VARSITY ACES PIL Michigan Seeks Lead _i
Michigan Wins First and Second INEVNSTON MEET
in EeryEvent From Weak
Schmieler Takes Scoring Honors
With Two Firsts; Kennedy
Also Stars.
By J. Cullen Kennedy
Michigan State's swimmers bow-
ed before a superior Wolverine
squad last night inthe Intramural
pool by a score of 62-13. The pow-
erful Michigan natators swamped
the Spartans by carrying off first
and second honors in every event,
with no Wolverine finishing behind
a State swimmer.
Schmieler was the high point-
getter for the Matt Mann coached
team, winning a pair of firsts, to
give him a total of 10 points for the
meet. Kennedy, another Wolverine
sophomore, grabbed off a first in
the 220 free style swim as well as
swimming in the lead off position
on the 400 yard relay team.
Craig, veteran S p a r t a n back
stroker and sprinter, was the only
State man who approached the
Wolverine class. Craig swam a good
race in the 150 yard back stroke,
but had to be satisfied with a third,
being beaten by Schmieler and
Captain Valentine of the Michigan
team. The Spartan veteran also
took part in the 400 yard and med-
ley relays.
The fast swimming quartet of
Kennedy, Marcus, Smith; a n d
Klintworth walked away with the
400 yard relay event, winning by
three lengths of the pool in a time
of 3:42 3-5 seconds. Clark, Craig,
Tate, and Schauble composed the
Spartan team. Schauble picking up
a few yards in the final lap, but
still losing the race by an enormous
Schmiler's time of 2:35 1-5 in
the 200 yard breast stroke race was
one of the outstanding features o
the meet. Miller finished four yards
behind him and Snyder, of Michi-
gan State, finished third.
Fenske Wins Sprint.
The most thrilling race of the
meet came in the 50 yard free style
with four men fighting for posi-
tions throughout the sprint. Fenske
and Marcus took the honors for
Michiganby nosing out Schauble
of State. The time for the 50 yards
was 25 1-5.
The fancy diving honors went to
Raike, Wolverine veteran, wno gave
a fine exhibition on the low board
to glean a total of 107 points for
himself as against Fenske's 96, and
Hauger's 71. Degener, junior na-
tional high 'board diving cham-
pion, gave an exhibition on the
high board.
400-yard relay-Won by Michigan
(Kennedy, Marcus, Smith, Klint-
worth); second, Michigan State
(Clark, Craig, Tate, Schauble);
time, 3:42 3-5.
200-yard breast stroke-Won by
Schmieler (M) second; Snyder
(M.S.C.) third; time, 2:35 1-5.
50-yard free style-Won by Fen-
ske (M), Marcus, (M) second;
Schauble (M.S.C.) third; time, 25
150-yard back stroke-Won by
Schmieler (M); Valentine (M) sec-
ond; Craig (M.S.C.) third; time,
1:45 4-5.
100-yard free style-W o n by
Smith (M); Marcus (M) second;
Tate (M.S.C.) third time, 28 1-5.
Fancy diving-Won by Raike
(M) ; Fenske (M) second; Hauger
(M.S.C.) third; points 107.
220-yard free style-Won by Ken-
nedy (M), Ladd (M) second;
Boucher (M. S. C.) third; time,
2:26 4-5.
Medley relay--Won by Michi-
gan (Meigs, Miller, Klintworth;)
Michigan State (Craig, Snyder,
Schauble), second; time, 3:14.
Four Big Ten Teams Will Clash
in Annual Cinder Event
at Northwestern.
(Special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 18.-Com-
petition of high rank in the sprints.
quarter, half-mile, high jump, pole
vault, and shot put will be exhibit-
ed at the Eighth Annual Quadrang-
ular track and field meet between
Chicago, Northwestern, Ohio, and
Wisconsin at Patten Gym Saturday
With the exception of Northwest-
ern, all the teams have engaged in
meets this year and their strength
is pretty definitely established. Wis-
-onsin's vietory over Minnesota last
Promoters Still Seek
Site for Title Bout
Plans are still up in the air as
to the scene of the next heavy-
weight title bout between Max
Schmeling and Young Stribling
next July. Proposed ;sites for the
bout include Chicago, Detroit,
Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Jer-
sey City, with a few other cities
having slightly smaller chances
for getting the bout.
Considerable difficulty has de-
veloped over holding the bout in
Chicago, while Detroit does not
have a large enough stadium.
Jersey City's stadium will hardly
be done by the time proposed.
Cleveland will have its new
stands finished by July, while
Philadelphia has the old Sesqui-
Centennial arena to offer.
Hildner to be Used
Against Badger Club
Associated Press Photo
Mrs. L. A. Harper, of Oakland, Cal., was ranked as America's leadingf
woman tennis player by the United States Lawn Tennis association, and
John Hope Doeg, national champion, heads the list in the men's division.
Veenker to Have Three Guards
and Forwards Ready for
Indiana Tilt.
Coach Veenker worked his bask-
etball squad hard last night in an"
effort to strengthen the offensive
drive of the team. Tessmer worked
particularly well w i th Daniels,
Weiss, Petrie, and Altenhof on the,
orfensiv- drill against the B squad.
Later Williamson and Eveland took
±cemer's and Weiss's places.
Coach Veenker will be able to use
three first-class guards and three
forwards of nearly equal ability
with Daniels against Indiana here
. Saturday night.
Eveland, Petrie,
Daniels, Tessmer,
a n d Williamson
Slost the scrim-
"r: . mage session to
Hudson, Garner,
! Mac D on a 1 d.
Shaw, and Rick-
etts by a score of
15-9. A1 tenh o f
Two Boston Sluggers
Sign for 1931 Season
Two outfielders upon whom the
Bostan Braves are counting very
heavily in their 1931 campaign
have finally come to terms with
the management and have re-
turned their signed contracts to
the club. The two gardeners,
Wally Berger and Wesley Schul-
merich, are expected to provide
most of the guns for the Braves'
offensive during the season.
Berger last season was the sur-
prise of the National League
among the 1930 rookie crop.
Hailed as a slugger on the Pacific
Coast League, he came east to
prove that the stories of his
prowess were no myth, and
slugged out a large number of
circuit clouts. Schulmerich is a
newcomer to the team, having
been secured by the Braves from
the Pacific Coast League during
week places the Cardinals as strong T
favorites. Ohio lost a close meet P L d F
to Indiana while Chicago won from
Purdue and lost to Iowa in its two
appearances of the year. A Ineligibility of Harry Steinburg
The sprints will bring out a and Fred Schiller Robs
speedy field consisting of. Haas of Squad of Mainstays.
Minnesota, East of Chicago, Keller
of Ohio, Gordon of Indiana, Henke Examinations have robbed the
of Wisconsin. and Ford of North- gymnatc tea ettobsedrtpe
western. Of this group, Haas is re-I gymnastic team of its two star per
garded as the favorite, although at formers, Fred Schiller and Harry
the 40-yard distance any of the Steinburg. The loss will definitely;
above named have a good chance place Michigan at the cellar of the
of running off with first place. Big Ten standings as Schiller was
Capt. Henke of Wisconsin has Ith mainstay in te horizontal-bar
been burning up the track in thei
quarter this year and is doped to and flying-rings events and Harry
lead the pack in the quadrangular. Steiiiburg starred in the horse and
He will encounter plenty of opposi- parallel-bars events.
tion from McAuliffe and Dixon of The severe blow to MIchigan's
Northwestern, Cameron of Chicago, newest competitive sport gymnast-
Koenig of Indiana, and Striecher ics, will result in Coach West hav-
of Ohio. Ing to rely on inexperienced mate-e
Dale Letts of Chicago stands out iial. There are not enough men left
as the class of the half milers. He on the squad to enter three men in
ran a close second in the recent each event as is the custom. Coach
Millrose games in New York. He West said that it was highly im-1
holds the Big Ten outdoor title in possible that his team would win
the half. Bloor and Beetham of any meet this season. Against Ohio
Ohio and Burgess of Northwestern State recently, Schiller won two
are the other strong contenders in firsts and Steinburg a first and a
this event. second.
Experi nced Men Scarce. t
Charles Hildner,
Spare defense man, who may see
some action against Wisconsin to-
night when the Michigan puck
team faces the Badgers in the first
of a two-game series that may de-
cide the championship of the West-
ern Conference.
'The Rajah' Cracks Whip in First
Practice of 1931 Campaign.
(By Associated P ress)
AVALON, Cal., Feb. 18. - Rogers
Hornby's managership of the Chi-
cago Cubs started formally and in-
formally today as he cracked thel
whip in the first spring practice of
the 1931 campaign.
One workout daily, starting at 11t
a. in., and lasting "until,"--was the
Rajah's training plan. He has ar-
ranged for soccer games during
each training session, to strengthen
the legs and aid the wind.
The advance guard of the Cubs--
the batterymen and the few rookies
who couldn't wait for the second
squad of infielders and outfielders
-landed on William Wrigley's ma-
gic island yesterday-
ck Race
Victory Over Leaders Would Put
Varsity on Top in Big
Ten Title Scramble.
Michigan's chances for a second
consecutive hockey championship
will be at stake tonight when the
Wolverine sextet crosses sticks with
a fighting group of Wisconsin puck-
men at 7:30 o'clock at the Coliseum,
in the first of a two-game series.
The second game will be played
here Saturday night following the
Indiana basketball game.
Badgers Have Slipped.
While the Maize and Blue stick
handlers started the Conference
season slowly by dropping two
straight games to the Badgers at
Madison, Coach Eddie Lowrey's men
have since given the Minnesota
team two straight defeats and now
have a .500 rating. The Badgers,
on the other hand, starting the
year with a dual victory over Mich-
igan and a single win over Minne-
sota, have hit the skids and have
dropped two games to the Gophers.
That leaves Wisconsin only a half
game in front of the Wolverines,
and should Michigan win tonight's
battle it will go into first place.
Despite the fact that Michigan
has already been stopped twice by
Coach Carlson's Badgers, the home
team rates as the favorites tonight.
The Coliseum ice is much more to
the liking of the Wolverine team
than it is to Wisconsin, and the
hard skating Reid and Crossman
should be able to push the puck
past Wisconsin's sensational goalie,
Chick Frisch, enough times to give
the Maize and Blue the victory.
Sindles To Be Out.
Each of the contesting teams
has lost one man through ineligi-
bility, while the Wolverines have
also had the misfortune of losing
Tommy Courtis through gradua-
tion. Harold Sindles, spare forward,
will be absent from the Varsity
'lineup tonight, while "Swede" Swi-
derski, one of the most valuable of
Badger players, has been lost to
that team.
Michigan will s t a r t tonight's
game with only one change in the
starting lineup. Art Schlanderer,
Varsity captain, will be in at right
wing in place of Tommy Courtis,
and he will team up on the for-
ward line with the sensational
(Continued on Page 7)
I i
the winter months. Four Clevel nd Stars
- ---Classed as Holdouts!
KEEN DRILLS MEN With the signing of right fielder
FOR NEXT MA TCHI- Dick Porter several days ago, the;
Cleveland Indians cut down the
number of holdouts to a mere four,
Matmen Meet Veteran Indiana among whom are numbered the;
Squad on Friday Night. most valuable players on the entiref
didu not see serv-
ice as he has a Coach Clif Keen put his charges
TESSMER ;. floor-burn on his
arm and Coach through the last hard workout of
Veenker took no chances with it. the week in preparation for thel
Towards the end of the session, all important meet with Indianaj
Weiss replaced Eveland. scheduled for the Yost Field House,
Hudson was the star of the win- ' Friday, February 20.. All of theI
ners' attack, gathering several left- 4 men put in a strenuous afternoon
handed shots from under the bask- practicing escapes from the Indi-
et. The Whites -had possession of ana holds and polishing up on their
the ball the majority of the time own offensive tactics.
and ran up a score early in the The team which I n d i a n a is
first period that won the game for bringing up for the meet is almost
them. entirely composed of veterans from
Although the Varsity showing the team that last year gave the
was poor, Coach Veenker expects Wolves their only set back.
the team to gather steam for the In the 118 pound class, Aldridge l
Indiana game. This was the stiffest is generally conceded to be one of
work-out of the week although the the classiest performers in national1
squad is expected to scrimmage to- wrestling circles, his only defeatI
night. Only a light work-out will last year coming at the hands of
precede the game. (Continued on Page 7)
Wesley Ferrell, stgr hurler, Eddie!
Morgan, hard hitting first baseman,!
Johnny Hodapp, leading two base!
hitter in the league, and Earl Aver-
ill, star center fielder, are still un-
signed by the Cleveland manage-
In the high-bar event Goldsmith
and Ellsworth, will be the only men
available. A. Steinburg and M.
Hanna are the two entries in the
side-horse and parallel-bar divi-
sions. Parker and Decker are sched-
uled to represent Michigan in the
flying-rings. Three men are ready
for work in tumbling, Parker, Gold-
smith, and Ellsworth, while Decker1
will swing the Indian clubs.
Michigan will lose the maximum
of 360 points because they will be
unable to enter three men in each
division. However, if the two en-
tries place first and second, which
is highly improbable as this is the
first year of gymnastic competition,
Michigan may suffer as little as 150
points. The two entries will be
matched against three of the op-
position in each meet.
Indiana Favored.
The weakened team will journey
to Indiana for the Saturday meet.
Before the ineligibility of the two
mainstays was announced, the
Maize and Blue had an outside
chance to win, but it is highly pos-
sible it will not come within 300
points of the Indiana team.
Coach West is satisfied with the
freshman squad.
Formerly located on North University
TheVrsty Barber Shop
Just Around the Corner from State Street
Hockey-Wisconsin, here
Track-Triangular Meet, here
Wrestling-Indiana, here
Basketball-Indiana, here
Hockey-Wisconsin, here
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Swimming-Minnesota, there
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When we say "guaranteed
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methods we wouldn't have
dared mnake such a state-
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actually does prevent shirts
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And when you add this
feature to the style leading
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have just about removed
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should not buy Arrow
Trump Shirts.
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This spring Society Brand offers some-
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