T.IVYri A Vr 4lrM!1V'%Vtrt x r1er nrR 4 nnA
LCT ECOVOS I T Ii Chaes L. Hudson, 30M, presi-
TH Thrty new menrepoted at the UILD LIF dent of Galens, honorary medical
Technic offices Wednesday to try- ___ry_.society, is in receipt of a complete
fiH PDFAT ION LA Iout for positions on the business Lee Dice to Spend Two Months report of the disposal of all funds
and editorial staffs of .the student in -tDsert Ltoy derived from the Galens drive held
publication of the engineerig col- DeetLbrtr ntecamnpu just before Christ-
Law School Presents Prominent lege. All of the tryouts are being Tucon, Ariz mas, and from which nearly ose ofu-
Chi Atorneyns Pr t kept busy, according to L. Verne ACwasCMeaAzedNfED the purposeof fr-
icagoAttorney as Part I Ansel, '30E, editor, and more stu- ACCOMPANIED BY HARRIS nishing a real Christmas for about
of Extension Prog m. dents are expected to come out in 200 children in the University hos-
I the next few weeks. Dr. Lee R. Dice, curator of the pital.
TWO ADDRESSES TODAY The freshmen were put into mammal division at the Tiversity The report, signed by Miss Doro-
g p d y r t fthy Ketcham, director of the So-
groups headed by present staff Museums building, and Wiliam P. cial Service departmentfof the Hos-
~Lectue Coure Opento ,S nios embers and given special instruc-
ecture ourse pento, tions oncerning the work about arris, Jr., of Detroit, associate cur- oital, states that aside from the
uraduates, Advanced Business the office. This system of handling ator, will leave on a trip to Tuc- item of salaries the fund was suf-
Administration Students. ne men will continue until they son, Arizona, March 4, where they fiet topoideacomplete Christ-
become better acquainted with the will spend two months in the study mas party with toys, decorations,
Yand dolls, and that equipment for
John E. Tracy, one of the lead-. work. of desert animals. They will make the workshi in the form. of a com-
ing corporation lawyers of the. The business department of the their headquarters at the "Desert t qrhip nthe migsw, lom-,
United States, and member of an magazine is being put on a new Laboratory" in Tucson which is di- bination lathe and jigsaw, looms,g
imwortant Chicago law firm, will basis, says Ben C. Lansdale, '31E, rected by the Carnegie Foundation and other manual training equip-
impotan Chcagolaw~rm ~ment as well as books, have, been
dtdiver two lectures of his series of business manager. Jack L. Spen-- in Washington and which is p purchased.
addresses on "Corporate Practice" cer, '32E, and William .Merrill, '$2, tially sponsoring the field trip. he 200 crippled and con-
at 3 o'clock and 4:05 o'clock today 're assisting Lansdale in this work. Work in the desert will include Half ofd the 200 rin the and o
in room C of the Law building. The alumni subscription is dne of nearly every form of wild life, al- aes n dr 1 n ye o ptag
Forming an important part of the largest among technical publi- though the Michigan expedition crd o tnerer an the shop
the Law school program in the ex- cations in the country, but the will specialize on rabbits, mice, and cordeg to the report, and the shop
pansion of its instruction in cor- business department is not satis- squirrels. One of the importaint c ont ib leyte by the
poration law, Tracy will return here fled with the list of engineering facts which will be investigated on cofer s c by for
seven more time during the sprig students taking the magazine. the excursion is the connection be- cnructive o Beginers ar
to present 14 lectures. { tween the light, sandy color of most constructive work. Beginners are
Development of the courses in At Milit Ball esert animals and their surround-g iven shipping boxes with which
corporation law is being undertak ings. Whether the adaptation 0 af they fiay do as they please, and
en by the Law school in view of the desert animal to the climate is ander the boy learnsite true
the fact that the growth of coin.. On itteeM embers an important factor in mammal and the boy learns the true valuer
,merce and industry during the last study will be determined by the of wood he is given new lumber
15 years has been enormous, lead-! Committee appointments for the results of the expedition. The hab- with which to work.
ig to developments and expan- 1930 Military ball were announced its of the southwestern mammals
sfons of the old corporate struc- yesterday by Major Basil D. Ed- will also form a basis for much' of
ture into forms which the lawyer wards, professor of military science 'the study.a,
Cif a generation ago would scarcely at the University. Cadet-captain' Although the party will center
recognize. This has been brought George M. Ryerson, '30, will be the around Tucson, trips will be made
about not merely by the formation clairman of the committee. Re- to many other sections of south-
ot huge corporations, but by the ri'esentatives of the R. O. T. C. sen- western United States and Mexi-
development of holding companies, ior class are Cadetcaptain Robert! co. 'One in particular has been
mergers,. and interlocking mecha- D. Uordon, '31, Cadet-major John scheduled which will include the
nisms of various kmids. N. Haldene, '30E, and Cadet first Michigan scientists. This will be
No Text Books Available. lieutennt Robert F. Whitworth, '30. a special tour thi'ough the region
;These changes have been .so rap- The representative of the junior near Senora.
id, and in some respects so funda- class is Cadet first sergeant Keith
n ental, that the learning on the F. Bennett, '31; cadet John R. Jones, Chi Gamma Phi Elects
bject has not yet had time to '32E, will represent the sophomotesa aE -
iid its way into books which can and cadet Donald E. Knight,'WE, Four utoMem ership
be used in the law schools. will be the freshman representa-
In his lecture course, Mr. Tracy, tive on the committee. Four new members were irgitiat-
drawing upon his varied experi (The Military ball will be held at I ed Wednesday night into Chi Gam-
ence, is showing the development the Union, Friday, May 2. Tickets ma Phi, professional geographical
of the corporation from the first will be five'dollars. fraternity, according to an an-
meeting of prospective organizers nouncement made yesterday by
through the steps of incorporation, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Henry M: Kendall of the geogra-
the drafting of by-laws, the issu- -Delegates from more than one phy department. The initiates
ance of securities of all grades, the hundred universities and colleges! were Robert M. Glendenning, grad;
marketing of these securities, and of over thirty nations are conven- L. C. Stuart, ' '; B. W.' Johnson,
the adaptation of the corporate ing at Havana, Cula, in commemo- '30; and James B. Osborne, '30.
structure to meet these varied needs ration of the bicentennial anniver- ' The society was founded here
or new conditions. sary of the University of Havana, last year, nine graduate students
For Advanced Students Only established in 1728. The modern and three iembers of the geog-
This course is open to senior law progress of the university dates' raphy faculty comprising its orig-
students, graduates, and those in from the end of Spanish and the inal membership. Initiates are
the School of Business Administra- beginning of American rule in 1899. chosen fromi the graduate, senior,
tion who are dong advanced work.
According to additional plats n- . .
nounced by Dean Henry M. Bates,
of the Law school, Prof. Laylin K.STARTING SHOWS AT
James of the law faculty, who gives 2TAY:00, 3:30
the general course in corpoiation TODAY -7:00, 9:00
law, will next year, probably in co-;
operation with Mr. Tracy, give a WARNER LOIS
seminar course for advanced stu-' WAYT 'Dand
dents in this general field. dBEE AN
Harvard Club Sends Petition
bers of the Harvard Liberal Club BiTCn
have been circulating a petition.y ry Drama of
which they will send to Washing-c n
j 1 'JFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1930
VS FUND BRINGS """"""""lul IU111niDu11IDItltillt lmlm m tstm{mtmm l
The shop is completely equipped
with modern wood-working tools=P N E.
wor ig ,"POINTED
and this year a greater variety of HE =
finishing lacquers, stains, grease,iH
and oils have been introduced 'to h mus co song dance
{-stirs and *Nretty girls; a story of Broad-
give the completed articles a more -"way and Tin Pan Alley.
professional appearance. Letter AWE
racks, lamps, and bird houses were =-r ." t WFPO WELL
formerly the extent of products
made in the shop but the field has -
been considerably widened and now -
includes book shelves ink stands, ,,.
book ends, telephone stands, can-*
l dlesticks, waste paper baskets, flow'.
er boxes and many similar articles. sE
Almost all of the finished arti-'AtLAGH ER K
cles are taken home by the child-
ren who make them, although some - OUR REASONS WHY YOU
are kept as models and others are \SHOULDN'T MISS THIS
given to the younger children who / PICTURE.
are unable to make anything thIm- "CLANCY AT THE BAT"
selves. About 50 practical toys were , All Talking Comindy
put into the Christmas stockings,I;:C-
the report states. N(SCREEN SNAP SHOTS
"This work," states Miss Ketcham, SUNDAY
"has been of increasing value to the AEBRINGS
Hospital and to the individual E "SALLY" METRO NEWS
child, giving him a more construc- and the
tive and worth while interest dur- I MAGNA
ing his period of illness. The school! SCREEN
and occupational work are of great
value and satisfy many children, ' IIDND1tttl1 ttl1iti11iil Ill ll I 111DlI ii11t1 11111kl II II[J
but some who have been ill for a --'--- - =-= --
long time or who need the stimu-
is of immediate accomplishment READ THE DAILY CLAcSIFIEDS
find the greatest pleasure and sat-
isfaction in the shop Work."
of intrigue and romance which Scotland Yard follows around
From the Novel By Earl Derr Biggers.
deg.. ..
hotter and funnier
' The ock Eyed World"
--tha 's
coninuinig his eockeyti
advuttsres uWfth
Story and direction by
director of "The Cock Eyed World"
With Special Saturday Morning Preview 11:00 A. M.
Doors Open 10:30. Adults 35c, Children loc,
The Cast
_.. . A t1T T?1
A., T _