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February 28, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-28

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nr -runnhhlnrnlnhlr

r Kamm, Prof. Hobbs, Dr.



tF 1

-sIn response to, an appeal issued
But .Buildings Are Mere 'Models tposes the home of Col. E. S. George, by the Health Service to any who!
of Skyscrapers in Detroit, of Birmingham, Michigan. This have, in past years, suffered with__
Chico a- and New York. model, the most detailed of the en- hayfever, a number of studentsPo
g, d ew r tire collection, is of an English have reported in the last two days
style villa with the grounds, lawns, to take a sensitization test. After at Commencement of
fact seven buidingw n aterraces, gardens, and drives re- this test, treatments can ;be given Survivors.
produced in all their original color which will relieve, to a great ex--
are seven separate .'and distinct end detail. Ithasbeen loaned to itent, the troubles of hayfever suf- PLAN CLASS REUNIONS
buildings within the walls of the the school by ilts, owner, Col. George. fPers.
stucur tathuss heColee Beside the George es,:ate is our Following uae tests,seu in-'
"nPresident Alexander C. Ruthven
oftrccture. t hey are notllgeu own Angell hall, designed by Al- sections can be given which will
size, of course, and are made of bert Kahn, of Detroit. The model counteract the effects of the poi- has issued invitations to all the
plaster of Paris rather than .teel of this hall of learning was given to sons to which the subject is sensl- surviving members of the classes
but they are buidings ieverthe- the College of Architecture by the tive. These treatments must be which were in the University at the
less, University. given over a period of about fifteen'
The model of the American Rad- weeks and should be begun im- time when Tappan was president,
As you enter the architectural iator building, New York City,. . mediately to be his guests at Commencement,
building by the Haven street .4or, decorated n black and gold. Pre- June 23.
you are confronted by the--.new ~nted b the American Radiator riiyt+ . -, J. Raleigh Nelson is president of

Others to Speak; Students May
Attend Section Meetings

,~ \

By'Beach Conger, Jr. Relations of Tax Delinquei icy inN
iDr. Charles P. Berkey, of Colum- Michigan" will be given.
bia University, has been engaged Fred Dustin, of Saginaw,. willt
to: deliver the principal address at: lead the anthropology s' ection
thie Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting Speeches on "A Study of ti te Po-
the Michigan Academy of Sci- lish Community of Hamtramck"
ece, Arts, and Letters, according "Topography of the' Pre.storc
to an announcement by Dow V. Culture of 'Michigan," and 'Spirita
waxter, secretary of the aademy, Stones," will be heard. p'
'who also made public the plans Pr! rdrc~V.Ptl oo
frhenetgwhhwilbgn Proi. Frederick W. Peteton, of F
fr the meetings which will begin 'the rhetoric department, will lead Associate Press PIotQ
t1rough Saturday, March 22. Dr. discussion .after talks or "The James D. Doles ,
'$erkey will speak on the topic Teachings and Language c f Dost- Passenger pilot for Western 'Air I
"Across the Gobi Desert with a Ge- oevski. and Tolstoi," "The 'Progress Express, who was reported missingy
of the Early ,M dern :ngl ish Dic- in Arizona. Planes have beenf
sr. Berkey is a noted authoritytionary," and "The Logic of Langu- searching the storm swept area
In geological circles. He was asso- age, s the Langua'ge ad Litera- near Kingman.t
c ated with the Wisconsin and ture section. Prif. Cam ob ell Bon-
'linnesota geological surveys; he ner, of the Greek departm ent, will
was special geologist with the New speak on "Sme Ancient Amuletst
ork geological survey, geologist and Talismens" I
r h e e opical survey, geolog i stA n in teresting paper on " N atur-
J~w York city. He was chief geo-I with Observations on the Laying T
hglst of the CentrAl Asiatic Expedi- N H"geHn
'iin of the Anerican Museum of and Hatching Periods,' will be giv- -__
ten in the Zoology section. "The
ha' published studies on the struc- Ragweed Pollen Incidence in. the Extensive System of Student
tural and stratigraphic features of United States in 1929," will he giv- Government Advoated
the highlands of New York, struc- en in the sanitary and mdi cal ser- for Michigan.
tural, areal and engineering geol- vice section. The programs "of the
fine arts, the mathematics and eco-
of t t ew YrkAuct ndhe.l, nomics and sociology' sections have STUDENT POWER GREAT
f he Catskill Aqueduct and the not been compiled yet.
Metrology and fterpretation oft Academy Aids State Wel'are. Extensive supervision over stu-.
oks and ores of the Gobi desertI The Michigan Academy cif Sci- dent activities, including athletics,
reDr. Berkey's address will be given ence was organized in 180 4, the is placed in the student governing
at the opening session Thursday first annual me December. The organizatin has body, called the "Board of Control
-Afternoon. In addition, the general grown steadiy In membership and' of Associated Students" at the Uni-
.pogram will include the annual .
'greeption at the Museums buildng influence. In 1921 the scope of the versity of Washington. The board,
academy was broadened to include composed of nine students, three
Thursday evening; an exhibtion all fileds of intellectual effort, and 'alumni, and three faculty members,
d paintings in Alum Memriall its name changed to the Michigan is considered one of the most pro-
hll; andhistory and political science Academy of Science, Arts and 'Let- gessive organizations of its kind
e sy d i en ers and has been recommended as a
'eDpartment in the Clements ibra- . The Academy has brought -to- model for possible, increase in stu-
't. Aademy irect o ofpresearch gether in friendship the intellec- dent government here at the Uni-
'the Academy, director ofaresof tual workers of the state. -t has versity.
~~loftewill Parkes theomemres' fostered research, as is evidenced The board aids materially in cen-I
a't, eannul anqeth oneAThr- by the large nuiber of papers pre- tralizing the efforts of various cam-;
ot the annual banquet'oinng Athe- sented at its meetings and 'the pus organizations toward common
tly of Circulation, explaining ona quality of its publications. It has ends, which it determines for the
.rhips between Blood, Lymph and also maintained an active interest best interests of the university. The
hipsetweenula Flid Lymph and in the conservation of natural re- activities under its supervision in-
antercellular Fluid. t isources ancd in th appiic-trion of clude publications, dramatics, gle
research mel will give papers and scientific principles throughout the club, debate, campus politics, stu-
ear dicussmnswatgve ppsectiond commonwealth. Among the impor- dent council, and athletics.
lead discuSsions at t e tant advances furthering public The entire undergraduate body is
meetings Friday and Saturday, welfare which the Academy has incorporated under the name of the
which students as well as members "Associated Students of the Uni-
of the academy are invited to at- aided may be mentioned the estab- Ascae tdnso h - I
ten. Tem forery medtion will Ilishment of a state natural hxistory versity of Washington" and the stu-
tend. The forestry section will survey, employment of fish experts, dents are entitled to membership
testing and timber trading equip- employment of a state forester, in- privileges upon the payment of $10
mentn at the utilizationg abora- creased fire protection for forests, fee. This amount also gives them
tories of the University: The i and expansion of the state parks ila subscription to the university
charmanof theUniesty etion;and state game refuges. Daily, a free or reduced ad-
chairman of the forestry section The officers .for the present term mission to football and basketball
will be Professor S.AGrhm
, obso Spa. are: president, Oliver Kamm, re- games, crew regattas, oratorical
Prof..Hobbs w. ge 'search director of the Parke Davis contests, musical concerts, drama-
Prof. William H. Hobbs will give C tic events and similar functions un-
several papers at the meetings of 0o., of Detroit; vice-president Ar- un
teelogypection, he eet s; f thur E. Boak, professor of history; der the supervision of the board of
the geology section, which meets sreryDwV.Bxrfth control.
under the chairmanship of Dr. I secretary, Dow V. Baxter, of thejcotl.
Cheser Bh. Sarmns of er- forestry department; treasurer E. The student functions are con-
Chester B. Slawson, of the m er- C. Prohpet, of the geography de- ducted largely through standing
ology department. Professor Hobbs mencoimittees. These include the
will speak on "The Advance of Our partment. homecomin day, stadiu day,
Knowledge of Mountain Areas NORTH CAROLINA STATE COL- campus day, high school publicity,
Throu~gh Soundings in the Seas.capsdyhihcolpuiitI
Other papers to be presented are LEGE-Capping an unusually se- social, varsity ball, housing, and
'OTher Fuue o Oi psnd Ga in vere epidemic of "college pranks." election committees.
Michigan," and "The Dnes of the ithe theft of a horse and wagon Accounts of the several activi-
Manistique Area." Tsfrom the animal husbandry de- ties including athletic events are
At a meeting of the history and partment here recently, when a also under the control of the board,
political science section under the dozen students went for a midnight a graduate manager, with the as-
chairmanship of Dr. Howard B. ride with the stolen equippage, end-- sisance of a bookkeeper and cash-
Calderwood, of the political science ed in the release of the entire group ir, maintain an accounting system
departrent, papers on "Again the when charges were withdrawn. for all of, the functions.
Cabinet," , 'ermanent Rupture of Within a week previous, four other, Power for the control of activi-
Mormonism," will be given. Drf practical jokes of varying serious- ties and interests of the student
Randolph Adams will speak on ness had been perpetrated by'the(corporation is delegated directly
"The Clements Library." The sec-Istudents. j from the board of regents.
__________ __________ _________ __________ _________
tion will also have a special exhibi- ' '' '
bition at the Clements Library.
Professor William Clark Trow, of
the psychology department will
lead the Psychology group. Discus-prin g S ty l s
seons will follow subjects such as
"Does . Anatomical Development MEN'S AND WOMENS FOOTWEAR
Correlate with Mental Develop-
ment of Children?" "Studies in
Perceptual-Motor Learning," "A HOUSE SLIPPERS
Psychological Study of Some High H SFOR WOMEN
School Failures." A motion picture, Patent D'Orsay
of "The Maze Learning of the Satins in Colors
White Rat" will also be shown. $1.8

"A Botannical Trip on the West Kid in Various Shades for Men
Coast of Greenland," will be one O 11Styles' in Patent
the interesting papers given in the Red and Black
botany section under the leader- I Blue and Black
ship of Frieda Cobb Blanchard, as- -Brown
sistant director of the Botanical X1.98 and $2.98
gardens. Other subjects'are "Rock Women's styles in Patent, Kid,
River Fungi," and "'Coal, Carbon- Patent and Brown Kid and Suede.
iferous and Shale Fossils." Also a few styles in Parchment
Interesting Geography Papers. shades. 8
The geography section is under
the chairmanship of Wade De-Vries
of Lansing. Addresses on "Exper- "
iences on the Trap Line in the
Shadow of Mt. McKinley," "The HOSIER
Idea of Land at a Natural Feature," Real Kinney Quality
"The Relatronship of Michigan's3l Full Fashioned . 9S \M 'N ' Bac f Ciiki
Scenic Resources to Michigan State Pure Thread Silk ...... $1.29 l Blucher Oxford. Leathe r
m'ar viy " m and "Geogranhic. (Full Fahioned) ]feel with Clatter Plate.

$20,000,000 Chicago Civic Opera
house. Perched up on a tall pe-]
destal, the small white ,model'
looks like a toy-town skyscraper.'
This model was presented to the
College of Architecture by Grahani,
Anderson, Probst, and White, ar-
chitects of the building.
The Chicago Tribune, in two sec-
tions -(it has not been assembled'
yet), greets you on the second:
floor. The gift of Howels and'
Hood, its designers, the model of
the Gothic style skyscraper stands
nine feet high.
The third floor is the mostI
thickly settled. Here among sv-I
eral ultra-modern skyscrapers, re-
. .

actual building.
was the architect.

Raymond Hood

T'he firm of Simon J. M~urphy Co.
f Detroit. has recently presented
the architectural school with a
Seven-foot model of Detroit's tall-
Est building, the Penobscot build-
inig. 'This is on the third floor also..
Occupying a prominent position:
in the third floor exhibition room
is a wooden model of the Medical
;roup as originally proposed sdme
ears ago for the University of
Zhicago. this proposed structure
*:as designed by Coolidge and
Hodgson, of Chicago.

Co., it is to be completely colored
to bring out the color effect in the


University Club elects the committee of Faculty members,
alumni, and students, who have
Three New Governorsbeen appointd to look after the
members of these classes upon
Electing three new governors for their arrival. The invitation is
a period of three years each, the meant, it pis said, as a gesture of
University Club of Ann Arbor met respect from the new president to
at its annual banquet and business the first man to hold that post.
meeting Wednesday night. The classes to be represented as
In addition to speeches by the far as can be ascertained at pres-
secretary and president, and an ad- ent range from 1859 to 1867, the
dress by T. Hawley Tapping, gen- liviig members of these number-
eral secretary of the Alumni assoc- ing about 138. Special arrange-
iation, the Girls' Glee Club, and the }ments are being made for their en-
Men's Glee Club joined with the tertainment which will be con-
Midnight Sons Quartette in pro- ducted from the headquarters ar-
viding entertainment for the mem- ranged for at the Woman's League
bers. building.


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