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November 22, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-22

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1. LOw 50.

One hundred nine years of editonlkfreedom

November 22, 1999

Pield hz
U NCAA championship win
would have given Michigan
its first women's team title
0David Roth
ySports Writer
BOSTON - Tenths of seconds deter-
mined the fate of the Michigan field hock-
ey team. Maryland edged Michigan in the
NCAA Championship game yesterday, pre-
venting them from becoming the first
Michigan women's team to win a national
With less than one second to play in the
first half. Maryland freshman forward
*isssa Messimer took a pass from sopho-
nore forward Dina Rizzo and scored to
give the Terrapins a 2-0 lead they. would
never relinquish.
Though the Wolverines will settle for

cke falls short


second place in the NCAA Tournament,
Michigan coach Marcia Pankratz feels the
Wolverines gave Maryland all they had to
"We're proud of our team for continuing
to fight after going down 2-0," Pankratz
said. "They fought really hard to come back
and make it interesting. It was a good hock-
ey game, right down to the last second.
What I'm most proud of is that we just went
out and played as hard as we could. We're
very disappointed, of course, because our
players are all champions - they want to
win - and to lose the last game is a tough
Despite the second-place finish, this year
as a whole has been the best ever for the
Wolverines. This was the first time
Michigan had made the NCAA Tournament
in the field hockey team's 26-year history.
The Wolverines' 20-win season surpasses

their old record of games won in a season
by four. The seniors leave a team that went
7-11 when they were freshmen with a 20-7
record, and as runners-up to the national
"I'm sure as time goes by, the seniors will
reflect on what an awesome accomplish-
ment it was to come in here and play in the
championship," Pankratz said. "For the pro-
gram, I think it was a huge stepping stone."
Defender Ashley Reichenbach, midfield-
er Erica Widder, forward Jocelyn LaFace,
and goalkeeper Kati Oakes are the three
seniors who leave the program after turning
it into one of the nation's elite teams.
"I couldn't have written the story any bet-
ter than it has happened - slightly,"
Reichenbach said. "It's been a great four
years and I have been able to be a part of
something that's evolved and done a 360.

Michigan forward Jocelyn LaFace takes control of the ball during the Wolverines' 2-1 loss to Maryland In
the NCAA Championship game in Boston yesterday,






Record turnout;
20 percent vote

10,000 rally
o*to cose
By Shomari Terrelonge-Stone
Daily StaffReporter
COLUMBUS, Ga. -- Thirty-five
University students of the Interfaith
Council for Peace and Justice along with an
'stimated 10,000 faith, labor and student
aders from around the world traveled here
to protest the U.S. School of Americas in
Fort Benning yesterday.
The 10th annual demonstration com-
memorated the Nov. 16, 1989, killings in El
Salvador of six Jesuit priests, their house-
keeper and her daughter.
SOA was founded in 1946 in Panama and
was later relocated to Fort Benning, Ga. in
1984. The University students and protesters
, leged that hundreds of thousands of Latin
mericans had been tortured, raped, massa-
cred and assassinated by SOA graduates.
Ignoring threats of arrest, 5,000 protest-
ers crossed onto Fort Benning property in ar
See RALLY, Page 7A s

By Caitlin Nish
Daily Staff Reporter
The Blue Party doubled its represen-
tation on the Michigan Student
Assembly to maintain its majority in
elections held last week. University stu-
dents elected 21 representatives to the
assembly during two days of polling.
Defend Affirmative Action Party
members secured six of the 21 seats
and all eight Blue Party candidates
were elected. Independent candidates
captured seven seats and no members
of the Friends Rebelling Against
Tyranny Party were elected.
"Now that you're on MSA party
affiliation means almost nothing.
Personal consideration and individual
conscientiousness means everything.
The people who won, won because
they're great individuals and have to
vote that way," MSA President Bram
Elias said.
BP now holds 23 of the 49 assembly
seats, while independent candidates
hold eight seats and DAAP members
maintain eight seats. There are four
vacant seats on the assembly, which
may be filled by appointment in com-
ing months. The Students' Party, which
did not enter any candidates in the fall
election, holds six assembly seats.
Voting reached a record high for the
fall election. After a 15 percent turnout
during the 1997 fall election and 10
percent voter turnout during the fall
election last year, 4,727 students voted
this year. Of the ballots cast, 4,632
votes were cast online, while 95 were
paper ballots.
"It's the best we've ever had in fall
elections and it absolutely amazes me,
especially without posters in Angell
Hall. It shows that postering isn't nec-
essary to win elections," Elections and
Rules Committee Chair Mark Sherer
MSA Vice President Andy Coulouris
attributed the distribution of votes to

ABOVE: One of 10,000 protesters Is escorted off Fort Benning property by Columbus, Ga. police yesterday in a
demonstration against School of Americas. Most demonstrators were bused to a nearby park. BELOW: Actor and
social activist Martin Sheen kneels in protest of SOA.
Sides feud over SOA's role
in Latin Americanatrocitie s

By Shomari Terrelonge-Stone
Daily Staff Reporter
COLUMBUS, Ga. - Rufina Amaya witnessed
the massacre at El Mozote in El Salvador on.Dec.
12, 1981, when the Salvadoran Army systematical-
ly murdered more than 1,000 men, women and chil-
dren. For seven days and nights, she said she hid
alone in the hills near the small town, where she
knelt down and prayed behind an apple shrub with
no food or water.
This past weekend, 18 years later in Fort Benning,
Ga - dressed in a pink sweater, blue skirt and black
sandals -Amaya described what was done to her as
"a plan to instill fear and terror." She said the El
Salvadoran government "killed innocent children."
But what resonated with others this weekend dur-
ing the annual protest of the U.S. School of the
Americas in Columbus, Ga., where Ft. Benning is
located, was more than Amaya's descriptive story of
atrocity. It was her claim that the massacre would
not have occurred if top Salvadoran military offi-

cials had not graduated from SOA.
Surrounded by much controversy throughout its
more than 50-year existence, SOA has graduated
about 60,000 Latin American and 1,500 American
cadets, officers and government civilians.
Critics refer to SOA as the "School of Assassins,"
holding the school accountable for the oppression,
death and suffering of women, children and the
economically disadvantaged in Latin America.
But SOA supporters deny these allegations and
say the school provides relevant military training
and education to countries in Latin America and the
Caribbean while promoting democracy and respect
for human rights and cooperation between the mil-
itaries of the western world. Supporters also say
SOA teaches democratic values to the United States
and Latin Americans who fill the school's class-
SOA originated in 1946 in Panama as a Latin
American Training Center during a time when the
See SOA, Page 7A

the appeal the different parties and can-
didates have with University students.
DAAP, he said, is largely responsible
for the record voter turnout during the
election because it brought out students
to vote who normally would not have
voted. Still, BP can rely on its wide
appeal to students, he said.
"BP has a broad appeal," Coulouris
said, describing it as a "big tent" party.

Chutes and ladders

Indian fratei
By Lisa Koivu
Daily Staff Reporter
'irls in colorful salvar kamises - traditionil
Iian dresses - danced around the Michigan
Union Ballroom on Friday night, while others
danced the Raas, a traditional Indian dance using
sticks. All of the festivities were meant to bring
students from various minority groups together.
The dance followed a dinner in the Kuenzel
Room of the Union that was hosted by a new

nity hosts dinner, dance

each other," he said.
Event organizers invited two representatives
from each minority organization on campus, and
altogether nearly 55 students attended, represent-
ing about 28 organizations.
Ravi Maddipati, an Engineering junior and AIO
external social chair, said the dinner was a chance
for people to meet each other.
"We often disassociate into our own cliques as
minorities, and we forget about all that we can

AIO also introduced its charity organization,
ASHA, at the dinner. Asha, an Indian word that
translates as hope, is a non-profit organization
working to provide education to poor children in
Sathyan Subbiah, a member of the ASHA chap-
ter based in Detroit, said India has one of the
largest illiteracy rates in the world, and ASHA
raises money to fund initiatives to increase the
number of literate people.

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