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February 26, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-26

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System Will Provide for Board Five
in Control to Select I
Higher Officers.


aton Are


youts for Other PublicationsS TO S PPORT
Re port During Week,. FIU T
More than three score tryouts
r the editorial side of The Daily
re given their first insight into
e inner workings of the student
wspaper yesterday at the Press: Vote of Confidence Denied New
ilding. They were introduced to French Socialist Cabinet
raining system that will educate by Small Margin.
Pm rinrinn.th e w x e u bwS Mrgcn.


Levels of Occu
Uncovered in /
City of Selu



Tryouts for other publicationsE
Stanton Todd Named Chairman Discoveries Include Parchment, also are reporting this week. Fresh- Tardieu May be Called Back as
of Fresh Air Camp Drive Pottery, Coins and men desiring to work on the wom- Premier by President
Campus. ewels. en's staff of The Daily editorial will Doumergue.
oreport at 4:15 o'clock this after-
I comlete histhir andnoon, while the tryouts for the (yAscae r's
Unanilmous approval of the plans Having completed his third and bsns sd fth agylvilm Assoiated Prse ,i
r.^.avotingssu sao o xavt business side of the Gargoyle will PARIS, France, Feb. 25-France'sI
providing for a merit system of the report at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow aft-
organization of the Student Chris- ing at Selucia, Prof. LeRoy Water- ernoon at the Press building on don tefeat todaymat isrt
tman, of the Semetics department, Maynard street. down to defeat today at its first
tian association was expressed by returned yesterday to resume his Freshmen on the editorial side appearance before the Chamber of
the advisory Cabinet at its meetng .teaching duties in the Unversity of The Daily have been divided in- Deputies amid a bitter attack from
last evening. The proposal which He has been absent on leave since to two divisins, one of which will th ti
was drawn up and submitted by gsta t return to the work Monday, Wednesday, and Fri- Premier Camile (hautemps, -
the Reorganization committee is to At the head of a joint expedition day, and the other on the rema- spite his pleas that it was import-
be in the nature of an enactment jo^At the hiedof aon epedo ing week days. These divisions are ant for France to send a delegation
in the By-Laws of the association. ! ..!.. of the University and the Toledo i in turn divided into three sections, ackfo rac to ndavdlalonr
Under the new plan advance-. (Museum of Art, Professor Water- which will be rotated each week, back to the London naval confer-!
ment will be on a strictly merit man has been superintending the so that the tryouts may obtain in ence quickly, was beaten on the
basis with the Board of Control.ap- digging on the site of the ancient timate instructions in the several crucial vote of confidence by a mar-
pointing, at the end of each year, city of Selucia, twenty miles below phases of newspaper work, gin of twelve votes, 289 to 277.
andBagdad on the Tigris river. Dur- Freshmen wishing to try out for Deputies Cheer Tardieu.
theo president, secretaryeandscom-
mittee chairman of the association.,- ing the last season of work, five the editorial side of The Dailywho For the third time in the istory
This is expected to result in greater! levels of occupation were uncover- did not report yesterday must sign of the Third Republic, the Cham-
efficiency and interest i'n the work-: Joe Tiuskowski ed and many objects, the exact up anytime this week with Donald ber refused to give the incoming
ings of the association. J value of which is yet unknown, J. Kline, '30, news editor. ministry a chance, and after cheer-
Student-Trustee Board. Michigan center, who led the were discovered. ing former Premier Tardieu on his
Maize and Blue scoring in the Chi- Use New Type of Map. entrance, taunted M. Chautemps
plan will consist of a Board of Con- Inaugurating a new method in Th nga dt dwE K
trol composed of the chairman of points. He accounted for four field archaeological excavation, a mosa- 111T !!- " his predecessor in order to "give the
the ~~~~~goals and four baskets from the. o aigcue h onalo
the Board of Trustees, the chair- foulslikr tic map of airplane pictures was L Radical Socialist party a chance to
man of the Camp committee, the ne used to locate the valuable sites., get government portfolios."
and three students nominated from city. Buildings and streets were:UUN night was that Andre Tardieu or
the Cabinet and elected on the bal- . I "LLUI L VEJ'visible in places where no traces Aristide Briand would be called by
lot of the spring elections. ( could be seen from the ground. It Eaton and Hollister Featured President Doumergue to form a new
The second detail of the plan is fIwas as a result of this that one of on Michigan Saturday government.
the creation of a "representative" the most important finds was made. M. Briand, however, already has
Cabinet to be appointed by the H]l1 U IUtAn ancient Parthian palace was un- Night Broadcast made known his disinclination t{
President and to include represen-r covered on the first level of occupa- 'accept the premiership in any
tatives from all rel gious activities To Renew Free List Aruments; tion. This great edifice was 450 feet, BAND TO OFFER MUSIC government, though willing to take
of Ann Arbor in addition to the long and 250 feet wide. Its chief the post of minister of Foreign Af-
chairman of the five major com- Will Debate Oil Tariff importance lies in the fact that the Dr. Max Peet, professor of surI- fairs.
mittees, Open Forum, Interna- Question Friday. Parthians were not believed to have ery in the Medial school; Prof. Former Premier Tardieu, there-
tional, Convocations, Student Rela- !built on this site. ; John W. Eaton, head of the Ger- fore, appears to have an excellent
tions, and Forum. y this arrange- NINE CHANGES ADOPTED One of the salient finds was thei man department;..and Prof. Rich- chance of going back as premier
want the many religios organi a- discovery of small parchments on, ard Hollistet of the speech depart- pbefore the Chamber that aefeated
tions in the University will find a (By Associated Pre) the level of the Babylonian city. ment will be featured on. the him by 5 votes a week ago.
means of expression through the { WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 - The These were found sealed in pottery, twenty-third Michigan Night radio Excitement Plentiful.
Student Christian association. This Senate completed action today on jars but as yet they cannot be un- program to be broadcast Saturday The voting took place amid
body will operate toward a coordi- virtually all individual amend- done and deciphered. Other dis- night from the Morris hall studio, great excitement from inside and
nation of activity thus resulting in ments to the tariff bill rate section coveries included the usual run of according to Prof. Waldo Abbot, in outside the Palas-Bourbon, where
maximum service to student life on and paved the way for a renewal i pottery and coins and small figures charge of the campus station. the Chamber sits.
the campus. rao elsowihadtoanlrePrha
h Sek. Tyotq tomorrow of many major contests of Greek and Parthian origin. In Dr. Peet spoke not long ago on I The balloting was' carefully
Seek irde Tryotse over articles on the free list, which addition, a large quantity of in- skull fractures, and his talk re- checked for nearly an hour while.
The third detail of the plan I certain Senators would make du- scribed material, some of which ( ceived such widespread acclaim the Chamber and the lobbies seeth-
which provides for a salary for the t'tiable .1 is thought to be very important, that he will come back on the air ed with excitement. Until the last
president, secretary, and commit-Cfo d to discuss fractures of the spine. minute many deputies hoped the
tee chairmaniso expectedo to provre committee announfed after the w Uncover 40 Graves. Professor Eaton will give a talk on official recount would gve Premier
an attractio to try oue day's session that he expected the More than 40 graves were cleared "German Literature," and Profes- Chautemps enough votes to slip
students are expected to try out free list to be reached tomorrow and registered and these yielded a sor Hollister will inaugurate a new through and thus permit France
for committee positions this se- and that previous votes denying large quantity of jewelry, precitous feature by giving a number of read- to send a delegation to the naval
mester than in the past, since op-d on hides, leathershoesand semi-precious stones and pot- ngs. conference in London tomorrow.
offeredT for advancement will be shingles, and lumber, would be tery. One large, vaulted tomb was Music for this program will be
offered. The boardofControlin opened to reconsideration then i- found but it had been rifled with furnished by the University bandG
retary will select students who have stead of waiting for the bill to be the exception of one grave.dSomthe bandadanstructodirecto oT CAPTAIN
served as committee chairmen. returned to the Senate from the of the best ornaments were isco instruments in the School of Mu-
With this plan in effect the posi- committee on the whole. ered in this vault. W__ic,_orinypremententnumberhw ,"a Pfrr-esl
tion of presidency will be removed CAn agreement was reached dur- "The work, said Professor ta sc silps.rChapman to Address Freshmen
from the ballot in the annual ing the day to consider on Friday terman, "was successful and the; Nextweek'sroram to be given Tonight at Union.
spri'ng elections. proposals for a tariff on crude oil finds good. The levels of occupa- March 8 at the regular 7:30 to 8:30
In addition to passing the merit and refined petroleum products, in-I tion were defined with much more hour will include as its speakers, Robert Chapman, '30, captai of
system, the Cabinet approved the cluding gasoline, which are advo- i accuracy and we know better, now, .H the Varsity basketball team, will
Gae yito o rce wt h xava- rof. Joseph R. Hayden of the po- h ast aktaltawl
selection of Stanton W. Todd, Jr., Icated by idependent oil produc- how to proceed with the eca- litical science department;, Prof. talk to the six groups of freshmen
'30, as chairman of the Fresh Air ers. These commodities are now tions." Laylin K. James, of the Law who will meet at 7:15 o'clock to-
Drive by John E. Webster, '30, pres- I on the free list. School; Prof. Lewis D. Ramsdell of night in the Union for the purpose
Ident of the, association. Nine amendments to the silk, pa- Shy-System Rumors, the mineralogy department; and of organizing for the Union's an-
pars and books, and sundries sched- SystRms Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineer- nual all-freshmen basketball tour-.
BRIDGE TOURNEY ules were adopted today and two Threatening Letters ing college. Music will be present- nament which will be played off
were rejected. ed by the School of Music Sym- next week.
BEGINS AT UNION Disturb Law-Makers phony orchestra under the direc- The same group divisions which
Gardner Will Address tion of Prof. Samuel P. Lockwood. were made for the fall games will
Will Follow Rules of American prevail for the tournament. Groups
r AeronautWcalASocIeNGTO . .CFeb.25.- 'The B' Swill meet in rooms 302-4-6 and 317-
Whist Club of New York. WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 25. he Bride Selected 19-21 on the third floor of the n-
Capt. Greandison Gardner, sec- Threatening letters, ransacking of for Mimes Production ion. t
First round play in the Inter- ond in command of the aero-dy-- some offices, and rumors of p At the all-freshmen class ban-
fraternity bridge tournament is namics branch of the Wright field are giving the Senate some laughs E. Mortimer Shuter, director of quet which will be held at the Un-
progressing rapidly, according to air corps at Dayton, Ohio, will ad- and some slight nervousness, while4Mimes plays, announced that the 'ion later in the spring, bronze
James E. Thayer, '30, chairman of dress a meeting of the Aeronautical the leaders are not permiig next production would be "The medals will be awarded to the
the committee in charge. society at 7:30 o'clock this evening i matter to worry them. Biide," by Stuart Oliver and George members of the team w'nning the
Due to the fact that some ques- in room 348 west engineering The threatening letters are not; Middleton tournament.
tion has arisen as' to the rules gov- building. Capt. Garner, who is ex- I new to most of the veterans of _-.__....__.._._____
erning the tournament, Thayer pected to fly here from the mili- + public life but the receipt recently
stated that- the rules to be followed tary airport in Ohio, will discuss of these warning epistles by several SCHOENEMANN DISCUSSES PRESENT
are those used by the American activities at Wright field. senators has created a little alarm.UNIVERSITY PROBLEMS IN GERMANY
'Whist club of New York. No re- _________ The letters are not all alike. OneUN ER TYP OBMSI G R A Y
doubling of already doubled bids ALIENS OUSTED in particular warned Senator Cope-i
Will be allowed and the match land, Democrat, New York, to stayi Says Affect of World War Not and mass education. The univer-
winners will be determined by FROM PAYROLL away from the Senate for a couple as Great as People Believe. sities have to depend upon state
three out of five rubbers. The win-'_ of weeks. - ____funds, which is one of their biggest
Hers of each individual rubber will Drit Co l ApBan s ior the "spies being around German University Problems of faults. The German university is
be determined by the high total the Capitol, Senator Watson, of(Today" was the subject of a lecture ;;9peculiar institution in that it is
of points including both game and on Alien Employment. Indiana, the Republican leader, given by Professr Frederick Sche- insecure. The changes in the ad-
hono poits. sai tody ater ome nquiy tht Inemann Head of the Amrerian Di-, ministration of the Minister of Ed- ,

Due to the fact that some ques- E (By Associated Pre) Dr "there is nothing to it at all." 'c m
D DETROIT, Feb. 25-The Detroit There were rumors of prohibition vision of English Seminars at the ucation affects the policies of the
tion has arisen as to the rules gov- .i'a a Thes" and of rtb ion University of Berlin, in Angell Hall universities. The universities should
erning the tournament, Thayer Council in committee today passed " and of a counter espionage be kept out of politics.
stated that the rules to be followed a resolution ordering that all aliens system by Senators. All were yesterdayd e Ip out of mlts"n
ar hs sdb h mrcnbe cut from City payrolls.I dnhed World War did not affect the: In speaking of mass education,
Whist club of New York. No re- The step was taken on a motion Butthere was some evidence of German universities as much as Prof. Schoenemann said, "We suf-
doubliung of already doubled bids of councilman Robert G. Ewald, as activity by the secret service. The most people think, according to I fer in the same way you do from
will be allowed and the match in- a measure to relieve unemploy- threatening or warning letters have Prof. Schoenemann. The main ef- that grand experiment democracy.
ners will be determined by three ment.Councilman Ewald told the been turned over to Attorney Gen- I feet of the war was to arouse a Democracy brings in questions of
couci "thearmytomfnudebylohed Mitclpopular interest in education, religion and politics to the univer-
out of five rubbers. council 'the army of unemnploye eral Mitchell. p ar. ,-a ,., ,stipe Thpnni.+ n hin

Veenkermen Play Slow Brand of Ball in First
Half; Misplays and Penalties Mark
Second Period.
V b'dward L.I Warnor.
leaded for no place in particular unless it be last place in the Con-
ference standings, Chicago dropped a 30-15 game tM ichigans cagers
last night at Vost field house. The contest was marked by mediocre play
on both sides. but it boosted the Wolverines into a tie with Wisconsin for
second place in the Flig Ten court race.
Joe Truskowski led the NMaize and Blue in scoring with four field
goats~ and a like nunmber of free throws. I le was followed b LillOrig
with three baskets andl two from the foul line. Together this pair ac-
counted for 20 of Michigan's 30 points. Marshall Fish was high pint
man for the visitors with only five points. lie also contributel the best
piece of floor work for the M\Iaroons.
Coach Veenker's charges played a slow brand of basketball during
the first half, but they took advantage of most of their scoring oppor-
-- - - Iumities on breaks for the 'basket.
, The half ended with \lichigan 0mn
'T'RYOUTS FOR UNION. th ngn fan 8- con
All tryouts for committee po- the long en- of an 18-9 count.
sitions in the Union will meet in During the second half, however,
the Student offices on the third play degenerated into a series of
floor of the Union at 4 o'clock misplays and penalties with much
this afternoon. Kenneth M. inaccurate shooting on the part of
Lloyd, '32L, president, and mem- the Wolverines.
bers of the various departments Chicago Leads but Once.
will outline the organization of Fish gave Chicago its only lead
the Union and explain the func- Fish gave Cha it nk ad
tions of the various departments. of the game when he sank a dg
sspshot shortly after the opening
whistle. Norm Daniels tied it up
--______on a short one after a pass from
Weiss. Then "Truck" went on a
1scoring rampage, scoring three
baskets and two free throws to
give his teammates a 10-4 advan-
f r ~tage. Two of, Joe's shots were= of
IY CONVOCATIONSthe "impossible" variety which he
caged with his back to the basket.
After this the Maroon guards
1 Five Outstanding Theologians watched "Truck" more closely, and
to Spcak Here Duing several free throws resulted for
the Wolverine. Although he had
Rest of -w at least a half ofhopen .re
apossile" shots during theremain
WESLEYAN GUILD AIDS der of 'the game, only one of them,
(a one-handed attempt, found the
Religious convocati'ons featuring meshes.
addresses by o'utstanding men in Play' lagged until the closing
the theological field will be spon- minutes of the first period, when
the onhveocgcasionsdBill Orwig undertook a scoring
sored on five occasions during the spree of his own. He caged three
present semester, by the Student dog shots in a many minutes, tak-
Christian association, through the I ing passes from Truskowski and
courtesy of the Wesleyan Guild jWeiss to drop the ball through the
corporation, it was announced yes- OOp This raised tMichigan
teray y Hrle Kine '3, wo i iscore from 14 to 18 points, Chicago
ierday by Harley Kline, '30, who is having tallied seven. Paul Steph-
in charge of the services for the as- E enson, heralded hero of his team's
sociation. surprise victory over Wisconsin
The convocations are a part of: last week, connected for his only
the program conducted b the as- basket of thetgame when he sank
sociation to increase interest in re-ashrontoccldCiag'
first half scoring.
ligion and to bring to the under- Mispays Numerous.
graduate body .a solution to the The second half was a succes-
ethical and moral problems as sion of bad passes, fouls 'and out-
vewed by nationally known men. Iside plays with Michigan missinG
The speakers are being broughtmany close-in shots. Play was
under e enryMtin Lroud mostly in Chicago territory. Two
here under the Henry MartnLoud free throws apiece by Orwig and
endowment fund administered by Truskowski, and baskets by Chap-
the Wesleyan Guild of the First. man, Weiss, and "Truck" ran the
Methodist church of Ann Arbo.;Wolverine score to 28 points while
Arrangements fr the services areFish's charity shot was Chicago's
being made by the Student Chris- only counter. Changnon counted
tian association. All convocations on a foul throw and Boesl followed
will be held in Hill auditorium, ac-;up his missed free throw with a
cordn g te presra planned will basket to make it 28-13. Chapman
be in cooperation with the School caged a dog shot and then Fish
of Religion. Conrad Mailman, of'iconcluded the festivities with a
ochester wiigelivn. Cewonrk, m long one from side court, Kanitz
Rochester, New York, will delive3 and Lovell both caw service as
a series of lectures on Puritanism
during the last week in April and substitutes, but neither contribute
(t~ the inns

he has consented to address the 4 " sU MMARE.
student body generally at a Sunday M SUM()R IES.
evening convocation, April 27. D Michin(30) f . ft. pftp.
The convocations held through Daniels, rf.. ..... 0 3 2
the courtesy of the Wesleyan Guild ' -Weiss,' f.- .........1 0l 1 2
will have as speakers, the Rev. Dr. Truskowski, c .......4 4 1 12
Harry F. Ward, of the Union The- Chapman, lg.........3 0 0 6
ological seminary, New York, Orwig, rg.........3 2 3 3
March 9, Rabbi Leo Franklin, of the !Kantz, rf.........0 0 1 -0
Temple Beth El, Detroit, Mlarch 23, Lovell, If......0 0 0 0
Prof. John Duxbury, an eminent T
(Continued on Page 8)> Totals..........12 6 9 30
Chicago (15) fg. ft. pf. tp.
Bromage Will A ddress jAnderson. rf.........1 0 0 2
g Changnon, lf... .,.,..0 1 3 1
Adelphi Open Meeting Boesl, c. ........ ......2 0 1 4
Fish, lg. . .. . . .. .. 2 1 3 5
Freshmen Interested in Debate Are !Ashley, rg. ..........0 1 1 1
Especially Invited. Stephenson, rf.,....1 0 0 . 2
Temple, lg. ... ......0 0 0 0
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage, of the
political science department, will be' Totals .. . ..... ....6 3 8 15
the principal speaker of the eve- Officials: Getchel and Feezle.
ning at an all-campus smoker I
sponsored by the Adelphi House of CONFERENCE CAGE
Representatives, at 7:30 o'clock, to- STANDINGS
night in the Adelphi room on the
fourth floor of Anoell hall All who

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