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February 27, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-02-27

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Accrediting, Inspecting
Will Be Under One
Memorial Trees Will
Be Planted for
By George A. Stauter
The Board of Regents yester-
day approved a revision in the
accrediting system of the Uni-
versity which, proponents of the
plan believe, will provide a means

Soldiers Battle Behind Barricades in Chapei

of unified contact between the
University and educational insti-
tutions of the state and at the
same time enable the University
to exercise constructive leader-
ship in the state's educational
Along with this action, the Re-
gents gave their approval to the
February list of graauates, approx-
imately 190 in six schools and col-
leges. Of this ,total, the Graduate
School had 95, almost twice the
number, 50, graduated from the
Literary College. The number of
other graduates were: College of
Engineering, 32; School of Forestry
and Conservation, 6; the School of
Music, 4; School of Dentistry, 2;
School of Architecture, 1. In addi--
tion, 26 teacher's certificates were
granted and approved.
Approve Tree Planting.
Approval of the revised accredit-
ing system was the principal item
to come before the Regents. They
gave their assent to a number of
other matters, however, chief of
~. fi as,the plairairg of Wsh-
inton Memorilal trees under the
direction of the School of Forestry
and Conservation.
From the funds of the $200,00
George Lathrop Pack Foundation,
A list of the February grad-
uates in all schools and colleges
of the University, approved yes-
terday by the Board of Regents,
will be found on page 6 of to-
day's issue of The Daily.
a grove of 1,500 trees has been
planted on the Stinchfield farm
near Dexter, while at the biological
station at Lake Douglas in the tip
of the lower peninsula, 12 acres
have been set aside for this pur-
Under the new accrediting sys-
tem, the revision of which was pro-
posed by the committee on educa-
tional policies, the University com-
mittee on accredited schools and
the committee on inspection of,
junior. colleges are discontinued.
They are replaced by one central
committee, the committee on co-
operation with educational institu-
tions, and two subcommittees, the
committee on relations with sec-
ondary schools and the committee
on relations with institutions of
higher education. The two com-
mittees discontinued had previous-
ly directed the work of accrediting
and inspecting schools.
Division Made Bureau.
The personnel of the central
committee will be composed of the
vice-president of the University in
charge of educational investiga-
_tions; the registrar of the Univer-
sity; the state superintendent o
public instruction or his designated
representative; the chairmen of
the subcommittees; and the four
members appointed by the Presi-
dent for terms of three years (ex-
cept initial appointments, which
will be two for two years and two
for three years). The chairman of
the central committee will be elect-
ed annually by the members.
The division of University inspec-
tion of high schools wil be retained
but renamed the bureau of co-oper-
ation with educational institutions.
Its staff and facilities will be made
available to the central and sub-I
committees, and the director of the
bureau will serve as ex officio secre-
tary of the three committees.
The value of the plan, it is un-
derstood, lies in the fact that the
central committee will bring about
co-operation with all educational
institutions of the state in the de-

Jajyanese troops are shown here fighting behind hastily erected barricades in the Char
These simplified fortifications were necessary to hold their positions against the Chinese.


to Go Into Action
SET Dy CA To day;3t Home
Englishman Breaks 5 Kilometer, Seven Varsity teams will swing
Kdinto action today in the biggest
1.0Kilometesr and 5 Mile sports day since the start of the
Speed Records. year. Three of these teams will be
seen in Ann Arbor, while four will
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., Feb. 26 take to the road.
-(fP)--Sir Malcolm Campbell, of Headlining the Ann Arbor bill is
England, drove his 12-cylinder the swimming meet with Minne-
B.uebird racing car to new world's sota at the Intramural pool and
ebrd rcinds cr tovew koerd the hockey game with. Marquette,
speed records for ive kilometers,> which will be held at the Coliseum.
five miles and 10 kilometers on the I The Michigan gymnastics team will
Ocean Speedway her today. also appear here against Minne-
He raced twice over the course sota.
to hang up new records of 242.751 Coach Cappon's basketball quin-
miles an hour for five miles; 247.941 tet will be on the road for its see-
over five kilometers and 238.669 for ond game with Iowa, to be held at
10 kilometers. .le formerly held the Iowa City. Mea nwhile the track-.
records for five kilometers at 241.569 men under Coach Hoyt will be
miles an hour and for five miles at completing in their first meet of
211.491. The old record for 10 kilo- the season at Chicago, against the
meters was 152.9 miles an -hour, set University of Chicago. The wrest-
by M. Borzacchini at Cremone ling team will see action at Ohio
Italy, Sept. 28, 1929. ' State, while the fencers will engage
in a quadrangular meet with the
On his twoguns today Campbell Northwestern, Chicago, and Illinois
failed by 2.220 miles an hour of teams at Chicag do.
equalling his own run of 253.968 for ___s__ Chicag_. _
a mile. He was clocked for that dis- -------T--- I
tance today at 251.748.
Burglars Enter Theta
Kappa Na Fraternity STAFF IS CHOSEN
Burglars entered the Theta Kap-
pa Nu fraternity early yesterday Richard N. Cogger, '33E, has been
morning and escaped with about appointed managing editor of the
$25 in cash and a few pens and Michigan Technic for the coming
pencils collected from a half-dozen year. The two other members of
of the sleeping occupants. They the board of publication are Har-
also smashed the windows of a Ford old G. Seamans, '33E, associate edi-
coupe belonging to Stanley G. Red- tor, and DeElton J. Carr, '33E, busi-
fern and backed the car a block ness manager.
down the street, but-were apparent- These appointments were an-
ly unable to get the motor started. nounced at a banquet held this
Nothing was taken from the car. week at the Union. Other members
------- of the upper staff are Stanley Kil-
Mic i an Women Lose lian, '34E, publication; A. J. Brog-
gmni, alumni editor; W. J. Bird, '32E,
Debate to Hoosiers articles editor; Francis Palms, Jr.,
'33A, architecture editor; A. H.
The Michigan women's debating Messing, '34A, art editor; John E.
team lost Thursday night to the Ohlson, '32E, college notes editor;
women's debating team of the Uni- G. L. Saunders, '34E, accounts; C. D.
versity of Indiana on the India Fiero, '34E, circulation; and F. E.,
question. Prof. Claude Seiffert, of Magel, '33E, sales and advertising.
the speech department at Butler These new officers will assume,
University, acted as judge. control immediately.

Relates Incidents to Illustrate
His Care for Authenticity,
Attention to Detail.
Countess Alexandra Tolstoy, In
the lecture she delivered before aj
capacity audience yesterday after-j
noon in Natural Science auditori-
um, explained that the fundamen-
tal precept followed by her father,
Leo Tolstoy, in writing was that
"The aim of all art is to transmit
to the people the best and loftiest
thoughts of mankind."
A series of incidents was related
by Countess Tolstoy to illustrate the
meticulous ,ae for authenticity
and minute attention to detail
which were exercised by her father
in the preparation of everything lie
wrote. Frequent and careful revis-
ion of everything that came from his
pen was his rule.
Axiomatic with Tolstoy, t h e
Couitess declared, were his beliefs
to the effect that One must dis-
miss forever the idea of writing
anything well at the first attempt,"
and "No addition can so well im-
prove a manuscript as those made
with the blue pencil of correction."
According to Countess Tolstoy
her father enjoyed both the Amer-
ican literature that was written in
his lifetime and that which had
been written before. The Countess
doubted, however, if very much of
the literature that is being written
throughout the world today would
be very favorably viewed by Tolstoy.
ArnnArbor Is Wet
i ?Digest Balloting
Ann Arbor cast 1,067 votes
against prohibition and 500 for
in the Literary Digest poll, it was
learned from the Digest radio
program last night.
President Says Education Budget
Should Not Be Cut During
Present Conditions.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26- (P) -
President hoover has placed his
emphatic support at the disposal of
educational groups fighting curtail-
ment of school funds during the
present period of economic distress.
The President expressed his views
in a brief letter to the department
of superintendence of the National
Education association at the close
of its convention here Thursday.
"However, the national economy
may vary on whatever fiscal ad-
justments may need to be made,"
he wrote, "the very first obligation
upon the national resources is the
undiminished financial support of
the public schools. We cannot af-
ord to lose any ground. That is
neither economy nor good govern.-

To Be Teams' Second Encounter;
Two Men Will Make Their
Last Road Trip.
Wolverines Will Fight Hard to
Equal Last Season's Mark
of 8 Victories.
fy Sheldon C. Fullerton
For the last time this season
Michigan's basketball quintet will
take the road, when it meets Iowa's
lowly Hawkeyes at Iowa City to-
night, in the second game of the
year between the two teams.
Fighting to equal its record of
last season, when it won eight vic-
toris against four defeats, the
Wolverine basketeers will be forced
to overthrow the Hawkeyes tonight
to realize their ambitions.
Since the two reverses suffered
last week-end at the hands of Illi-
nois and Northwestern , brought
their total games lost to four, the
Maize and Blue cagers will have to
down the Iowans, and then return
to Ann Arbor to gain victories over
Wisconsin and Ohio State in order
to remain near the top of the Con-
Iowa May Be Better.
Iowa may be a different proposi-
tion tonight than they were at Ann
Arbor just after the start of the
second semester. For half of the
first period in that game the Hawk-
eyes held the Wolverines on even
terms, but a swift and accurate
assault on the basket by the Maize
and Blue sharp-shooters sent the
score soaring in their favor. The
final outcome of that game was a
40-22 decision for the Michigan
Norm Daniels ani hank Weiss,
two of the sturdy veterans of Wolv-
erine teams for the past three
seasons, will-be playing theii last
road games for Michigan against
the Iowans. Daniels will be watched
with considerable interest, as his
showing tonight at Iowa City may
determine to a large extent just
how large his chances of landing
the Western Conference scoring
leadership really are.
Daniels at Forward.
Daniels will start in his regular
berth at forward along with Whitey
Eveland. The remainder of the
Michigan lineup will also remain
intact, with Garner jumping center,
and Weiss and Williamson compris-
ing the defense duo. Wilamson
had also had a great season from
a scoring viewpoint, his point total
for the year far exceeding his mark
of last season.
Iowa's attack will be moulded
around Howard Moffitt, sensational]
sophomore scoring star. Moffitt was
stopped dead by Williamson in the
first Iowa clash, and if the Wolv-
erine guard can perform the trick
again a large part of the Hawkeye
threat will have been removed.
Bennett, at center, is another
Iowan that will bear watching.
Physics Men to Open
Meeting Here Today
Addresses by Professors Walter
F. Colby and N. H. Williams of the
Physics department and Mr. Rev-
ans, commonwealth fellow from
Cambridge university, England, will

feature the winter meeting of the
State Teachers of College Physics
which opens at 10:45 this morning
in the East Physics laboratory.
Professor Colby will deliver the
first address on "The Corpuscular
and Wave Theories of Light," at
10:45. At 11:25, Mr. Revans will
speak on "A Simple Theory of the
Variable Star," explaining one of
the outstanding problems of astro-
physics in the light of his own re-
searches on oscillating arcs.
Lunch at the League will be fol-
lowed with a talk by Dr. J. D. Bruce,
new vice-president of the Univer-
sity in charge of University rela-
tions. The afternoon will be given
over to visiting and to the inspec-
tion of the researches in the East
Physics laboratory.
Sale of Comedy Seats
Will Continue Today
Box office seat sale for Comedy
club's "Anthony and Anna" will
continue today for the final per-
formance which will be given to- I

(Hy Glee Assoiaed Press)
Confronted with a threat by the
Japanese to bottle up Kiangwan,
the Chinese made a quick short
thrust in the darkness of early Sat-
urday and took Miaochangchen,
northwest of the bitterly contested
Kiangwan. They held on to Kiang-
wan, too.
Shortly before daylight,sChinese
batteries within Chapei started a
heavy shelling ,of the Japanese po-
sitions. The Japanese guns re-
sponded but they did not send over
nearly as many shells as were com-
ing at them from the enemy lines.
Further to the north, however,
the Japanese were more active. At
7:30 a. m. they started a severe
bombardment on the Kiangwan
Reinforeements Arriving.
The North China Daily News
printed reports that Japanese re--
inforcements were arriving today.
The 11th division would get here
first, the paper said, to be followed
by the 14th, while three additional
divisions are mobilizing in Japan.
The Japanese forces here soon will
be the largest foreign army ever to
set foot on Chinese soil, the Daily
News asserted.
Commenting on the widespread
report that heavy reinforcements
were nearby, an official Japanese
spokesman said it would be "two or
three days before they arrived."
The Japanese promised a big of-
fensive next week, using bottleneck
tactics on Kiangwan, Chapei andt
Soviets Draw Attention.
Meanwhile, the Siberian border
d r e w attention internationally
when the Soviet government told
Japan that White Russians were
being supported and protected in
Manchuria by the Japanese. Russia
demanded an explanation and also
asked what was going on in Man-
churia and wanted a description of
the new Manchurian government.
The United States, Italy, Great
Britain and France asked Japan to
move h e r arships from. ;the
Whangpoo river in front of the in-
ternational settlement, and urged
that no more Japanese troops b
landed in the settlement.
To Stop Notes to China
moratorium on notewriting to Chi-
na and Japan concerning their con-
flict in the Far East was declared
today by Secretary Stimson.
After a protracted conferece
with President Hoover at the end
of a day of closely watching de--
velopments in the Orient, the Sec-
retary of State declare indirectly
the administration felt the Ameri-
can position needed no further ex-
position. He issued a detailed sum-
mary of policy Wednesday.
As Stimson left the White House
he told newspapermen that his con-
ference with the Chief Executive
had centered upon the situation at
Heavy Rains, High Temperature
Cause Heavy Torrents in !
SEATTLE, Feb. 26.- (') -Un--l
loosened by heavy rains and high=
temperatures, flood and avalanche
took at least five lives in Washing-
ton state today and four yesterday.x
Five persons are missing,.
George Johnson and his son,
Gusta, 10, died when a natural
dam broke in High Point Canyon,
east of here, sending a 60-feet tor-
rent of water, rock and trees down
the gorge against their home.

Two persons were killed and fivel
were missing late today in an ava-
lanche at Edgewick, a small town
in central King county. An appeal
for rescue workers was made after
three bodies had been recovered
from the snow and debris.
The bodies of four men, buried
when an avalanche of snow roar-
ed down the precipitous side of1
Diablo canyon in eastern Skagit
county yesterday, were still sought.
Digging parties were threatened
throughout the day by smaller
slides and huge boulders tumbling
upon them.
St. Thomas Five Wins

China Starts
Attack Upon
Japan Forcel

Only Score of Evening
Gives Margin Over
Sensational Stops by
Tompson Put 34
Shots Aside.
By John W. Thomas
Keith Crossman worked the
puck through Marquette's de-
fense, drew out goalie Tompson,
and quickly passed to George
David who easily pushed the puck
into the cage to beat Marquette
last night, 1 to 0 on the Coliseum
Michigan scored its lone goal
in the middle of the first period,
but goalie Tompson made several
sensational stops to push asi4e
34 shots while Tompkins was
called on to save only 16.
The Wolverines kept up a barrage
of shots in the first two periods,
keeping the visitors on the defen-
sive most of the time. Reid and
Crossman worked their clever pass-
ing attack to the utmost in order
to enlarge their score, but were kept
from tallying by the steady def e-
sive work of Tompson, who was
easily the outstanding player.
Coach Lowrey juggled his lineup
and two available reserves to give
Michigan a winning sextet. Bi91
Williams and Joe Frumkes were or-.
dered to bed with serious colds im.
The second game of the
Michigan - Marquette hockey
series will be held over to 8:30
o'clock 'tolgbt on : .coirt of
the swiming meet.
mediately before the match. Ted
Chapman played the best defensive
game of his career and made up in
part for the absence of the season-
ed Williams. Jeff Porte also gave a
brilliant exhibition of body check-
ing, but didn't make up for the loss
of Williams.
Michigan passed well and broke
into the danger zone many times,
but could not score. David's goal
climaxed a long series of dashes
down the ice to Marquette's goal,
but Michigan could not score again
although out-maneuvering the d-
fense practically at will.
In the second period Tompson
stopped several Michigan shots by
stretching out on the ice. Crossman
and Reid worked the puck through
the defense and' Reid lofted it In
order to get it over the out-stretch*,
ed form of Tompson, but the disI
hit the iron bar on top of the cage
and rolled over. This was Mich-
igan's only good chance to score
again in the whole game as Tomp-
son gave one of the most brilliant
demonstrations o f goal-tending
seen on the Coliseum ice in several
years. He is the only newcomer on
the Marquette team.
Michigan Line Holds.
In the third session Marquette
started a series of drives at the
Wolverine cage to score just once
in an effort to tie the score. The
little-substituted front line of Reid,
Crossman and David were tiring
quickly but Chapman and Porte

carried the brunt of the attacks
and Tompkins stopped 10 shots a-
Marquette used eight spares to
Michigan's two and wore down the
Wolverines in the later stages of
the contest.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-(1P)-In
an effort to plug loopholes in fed-
eral criminal procedure and to close
breaches in the bankruptcy laws,
President Hoover anounced today
he would submit a new special mes-
sage to Congress early next week.
The document--long awaited as
his special law enforcement mes-
sage-will contain a long list of
hoped-for reforms, aimed princi-
pally at creating deterrents to
crime through speeding criminal
trials and appeals and at the sav-
ing of millions now lost by both
bankrupts and creditors.
The President today cited orally
to newspapermnen some of the
methods designed to diminish the
ease with which certain gangsters
and others had escaped justice
through the employment of clever
criminal lawyers.
He is known to feel that the Uni-

by grand juries if they wish to
plead guilty.
2. Elimination of technicalities
in the makeup of grand juries;
3. Simplification of the procedure
in district courts;
4. Rightening of statutes con-
cerning criminal appeals to higher
rhe President asserted the com-
mon purpose of these suggestions
was "to expedite criminal trials and
appeals and thus add a deterrent to
crime by diminishing technicalities
of which convicted persons can
take advantage to produce long de-
In still a further move, the Pres-
ident said he would recommend the
addition of new federal judges to
relieve c(ongestions and the simpli-
fication of certain questions per-
taining to the diversity of citizen-
ship in the federal courts.


Michigan (1)


Marquette (0)

Michigan spares: Artz, Coventry.
Marquette spares: Vickery, McIn-
tyre, Kircher, Wettlaufer, Peterson,
MacDonald, Finkbeinder, Hood.
Referee, Foxx, Ottawa.
First Period: Scoring, 1, David
(Crossman) 12:35. Penalty, Nichol-
son. Michigan saves, 5; Marquette,
Second Period: Scoring, none;
Penalty, Nicholson. Saves, Mich-
igan, 1; Marquette, 11.

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