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October 22, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-22

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roay: Showers. High 55. Low 44.Onhndrdin ears of dl d om
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October 22, 1999

n # b -:

vote to
y Michael Grass
aily Staff Reporter
FLINT, Mich. - The University
oard of Regents, University President
_ee Bollinger and his executive offi-
ers spent nearly half of yesterday's
egents meeting in recess, waiting for
harrival of Michigan Student
ssenbly President Brain Elias, and
o persons scheduled to speak during
ublic comments.
After gathering at the Harding Mott
niversity Center and approving the
onsent agenda, Bollinger called three
Elias never showed up to present
SA's report to the regents. He could
ot be reached for comment yesterday.
The regents approved several admin-
s'ion recommendations yesterday
ncluding the replacement of a utility
nnel running underneath South State
treet near the Michigan Union.
The utility tunnel, running from the
nion to Betsey Barbour Residence
all has slowly deteriorated from salt
University Chief Financial Officer
obert Kasdin said although the $1.7
i n in repairs will not disrupt next
u er's Ann Arbor Art Fairs, the pro-
ect, which is scheduled to start early
ext year will cause some disruptions.
"There will be short periods when
tate Street will have to be closed."
asdin said.
Regent Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann
rbor) asked Kasdin whether the tun-
el replacement will affect South State
treet in a similar way work on Lane
all did this summer.
sdin said he could not make a
omparison without having exact fig-
res from the Lane Hall construction.
The regents also approved an admin-
strative request to create a functional
agnetic Resonance Imaging
.aboratory dedicated to the research of
ognitive processes.
The fMRI lab would be located in
orth Campus' Center for Display
elpology and Manufacturing near
int1ersection of Bonisteel Boulevard
nd Beal Avenue.
The lab would be housed in renovat-
d space at the center.
University Provost Nancy Cantor
aid the lab is needed to take advantage
f new technologies in magnetic reso-
ance imaging.
"This technology has revolutionized
ognitive psychology," Cantor said.
We're really excited."
The regents also unanimously
pived a new urban design degree
rogram for the A. Alfred Taubman
ollege of Architecture and Urban
Although Cantor said the program
vill start out small, "we anticipate this
vill become a very popular program."
The regents will reconvene at the
leming Administration this morning
vith a packed agenda, including a
p al re'cognition of University
,lles Prof. emeritus Martinus
eltman, who won the Nobel Prize
or physics last week.
Kasdin is scheduled to report on the
tatus of University investments and

The regents are also scheduled to
ear a presentation on Y2K prepared-

Survey: Binge drinking popular

By Nika Schulte
Daily Staff Reporter
Although many University students
may "knock back a few" as a way to
relax and have fun, the University of
Michigan Substance Abuse Research
Center released a survey yesterday indi-
cating that the good times are coming at
the cost of binge drinking and negative
Of the 2,824 graduate and under-
graduate students who responded to
the survey conducted this spring, 45

percent of undergraduate students
reported exhibiting characteristics
of binge drinking.
DRINKING The study defined
binge drinking as
four or more drinks
in a row for females
and five or more for
Students who were
selected for the
Internet-based survey, received an e-
mail explaining the study and assign-

ing them a personal identification
number so they could access the
Principle investigator for the study
Carol Boyd said she considers the
findings to be honest and accurate
because respondents' answers were
'This was students talking to us.
Each number is a voice about a percep-
tion. attitude or belief about drinking,"
Boyd said.
Although the study found that 45 per-

cent of undergraduate students reported
binge drinking within two weeks of tak-
ing the survey, the number varied by
housing options.
While 76 percent of students living
in fraternities or sororities reported
binge drinking, 62 percent of those
living in residence halls and 39 per-
cent of students living in houses or
apartments in Ann Arbor reported the
same behavior.
Boyd said because the study pin-
See ALCOHOL, Page 2

Campus drinking:
IN76 percent otf frternity and
~sorority students reported
binge drinking two~ weeks prior
to taking the survey.
39~ percent of students livin~g
in houses or apartmients in
Ann Arbor reported having
had a binge drinking pisode in
the samne two-week period.


legacy o
civil rights
By Jody Simone Kay
Daily Staff Reporter
For Tom Powell. a Social Work professor,
the fight for social integration and equality
brings back memories of the Civil Rights
He described the teach-ins, marches and
letter writing campaigns that captivated the
University community a few decades ago.
"I participated in the actions in the '60s
and '70s. It's wonderful to see it come back
but disappointing not to see it stronger than
it is," Powell said.
But yesterday hundreds of students,
activists and faculty gathered on the Diag in
support of affirmative action for the
National Day of Action In Defense of
Integration & Affirmative Action.
They held picket signs with messages like
"Fight for your right to an equal education"
and "Fight Racism! Fight Sexism! Defend
Affirmative Action!"
The National Day of Action primarily was-
organized by ,The Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action By Any Means
Necessary. Originally, the protest was a
reaction to California's Proposition 209,
which California residents approved several
See RALLY, Page 2

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Deitch named
Bradley state
campaign chair

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University regent takes
position on democratic
candidate's campaign
By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
With Democratic presidential can-
didate Bill Bradley steadily gaining
ground in many recent polls, one
University regent has joined the for-
mer basketball star's Michigan cam-
paign as a steering committee coordi-
Regent Lawrence Deitch (D-
Bloomfield Hills) is helping to build
support for Bradley in a state whose
nomination initially looked to be a fore-
gone conclusion for Vice President Al
Gore on March 11.
"This is a caucus state," Deitch
told members of three local Bradley
volunteer groups last night. "There
aren't going to be a lot of people
participating. That's why getting
people out to the polls is impor-
Deitch said that Bradley is clearly an
underdog against a much more well-
known opponent, though the campaign
looks promising.
"This is an uphill battle," Deitch said.
"It's not a sure thing. And I think that's
what makes it worth doing."
"We think there's a lot of momen-
tum," he added.
Simply getting name recognition on
campus and in the state is a minor vic-
tory for Bradley's campaign. A recent
EPIC/MRA poll revealed that "50 per-
cent of Michigan residents don't even
know who Bill Bradley is," said
Graham Teall, chair of the Bradley for
President Volunteers of Washtenaw
Increased campaigning in the state
has dramatically helped Bradley draw
support away from Gore, Teall said.
A push by the Michigan

Democratic Party to move the state's
Democratic caucus date from March
to February seems to indicate, that
the party may be trying to secure the
nomination for Gore before
Bradley's support becomes too
great. Teall said.
"It would favor someone whose sup-
port is starting to slip," he said.
About 75 Bradley supporters
crowded a lecture room in Hutchins
Hall for the meet-
ing, which vas
sponsored by
University of
Michigan Law
Students for Bill
Bradley, Students
for Bill Bradley
and. Bradley for
Deitch Following his
speech, Deitch
said he is confi-
dent that the campaign is headed
toward victory:
"Bradley is doing better than the
conventional wisdom said he'd do,"
Deitch said. "People said that the
campaign would not be able to raise
During the past month, Deitch said,
Bradley has edged Gore in the fundrais-
ing race, which not only builds
resources but also lends more credibili-
ty to the campaign.
On Wednesday, Regent Andrea
Fischer-Newman (R-Ann Arbor) was
announced as one of 16 state vice
chairs for Republican Texas Gov.
George W. Bush's. Michigan cam-
Deitch said the Board of Regents
should not be affected by a partisan rift
as several regents announce candidate
"Regent Newman and I don't see
See BRADLEY, Page 7

Protesters rallied as part of the National Day to Defend Affirmative
Action on the Diag yesterday.

Sup port for affirmative
action spans the nation

By Jewel Gopwanl
Daily Staff Reporter
Events encouraging the support of affirmative action
not only caught the attention of students at the
University, but attracted the student interest at universi-
ties across the nation who also participated in yester-
day's Day of Action.
Alanna Arnold, organizer of the United State Students
Association at Michigan State University, decided to
start a new tradition by encouraging student support for
affirmative action.
During the past two days, Arnold has made green
ribbons available for students to wear at residence
halls, the MSU's multicultural center and the office
of minority student affairs. "It was a way for people
to visually show their support for affirmative action,"
Arnold said.

In addition, student leaders staffed affirmative action
information tables yesterday at the MSU student union
and residence halls.
While MSU students sported green ribbons, stu-
dents at the University of Washington acknowledged
the people who might have been admitted to the uni-
versity if Initiative 200, which bars race in collegiate
admissions in Washington state, had not passed in
Black Student Commission Director Tyson Marsh,
a senior at Washington said, in 1998 before Initiative
200 passed, 321 black students were admitted as
first-year and transfer students. But the total number
of black students admitted to Washington dropped to
233 in 1999.
Marsh added that about 178 minority students were
See ACTION, Page 2

Go fish

A prime contender for the doormat spot in
the Bi TenIioi coeToNnAbo
eeling fro its thrd straight oss nis
winless in the conference.
The Wolverines look to rebound after
Michigan State handed them their first loss
of the season. Fortunately, Plaxico Burress is
not on the Illinois roster.
Michiaan was idle followina a 34-31 defeat

EMU student falls
ill from meningitis

By Hanna LoPatin
Daily Staff Reporter
An Eastern Michigan University stu-
dent was admitted to St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital with bacterial meningitis, said
Ward Mullen, an EMU spokesperson.
The student's disease is treatable,
Mullen said. Hospital treatment includes
the administration of antibiotics.
Mullen said EMU students will be
able to purchase vaccinations soon.
The University of ]Michigan student

Winfield in a written statement yester-
day. Final blood tests have shown that
the student suffered from viral menin-
gitis, which is less serious and less con-
tagious than the bacterial form.
In response to the growing concern for
meningitis, Winfield said the University
will continue offering the meningitis vac-
cine and expects a shipment of 500 extra
doses this week and next week, which
students can purchase for S89 each.



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