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September 30, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-09-30

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Aay: Mostly cloudy. High 64. Low 45. One hundred nine earso editon 1Ieedomn
omorrow: Partly cloudy. High 67. yas i

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September 30, 1999

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awsuit forum

dWs 200

By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
More than 200 University profes-
sors, students, administrators and
other interested groups crowded the
Michigan Union Ballroom yesterday
to hear a panel discuss the current sta-
tus of two lawsuits challenging the
University's use of race in admissions.
Provost Nancy Cantor, Law School
Dean Jeffrey Lehman and John
Payton, an attorney with Wilmer,
Cutler & Pickering, the Washington,
D.C. firm representing the University
in the two suits, spoke on the
University's commitment to diversity
in education and the defense of affir-
mative action. University General

Counsel Marvin Krislov moderated
the event.
"It's really important for us to get
together and tell you where we stand
on this issue," Cantor said.
In 1997, the Washington. DC.-
based Center for IndiVidual Rights
filed the suits against the Unixersitv
on behalf of three white applicants to
the University.
Two of the plaintiffs claim they
were unfairly evaluated in the admis-
sions processes of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts. The
other plaintiff made similar claims
against the Law School. Both schools
use race as a factor.
The two lawsuits are expected to go

to trial next summer.
The panelists cited recent studies.
which they said show the benefits of
diversity to the University.
Cantor said that in a highly self-seg-
reuating society, higher education pro-
u ides an environment that embraces
diversit v.
'Though we are not segregated 'by
design.' we are a largely segregated
society." Cantor said. "That is why it
is critical to cross these borders with-
in our institution because we cannot
do it outside our institution."
Cantor said that in places where
affirmative action has been eliminat-
ed, like Texas, California and
Washington state, higher education

has suffered.
"I would argue there are no easy
alternatives," Cantor said. "The alter-
natives are deeply flawed and costly."
' Pavton explained some of the legal
details of the case, talking about the
legal precedent that he said supports
the niersity's use of race as a factor
in admissions.
Payton said the Supreme Court's
197I decision in Universitvof
Cali/ornia Regents v Bakke makes the
University's admissions system con-
"It is our view that Bakke is still
good law and that it should control
this case,' Payton said.
See FORUM, Page 2A

ersity Provost Nancy Cantor speaks at yesterday's forum in the Michigan Union
oom on the two lawsuits challenging the University's admissions policies.

riji shut
lown for

Check me out


y Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
The campus chapter of the Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity was suspended
yesterday, effectively shutting the house
while a review process begins.
"They are suspended by their inter-
national organization," said
Interfraternity Council adviser John
Mountz, adding that "they will not be
operating as a fraternity" on the
University campus.
"The process of suspension has
begun," IFC President Rohith Reddy
said, adding that the decision has not
been finalized by the fraternity's inter-
n. nal organization.
ne fraternity will be unable to
accept pledges, unable to host parties
and ineligible for IFC membership
while suspended. But the status of
those living in the fraternity's house,
located at 707 Oxford Road, remains
Neither Reddy nor Mountz would
speculate about a time frame on the
suspension process. Members of
F@'s international organization
could not be reached for comment
late last night.
"It has to do with a failure to comply
with a set of instructions given to us,"
said Reddy, who is also a member of
Reddy said the suspension stems
'from an incident last semester," but
went on to say that the sanction is the
culmination of several actions.
Reddy was unable to comment on
See FIJI, Page 7A
Diag rally
Sat Spirit
X Plosion

Miors Oavai ble
in 7 departments
By sa Koivu enjoy." Owen said.
Daily Staff Reporter The minimum credit requirement to receive a
Students graduating in December will be able to minor in an area is 15 credits, or 50 percent of the
add a little something extra to their transcripts - a credits needed for a concentration. The number of
minor in one of 13 assorted concentrations. credits required for a minor can vary depending on
Beginning this semester, what each individual department decides.
undergraduate students will be A minor complements a major, allowing a stu-
able to fulfill the requirements dent to take classes in two completely different
for a minor, available from seven '/ areas of study.
LSA departments. "Minors really help those students who are
Programs with minor concen- interested in multiple subjects, but don't have the
trations are geological sciences, time or money to receive a double major," Owen
Judaic studies, mathematics, said. "Minors also allow some students to explore
physics, Residential College, their own ethnic or cultural background without
Romance languages and litera- having to major in that area."
ture, Slavic languages and litera- Unlike a major concentration, students cannot
ture. declare a minor. If a student completes all of the
Assistant Director of LSA requirements for the minor, they must go to the
Academic Advising Phil Gorman said students are concentration adviser with their transcript to certi-
expressing an interest in the program. fy that they completed all course work. The minor
"Students are curious about the program, but will then appear on the final transcript.
there isn't a lot of information to tell them yet. "We won't know until a student graduates
New programs are being evaluated every month," whether or not the student has received a minor, so
Gorman said. there is no way to tell the number of students par-
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education ticipating in the program," Owen said.
Robert Owen said additional departments also are There is no limit to the number of minors a stu-
examining plans to initiate minor programs; dent can have. But students receiving a Bachelor's
"We strongly encourage programs setting up degree in General Studies are not eligible to com-
minors, however, it is in no way mandatory," he said. plete a minor.
Every month, departments have the opportunity Coursework required for a minor must be taken
to submit minor proposals to an LSA executive com- for a letter grade.
mittee, who then must approve the program. For more information on what programs are
"Minors give students an incentive to use their currently available and about the requirements for
distribution requirements in a positive way. Students receiving a minor, visit the minors program Website
can use their required credits on a subject they at wwwlsa.umich.edu/saa/minors.html.

Dave Douglas makes a move toward victory during an Intense game of chess against David Kim
last night at the Washtenaw Chess Club, located at 220 S. Main St. The club is hosting a chess
tournament Saturday.

'U' Medical Center celebrates 150 years

By Risa Berrin
Daily Staff Reporter
The University Medical School is celebrat-
ing its sesquicentennial anniversary this year,
bringing together students, faculty and alumni
from across the country to kick off the school's
150th year.
Sesquicentennial coordinator Kate Schuch
said tomorrow's convocation in Hill
Auditorium is a time- for the University to
reflect on the school's heritage.
"The Medical School and hospital have
always been highly ranked," she said. "It has
had a heritage of excellence since its initial
stages. This is a time to pause and reflect on
the legacy of this institution."
The event, which is scheduled to begin at 1
p.m., will feature several University alumni
who were trained at the Medical School,

including former U.S. Surgeon General
Antonia Novella.
Other speakers include alumni David
Botstein, chair of the genetics department at
Stanford University School of Medicine; Keith
Black, director of Cedars-Sinai Neurosurgical
Institute; William Hubbard, former University
Medical School dean; and Harold Shapiro,
Princeton University president and former
University of Michigan president.
University alum Erik Morganroth will give
the audience his perspective as a former
patient at University Hospitals.
Morganroth plans to talk about how
University doctors kept him alive on a heart-
pumping device for 34 days - two times
longer than any other person in the world -
before he received a heart transplant that saved
his life.

"This is a time to pause and reflect on the
legacy of this institution."
-- Kate Schuch
University Medical School sesquicentennial coordinator

The convocation will also feature a 15-
minute film that news journalist and
University alum Mike Wallace narrated. The
film, titled "Medicine at Michigan," docu-
ments the history of the Medical School - a
history that began in 1850 with a graduating
class of six.
Unlike its early days, the Medical School
now has 671 students, many of whom will take
advantage of canceled classes tomorrow to
attend the sesquicentennial event.

The Medical School was the first school in
the United States to own and operate its own
hospital. It also was one of the first major
medical schools to admit women and one of
the first to base its instruction on science.
After the two-hour convocation, the festivi-
ties continue with a reception in the atrium of
the Chemistry Building.
Today's event also kicks off a year of cele-
brations honoring the Medical School and
University Hospitals.

By Jodie Kaufman
Daily Staff Reporter
The Diag will be X-ploding with
homecoming spirit today.
In the first big event of the week in
preparation for Saturday's homecoming
f all game against Purdue, students
'M be able to climb a 32 foot wall,
jump on a bungee trampoline, spin
around in a turbo orbitron, joust in a
game similar to the one played on the
television show American Gladiators.
Homecoming this year is themed X-
treme Homecoming to inspire "X-
treme spirit," said Ken Blochowski,
director of student programming for the
Alumni Association.
Ohe homecoming committee is com-
prised of students from three organiza-
tions - the Student Alumni
Association, the Athletic Department
and the Division of Student Affairs -
plus staff advisers.
"It is a hard task to hype up the entire
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College ;GOP.
st s ceargas

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
The University chapter of the
College Republicans gathered last
night at the Michigan League, mak-
ing clear their aims to expand the
presence of conservatives on cam-
pus and gather support for the
upcoming 2000 elections.
The group is targeting minority
students to diversify and build a
ta :lii: - ' a n nklir- ..r-rc-.t

Diamond, an LSA junior.
Two speakers - Pastor Bill
Hailes and Michigan Court of
Appeals Judge Jeffrey Collins -
were invited to address the crowd of
about 40 students to gather support
and change the stereotypes usually
associated with conservative
Republicans, Diamond said.
Hailes, chair of the county chap-
ter of the Michigan Black
Ronhin Cmni i knr tc a

m1arks 90th
anrnv,ers ary,
By Josie Gingrich
For the Daily
One of the oldest surviving college humor publications is
located here on campus - a fact many University students
may not know.
And today that publication, the Gargoyle, is celebrating its
90th anniversary, marking nine decades of almost continuous
The "Garg," as the magazine is affectionately called by its
current and nast staff. is rich in history and tradition.

I 1


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