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October 22, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-22

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--i e icigan uaiiy - rmay, uctooer 22, imy
Indonesia appoints vice president

The Washington Post
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Megawati Sukarnoputri,
the popular political icon who suffered a humiliating
defeat in her bid for the presidency Wednesday, was
named Indonesia's new vice-president yesterday, a con-
solation prize that leaders here hoped would calm her
angry supporters and give the country a broad-based
national unity government.
The People's Consultative Assembly, the country's
highest lawmaking body, elected Megawati over
Muslim leader Hamzah Haz by 396 votes to 284. The
vote came after two other strong contenders, the mili-
tary commander and the head of the former ruling
party, Golkar, were convinced to quit the race to avoid
a divisive four-way contest.
The same assembly on Wednesday elected

Abdurrahman Wahid, known as "Gus Dur," a nearly
blind and frail Muslim cleric, as president, prompt-
ing supporters of Megawati - who had been con-
sidered the presidential front-runner -- to rampage
through Jakarta's streets, setting fires and throwing
gasoline bombs at police. Two people died in that
The violence spread yesterday to the tourist
resort island of Bali, where Megawati supporters
erected barricades, threw stones at government
buildings and set fire to the house of a government
official. Megawati is the daughter of Indonesia's
first president Sukarno, who claimed to be half
Balinese, and Bali considers Megawati a favorite

government buildings with stones and demanding
Megawati be named vice-president.
Jakarta's streets were calm late yesterday as
Megawati was elected to the vice presidency. She
appeared subdued as the result was announced in
the assembly chamber; she sat passively for several
minutes before being coaxed to stand and acknowl-
edge the raucous cheers from her supporters who
packed the overhead gallery.
She shook hands and posed for photographs with
the losing candidate, Hamzah Haz, in a sign of
unity after the bitterness of the recent days' politi-
cal maneuvering that exposed the divisions between
the assembly's secular and Islamic blocs. Megawati
told reporters, "Certainly my first step is to do my
best for the people of Indonesia."

Congress to approve euthanasia bill
WASHINGTON - Congress is looking to slow the recent movement in the
states to make doctor-assisted suicide legal for the terminally ill. The House is set
to approve legislation today that effectively would nullify Oregon's law allowing
physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients - the only such law in the
country. The bill also could serve to dampen support in the small number of oth
states with legislative committees that are considering laws similar to Oregon's.
The measure on the House floor would explicitly make it a crime - regardless
of state law - for doctors to prescribe controlled substances such as morphine
with the intention of hastening death. Violators would face mandatory prison terms
-- up to 20 years for the prescription of morphine, one of the most commonly pre-
scribed painkillers.
While doctors could continue to prescribe non-controlled substances in lethal
doses, most say that other available drugs would have to be taken in doses too large
to be practical or have too high a likelihood of botched and painful results.
Doctors in Oregon say that, if the legislation becomes law, they would be forced
to stop helping terminally ill patients end their lives. The Senate will take up a sim-
ilar bill by early next year. President Clinton, an ardent opponent of physicia
assisted suicide, has sent signals through both the White House staff and the JustiW

Crowds also took to the

streets in Medan, pelting

Continued from Page 1
points different behaviors among
campus sub-groups, intervention
methods can be tailored to be most
effective for each group.
Even though the number of under-
graduate binge drinkers are compara-
ble to the national average as deter-
mined by a 1997 Harvard University
survey, University- Binge Drinking
Committee Co-Chair Ann Hower said
such a comparison does not offer
much comfort.

"The fact that it is a problem across
the country doesn't make it any less
of a problem," she said.
"It's disconcerting to know students
are experiencing such negative conse-
quences," Hower said. "Their
University experience is being com-
promised by others behavior."
The study also offers insight to the
social consequences of drinking. While
91 percent of frequent binge drinkers
reported that others drinking made an
event more enjoyable and 66 also report-
ed that it had spoiled events, 69 percent
reported having to take care of a friend
with a substance problem.

Interim Vice President for Student
Affairs E. Royster Harper said she is
concerned that the data reveal stu-
dents maintain a "not my business"
approach to other people's uses of
"We need to make the notion of
'business' much broader," Harper
said. "There really needs to be a cam-
puswide commitment and involve-
Students reported that drinking also
affected their own behavior negative-
Fifty-three percent of frequent
binge drinkers, those that participated
in binge drinking more than three
times in the 14-day period prior to the
study, and 31 percent of binge
drinkers, those that had one or two
binge drinking episodes in the two-
week period, reported that they had
driven under the influence in last year
while only 17 percent of non-binge
drinkers reported doing so.
Seventy-four percent of frequent
binge drinkers said they had missed a
class or work in the last year as a
result of drinking, 45 percent of binge
drinkers and 15 percent of non-binge

drinkers indicated similar absences.
Although the study is similar to one
the University conducted in 1)3, the
recent study employed a dilffrent
measure and method.
As a result, it is hard to draw com-
parisons between the two, but it is
clear that binge drinking is not a
problem that has been decreasing,
Boyd said,
In order to bring about such
changes the University's Binge
Drinking Committee, which was
appointed by former Vice President
for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford
last year, released more than 50 sug-
gestions this spring on how to curb
risky drinking.
Director of University Housing Bill
Zeller, who served on the University's
Binge Drinking Committee, said he
found the survey's findings to be
revealing that there is much work to be
done to curb risky drinking.
"It certainly gives us information to
move ahead and make plans for the
future," Zeller said.
Hower said the findings will refin(
the suggestions the committee recom

House votes to raise
education standards
WASHINGTON --The House, in a
rare display of bipartisan agreement
on education, yesterday voted over-
whelmingly to approve the strongest
requirements for higher standards and
accountability ever imposed by the
federal government on local schools
serving poor and disadvantaged stu-
And, in a stinging rebuff to Majority
Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) and
other conservatives, more than 50
Republicans joined Democrats in
rejecting proposals to offer vouchers
for private school tuition to students in
failing or violent schools, even on a
limited basis.
The bipartisan bill, which tracks
closely with what the Senate is expect-
ed to approve, renews a 34-year-old
"Great Society" program that channels
federal funds into the vast majority of
U.S. school districts.
But in renewing for five years the
massive Title I of the Elementary and

Secondary Education Act, the House
bill would stiffen requirements for
higher academic achievement by disad-
vantaged students. The bill would
toughen qualifications for teachers'
aides, who now play an important role
in many classrooms in poor areas
often lack college training.
Hurricane demoted
to tropical storm
Virgin Islands - Jose was down-
graded to a tropical storm yesterday
after striking a chain of Caribbean
islands, ripping roofs off homes,
hurling sailboats out of harbors at*
disrupting tourism.
Late yesterday afternoon, the
storm was 55 miles north-northeast
of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and head-
ing west-northwest to open seas. Its
winds had dropped to 55 mph, bare-
ly half its 100 mph for a day earlier.
Tropical storm warnings were can-
celled for Puerto Rico and the Virgin

AL s 100pContinued from Page 1I


years ago. The statue includes prohibit-
ing the use of race in college admissions.
"That to us is a red flag, a signal, a
new intensity to the determination of a
small group of people who want to re-
segregate, said Lisa Rescli, an orga-
nizer of the event and ^3AMN member
The Day of Action has expanded
from the Univit ofCal"'irnia s
Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses to
schools such as Cornell University, the
University of Colorado at Boulder, the
University of Pennsylvania and the
University of Texas at Austin.
"I think that our experience with race
and gender has a direct impact and
bearing on our educational success and
the way we relate to others in society,"
said Law first-year student Ikeita Cant6i
Hinojosa, one of the speakers at the
The speakers represented many cam-
pus organizations, including the
Michigan Student Assembly, the
assembly's Peace and Justice
Commission and the Black Student
"I think with the affirmative action
debate we have scholars' opinions and
judges' decisions, but we need stu-
dents' opinions because it directly
affects them, Cantn Hinojosa said.
Canto Hinojosa was an undergradu-
ate student at Texas Technical
University when the 5th U.S. Circuit
Court handed down the Hop wood v
State of Txas, decision, which elimi-
nated the use of race in admissions at
schools in the 5th circuit. She said after
Hopwood, a chilling effect crossed the
state, making the climate at her school
hostile and uncomfortable for minority
While national debates on affirma-
tive action have heated up, local issues
have also changed and become more
complex in the past year. One develop-
ment at the University is that 41 stu-
dents and three coalitions, such as
BAMN, are now being allowed to pre-
sent testimony, as co-defendants with
the administration, in the lawsuit
against the University Law School.
Previous attempts at intervention
in other parts of the country have
failed, but student intervention was
granted at the University because of a
social movement and a commitment
to fight for affirmative action, Resch
"It's great to see people come out for
something they support and believe in,"
said Mike Trepper, a Social Work sec-
ond-year student and member of Social
Welfare Action Alliance, a group that
supports affirmative action.
"I wouldn't want anything but a
diverse environment," said Brett
Seaburv, a Social Work professor and
SWAA member.
Seabury noted many recent studies
that cite the positive impact of diversi-
tv on camnuses across the country.



Floodwaters drive
Mexicans from homes
V I E AHE RMOSA, Mexico -
Rising floodwaters drove thousands of
people from their homes along the
southern Gulf of Mexico yesterday,
only days after the waters had begun to
"This is disastrous and unpre-
dictable," said Matilde Ramos, who
had returned to her flooded house only
two days ago.
She stood in 3-foot-deep water that
was slowly creeping upward toward a
water stain left on her concrete walls by
the last flooding.
Heavy rains -- more than 5 inches
fell Wednesday in some areas -
pushed the Usumacinta, Carrizal and
Samaria Rivers over their banks in
Tabasco state, which had only started to
recover from almost a month of mas-
sive flooding.
Intense rains continued to pound the
city yesterday.
Yesterday, the state government

reported 153,000 homeless - up from
139,000 a day earlier.
The new storms once again cut major
routes to the city of 465,000 people.
Rising waters blocked a I 1/2-m
stretch of the main highway west
Veracruz state and the heart of Mexico,
trapping some cars and causing a mas-
sive traffic jam.
Police sequester
Netanyahu's gifts
JERUSALEM - Israeli police grilled
former Prime Minister Benjan;
Netanyahu and his wife for nine hou
yesterday, about the contents of dozens
of boxes that police suspect contained
gifts the couple kept illegally.
The questioning came a day after
police raided the Netanyahus' home and
office to cart away the boxes in a media
event that allies of the controversial
hardliner claimed was part of a "politi-
cal persecution."
- Compiledfronz Daily wire repore

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A SSOCIAT E EDITOR: David Rochkind
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