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October 25, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-25

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One hundred ni'ze years o f editorzlfreedom

October 25, 1999

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Utter disbelief

Regents approve
plans for Haven

.Illini wreck
Blue's Rose
Bowl hopes
By Josh Kleinbaum
aily Sports Editor
For a little less than two quarters Saturday
against Illinois, Michigan quarterback Tom
Brady's right arm got a rest. On Michigan's
first three possessions of the second half,
coach Lloyd Carr called I1I pass plays and 18
running plays.
Then. in the final 1:18 of the football
game, that same arm got a workout,
throwing the ball 16 times. Brady com-
pletei nine of those passes. Of the seven
he missed. two might have cost Michigan
he game.
After marching the Wolverines 64-yards to
the Illini 16-yard line. Brady dropped back to
pass with a little more than 10 seconds to
play. Needing just a touchdown and a two-
point conmersion to tie the game. Brady threw
a perfect strike to the two-yard line. One
problem: Illini cornerback Tony Francis
caught the pass instead of Michigan's Dax id
Terrell .
Francis fumbled the ball into the Illini end
zone, giving Michigan a glimpse of hope -
had a Wolverine recovered the ball, it would
have been a Michiuan touchdown. Instead.
Muhammad Abdullah, the Illini's free safety,
pounced on it for a safety. securing the stun-
ning Illinois victory, 35-29.
The frenzied finish capped a feverish
final two minutes in which twice Michigan
drove inside the Illinois 30 and twice
Brady threw interceptions. Terrell nearly
caught a touchdown pass with 27 seconds
-emaining that would have given Michigan
a chance to tie the game with a two-point
conversion. but the pass fell off the finger-
tips of the spraxk led-out sophomore split
"Everyone is vcrv disappointed.? Brady
said, "We usually don't lose games like these.
We just beat ourselves today. And national
championship teams don't do that.

By Nika Schulte
Daily tatf Reporter
Offering a glimpse of the high expectations
they have for the Fish Bowl, representatives of
Einhorn Yaffee Prescott Architecture &
Engineering P.C. presented the Unixersity
Board of Regents with illustrations of their
Nision for the Mason and Haven Hall renova-
tions at the board's monthly meeting FridaY.
"We are going from a fish boxxI to an aquar-
ium," architect Stev e Einhorn joked about the
multi-level addition.
The three-year project. which w ill also
include reno ations to Mason Hall, is expected
to begin in September 2000 after completion of
the desian this spring. The project is estimated
to cost 538 million.
Although originally appro-ed as an infra-
structure renoxation by the regents, the regents
approved of the design that now include an
addition to the east side of the building as well
as the space above the Fish BowI.
EYP Executive Principal Tom Birdsey said
the plans for the interior include wider corridors
leading into an expanded area for students so
that the locale can remain a x ibrant place for
,The Fish Bowl is a major crossroads and we
want to accommodate and encourage it,"
Birdsey said.
Einhorn said in order to develop the design
for the building's exterior of the addition, the
architects looked at older buildings such as the
Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library and the Kraus
Natural Science Building to "weave their
themes into the new facade.
-We want to reflect upon the past while we
embrace the future? 'Einhorn said.
Regent Larry Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills)
said the plans will be an asset to the Diag's aes-
-It is a ecry thoughtful design and signifi-
cantly improves something central to Central
Campus." he said of the revised project and
Since office space for the American culture,
history and political science programs may be
affected during the process. Unixersity Chief
Financial Officer Robert Kasdin said displaced
faculty could be moved to rented offices or
available space in the Frieze Buildine.
The regents also approved the design and
budget of an addition to the institute of Science
and Technology High Bay on North Campus.

Michigan wide receiver David Terrell kneels in disappointment after a missed catch in the end
zone Saturday before Illinois vanquished Michigan, 35-29.

'~" j ~ '' ut :nr tecure &Engneering. P.C
After renovations Haven Hall will have an
expanded east face and a connecting structure to
Mason Hall above the Fishbowl.
The buiIding will be used by the department of
biomedical entzineering and the Center for
Ultraftst Optical Sciences.
The addition o ill "create a locus of biomed-
ical actix ity and x ill contribute to the Life
Sciences Initiative," "ngineering Dean Stephen
Director said.
Also at the meetin . Kasdin presented an
investment report for the fical year 1998-99,
highlighting the Unixersity's S2.5 billion
endowment fund. This year's investment perfor-
mance placed the University in the top quartile
of 150 college and University portfolios tracked
bx Boston-based investment adviser Cambridge
But University President Lee Bollinger cau-
tioned that comparing institutions endowments
is not a horse race. "it is simply better to be
where we are today," he said.
A presentation from PricewaterhouseCoopers
also informed the board that there were no mis-
statements or illegal activity that was found dur-
ing their audit of University finances.
At Frida 's meeting, \lichigan Student
Assembly President Brain Elias presented the
regents with a report detailing how MSA com-
mittee members can be accessed when student
input is needed.

In its last two games. Michigan (2-2 Big
Ten, 5-2 oxerall) proved it is anything but a
national championship team. dropping both
games. The loss knocks Michigan out of the
Sugar Bowl hunt and sex erely hampers its
Big Ten hopes.
But there's much more to blame than
Brady's two interceptions. There's Carr's
conservative play calling for most of the
second half. There's two blocked Jeff Del
Verne kicks, one field goal and one extra
point. There's Stexe Frazier's poor snap on
the 28 with 1:48 to play and Michigan

trailing by one. pushing the Wolverines
back 25 yards and out of field goal range.
And there's the complete collapse by
Michigan's defense, which blew a 27-7 lead
by alloxxwing 21 fourth-quarter points.
"You have to be able to protect the lead."
Carr said. "When you giVe up big plays. you
don't protect the lead."
The biggest plays of all were made by
Illinois" Rocky Harney, a backup running
back. At halftime. Illinois coach Ron
Turner decided to use Harxey, who had

kecent Nobel
winner returns
home to lecturi
Adam Brian Cohen
lv Staff Reporter
By the time 3 p.m. rolled around Friday, Room 1800 of
Chemistry Building was filled to the brim, with more t
600 attendants occupying every seat, packing the aisles
the standing room in the back to see the University's
Nobel Prize winner.
Physics Prof. emeritus Martinus Veltman delivered the'
ture, "Understanding Particles." in recognition of his I
Nobel Prize in Physics, which was awarded Oct. 11.
"Within five days, he's back in Ann Arbor:' Univet
* sident Lee Bollinger said. "For that, we are very,
Veltman traveled from his home in the Netherlands to
University for the week, where he worked from 1981
Friday morning, prior to the lecture, the University's B(
of Regents presented Veltman with a gold-framed rege
resolution, after giving him two standing ovations.
"I'm really overwhelmed by all of
things that are happening to me tI
days," Veltman said.
His lecture gave an overview of
work that lead to his his Nobel P w rh i c v r . H l o n t
worthy discovery. He also noted
work of others, whose accomplishm
in physics laid the groundwork for
own success.
Bollinger and Prof. Ctirad Uher, cl
Veltman of the physics department, gave a b
introductions to the crowd.
"Today is the best part of his visit," Bollinger said. "It's
substance behind the creativity. We get a better feel bel
at we're hearing."
Uher described Veltman as "a man of intellectual poi
honesty and integrity."
Veltman's lecture included many references to his f
preparation for the spontaneous lecture and malftunctior
"I'm going to try to give you a feeling for what's go
on," Veltman said, laying down his lecture's purp
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CDC: Students need
meningitis vaccine

Eight-year-old Ranjani Murthy and seven-year-old Krithika Rajkumar entrance the audience with their
dancing at the Navaratri celebration Friday night at the Michigan Union.
Holiday cele'bration
shows Hindu traditions

By Shabnam Daneshvar
Dail- S-t--Reporter
The Centers for Disease Control
has declared a change in its vaccina-
tion guidelines to include more vacci-
nations, for preventing meningitis on
college campuses.
After meeting with the Advisory
Committee on Immunization
Practices last Wednesday, CDC now
encourages colleges to educate stu-
dents about the potentially fatal bacte-
rial meningitis and supply students
with the polysaccharide meningococ-
ca vaccine.
Prior to this meeting, CDC had
issued no set guidelines or recommen-
dations regarding the infectious dis-
"We are now saying that vaccina-
tion should be provided or made easi-
ly available to those (first-year stu-
dents) who wish to reduce their risk of
disease," said Nancy Rosenstein, a
doctor in the meningitis branch of the
CDC based in Atlanta.
ACIP cited two different 1998
CDC studies that identified the high-
er risk of infection among college
first-year students in residence halls.
Both CDC and ACIP recommend
those who provide medical care to this
high-risk group also give information
to students and parents about vaccina-
tion benefits.
"We have always been consistent
with the CDC's guidelines," University
spokes, --son Julie Peterson said.
"When they changed their recommen-
dations this week, we did too."
Peterson stated vaccinations and infor-
mation about meningitis is available to
all those interested in learning more.
"We now encourage the student
nlcrtla~tion to ge~t va~ccinated-'

New CDC meningitis
Th et for Disease '.
Control in Atlanta
now recommends that K
incoming first-year
college students be
educated on the
benefits of meningitis
" in the past two weeks, 550
meningitis vaccinations were
administered to University
additional doses available and offi-
cials say they have the resources for
250 vaccines per week.
But the price of vaccination at the
University is higher than most other
Michigan universities. It costs stu-
dents S89 to receive the bacterial vac-
Robert Winfield, interim director of
University Health Services, said in a
written statement the University's
administration of the vaccination dif-
fers from other universities that may
not charge students because the
University sees less urgency in the sit-
"We .:. have, fortunately, not had a
case of the (bacterial type) since 1995,
and we are making vaccination avail-
able to students at their request; but
not as an emergency public health
measure" he said.
Health officials remind students to
remain watchful of typical symptoms
of the viral and bacterial meningitis
which include severe headache, neck
stiffness, fever, aches and nausea.
In (1f'(fl*tnee(Pwitih (CDC and ACIP the

By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
Sitting on the floor of the Michigan Union
Ballroom, LSA junior Rakhi Verma felt like she
was back in her native country.
"It brings back a lot about India," she said, refer-
ring to the Navaratri celebration sponsored by the
Hindu Students Council. Almost 200 University
students, both Indian and other nationalities, gath-
ered Friday night to celebrate the end of one of the
most significant holidays in the Hindu religion.
Biophysics research assistant Sharada Kumar
explained Navaratri as "the winning of good over
The holiday, which includes nine days of fast-

"We pray to they
goddess (Durga) to
remove all evils.,,
- Sharada Kumar
Biophysics research assistant
evil: the second are to filling up that void with
positive qualities and the third are about the
knowledge to know wrong from right. By the
end, all ignorance is gone," Kumar said.
This year, the Navaratri celebration was co-
cncr-d by tht- 1Idianr 'tndent A ccncintin



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