U. 43&fl
Fan to Include Dues TR PV flIISHARKEY VICTOR 1 FFi[Crof essor to Assist A T O ' S RB O nTiinR cgie O C M N 'M HI I H I S O G E OO S i C m itea au ICI
AU eeRg in uitionjEMtERnGEite(A ._r TODS)TA
CATUREs tes ddas planingTecito pe asse Og N M IIA l eI dE W e Ove Sco Apitm ELEG TION
dity was informally given by the ngM Acti n ee yT
treasurers o the classe th, UC O I IIT9iThrRon.I NT R R D rlsolsadcles of sthe TRIANG ULARO MEET By Alan Gould 0_
EUniversity yesterdayeafternoon at« sE , T (A. P. Sr ritwe J kfte to
sa meeting in conjunction with the d Sin (, pBrtshWrit ep4
v Wes l s C it e auditing committee of the Student ichiganDowns Michigan Stated R S M , ma. Appointment of Professor Reeves
cuncil.s.dY o d filortteoroal t -The crowning touch to one of the Made by Acting Secretaryresxaryi.
Encountered in Exploring( f ia oin ner
Sdtion of dues this year were like-ntndi Ypgian Normal to igst im fas ay yars
kown Englris xpZoe, entst, cko mds sepene ginsthEarnhState Title. iwas applied tonight when Jack of StateCotton. scnyeda th-agr
EXPAINS AFRCAN IE announced that collection would Sharkey, the generally recognized y byg rtr NE
EXPLINS AFRCAN ICEstat wihinthenex fe das. USET,, EAT RE EET American heavyweight champion.1 SAILS FOR HAGUE SOON NE
der he aspies th Orao ar t ithdinthe gnextly fe das UPTSlo 63FEAiTs Mg EEnT was dSclared the winer oe rePl wsrtfeotn ha rf es .Reeng
--sc aionin il auitoiumla The scheme to include class fees wns decgarteineroverdPh i
Tls.fCaera-Hnting e sin he s tuition s p onis a f heI ua in Scott, pale British title holder, on Representaivs from Over 40 rillia
"ells ndf namearHuinT rek mm nte utinvasrplan e daewield o se Ro rd Sit maed floedone nihnscod R epndendtil aiv res Hgeo a-nite seoo ia o~rn
in W i on ib weeks ago by the councilhandaNat Fiel H e Recr S shed and tchicalknoo in the third, r t
Tre.special committee is now consider- ayz<F
JungleTree. ing the matter with officials of the Fails to Qualify. After scenes of extraordinary TgCommittee.
University. This method will guar- cnuinadfloigtegat
"Cental equatorial Africa is not antee the universal support ofE By Joe Russell ing of a minute's rest to Scott on Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the poEk
a anothe fon. ocluaimnof a touhkysadticryalinewhepart etreasived Ten.
at all a bad place for winter class obligations by the students Michigan ran away wth the first.tecamofafuSare'xad iia cenedprmetwsn
sports," said CarvethWells, widely and thereby eliminate the usual triangular track meet of the season was lifted in victory by Lou Mag- pointed technical advisor to the f I'Tear,
Thon English iehpl re c l- st ng th e Fild w ocsa nolia as the Briton, weak and mai- Hague Committee on the Codifica- vfactor
ndutoinalcuegvnu- The classes have several expenses!;against Michigan State and Ypsi- fsigexrm agn refused to Ition of International Law yester- r. .Q:.. gan s
n ona te un each year which must be met by lant Normal by rolling up a grand continue the bout. The finish came day, by acting Seretary of State,
der the auspices of the Oratorical the students generally, the treas- total of 63s points against thed with Scott still erect but reeling Joseph P. Cotton. The appointment s Reeves, night
association in Hill auditorium last urers pointed out, and the inclu-38V for State Normal and 17 for helplessly into the ropes after ab- was ratified by committee of thei n the
night. son of fees in the tuition is the bthe Spartans. In accumulating this sorbing a terrific left hand punch United States Senate. Professor Political science
"Ice and snow are quite common most effective plan yet devised, score the Wolverines accounted for nto the stomach. Scott had been Reeves left Ann Arbor Wednesday, a
they stated.t tg firsts and tied with Normal for floored once in the second round and will sail for the Hague onSat- itteeio tTheiatio- ferenc
In the Rubendorri mountains, and ____._____F___T__hs two more. The teachers finished and twice in the third; before the urdaygenh d s j ..atonSopeIisnes nm
the glaciers there are often 250 -F first in three events, while the enactment of scenes had put an al- The Hague committee is compos-ternational Law. Professor Reeves
feetmo thckuetepemuseds flr te cemostuunprecedented touch to the led of representatives of more than left Ann Arbor Wednesday and will ito
ee or odth ick yet the e r mouan r ns f t Ein g h sq a d t c ud a c conclusion of a thoroughlh u nsat- forty nations w ho hve received be in Europe for six w eeks, t pe
tains lie directly on the equatorU UL m an dut rpidn y f ro n g thy s. TTens
d - The meet held two startling up- isfactory contest. Sharkey was invitations from the government of Itg
The Rubenzorri, which are com- set fo Thflage'row which had warned once for hitting low before the Netherlands. The original idea fi A nn rt i
monly known as the Mountains of- gr m h d presetdc Hilg ud aT sets oryo s e t he o e te ad h k to the o f this grubjews, ibutigthes bfirsttu m
the LMongstareoe ndthanfa17,000 IIJ emchampionship of the state settled which sent Scott to the floor, hold- the League of Nations, and the pre- HsO N L C r t
fe hgh fand s yetxcnoteseen Tecicalh orp7t when Eddie Tolan faied to qualinyg ing his side and writhing as if in paratory work for the meeting this S in the
r reeethindytcano9tneysee h mt trthfnasihe 60-yard dash w agony. As the Briton's manager kyear, y hich convenes .on March 10 Ote
til' oone s in ohem d M .b e ll hs !T c hnia l krane en fotrr ce 7th p i t t t e N o H p f r R c ve y ag uj ct n wh c h p o o ed-A t
Annual International Night and Arnett, Normal two-mier, led and handlers leaped into the ring was done by a committee of the LLdLdIaIl
stated. Brown of Michigan State to the to add to the confusion of all con- iwLeague. , pid
Not Mapped Until 1906. to Get Final Touches. tape by a comfortable distance to cerned, Referee Magnolia halted the Agenda Limits Subjects. i a
k set a new Field House record.n m fight without indicating any deci- Professor Reeves will be gone ,R W. Chapman to Superviseiasn
These mountains were never gysdopiFohedcfams.emnygrs
ARTISTS TO ENTERTAIN! Tolan Finishes Fourth. sion before an examination fron four to six weeks. He stated Groupbrmed. fm, Meme
shown on any maps of Africa be- I Toafrnefqueusadigta hewr fte oiiain fTreCmmtes
Pore y1906 because people refused - --g T olan o nea the ing the wrk of the Codfict ofTree o mm ittees
have made such a mistake as to:nial arrangements of the Seventh pbehindt th strrtan althtoh AHI TO DC, Fb. 27 -at tis confrece an cde o e WANT PROMPTPAYMENTspare,
thot iev that the C hreatr o n al repion s for ten th-1 mpiers ein thebountry as lhefdt h drFT cse to Wifl i ody wll e, atondetae o ake tommesfrIna feno os
place snow and ice capped peaksI Annual International Night pro- hie gained rapidly during the race I ii~ IU LU I subjects. The agenda of the con- __Iits sta
-ud heao eqaorrial fg o inHli- could finish no better than fourth ,'C - r Tn h h i F ferencelimits the scope of the cod ?w Om tionlofrtangmentsfthe
th ery he ar f r i y metgb er tenH up his qualifying heat. In the two- h i sa m mt s to three subjects, but if this coegnrgani
rica. Livingstone and half a doz- t d Marhe wiles t Imiles ett ookhe led dtb n J ha r ne a y Her the senior literary class finance, au- assum
'eenterfaotheroer evr oiufamous wllb md a mexplorers tokte ea 91feeneneverces ter il b heV
saw them, but in 1889 Stanley sawi the meeting of the Cosmopolitdn brtmrownthean rthi ,_at-he' tsubsequent meetings in which more diving, and memorial committeesIbrand
rael isere . u o e itu he prsntton wht a rte byan w aredbta o a anedRus-awiedth newobe.rk manoteha e d. The nyhee hl. I
them. No one would believe his, Club at g o'clock this evening in sitto n shea ut one. dug tyork ayb hae d.e etree o n personnel for the collection fast os
kstEudtrthe,"lianDukeo aitrium. h ing the race. A fast sprint at the No Hope for Recovery; Gain. subjects on which the proposedw;oediotclaye noue,(sm AVth
Lentile talian Hall u t or t gh ed emahmandethe ols benye sp y code will be based," continuedPro- of i elaned tmerli
ti took a paty of 2t0 men into Chester C. Bennett, director of ten itoo mthe Normal7 o the cWos be On Tedpar fes eev "ae natioaistrs b y th r W. Tdes predeteriod
!heMontini lehssor" r. ReepvesC u.ardea ,natiosnalhityejstnoingou tater-ie. utDr Frnrse.s g Pfth Istiue o Ploif atWh- e cenlrsass. poprgyan i Cur
the range to investigate." htsnytape ind m nutre ord teson sDa re s
e ayth poram and WilliamPalmer.tset C he Fnyew miecd of the n tmpa y." ritorial waters, and responsibility of4 o t aaLiod f
M Ir.nWells wen n grt exain of e pig, pco I nation eing. Then oldmark was held- Att states for damages done to aliens as:,Roertt C Chapm aptain o ygWr
that the invisibility results fromigeneralichairman gy n el win g by Reid of Harvrd and waas9:45. DEATH EXPECTED SOON a result of insurrection." r the basketball teasn, will supervise datio
Otical ithe same phenomena Night, will address members ofthe Wolfe and D'Annabled the field The p e of ItenonaL the entire group in his capacity as the s
which keep Englawndeo p-e ilds ofdell as the foreign tu- in the mile run tocount the first moi sreaPthre gTheHure.In1goalioeferst n
Cs. according to Professor Reeves is ss treasurer. Chapman has call- oarie
ak o gtgloatnof thetmetnnshoftUith onaespint hi g ao n ards a iheadynWASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 27 - "to try to reach an agreement of ed a meeting of the committeeWdso
nthe ta romall s . the reginrdl e ite t tendte, yf trnearest competitor, Cn Death drew closer to William How- all the nations of the world as to members for Sunday afternoon toWicl
aond tmhe hdtor rushesuprt to r g enlsrtsup am ppd ntard Taft tonight while this Capitalwhat will be the international lawI complete all arrangements for the ed V
to meet the cold air from the icy meeting, in an eor ntoy.lThtrsp-neh of Ypsi. in the 65-yard high dues collection, which will begin B
M"r. Weis eandtcause a sudden port andga sethegs uck dof the hurdles Potter of Michigan could wherein his accomplishments as on these three subjects."
ountPins caueasre succe President and Chief Justice had One of Many Honors Tuesday at tables to be located in t m
condensation of moisture which is production. do no better than third, beingbet oten himd the r'ret , csadly i This most recent appointment Angel] hall lobby and in University T
traely dispersed. But one pictures dmand s Mgnoofora. aptanhimfthe r e .T
was ever takeof the mfiajest ic l bTe presentton which has ekMu of Normal and yh Rus Gr- pedtruhWsigo h nttt opie oeo h d w xetta l h uswl ei
gas e akerid ofme subemien the namer"Festia s sell of the Spartans. awaited the inevitable. marks another of the many ho-5 a
pe. I the nam ,pesa h Potter Noses Out Russell. Time and again the physicians ors that have been bestowed on Only a, few days are to be ad-.W
at eerThtoldorado," will represent the cul However in the low hurdles Pot- who have attended hih Psince his ProfessorReeves in the last fewI lotted to the payment of dues, since Mini
"It took us a month to get up the sootea of mh r of gheoug ter redeemed himself and took collapses have been by his bedside.: years. Since 1920, Professor Reeves I it is believed that all class members
the Mountains of the Moon," Mr. thosmhopolitaClumb.edraot first place in one of the closesti Relapses have been followed by par- 'has been on the board of advisors will pay their $5 fees immediately.-
Wellsocontinuedubandlthe weather races of the meet, just nosing out tial rallies, but Dr. Francis R. Hag- of the Institute of Politics at Wil- fNo seniors can be properly quali-j Court
is constantly bad. There are at ( a noncd s- mtia i Russell and Munro for the first po- ,nr said "There is no hope or hisi liamston, Mass. From 1921 to 1925. fled fox graduationunithrcls his b
inM.pexio, syboiciof reat op- itormn in the scoring. recoery;ny tmpovement twil be he was the leader of a round table dues are paid, Todd said yesterday, Jack
lt0 nders ryear a d portunity and new wealth. nt is Coach Farrell missed a slam in only temporary." discussion group there. In 1924, and no senior will be allowed to h outst
thenaivs rein ret ea o ithe meeting, place of, all nations1 the 440 when Dale Seymour, lead- At the best, the former President Professor Reeves was one of twoj participate in class activities, to buy Wise
them. In order to get the natives where people gather in gay fellow- ighsha yaottnyrsfl a engvnbtasottm Americans chosen to lecture before Senior invitations or announce- i a flu]
to g wih u, w ha totak a ship, and represent the ultimate in; at the tape and was unable to ross; to live. His breathing is constantly the Academy of International Law ments, or to obtain caps and gowns, frame
witch doctor along who was sup- fields of dancing, music, and en- in time to get in scoring consider-mrifclthsbodciclto at the Hague. In 1925, Professor or canes, if his dues have not been beside
posed to dispel the storms, Every tertainment. aton.orssrdRsselcadlt,- his aaloebb, odhcirheartaive 'Reeves was one of two men ap- paid. A new plan has been adopt- caromr
tim a adltt oneadbhewould Unity will be lent the production, inour took the first three places in way at any time, and he can take pointed by Mr. Coolidge to rere-I ed this year whereby the official re- thteg
take out a lit ehorend bl w itg
until the bad weather was over in which most of the nationalitiesj this event while Jacobi and Brows. very little nourishment, sent the United States at the In-. ceipt for payment of dues will belae
twetm eha obo ov I of the world will be represented, by !of Normal tied for fowl ii. ternational Commission of Jurists preserved as a ticket which will ad- Iwhich o pcalcncarneet ahr!Cmbl tpe no2lir.Tf n hirduhefrteCdfcto fItrain ittebae ocasfntos hv
spcadceiaraneetarteyapblstppditTlm 'Mrs. HlTaft annhi agtr o h iiaiongoInarnaionemi thebeaergteclss unctions. shove tl~f oe, hnbyaplyo soy Teelb hosi te6
M.WlswnonttllosoeI the afflicted man. Robert A. anda a tRodeJneo I ve ftedtaldrgl- when.
of his interesting "camera-hunting" beenacostrucsetdinds theillihant!kWolverinesinotherfarst ftime Cals Tfti ininti ae Prof essor Reeves attended the tides which the class has adopted, Iot
oratecostgecset dti h ihakn ockriesointherfist fthme CareoPfTf ICninathaemeeting of the Institute of Inter the necessity for prompt pymen t hto
expedition in the Tanganyka coun- costumes will be blended together. :06.3 while Cliff Murray, also ofr been told of the critical condition national Law, held last October at of dues by every senior is apparent,' h
try. "We motored atfia about 40a g miles In addition many talented artists Michigan, took fourbi'. Captain o their father.' Briarcliff Lodge. The personnel of Todd declared yesterday, and add- j a ha:
per hour through th1fianjn
gle," he said, "until we camne toa will be brought to Ann Arbor to Beck of Normal and Smyth of Grief spread through Washingtonj the Institute comprises some of the ed, "we expect that all the dues will perioc
td aisupplement the various groups' Michigan were second and third in with word that the country's 27th greatest dignitaries of the world be paid within the first few days of ( from
herd of giraffes. We sopdat _________
sop from the campus, appearing in theI this event. President and 10th Chief Justice the collection period." bm
aou te20afeedtoofrome th yem, ot o cton.Johnny Pottle had a good eve- dwas about to die. The President IC A G M D Nshots
of he aran tok smerealy x- Committees in charge of various ning last night in tying Oliver of and Mrs. Hoover called off their ~1~ G AIEJ tdnswoaeprun on iic
celn itrs phases of production have complet- jNormal for first in the pole vault reception to members of the House bDOPORIIIrnedcurl an .dwhoeill beune i
Lions Were Friendly.: ed all necessary arrangements. One with a jump of 12 feet, 6 inches,l of Representatives, scheduled for DI R G A v ianoutheanrA.eB.hdegreseJnte ic,
Work Brings Sextet 5 to 1.
umph; Conference Title
Possible Tomorrow.
nt Performances Feature
ontest; Starting Lineup
Remains Throughout.
By Edward L. Warner.
n play, that all-important
to success, brought Michi-
hockey team a well-earned
iumph over Wisconsin last
on the Coliseum ice, and with
ictory Coach Lowrey's men
d into first place in the Con-
e standings. The Wolver-
ust defeat or tie the Badgers
row night in order to clinch
ick championship of the Big
vas all Michigan during the
wo periods as the Maize and
arried the play into Wiscon-
erritory, tallying three times
second frame. Throughout
ame the Wolverine defense
good job of keeping the puck
from the Michigan goal, but
the offense which function-
a manner that brought the
nt applause of the crowd.
Starting Lineup Intact.
of Art Schlanderer, veteran
forced Michigan to rely on
rting lineup over practically
ntire 60 minutes of play. In
ing the roles of "iron men,"
Wolverines played a fighting
of hockey that utilized a
ough they tired in the last
, the play of the three Michi-
orwards. Courtis Langen, and
d, deserves especial commen-
. They carried the puck up
e and peppered the Badger
with shots time and again.
fense they often broke up the
nsin plays before they reach-
fichigan territory. Tommy
W. L. T. pt.
HIGAN ... A4 2 1 .667
onsin ......4 3 0 .571
nesota .....2 5 1 .286
is, plucky forward, turned in
est game of the year while
Tompkins at goal was also
consin scored its only goal n
ke play early in the opening
Siegel hit the puck from
the Wolverine goal and it
amed off Nygord's stick into
;oal. Hart retaliated a little
when he followed up his shot
Frisch had stopped, and
d it into the net. Metalfe,
er defense man, was' injured
he caught a puck in te
he, but he continued play.
Cardinal-striped visitors had
rd time of it in the second
d keeping Michigan away
the goal. 'The Wolverines
arded the Badger net with 15
three of which slipped past
i. Langen tallied on a long
rom center ice which hit the
)nsin goalie and dropped in
oal after six minutes. Short-
"The lions, tooere quite friend- student has been made responsible while Felker and Benjamin also ( tonight. Other official functions time enrolled in a professional faf
ly and we took pictures of them. for the various groups of the "Fes- "went into a tie for first in the high likewise were abandoned. The doc- Due to a severe cold Prof. Richard school are required to pay senior from
Twenty were lying comfortably in tival." John Khalaf will have jump with leaps of 5 feet 10 inch- tor's bulletin dispairing that Mr. Hollister will be unable to give his class dues in the literary school, slippe
the shade and we had to 'shoo' charge of the Arabian number, Miss es. Brooks took the 16 pound shot i Taft could survive was read to the readings scheduled for the Michi- it is announced by Todd. A settle- made
them before they would move E. K. Janaki, the Indian; Miss event with a heave of 44 feet, 2 3-8 Night radio program to be ment will be made between the two on a
enough to warrant us taking mov- Tomo Tombe, the Japanese; Miss inches, with Captain Poorman plac- ( Aged 72, Mr. Taft suffered his ganNgt romrogramgto be met wilc m e teent n a
broadcast tomorrow night. His classes to which the student, as a ,~hc
ing pictures. One lion was up in Maida Kuo, the Chinese; Isaac ing thirdI serious breakdown late in January place on the program, according senior in the literary college and iCa
a tree, contrary to museum dicta Avranmoff,' the Bulgarian; and Jo- .___ and resigned from the Chief Jus- 'to Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of
which say that lions do not climb seph Akau, the Hawaiian. Dorothy SUMMARIES: I ticeship as a result on Feb. 3. That the campus station, will be taken srcontinued on Page In
trees. This particular one evident- Lincoln, as chaitman of the cos- Mile run-Wolfe (Mich), first; same day he was brought back to by Prof. A. D. Moore who will dis-APPOINT CHAPMAN Bscore
ly had enough personality to branch tume committee, has secured many D'Anna (Mich), second; O'Conner Washington from Asheville where cuss the honor system in high in th
out. All the animals are quite tame colorful costumes representing the (Normal), third; Fullerton (State), he had been seeking to recuperate. 'school and college. TO SUB-COMMIT TEE in th
and do not know the meaning of native dress of the principal coun- fourth. Time, 4 minutes 32 4-10 An important change in time is good
the high-powered rifle," he con-! tries of the world. seconds. Animoran cane n im i go
-he Tickets, priced at 50 cents may be!65-yrd 'SHOW OFF' WILL also announced by Professor Abbot. Robert Chapman, '30, captain of fine
cluded. obtin ,ed at o hebtore, (Noyard high hurdles-Munro Beginning tomorrow night the the varsity basketball team and the Brya
obtained at any of the bookstores- (Normal), first; Russell (State), PLA Y TWO DA YS weekly hour will go on the air at 'treasurer of the senior class of the game
'N I NT COUPONS tianheofficetof t eLane Chris second; Potter (Mich), third; Yar- ,8 instead of 7:30 o'clock, through !literary college, has been named a playe
from members of the Cosmopolitan ger (State) fourth. Time, :08.8-. First performance of "The Show WJR Detroit. Imember of the deferred , rushing seas
DUE ON MARCH 1r mm 440-yard run-Mosser (Mich), Off," by George Kelly, will be given sub-committee of the Senate Com- mete
club, first; Russell (Mich), second; Dal- at 8:30 o'clock tonight in the Lydia sHONOR PROFESSOR mitteeon Student Affairs. He was consi
ton Seymour, third; Jacobi and Mendelssohn theatre. This is a appointed by William Farrell, '30, whil
More than 575 students who hold Brown tied for fourth. Time, :52.3. Play Production presentation, and WITH FELLOW SHIP president of the Interfraternity tribu
Michiganensian coupons purchased ; G-yard dash-Campbell (Mich), a second performance is scheduled couELO S I 'rsdntilfr the poItion vatedbty t
early last fall for 50 cents have not - first; Bick (Normal), second; for 8:30 tomorrow night at the Prof. F. W. Pawlowski head of Alex Sherer, '30, who has left school Mich
Yet redeemed them, according to ( j (Continued on Page 7) theatre. . Courd
1 F~ nrn ~iti~lnniaain, i- because of illness. Cu
terwards Nygord took a pass
Courtis in the goal mouth and
ed it in. Captain Bryant
the fourth goal for his tean
long shot from the side rink
h Frisch allowed to get by him.
rdinals Lose Opportunities.
the last period Michigan
d again after seven minutes,
nt taking a pass from Courtis
e goal mouth and shoving it
e net. Wisconsin had several
scoring opportunities, but the
play of Tompkins, Hart, and
nt averted any scores. The
was one of the cleanest
d on the home ice -in several
ns, only two penalties being
d out. Thomsen played a
stent game for the losers,
e Captain Meiklejohn con-
ted some clever stick handling.
igan Wisconsin
tis .......LW . .....Thomsen
Sam H. Atkins, '30 business mana- .
ger. These coupons are now worth
one dollar in payment on the 'En- t f
Sian. but will be void after March ! -.
Group to Decide Dates
I For Spring Activities
The production has been under teUI1 n tIui i engLeterind e ;
the direction of Valentine B. partment, has been elected Fellow
Windt, assisted by Harry Allen. of the Royal Aeronautical society, "
Roles in the play are taken by stu- England, it was learned yesterday.
March 21 has been set as the
jNygord . .. .. . .. RW . ... . .. . Siegel
Langen ........C......Meiklejohn
Bryant. .... . LD.....Metcalfe
Hart.. ........RD .... Swiderski