuso ilmr feature in the afternoon sympo- tried to stretch his glide, lost flying
nee Saturday afternoon. The box te irs ie an er htslum on cancer. speed, and failed to regain contro
>ffice of the Mimes theatre will ,be tuh frs mein haeners.thnd Speaking on the afternoon pro- of the ship.
>pen from 2 to 5 o'clock every af- # very large attendance is expected! gram, Dr. Alexander talked on R ushed to the University hios-
ternaon for sale of tickets.- Multiple Intercostal Neurectomy i vofcas'nclrypital in an ambulance, he failed to


Well-known Believe It or Not'
Artist to Lecture in Hill
' Auditorium Tonight.
Has Toured 69 Countries in His
earch for Unusual and Says
Man Is Strangest Thing.
3Robert L. Ripley, creator of the
well known "Believe It or Not"
drawings which appear in 220
newspapers throughout the world,
will speak here at 8 o'clock tonighit
iHilauditorium. According to a
telegram received by Henry Moser,
of the speech department, Ripley is
bringing with him a reel of animat-
ed cartoons which' will be an add-
ed feature of his appearance in
An Arbor.
'This modern' Marco Polo gleans'
most of his facts from his world
travel. He has travelled in 69
countries and is 'willing to wager
that there is not one student in the
University who can name even 40
countries without consulting an en-
cyclopedia or map of solve sort.
Calls Man "Strangest Thin,"
,Ihave travelled in 69 cout
tries,' Ripley says, "but the strang-
est thing I have seen is man." "And,
he continuepobably onee ofthe
spots I visited, was Hell."
Thousands of letters arrive each
week denouncing Ripley as the
world's greatest liar and many of
the letters, practically all of them
unsigned, suggest that he enter the
portals of Hades and stay there.
These same writers later repented
when proof of the statements they
had doubted was returned to them,
for Ripley delighlts to be called a
Ripley Goes to 1101.
Finally, when some of his closest
friends intimated that he mit
i aell take a Tong journey to the
land of extrane heat and long-
tailed devils,' Ripley took up his
Iuggage and went directly to hell.
jFor to the Believe It or dot wrtist
whose drawings are read by some
twenty million ' people' daily, Hell
(as this earth knows it) is situated
in the Scandanavia~n Peninsula and
labelled Norway. It is, according
to Ripley, a delightful rural villag.e

surrounded by_ a fertile rollir
3ountry. This fact, which is pro
zble and convincig, is one of 11
favorite "Believe It or No s."
.Ripley is a farmer sports cariooa
tat and at one time appeared sit


This production will inaugurate
the new Mimes price policy. Last
year all seats were 75 cents. "This
:7ear. in order to allow more stu-
tents to enjoy the productions,
seats on the mezzanine floor have
been lowered to 50 cents, while
those on the main floor are still
75 cents.
"The Outsider," wh ich opened at
the A mbassador theatre in New
York, enjoyed a successful run and
gained the reputation' of being tht.
"most talked-about play of the
'Illinois 26, Ohio State 16.
SYale 31, Dartmouth 20.
SWashington U. 32, Drake 16.
Iowa State 39, Oklahoma 23.
*Northwestern 47, Minnesota 17.


y Vl},11U}l {114Yic 4. 1l. Ui1S1Sl t a d Phrencectm . _rtoaheef easa ulront
,tations have been mailed to all Ianancnsiu>es Hsprns
faculty members, it was announced.c summoned from Muskegon Heights, ewv York Giants. He broke 1
SThe meeting will resemble the1 Current Events Test I failed to reach his bedside :before arm, however, the first time h. l
e xecutive sessions of the United NheHA ' died.' .>eared with that teaml and wei
lnsStateswlb Senate in e that its proceed- bhn FerofpublicembarassentIm William C. Hammond, a De part- ioc ohscrtoig eof
, inswl esce n eid Fa fp marsmn ent of Comnmerce airplane in- 'ais it a lucky break, f or not for
{ closed doors. No resolutions will ned nt peetstudents from1a spector,wsmAnAroyst-- rerw sr e e
i b pssdDen ffngr ai ys- et pet anul ntrcl aytomake sa a fl'liiarejo tr-torftr Not" rwcartooni as sort of a lill+
J erdayeDa figrsi e-, but the meeting will be can- compting t t in the ancndant, nd Dean erberthC for the sports page of the New Yoe
a 'ie oagnrldsuso ftecri fJh rm Sadler of the Engineering school Globe. It attracted wide attenltic
topic-edo tejunaimdptetwas' cooperating with the National and t he editor suggested tanoth
who is in charge of the local con- Gldrasoitini a nepn- u h stunts'" He did.r Thath
Ne Plan orRhodes test. enl* ivestigation. The student g .
The ontst, hic taks pacemembers of the Glider section were 'ight years ago.
Scholarships Opposed Mrh i.ro 03Anelhl exonerated of carelessness, and no Rplyhsen rgh to Ai
l March 4 in ram.2-23tAngelthall,'=structural weaknesses were discov- arbor under, the auspices of _t.
(By Associated Press) a 1sfeeus ered in the glider to account for its pehdptmninrdrt
CHICAGO, Ill., Feb. 17--A cans. eebarsmet ic oe fall. Demolished beyond repai, cr oeA epu he deba
paign against a new method of se- # Mmes results from lack of success th ldr hc a enb ib gem r r niai
lecting American students for ncmeionfadieetn- students in the Glider sections'ofa apacity . ouse, the box ofmi
3hdersischEnlandhwps aunchexford n~ture. Last year's examination,. ea undweei elo 'lc hsatron Tc
iv riy nl n a a n h dt -which was planned to occupy three ttreie'2 prclcked is fro troon$1ick
day y Jaes . Wisto, meberhours, included questions varying
Letters aking Shos, o e toe ofmth iescsion Professor J-Hop favorsFmay be.abtain- J-Hop Group Pictures
nors and college presidents to make Bumttd. ed from Richard Furniss, 31, at May Now be Obtaine
? dwn opposition to the new meth- Bumsae All undergraduate students are the Union on presentation of
in, which will dlivide the 48 states Aligible to compete for the local' unredeemed stubs. Pictures of the close of the grar
into eight districts of six states prizes which amount to $254. 1 march At the J-Hop can be obtaii
each, were mailed by Winston. -- - ~-- -- --. ed at the Francisco-Boyce compan
The e ea 'thoda i pn~er iittbyITA RDE UGOVERNMENT GOES DOWN The potrngaphershwsmtheh bloc
effect next December. It provides! TO DEFEAT IN POLITICAL STORM nsdrbe fth dcrti
that scholarships shall be awarded --- cnsd eabecaoyfrthe deoration
by districts, instead of two for each (yAs sociated P'ress) .I The picture is the same one
State and territory as before. 1 PARIS, Fr'ance, Feb. 17.-The pa--Is minister of finance. }perdi h -o xr
--litica~l storm threatening the Tar- Former Premier Tardieu went pT eDaedyinturday-mopnig.xta
ILeague Theatre ShowsI dieu cabinet since the naval confer- ;own with colors flying, and thougoh developed immediately after bei:
'J~an f ArC'Featu e J ot undler C ay in odonunable to rise from his sick bed, I aken by the FanciscoBoye coy
today, and the government dawn wvhere he has been con fined with a
} "The Passion of Joan of Are,"i to defeat. severe attack of grippe, directed I here an engraving was made ai
with the title role played by the A few hours later, the ministers the government's tactics inth the rlyturay ornimeap
1'French actress, Mlle. Maria Falco- handed their collective resignation6 Chamber by telephone. teeryStra onn a
netti, opened last night at the to President Doumnergue, who in- Three successive atGtacks were
Lydia Mendelssohin theatre for a mediately eniacfceptfod it. The lceabr inallyatel onbefore the ohveenof, . -
run of one ek has beenn fcefraitlmreinlyel nteoutvteo O r\ a hr a
ehow eeskf.hs il il b than three months. confidence by five votes. The fig- O r e
ceiven each night this week, uwith 1 The political consequences of the ures were 286 to 231.


several of their number who had '
been imprisoned there.
Prof. Okkelberg Named
as ZOOgy Secretary
At the last Regent's meeting,
Prof. Peter 0. Okkelberg was named
executive secretary of the zoology
department. He will be in charge
of the department until a perma-
PresidentrAlexander .uhven's
former position" is filled.
In 1918 Professor Okkelberg ob-
tained his doctor's degree from this
University and was made an assis-
tant professor. Four years ago he
was appointed an associate profes-
sor in the department.

Complete change in the fresh- larger numnber' of quiz sections, so
man history curriculum will go into 'httemjrt o tdnseet
effect at the beginning of the school 1httemjrt fsuet lc-
yea!. r 93031,it as announed by ng te couyse will fida t let n
tory' department. The present their time schedules. The new
fees hman history curriculum, in-~Ecors wllalsofferreulrfirst
eluding courses1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and 6 see rw o o f regm n nr
will be entirely abolished, and ineetr okt rshe ne-
their places will be substituted a -sinot e obryigedordorintotclasy-
single one-year course, History 11- es wit6ht students who have already
12, to bete only oe open to in-~ had a semester's work in historical
comig feshan sudets.fields. Although only the new course
"The chief purpose of the inno- will be open to 1930 freshmen, two
vation," stated Professor Slosson, ; courses, studies in English and an-
"is to provide a uniform basis of' cient histories, can still be elected
knowledge among students prepar-j in their sophomore year.
ing themselves for further courses The scope of the course, as out-
in history, so that they will find ' lined by Professor Slosson, will in-
themselves on a more equal footing elude a study of medieval times
when entering the advanced fields. through the Reformation. The se-

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