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November 10, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-10

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It f"


aday: Mostly cloudy. High 64. Low 53.
)morrow: Sunny. High 55.

One /hundred nne years of edinr 1, freedom

November 10, 1999


court hears

student fees


By Yael Kohen
waily Staff Reporter
WASHINGTON - - Public universities across
h ation are paying close attention to a U.S.
' ame Court case that may alter funding proce-
iures for campus student organizations.
The justices heard a case brought by three stu-
lents who sued the University of Wisconsin at
\4adison claiming that their student fees were
eing used to support student organizations with
vhich they had fundamentally different ideologi-
:al beliefs.
But what seemed to be a state matter gained
iational attention when the high court agreed to
1e the case. College students lined the entry
la leading to the Supreme Court building and
illed the chamber when the court was called into
The students' lawyer, Jordan Lorence, argued
hat by using student fees to fund organizations
hat have opposed ideological or political beliefs is
n direct violation to the First Amendment and stu-
lents' constitutional rights.
"Students have a First Amendment right not to
peak," he told the panel.

But some justices appeared skeptical, trying to
determine whether such groups provide education-
al services and benefits to students and therefore
supplement college education.
Justice Anthony Kennedy said Lorence was
"asking us to do something that is against the tra-
dition ... of many centuries ... a tradition of
diverse speech."
Wisconsin Assistant Attorney General Susan
Ullman, arguing for the university, said UW pro-
vides funds to organizations that are collectively a
"viewpoint neutral forum" thereby allowing for
equality of ideologies on campus. Each group pro-
vides a basic service to students such as volunteer
work, internship programs and the ability to bring
speakers to campus, she said.
Justice David Souter said that an important
question of the case is whether to consider the
viewpoints of the individual campus grouis or to
consider all the campus groups as a "pot of gold"
of many other voices.
But Justice Antonin Scalia grilled Ullman on
the merits of the system, which refuses to fund
groups advocating partisan political speech but
See SCOTUS, Page 7

'U 'prepares for
potential fallout
from Court ruling
By Jewel Gopwani
Daily Staff Reporter
The waiting game is on.
While schools across the nation anticipate the Supreme
Court's verdict in The Board ofRegents of the University of
Wisconsin . Scott Southworth, which is expected to be
released early next year, the University has decided to devel-
op procedures that would sustain student group funding in
case the Supreme Court rules against Wisconsin.
The Supreme Court yesterday heard a case challenging
whether universities can impose mandatory fees on students
and then use the money to fund student organizations with
ideological stances, including political groups.

MIKE B LkA L1LY/ n Badger lHerald
University of Wisconsin at Madison alum Scott Southworth speaks to reporters
outside of the Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C., yesterday, following
the high court's hearing of his case.

Free wheeling

3 candidates to
visit Michigan

By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan is asserting itself as a sig-
nificant influence in next year's elec-
tions, with three presidential hopefuls
making campaign swings through the
state today and tomorrow.
U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is
slated to travel across the state on
Interstate-96 today, speaking at a Grand
Rapids charter school and Lansing
Community College this morning.
McCain also is expected to address
the Grand Ledge Rotary Club this after-
noon and the Michigan House
Republican Campaign Committee in
Novi, Mich., tonight.
Democratic candidate Bill Bradley
this afternoon plans to discuss his
health care proposal at the Arcadia
Senior Citizens Home in Detroit.
Bradley has called for guaranteed
access to affordable health care,
Medicare protection for senior citizens
and prescription drug benefits for
Medicare recipients.

Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the
frontrunner for the Republican nomina-
tion, has scheduled two events near
Detroit tomorrow.
He is slated to attend an 11 a.m.
Veterans' Day ceremony at the Clinton
Grove Cemetery in Macomb County's
Clinton Township, followed at noon by
a fundraiser at the Northfield Hilton in
Troy, Mich.
Michigan Gov. John Engler, Bush's
state campaign chair, plans to accompa-
ny the Texas governor at both events,
according to Susan Shafer, Engler's
deputy press secretary.
But Engler will not be attending any
of McCain's speeches today, Shafer
"Gov. Engler has come out publicly
to support Gov. Bush," she said. "We
did not receive an invitation to
McCain's event."
Bush most recently visited Michigan
in September for a Mexican
Independence Day event in Detroit but

Allison Canter/Daily

Taking advantage of yesterday's unseasonably warm weather, a T-shirt clad bicyclist coasts across the Diag.

SRAC to set Code change process

Imka Schulte
) taff Reporter
Almost nine months after the
Jniversity Board of Regents voted to
ransfer authority regarding Code of
tudent Conduct amendments to
Jniversity President Lee Bollinger,
he committee that will advise the
resident about proposed changes is
et to figure out possible formats for
he process.
a meeting next week, the
tudent Relations Advisory
ommittee, a 20-member sub-group

of the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, will consider
guidelines for presenting its opinions
and recommendations to Bollinger.
Because SRAC meets only during
the academic year, SRAC Chair Al
Burdi said progress was impeded by
the summer vacation.
The Code is the University's disci-
plinary guidelines for student behav-
ior. Students can be sanctioned for
violation of the Code's policies,
which include abusing alcohol to
damaging University property.

Career Planning and Placement
Director Simone Himbeault Taylor,
who provides oversight to the Office
of Student Conflict Resolution, said
although the University president was
given power to approve changes to the
Code in February, the committee's
time frame is an appropriate one.
Taylor said the momentum of the
Code's review process, which was
presented at the February regents'
meeting, was not lost because of
OSCR's efforts throughout the sum-
mer. During the summer months,

OSCR presented a budget to
University Provost Nancy Cantor.
The budget will allow OSCR to
hire additional staff and move to a
more "student-friendly location" than
the Fleming Administration Building.
Himbeault Taylor said Cantor made a
commitment to supporting these ini-
The Michigan Student Assembly,
SACUA and University administra-
tors are the only parties that can pro-
pose amendments to the Code.
See CODE, Page 2

Code specific:
® The Code of Student
Conduct is the
University's internal
disciplinary policy.
In February, the
University Board of
Regents voted to give
the University president
authority to approve
Code amendments.
® An advising committee
to the University
president is set to
determine how it will


t y it d
r S_
student I

names the
tight price

By Nicole Tuttle
Daily Staff Reporter

Oops! Wrong
Ncolor, Nke
By Mark Francescutti
Daily Sports Writer
Students who went to pick up their 'Maize Rage' T-
shirts yesterday at the Michigan Ticket Office were
turned away because Nike printed the first batch of the
shirts in white instead of yellow.
"We called Nike during the production phase and we
found out that they were using white plates," Michigan
marketing director Tom Brooks said. "So we shut them
Nike is now using the correct yellow plates, Brooks
said, but the Maize-colored Maize Rage T-shirts won't
be delivered until late Friday.
The latest delay means students won't be able to pick
them up at the marketing office - behind the Michigan
Ticket Office located at 1000 S. State St. - until
Monday, Nov 15.
Students can also pick up their free shirt at
TAn _,rvn' f - tr-mla c - n nn - c- nnc - l iad

By Charles Chen
Daily Staff Reporter
Students experiencing e-mail
delays will be able to resume their
normal routine of receiving and
sending messages today after a serv-
er error was discovered, causing
more than 60,000 messages to back
up this week.
On Sunday, the University net-
work experienced problems with
directory services that help route e-
mail messages for students using the
Login Service, which processes
electronic mail for anyone with a
University account.
"There were problems with the
server because of changes in net-
work configuration to improve effi-
ciency in the system," said Bill
Aikman, Information Technology
Division director of product devel-
opment and deployment.
The program installed by ITD,
which is designed to interpret the
destinations of e-mail messages,
had a long standing error, Aikman
The server received messages
from senders to University e-mail
addresses but could not put them
through to their destinations.
Trm rnnnftntcrik-nerrith

Who wants to be a millionaire?
For Engineering senior Ross Hunefeld
the phrase "Come on down! You're the
next contestant on 'The Price is Right'!"
sclose enough.
WHunefeld heard "The Price is Right"
announcer Rod Roddy holler these magic
words early in September when he was
sitting in the Bob Barker Studio in Los
Angeles as an audience member for the
A winner of more than $44,000 in

Engineering senior Ross Hunefeld cheers yesterday as he and friends watch a taped edition
of CBS's "The Price Is Right" where Hunefeld was asked to "Come on down!"



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