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December 10, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-12-10

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RlUft 34 -o-

oday: Cloudy. High 40. Low 36,
omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 41.

One hundred nine years offeditorfnilfreedom

December 10, 1999

Jndefeated 'M' hoops greets rival Duke

oI N

By Jacob Wheeler
Daily Sports Writer

Zoey's cafe on Hoover Street - a stone's throw from the
Big House - doesn't normally expect a lot of customers on
Saturday afternoons in December.
But Zoey's didn't consider the sold-out basketball game at
Crisler Arena tomorrow, which, in recent years, has become
Michigan's biggest sports rivalry away from the gridiron.
Shortly before tipoff at 4 p.m., the cozy little restaurant
will pack to the brim with Maize Ragers, upperclassmen
recanting stories of storming the court and meek freshmen
practicing out loud their spelling of K-r-z-y-z-e-w-s-k-i.
That's Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski, the guru of
modern college basketball, who has led the Blue Devils
to eight Final Fours and two national championships
since 1986. This man, more than any in recent times,
knows how sweet the fruit of a basketball season can
taste when plucked ripe.
He also knows that Duke's annual game against Michigan
holds a special spot in the hearts of Wolverine and Blue Devil
aiy fans.
Through NCAA Championships, Cameron Crazies and
student celebrations on the court, this rivalry now draws

national media attention whenever the Ieams face each other,
even though many sports fans still have their eyes set on the
college football season.
"My freshman year when we beat them here is my most
vivid memory," said Michigan center Josh Asselin. "We were
down by seven, won by 10. and the fans all rushed onto the
court. Sometimes I and a couple other players walk back
through that game.
The Michigan-Duke rivalry suffered a lapse a year ago,
when the Blue Devils and Wooden award-winning center
Elton Brand exploited a nonexistent Michigan frontcourt, en
route to a 108-64 victory in the intimidating Cameron Indoor
"It was a difficult game for us," said Asselin. "We got a
little riled and didn't execute. Most of it was our own
But this season the teams look almost equal. Both the Blue
Devils and the Wolverines rely on freshmen in the starting
lineup, and neither of the storied programs have a big man

eshman guard Jamal Crawford answers questions at a press conference yesterda
bout the upcoming Michigan-Duke game tomorrow. The game starts at 4 p.m.

Inside: The Michigan-Duke rivalry spans

the last decade. Page

Act may

Light at the end of the tunnel



di sability


Manna LoPatin
aily Staff Reporter
Congress has finished its 1999 session,
ut when they reconvene in January, one
f the most prominent drugs on college
-mpuses officially could become a fed-
lly controlled substance.
Gamma hydroxbutyrate, more com-
only known as GHB, has been used for
creational purposes and as a date-rape
rug and is responsible for 19 deaths
giwide. Traces of the drug were
und in University student Courtney
antor, who died after falling from her
xth-floor Mary Markley Residence
all window last year.
Congressmen Fred Upton (R-St.
seph) and Bart Stupak (D-
enominee) created the bill, which has
ready been approved by both the U.S.
ouse of Representatives and the
e te. In the Senate, Sen. Spencer
Wam (R-Michigan) sponsored what
as been called the "Samantha Reid
ate .Rape Drug Prohibition Act of
999" in memory of the Gross Ile,
ich., teen who died from unknowingly
gesting the drug.
In a visit to Warren Fitzgerald High
chool on Tuesday, Abraham called the
ill "one of the most important pieces of
gislation to pass the Senate."
Upton's Press Secretary David
ruff said that "legislative wran-
l' at the end of the session kept the
ill from getting in a position to be sent
President Clinton.
Woodruff said that he is confident that
e bill will pass easily when Congress
convenes. "It was passed by such a
'de margin in both the House and the
enate," he said.
Once the bill is signed it will classify
HB as a "Schedule One" drug - the
test and strictest classification.
"t will give law enforcement the tools
ey need to stop this problem in its
cks," Woodruff said. "We can finally
rovide some real answers to this prob-
Livingston and Washtenaw Narcotics
nforcement Team Sgt. Khurum
heikh said the new classification
ould implement "a higher penalty.
eally, it will deter people from using:"
But Sheikh said he is cautiously opti-
£. "It's a start," he said, "but obvi-
usly penalties alone don't deter peo-
Sheikh said he believes people will
nost likely stop using GHB after read-
ng and hearing about overdoses.
Medical toxicologist Hernan Gomez,
"ho is a clinical. assistant professor of
'mergency medicine at the University,
aid he thought the measure was "very
*'s adrug which is readily available
brough any number of sources,"
iomez said. The bill "makes it clear to
le nation that this is a drug which has
ery significant health affects."
Gomez also talked about Gas
hromatography Mass Spectroscopy, a

By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
The sight of Prof. Emily Cloyd cruising the corridors of
Mason Hall in her motorized cart is familiar to many
University students. But what many people do not know is
that Prof. Cloyd settled a lawsuit Tuesday in which she
alleged the University discriminated against her under the
Americans with Disabilities Act and violated her rights as a
tenured professor.
"I am extremely proud of what Prof. Cloyd has
accomplished. For her this was always about protecting
the rights of others," said Jeffrey Herron, Cloyd's attor-
The Office of the General Counsel declined to comment
on the case yesterday afternoon.
Cloyd, who suffers from self-described "miscellaneous
back problems," said it was never her intention to bring a law-
suit against the University.
"I tried very hard to get the matter settled within the
University. I did not want to sue," she said.
In February 1997, Cloyd filed a lawsuit stemming from
her removal from her position as an English professor in
March 1995 for missing what the University considered
to be an unacceptable number of classes. She was placed
on paid leave until the following fall when she was rein-
stated after passing University-required medical exami-
The lawsuit contended that by requiring Cloyd to
see a doctor, the University violated the ADA's
restrictions on employers to require medical exams
only if they are job related or consistent with normal
business policies.
The lawsuit further claimed that Cloyd was subject to vio-
lations of her tenure when the University removed her with-
out acknowledging what Herron called "certain process
rights" that a tenured faculty member is entitled to upon
Cloyd said the most significant part of the settlement is not
the $100,000 payment she will receive, but the effects the
lawsuit will have on current University policies regarding the
removal of faculty members.
As part of the settlement, Provost Nancy Cantor has
agreed to meet with the deans of all the schools and col-
leges within the University and request the development
of written guidelines outlining the procedures under
which faculty members can be removed and appeal their
Cloyd said this aspect of the settlement was her aim all
"I want to do whatever I can to ensure that nobody else
has to go through what I had to go through," she said.
"That was my intention in filing the lawsuit, and I think
* the provision for the possibility of a new policy with
regard to removal from the classroom is extremely impor-

Christmas lights, including a tunnel of snowflakes, are on display at Domino's Farm last night. The display is part of the largest religious
light show in the nation.
Students study abroad on ship

By David Jenkins
Daily Staff Reporter
Landlovers need not apply to the
University of Pittsburg's Semester At Sea
program that takes students out of the tradi-
tional classrooms and into the cultures of 11
different countries.
Nearly 600 students from 250 colleges and
universities across the nation take part in the
Semester At Sea program each semester.
Students take one semester to travel to
countries including Canada, Vietnam,
Morocco, while taking classes aboard the
S.S. Universe Explorer, a cruise liner that
doubles as a "floating university." Three
University students are enrolled in this

semester's program.
"Students have had a very rich, cultural
and positive experience through the pro-
gram," said Aparajita Mazumder, director of
International Programs in Engineering for
the University.
Mazumder said students enroll in courses
in social sciences and humanities disci-
plines, which take advantage of the coincid-
ing cultural experience.
"Classes are taught from the international
perspective," said Paul Watson, director of
Enrollment Management for Semester At
Sea. "Students capitalize on the cultural
experience in such courses as world music
and comparative religions," he said.

Students in the program generally take
four courses, which transfer from the
University of Pittsburgh to the University of
Michigan as 12 credit hours. But some
schools refuse to accredit the courses.
Among these schools is Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Md., which only
recently decided to reject the Semester At
Sea credits.
Johns Hopkins "thought students would
have a better cultural experience in one
place," said Ruth Aranow, Johns Hopkins
coordinator for study abroad. Aranow said
Johns Hopkins doesn't accept the credits in
order to discourage students from taking
See SEMESTER, Page 2

See CLOYD, Page 2

Emergency response center
nreoares for New Year's Eve

By Nika Schulte be at thes
Daily Staff Reporter DPS buil
Outfitted with everything from Universit
dozens of phone lines for direct 2000 in c
communication to University divi- recognize
sions to couches for employees to The c
take a nap, the University's Y2K municati
emergency response center will be sions, w

special command center in the
lding Dec. 31 to monitor the
y's transition from 1999 to
ase computers fail to properly
ethe "00" date.
enter is equipped with com-
on devices such as televi-
hich will be tuned to CNN
WaJther rhannel crnmnulters

the final hours of the millennium
playing a waiting game.
"We'll use the time to observe the
effects around the world. It will give
us things to ponder as (midnight)
gets closer to our time zone," Bess
"Minutes before, we will be
watchinii carefullyv and listening to


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