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December 13, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

… M E M O RAT I V E M I L L E N N I U M E D I ENT ERING T HE YEAR 2000 T I O N Monday December 13, 1999 v.:o£at . ,,.J.. _.. : .rSS.haha r .a.-3, .k.i sn r:. >.. ?t%. eG^a. <..x _._. S makes education ilable to masses illennium, students from learned the great books. irts at the University of University pro- national football reates, the polio : into space and tury, there was no great institution of Seale;" said Princeton kJ Shapiro, wh...…

December 10, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…I 9 a ; ; , ., f RlUft 34 -o- vearner oday: Cloudy. High 40. Low 36, omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 41. One hundred nine years offeditorfnilfreedom Friday December 10, 1999 Jndefeated 'M' hoops greets rival Duke oI N By Jacob Wheeler Daily Sports Writer Zoey's cafe on Hoover Street - a stone's throw from the Big House - doesn't normally expect a lot of customers on Saturday afternoons in December. But Zoey's didn't consider the sold-o...…

December 09, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…0 eather oday: Mostly cloudy. High 4 omorrow: Showers. High 38 I Y_ .I AS1440 Uor 8. Low 35. One hundred ni-e years of edikrialfreedom Thursday December 9, 1999 'W ex No S ratemit o remain uspended ntil Jan. y David Enders aily Staff Reporter The campus chapter .of the Alpha psilon Pi fraternity will remain on uspension until after winter break, ccording to officials from the fra- ernity's national chapter. "Nothing will be done until...…

December 08, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…OA, t, - - cqw ptw u t1 lar_ :_Y.I. -- yeather ay: Partly cloudy. High 47. Low 31. omorrow: Cloudy. High 48. One hundred nine years of editonz dfreedom Wednesday December 8, 1999 11 !1 U !I IN gg I IN: I IN: III!: I staff member obbed, ,bbed Michael ras aly Staff Reporter A 35-year-old University staff mem- er was stabbed multiple times in her g and had her purse stolen yesterday orning while walking behind the ichigan League. The vict...…

December 07, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…feather day: Sunny. High 41, Low 24. One hundred nine years ofeditorialfeedom morrow: Partly cloudy. High 45. .Yi i *rnt Tuesday December 7, 1999 orum focuses on rt'F" ^;; w ' sr +\-aCaFti l chi ' III SIK y L Rr t dro C in minority enrollment ick Bunkley Staff Reporter With underrepresented minority enrollment the University exhibiting a downward trend nce 1995, those figures will soon spell trou- le for diversity on campus, LSA sophomor...…

December 06, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…w5 , Lc -'' L 1l1 w.' 'Fs j , I' r qMPPs7 day: Mostly cloudy. High 35. Low 34, morrow: Partly cloudy. High 42. One hundred nine years of ed;itorialfdn Monday December 6, 1999 tiz _ ., - x. : ti . ar ... .:. 3 . ., a." n ..,u.; ..a a2 .a,. u, ..a ".x:_ t s _. .u. < a'u , iscovery Raising traditions mks cell :etherng :viruses} LindseyAlpert ily Staff Reporter University researcher Erle obertson and Rackham student [urray Cotter have disco...…

December 03, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…T T Ir It ml Unt t vakelfhar , day: Partly cloudy. High 45. Low 32. morrow: Sunny. High 50. roposal ould let ov. select eents Nlck Bunkley aily Staff Reporter Power to appoint members of the niversity Board of Regents would be ut in the hands of Michigan's gover- or rather than voters under a proposed dment to the state's 1908 constitu- on up for consideration in a Senate bcommittee. Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek) n Wednesday introduc...…

December 02, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Partly cloudy. High 47 Tomorrow: Haze. High 52. * it a *arO . Low 33. One hundred ninze years of ediatrfrredom Thursday December 2, 1999 _'4 I Students will no longer get grades by mail Dr By Robert Gold Daily Staff Reporter Describing the routine send-off of semester grades to stu- dents' homes as "mailing- just for the sake of mailing," University Registrar Thomas McElvain said the need for paper markers of students' ...…

December 01, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…t it I an "U& aday: Partly cloudy. High 43. Low 17. morrow: Mostly cloudy. High 53. rofs. ask or student ews on adissions Nita Schulte ily Staff Reporter Looking to go beyond just the umber of students who support or ppose the University's use of affir- ative action, two University profes- ors are conducting a survey explor- undergraduates reasons behind - opinions on the admissions rocess. Using an open-ended format for ome questions, the s...…

November 30, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…'C ~~&t ww rwr veaner ay: Partly cloudy. High 34. Low 23. ,marrow: Sunny. igh 41. One hundred nine years of editoria freedom Tuesday November 30, 1999 linton signs budget, closes divisive session Anand Giridharadas aily Staff Reporter The bitterly divided Congress that faced off er impeachment - and went on to squabble er everything from gun control to HMO form - adjourned this month with a remark- moderate budget deal. a ceremony in th...…

November 29, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…it fi A/w athar oday: Mostly cloudy. High 38. Low 27. DOorrow: Partly cloudy. High 35. One hundred nine years of editoral lreedom Monday November 29 1999 Signs may aid bus riders Jeannie Baumann aily Staff Reporter Students, faculty and staff commuting orth Campus to Central Campus ma onger have to sit out in the cold, unaw en the next bus will take them to ed destinations. With a new system, h ation about wait times would be at thei er...…

November 24, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…2tur 47 4w pl- til-lagglik 144opp-ow laathar ram"er day: Partly cloudy. High 53. Low 48. morrow: Sunny. High 48. One hundred nie yeas of editorialfreedom Wednesday November 24, 1999 N. r AM A~ , ' r 4 .sbestos Harmonizing harmonicist ot seen as roblematic University officials are getting stimates for asbestos removal but here are no definite plans for removal David Enders aly Staff Reporter , hen applying for University housing, many ...…

November 23, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…1£,.v rr anq m q rq *rni day: Partly cloudy. igh 64. Low 51. morrow: Showers. igh 54. One hundred ninze years of editona~lfreedom Tuesday November 23, 1999 1y, >., " ' V era. t < s c { ". r t ^>' . , v s z o . aculty to examine course notes on the Web y Jeremy W. Peters aily Staff Reporter The Internet notetaking service, n which many students have come to rely, has cently come under scrutiny by University offi- als who are...…

November 22, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Mostly cloudy. High 6: Tomorrow: Fog. High 63. itllItan r *rnt 1. LOw 50. One hundred nine years of editonlkfreedom Monday November 22, 1999 Pield hz U NCAA championship win would have given Michigan its first women's team title 0David Roth ySports Writer BOSTON - Tenths of seconds deter- mined the fate of the Michigan field hock- ey team. Maryland edged Michigan in the NCAA Championship game yesterday, pre- venting them ...…

November 19, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…eather ay: Cloudy. High 58. Low 4 morrow: Showers. High 41. e'Ean 4,ily atpp 44 One hundred nine years of editorlfreedom Friday November 19, 1999 ---- - --- - --- -------- ---- ------- - Tord rei Public policy gchool named in Ford's honor 'By Michael Grass Daily Staff Reporter Former President Gerald Ford said he remembers sitting on the steps of the Michigan Union in September 1931 waiting to make friends. Sitting yesterday in the Unio...…

November 18, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…Air " - .:: r ; , i , A4 , t 'r..t , - 'b I ate. oday: Partly cloudy. High 53. Low 31 ~omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 62. One hundred nine years of editoriidfreedom Thursday November 18, 1999 rt r q itial voter lly signals igh turnout y Jeannie Baumann aily Staff Reporter In one day, the voter turnout for this fall's Michigan tudent Assembly elections for representatives has surpassed ast year's total. "Last fall, a total of 2,249 people v...…

November 17, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…Ai *rni day: Partly cloudy. High 45. Low 25. morrow: Partly cloudy. High 58. One hundred nine yeas ofeditor dfreedom Wednesday November 17, 1999 ord to visit 'U' forschoo naming ' Michael Grass 0, Staff Reporter Pending approval from the niversity Board of Regents, the > of Public Policy is expected to enamed after former President erald Ford tomorrow at the regents' eeting. Ford, a University alum, will be pre- nt at the meeting and...…

November 16, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…we r 4p til-jagohh, Tuesday November 16, 1999 day: Mostly cloudy. High 44. Low 32. morrow: Partly cloudy. High 47. One hundred nine years of editonlfreedom . - "fps A{tG ' Dail GctUh' Ow~ QOVS4J9Pa .Iliiv jOUTV FROM THE GROUND UP (SU graduate brings green to BigHouse Stephane Offen ly Sports XWriter The Green Bay Packers are Amy Fouty's Sunday team. She likes nothing better then to sit back, relax and watch a Packers game. But wit...…

November 15, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…eather oday: Partly cloudy. High 42 omorrow: Partly cloudy. Higt 43F . Low 30. h 45. One hundred nihe years fed'1 r77lfr eedom Monday November 15, 1999 $.t .. C ,..5 .S $ X M K ~ . 1. L .,.Y :.", 'v J ':' Y H i'v i .. D :,Y U r . . i p'. MK' k }4M } "ti'y C r '^d f.: Q : omty Vor,,l ++ :. Mp iy A IASA s aiJody Slmone Kay aiy Staff Reporter Five hours before the 14th Annual Indian American Student Association Cultural Show on Friday, las...…

November 12, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…74EI lea +s#+'M r IrmayaAM reamer lay: Mostly cloudy. igh 58. Low 35. morrow: P8rtly cloudy. igh 66. One hundred nine years ofeditoildfreedosm Nmriay November 12, 1999 v p y < ::: , ! v k _ i.: s x'tir,; .4TMTT ,. Y ...... « y A .. ,+N+ _ nwrr22,. x, ~N ... y, y . .w.., w.Y.'^:.,«n « ^ ![ _';l ' , 'w r.i + n Y . t . t S 1y C .^Ii . .. r' ..«:r . ,.N ~:.:. ,. N.x +.; ;: ': ..w ,..ti ':;'.'w.iSh Lw7.;: ?..«. t.n riti i; k ... h .. ,i: l «...…

November 11, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…WE IC 4 Weather ay; Sunny. High 50. Low morrow: Partly sunny. High 36. 159. One hundred nine years of edikn aIlfreedom Thursday November 11, 1999 'n of. says weatshop abor aids onomies Marta Brill aily Staff Reporter Are sweatshops actually helping ird-world garment workers? Drawing parallels between 19th entury America and current conditions impoverished nations, Ohio niversity economics Prof Richard edraddressed this question last nig...…

November 10, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…It f" 'AL aday: Mostly cloudy. High 64. Low 53. )morrow: Sunny. High 55. One /hundred nne years of edinr 1, freedom Wednesday November 10, 1999 igh court hears student fees case By Yael Kohen waily Staff Reporter WASHINGTON - - Public universities across h ation are paying close attention to a U.S. ' ame Court case that may alter funding proce- iures for campus student organizations. The justices heard a case brought by three stu- len...…

November 09, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…WE. rrrun Et t, - ,I 'Rapp- Weather Today: Sunny. High 70. Low Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. ig h 65. One hundred nine years of editoriilfreedom Tuesday November 9, 1999 .; Wisconsin fee case goes to high cout WASHINGTON (AP) - A conflict between a conservative Christian law student and a public university famous for its liberalism arrives at the Supreme Court this week, in a free-speech contro- versy that could affect campuses nation- wide...…

November 08, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

… N £ 'Elfin *rn Weather Today: Sunny. High 61. Low 3 Tomorrow: Sunny. High 72. 34. One hundred nne years ofeditona lfreedom Monday November 9, 1999 i Novembe. r 8 199 "U conference focuses on racial profiling $y David Enders Tiily Staff Reporter Police officers can make a traffic stop number of reasons, including running a re or not wearing a seat belt. But many m s oving violations are only used as an w en police ask them to pull t...…

November 05, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…I4an ~4ar A/AA*6ow vtrener Today: Partly Cloudy. High 60. Low 41. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 56. Searc;h I By Nika Schulte Daily Staff Reporter After more than a year of interim leadership. the ersit's internal disciplinary office is looking for a Sdirector. A committee met for the first time this week to begin a national search for a new administrator to oversee the Office of Student Conflict Resolution. Since the presentation of intern...…

November 04, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…It1 w~uv-~F rn Thursday November 4, 1999 Weather Today: Partly cloudy. High 55 Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High . Low 27. h 58. One hundred nine years of editori lfreedom Ii ae I, I fnternet courses widely available By Jewel Gopwani ily Staff Reporter , It's midnight. A long day of work is finally over. Now it's time to hit the Internet and do some homework. t least that's the case for some, like Con, Mich., resident Wendy Derby who work...…

November 03, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…2~'Elan ~ rn Weather Today: Cloudy. High 40. Low !Tomorrow: Sunny. High 49. 32, One hundred nine years of editonial feedom Wwednesday November 3, 1999 v F~ OHS urges students to get ileningitis shot 0 surprises By Adam Brian Cohen Daily Staff Reporter The University Health System's automated meningitis information line is quick to say "There is no outbreak." Despite one reported case of viral meningitis - the more common and less se...…

November 02, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…CVF "Ui Weather Today: Rain. High 47. Low 45 Tomorrow: Snow. High 38. '. One hundred nine years of ediorndfreedom Tuesday November 2, 1999 I y'... Mlcwgm, ftit. I Bollinger questions alcohol policies By Jeremy W. Peters Daily Staff Reporter University President Lee Bollinger admitted it is not clear whether the University's alcohol policies are achieving their goals during yester- day's meeting of the faculty's governing body asaid ...…

November 01, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…1£,.v 44 1lET W!tut rn WAIcpq4Ise' TU Orsy Today: Mostly Cloudy. High 72. Low 52. Tomorrow: Rain. High 45. One hundred rnine years of editorilffreedom Monday November 1, 1999 ,' ,.. .~ . . :,7' I gyptAir crash BOSTON (AP) - An EgyptAir jetliner with 217 people on board, including dozens of American tourists, plunged mysteriously into the ocean off Nantucket Island early yesterday, 33 minutes after leaving New York for Cairo. By night...…

October 29, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Partlyucloudy. High 68. Low 48. One hde n ears fdf eedom Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 68. ,~~e.nn er g~ioiiie4o Friday October 29, 1999 :. @ .c d'w %y, ' r5.k s ';, F .coo- 'x ' xM'"' f c .,, .. oh4 oscn , w' ' OAC wants c' to divest Groups nd ways to help disabled Byannie Baumnann SStaff Reporter The Michigan Student Assembly and the"Center for Community Service and Learning are two of several University campus organiz...…

October 28, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…I4 A& AW I oday: Partly cloudy. High 67. Low 40. omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 66. One hundred nie years of editorkil freedom Thursday October 28, 1999 g l.. '' Presidential Forbes pushes plan or 'New Economy' contenders ly Nick Bunkley )aily Staff Reporter Far into the hall, the voice of tepublican presidential candidate Steve orbes could barely be heard - but for hose who arrived late to hear Forbes' peech at the Michigan Union yeste...…

October 26, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…WE Itil leather day: Partly cloudy. High 58. Low 43. One hundred nine years' edftorilfreedom imorrow: Partly cloudy. High 57.J J Tuesday October 26, 1999 c ! e.j ., a ... . .. ,~. .: ! Green y Anna Clark aily Staff Reporter Green in Michigan Stadium? Not if niversity athletic officials can help it. )Men Absopure, a bottled water vendor ia sells its product within the stadium, onated 100 recycling bins for fans' beverage >ttles, nobody thoug...…

October 25, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…C41v tEIRPW ~ttt "Uti 1Alj~ %61-o% weatner Today: Sunny. High 62. Low 33. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 59. One hundred ni'ze years o f editorzlfreedom Monday October 25, 1999 ;. n ., . :. ,. . "IN ' rs .-";,. % Utter disbelief Regents approve plans for Haven Harvey,. .Illini wreck Blue's Rose Bowl hopes By Josh Kleinbaum aily Sports Editor For a little less than two quarters Saturday against Illinois, Michigan quarterback Tom Brady'...…

October 22, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

… Beather roay: Showers. High 55. Low 44.Onhndrdin ears of dl d om romorrow: Showers. High 41.Oehnrdn'eyasoeitrdreo Friday October 22, 1999 n # b -: egents vote to eeplace nnel y Michael Grass aily Staff Reporter FLINT, Mich. - The University oard of Regents, University President _ee Bollinger and his executive offi- ers spent nearly half of yesterday's egents meeting in recess, waiting for harrival of Michigan Student ssenbly President Brai...…

October 20, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…I ty- £r. *&t IArN .a.. eatne oday: Mostly cloudy. High 55. Low 39. omorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 56. One hundred nine years of editor lfreedom Wednesday October 20, 1999 .. }, .. '' > b ! 4 -%.a.. ,.M . L. co ~ tC', Yl 'C . : a y..:. ...:. .? f+ ',, ix Exv ^u.:SSfT, ti ', 14 . T. "% ' ,,,;b x x< "'JPa s . , xfi ywa, W' v 'f ,... k. 2. . r c m . <.': a .7 , +c ; '+ .: u, :: ... .,., "? ,,, r .. :,; ,.., .1 ,re, , ., , 4 . rr Kra sb, s o x...…

October 19, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…1!A C 'clan *ar Mtnnfhnr "v"" ii Today: Mostly cloudy.'High 54. Low 38. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 50. One hundred ninze years' of edztonizi freedom Tuesday October 19, 1999 VOLP AIW bortion coverage der question By YaMI Kohen Daily Staff Reporter Michigan citizens with health insur- ance may soon have the option to avoid paying dues targeted at funding abor- tions. Republicans in the state Senate are ;ng measures to eliminate aborti...…

October 18, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…242 ' m--qcRAKqra 7il ow a till ua LL- - weatner Today: Mostly Cloudy. High 52. Low 37. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. Hgh 49. One hundred nine year of edit rilfreedom Monday October 18, 1999 i I y-, ,,i i r, . rs*,' 3.- i vk c~ 2 :: I chapters meet on campus By Jon Fish For the Daily "You're not going to win all your fights, but you have to at least show up," said American Civil Liberties Union Assistant to the Executive Director for Devel...…

October 15, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…It. 1. Low 39. One hundred nine er of edfznz reo gh 65. Low 49.year w 4bv s< s Friday October 15, 1999 .. a .. .. k. . ., . k.. .a.., aat . -tea- acquires Kaczynski letters 29 and killing three people. He plead guilty to 13 federal charges in January 1998 and was sentenced to four life sentences in prison in May 1998. Kaczynski's materials are being added to the Labadie Collection area of Special Collections - one of the world's most ex...…

October 14, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…r x . J y + 1 F .citl . 'N:' a - + E aq 3 ft. 'S r 33 '. + 7. 4 ' 1.' r E ti CC' 0 n '+ .w Q Ti f . " , ' .y- ' '- yam:, '°+ +' gi lIaavp oday: Mostly cloudy. High 52. Low 40. Dmorrow: Partly cloudy. High 62. One hundred nine years of edito nrl freedom Thursday 1 1. ".- Octobr 14.199 J honors 00 brave shower ~~ele~bre$3 y Michael Grass aily Staff Reporter A new age for the College of Architects d Urban Planning officially began yest...…

October 13, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…OFIt i UU Brt feather Way: Showers. High 68. Low imorrow: Partly cloudy. High 52. 56. One hundred nine years of editonralfreedom Wednesday October 13, 1999 'U'hopes %or prestige, recognition By Jodie Kaufman Daily Staff Reporter Now that Prof. emeritus Martinus Veltman been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics any University faculty expect they will see increased prestige and recognition in the future. "There are few people who have won No...…

October 12, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…WE ' , . 2. Y leather day: Sunny, High 70. LowE imorrow: Cloudy. High 68. 52, One hundred ninze years of edit n l freedom Tuesday October 12, 1999 ME 1 Meningitis affects MSU Jewel Gopwanl aily Staff Reporter A Michigan State University sophomore as hospitalized this weekend at Sparrow ospital in East Lansing after contracting eningitis. 'am Busuttil, living on the second floor f U's Wilson Residence Hall. was admit- d to the hospital ...…

October 11, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…40F x - t 1 N I IAlftw41%pkw weatner Today: Sunny. High 67. Low 43. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 67. One hundred nine years of editorilfreedom Monday October 11, 1999 limpluilgamllilig MEN= ,. I Out of reach Palestinians, Israelis discuss peace at 'U' By Nick Bunkley DaIily Stab Reporter Sawsan Abdulrahim knows her par- ents' horrifying stories of being driven from their Palestinian homeland and forced into refugee camps. But since...…

October 08, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…C46, rn A/ .tii L.r. r vvearner roday: Partly cloudy. High 75. Low 48. romorrow: Haze. High 70. One hundred nine years of editorlfreedom Friday October 8, 1999 .r ~q.n, 4 x rs :a ' r ue r+r ,f ?' > :,.., , yfi ,.. , d ., w .ate (up'te a ,? e nos y"~ rts a ^ a:. ' Y^... r 4?z ! sy M "' ei l r x y r . sr M'^la "f' ;k,. "' _ Q n w ,., . ... . . . . ..... ., . v, R i ...r %" a . ..v '" <eSa ,i a dh,. ,>a nS[o s f. Nike releases factory l...…

October 07, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Partly cloudy High 60. Low 34.Oe hundred nine years ofeitot al reedom Tomorrow: Showers. High 65.n ude ieyaso dtr 'lreo Thursday October 7, 1999 Mayma'41550 Rivalry puts MSU, police on alert By Jewel Gopwanl Daily Staff Reporter Emotions can be pretty powerful. Mix that with alcohol, a large crowd and a bitter rivalry and what may result is a night Michigan State University students, admin- istrators and police officials do...…

October 06, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…it,, kftoA*kftlw Pay. Partly cloudy. High 57. Low 42. morrow: Partly cloudy. igh 61. One hundred nine years of edori' f reedorn Wednesday October 6, 1999 4^aM. RiT{.+ R I+''Y' 4 1 .. .uvm rv , /< rvY:/ v rv Irv"' 3 .v, .mm w dowo" Y ivals rev up for game MSU fans fandalize Diag, Grad Library Jodie Kaufman ly Staff Reporter The week many diehard football fans have been waiting for is finally here. There is no need to mark the occas...…

October 05, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…ran Unft+h, w Way: Partly cloudy. High 60. Low 35. morrow: Sunny. High 58. One hundred nzi'e years of editrfrfreedom Tuesday October 5, 1999 B ollinge yJeremy W. Peters ily Staff Reporter University President Lee Bollinger outlined s major plans and updated faculty on niversity progress for the 1999-2000 academic ar at yesterday's first Senate Assembly meet- S the semester. t finger's first announcement was a reassur- g one for those who...…

October 04, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…Weather Monda roday: Mostly cloudy. High 50. Low 42. 2 . Oe hndrdineMfonarday 0 W 0reo omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 56. October 4, 1999 $2M grant cips fight domestic jolence, y Yaei Kohen aily Staff Reporter Washtenaw County was selected y the U.S. Justice Department to receive a $2 million grant to assist in its fight against domestic vio- lence. The grant, which begins Jan. 1, is funded by the U.S. Justice artment's judicial oversight demon...…

October 01, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Sunny. High 63. Low 46. One hundred nine years ofeditori lfreedom Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 63. yas,~ Friday -d .t M 4 4 North Campus fire damages network By Undsey Alpert Daily Staff Reporter E-mail messages were forced to lie dormant yes- terday when a fire in the North Campus Computing Center damaged several University tworks. The fire disrupted Netscape service, Telnet and various University Website services. A sho...…

September 30, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…N Veather Aay: Mostly cloudy. High 64. Low 45. One hundred nine earso editon 1Ieedomn omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 67. yas i y y M1h l $N Thursday September 30, 1999 S,,.'i eI v \: \' t= b eH awsuit forum dWs 200 By Michael Grass Daily Staff Reporter More than 200 University profes- sors, students, administrators and other interested groups crowded the Michigan Union Ballroom yesterday to hear a panel discuss the current sta- tus of two...…

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